Poetry competition CLOSED 31st March 2015 8:04pm
View Profile Poems by johnrot
RUNNER-UP: lanooz

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To Bukowski ...

poet Anonymous

wow! didn't expect to come anywhere near on this one. thanks so much for the nod. congrats johnrot and all the other poets as well. well done.

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084

Congrats to a brotha, JR, [wherever you are], always great to be facing-off wih you. Well done to the runners up, DevineS. and lanooz, and to all the poets who had a crack at this comp, there were a lot of quality entries, so well done everyone.

Lobo, thanks for hosting and for the nod, I was stoked with what I churned out, so cheers brotha. [raises the watermelon, pear, lime and LSA smoothie.]

poet Anonymous

Yea JR!!!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645

hey just saw this award after coming home a min ago....it was all jail scribed walls,blank bible page and comensary sheet writes about bullshit blame in the meantime.flattered lobo,thank you man. congrats  to runners up and  to all participants...

Strange Creature
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 29th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 4

These days I only seem to read

Easy things like:
magazine articles that show me how many crunches
I have to do before breakfast,
to get a body that perfectly matches my vibrant and youthful personality
which I gained from reading
articles about the best way to meditate
and how if I'm thinking about meditating I'm doing it
and how thinking about anything at all
isn't what beautiful people do,

what beautiful people do is,
talk about how ugly all the other beautiful people are.

That's how to make friends;
act like you've got something they don't.

But I don't know what's valuable anymore since

I only read shit.

I only find time to read anything worthwhile,
on the toilet.

Once I got powerful diarrhea from eating some bad prawns
after reading a magazine article about detox.

I sat on the toilet for four days,

I read Satre, Camus, Balzac, Tolstoy.

I emerged cultured and carrying a poignant sense of the intricacies of human relationships.

Then I read a magazine article that told me that people who think about the intricacies of human relationships are really fucking boring at parties.

So I went back to reading shit,

even on the toilet.

My abdominal muscles are strong as a silent mountain,
my mind is as clear as a cascading waterfall.

apocalyptic high
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 21st Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 62

Hank, he fucking got it
that poet curse
that thing that keeps you up at night
and you know you have to write, or blow your brains out from boredom
see it's a cathartic release
free form, prose, call it whatever
it's honesty in ink
just write, don't think
and drink, fuckers, drink!
make pretentious beatnik hipsters
and New York elitists gasp in shock
with your words
cause in the words of the man himself
"as the spirit wanes, the form appears"

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

This comp has officially ended. Please stop posting entries guys...wait for a new comp or create one yourself!

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