Poetry competition CLOSED 28th December 2015 7:59am
View Profile Poems by LobodeSanPedro
RUNNER-UP: sinisterpenz

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Lovely Shape

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

Poetry Contest

Write a poem that shows appreciation to the female form
write a poem wether if it's about one favorite body part of the female anatomy
( lips, butts, breasts, etc.) or about loving your curves and respecting your body.

~ both men and women are welcome to write about it
~ nothing too vulgar
~ has to be original
~ no disrespectful writes that are against curves or say anything negative about them
~ just one entry only
~ can be as long as you want it to be
~ keep it upbeat

{UPDATE!} : I have extended the competition to one more week because I want to see more entries so get to it!

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625


Though sylph-like forms are often favoured
Shapely legs by men are savoured
Sleek thighs, pert bum, slim hips and waist
Surround the object of men's lust

A shape, less bony, in a woman
Can better satisfy a man
Her hips more round and breasts so full
and sex with her more comfortable.

Such sensual sex is the norm
With the fuller body form
The round smooth curves of breast and tum
The soft embracing fulsome arm.

The ample bum and pubic mound,
The fleshy lips kisses abound
and best of all between her thighs
There will be a nice  surprise  '')

(this is a slightly edited version of a poem I published on DU a couple of years ago)

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047


Her hair was as straight and red      
As ironed ketchup    
Too her waist and below    
Insulting that color only found      
In lush tropical rain forests      
On the crests of rare birds    
By cutting it?    
She wore it like a curtain    
To keep out the sun    
Her hair the only thing      
That could hide the woman      
In her curves    
I could have lived and died      
Nourished by the sight      
And feel of her body    
Rounded lower tummy that swayed    
Into her belly button    
That arched over rib cage    
That landed in secluded    
Rest in the shady underneath      
Of her tits    
Tits like two jiggling moons    
That nodded in agreement    
When she giggled    
Her giggles tinkled like Wind chimes    
And only came out on    
Special occasions    
And then the round of her ass    
Shaped like an upside down Valentine    
Dimple on her left cheek    
As if her crack was grinning wide    
Perhaps it was  
Moved side to side when she      
Walked like kittens under a cozy      
Eyes yellow green      
Full of questions    
Lips bee stung      
And stained a color pink that only      
Occurs while eating wild berries    
And when that girl smiled    
The whole world      

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

.:Badonkadonks (Booty’s, Butts, Asses & Behinds):.

don’t wanna be vulgar, don’t wanna be crass
don’t wanna "overtly" talk
trash about ass.

don’t wanna be harming
in efforts
thought charming
might be alarming
a cause for arming

but this is a cause for saying how I feel
cuz that butt of yours has curves
with appeal

butt, a lot can be false on paper and screen
photo shopped nicely if you know
what eye mean

thinkin it’s real, when actually a dream
BOTOX slowin clocks as the SAGGee-Nuss fiends

of course, what’s physical is cool, k’s not a fool
blessed wit GOOD judgment,
The Gold in
My Rule

so, we could Rock-out with my clock out forgetting about time
butt, when dumb is dumb
I gotta leave

booty’s OK
butt, the KO is “Mind”

where-ass experiencing both
can be a real good

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304


Sway of Your Hips

Her undulations are all together rhythmic and unpredictable at the same time
Men see her gentle sway and get lost in thoughts of passion and mystery
For they know her waves bring promises of things unknown and pleasure unbound
Her taste is primal and bittersweet
Refreshing and intoxicating
I would gladly surrender to her
We were born in her
Some say evolved from her
She dominates by her very presence
Because she is essential to our joy
Our fulfillment
Our life
The body one moment soft and warm
With ripples that reflect her sun kissed skin
But then stirred to the point where she is granite
Hardened in frosty despair still reflecting the sun but yielding none of it's warmth
Yet I still yearn for her

She is my lover
And when she calls I gladly heed the sounds of her moans and whispers
For once again I will drown in her
Only to find new life and meaning in the sunset off the horizon

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

So far seeing a lot of great poems here :)

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Oh Kritty..to be the butt of your jokes..
Lol funny word play..

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom
Joined 10th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 4

Bonny body, blown like glass

Fragile, delicate, streamlined, weightless
Her escaping light forms
Are shapely, desired and dangerous
Slender, slick, silky and smooth
Your body, your hair, your eyes
Beautiful, wonderous, blooms

She has magnet slated skin
She's four thousand degrees fahrenheit
Burning, shining like ignited thermite
Sacrilegious, salient, sultry and serene
Scrupulous, sassy and perfectly clean

She's a flawless fragment of frail beauty
Her beauty is like her sister... Yep..
They look right through each other

You should cherish her
You should treasure
You should respect her

For if she is broken she can cut deeply

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 1st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 53

your eyes icy
your heart spicy
your body inviting
your skin smooth as silk
of which i could caress
softly with my finger tips
tracing your beautiful curves
loving the scars
and  your tiger strips
you try to hide them
there mine and I love them
it shows history was made
no shame you should hold
your beautiful in everything you do
even the dark and twisted shit you do,
your hair black as ink
smooth as the wind
as its passing thru trees
eyes so wide they look into me
seeing past the hype right into me
beautiful a glistening like stars in the sky
i love your accent its music to me
i would never change anything about your body
every piece i kiss and touch
for you are my goddesss so pure and true
in a world filled with moralless sluts who use and abuse

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Just a share because I thought this an incredible piece ...

“Noon” by Nur Nasreen Ibrahim


The Arabic letter n​oon​ looks like a woman’s breast. It is a half broken bottom of an egg, hanging from a stretched taut hidden rope, without the cracks showing. In the center is a dot, the nipple. Sometimes the n​oon ​sags, like my grandmother’s breasts, soft and brittle against my cheek as she holds me against her chest. Sometimes the nipple is too far up, the noon transforming into a perky breast by an invisible push up bra. Sometimes I forget to dot it and it becomes silent, a shape without a center, a piece of loose flesh. Sometimes, while writing, I dot the nipple so hastily it looks more like a dash, and my n​oon ​is pitiful and flat. Like the scar running across my mother’s breasts, flattened shapes against immaculate sanitised white pages.

Noon​ is a moan of pleasure from a mouth curved into a soft O​.​It touches your tongue and slides off easily, relying on thin gusts of wind to send it floating into the air, a musical note that ends as quickly as it began. It is a circular sound, like its image.

I am told my breasts are precious and must be hidden from view. Yet, they are groped at in crowded dark rooms, where beating drums send trembles through them. They are brushed against on train platforms and I wonder if they take up too much space. They are fondled in quiet moments in public bathrooms. But my breasts are odd shapes, one is larger than the other, with dark brown nipples that have ill­defined borders. They are clotted ink splashed across my skin, hastily growing in an attempt to catch up with my body. They are surrounded by dark hairs, scratches from a malfunctioning pen. They are full and heavy and I walk with my shoulders hunched forward.

The first time I show my breasts to a man, I hold my breath. He touches them lightly and then hard, pulls at my nipples and kisses them as if he is praying. He traces the splashes of ink with his finger and I feel unfamiliar tremors. My mother always said I needed to work on my handwriting more, I never get the curve of the n​oon​ right. After it is over, he disappears.

Nur Nasreen Ibrahim is a literature lover and journalist. Uprooted from Lahore, Pakistan, she graduated from Harvard University and is currently living, journaling etc. in Washington DC.

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

deleted ...

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 7th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 159

               A wooden stick
When I was younger I would tap a wooden stick on the water.
I would count how many ripples spread across.
Sometimes there would be more.
Stroking the waters ripples.
I would wait and sit by a lake.
I would dangle my feet in the water.
I would hit the stick against some trees waiting for the ripple.
Never did it come.
So did he as he would tap his fingers against them, waiting for them to ripple.
Like jugs of water.
They try their best to drink my water.
So as they did again,
Tap their fingers against my breasts.
Waiting for a ripple.
So I saw him try to drink from them and come back with a smile.
Shaking them like jello.
And using is finger as a wooden stick.
Going back to my pond.
The water is darker.
The trees are bigger.
Hitting the tree with a stick waiting for a ripple.
Hitting the pond with a stick only to see it fade away.

Thought Provoker
South Africa
Joined 24th Sep 2015
Forum Posts: 449

Walking through the mall

The best place to truly appreciate the female figure
is simply the mall
It reveals a variety of things which makes
women that much more drooling over
or day dreaming over
or crashing into stands
or jaw dropping
or eye ball popping

The first variety is clothes
they hide away qualities for most men
for women it truly is revealing
a mirror without a mirror

They reveal information about maturity
self confidence
separating the women from the men
where they reveal certain elements of their breasts
or asses
or legs

The other aspect is the face
more specifically the makeup
too much
she seems a bit fake
too little
Just enough
it's a tricky balancing act

Then there are basically different body types
all have their strengths
all have their weaknesses
in short there are three types
first off-the have a meal body type
these women are generally very skinny
not anorexic
but not normal
they do however fit in everything
and those types add for extra agility
second is- needs a confidence boost
in terms of their figure
it is very good
some guys like more meat on the bone
but I am not one of those
their only problem is thinking that they are ugly
Thirdly-lend your meal to the have a meal type
these women simply put are big
not overweight
never overweight
but their curves are way more highlighted then the average woman
some may call it overkill
some may call it heavenly

In short the thing about a female figure
is it works for different men
all female figures are beautiful
when looking around the mall
go ahead call me a pervert
I call it biology

that being said if you
do not want attention
please do not wear something
that will draw attention
otherwise girls if you are feeling bad about your beauty
always know that there is
a guy around the corner
drooling over you
Consider it a compliment

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 1st Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 241

With the parting of the stays
Both her tits went separate ways
And she hung in between
I couldn't love her after that
All those rolls of tattooed fat
Just tuned my poor face green

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