Poetry competition CLOSED 12th March 2015 9:06pm
PsychicApocalypse (Darker Half)
View Profile Poems by PsychicApocalypse
RUNNERS-UP: DancingAlone and ItalianKOKO

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Your Last Poem

Calum Oliver
Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 16th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 64

"Seen the old"

I've seen the old
I've seen them lose control
No brain
No thoughts
No choices
I can't.
I've seen the old
I've seen them lose everything
Can't walk
Can't talk
Can't live
I've seen the old
I won't be one
I would die
I will die before I give myself up
I would say sorry
But I'm not
Nursing homes
And oxygen tanks
Thinking themselves
Nothing but a burden
They don't get respect
For having lived
They get hate
And wish to die
I've seen the old
I won't be one
I cant

Tamell Bailey
Strange Creature
United States
Joined 4th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 4

It’s Our Fault

We, the true men in the world must stop turning
Our backs on these women and girls and start learning
The facts; white, yellow, brown, black
They all have been attacked
So it's a matter of fact
We should do something about that

Give them the courage and strength to speak words
So that they can stop hiding and denying the things burned
Into their psychological skin, which in turn
Changes their relationships with all men, so I've heard
About the dreams that they have; the wanting to overcome
But it's hard for them alone to come up out of the dumps

They need help and we must
Have faith within us;
That one day though it's rough
We can all see them trust
Themselves enough to know that it's not right
And to come out and tell, not tomorrow but tonight
I AM HERE; if anyone else hearing this feels the same,
Open up your ears and your eyes to accept blame

It is our fault; we're the ones that misguided the youth
It is our fault; we're the ones who turned our backs to the truth
It is our fault: disbelieving and thinking it can't be you
It is our fault: we're the ones who violated them too

So, what can we do? We must first change our treating
So that physical and emotional scars can stop bleeding
Then, maybe we can then begin to rebuild
The gaping hole in her soul, and the spirit that's been killed
I believe anyone can overcome anything
With guidance and support, it's all a possibility
- BIG bailey -

poet Anonymous

Draconian Somnambulism

Staring up at that endless expanse
feel the futility of it all

Like shooting blanks at the Sun
future events being over before they've begun

Dreaming in the 3rd person
robs one of ambition

and I am chocking on the same disillusionment
that's rendering my dreamcatcher useless

Naive to think he’d hear me screaming
when I was nothing but an idea he conjured while dreaming

Life is draconian
but in the Necropolis
Time is fluid
Has no meaning

It isn't any secret for the keeping
All I ever wanted was to be sleeping...

Mr. Addams
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 26th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 31


I was technically never born. My mother was  
too small a person to push me out like most
newborns, so they stuck her with paralysis and
splayed open her stomach. She told me she had
never been so scared in her life, the
doctor pulling me from her guts like an  
impaction because no amount of drugs or  
fitted screaming could get me to pass like
normal. The Wikipedia page for birth describes  
human genesis as being the act of pushing a
baby out through the birth canal, so where exactly
does that leave me? A calcium oxalated knot that
eventually needs surgical attention after weeks of
pain and bleeding and swearing that you'll never  
deprive yourself of what you used to take for
granted ever again? I'm not made of  
minerals, but I have to be. The world is  
full of strangers spitting arrowheads down  
range at a moving target nineteen years of age,
male but the bullseye only hovering a few  
inches over five feet off the ground, trying to
pack down enough food everyday to get the scale in
his bathroom to read triple digits so that he
can finally grow out of his aging black clothes and  
grow into the half a head of hair draping over the
right side of his face. Yes, people have the right to
their own opinions, but if yours is pointed and  
the edges are sharp enough to splay open skin at
the very touch, please do me a favor and fucking
swallow it. Let your serrated thoughts tumble like
bits of broken glass down into your stomach, making
little openings as it falls, making it sore and anxious,
making it nearly impossible for you to eat the  
portions of food any average person could take in.
Let it pass through you, not for days or weeks or
months but a fucking lifetime of panic and suffering and
bleeding that you can't see from the outside, and
when it passes can you then sling your calcified bull-
shit. Don't let it cut you on its way out.  

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 1st Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 4

I'm sorry to all those I never got to meet
I'm sorry for all the poems I never got to read

I give you all this poem tonight
I give it to you, hoping you enjoy my last write

I'm going to miss this world
I'm going to miss this community

I am scared to go through this alone
but I know you all will be there for me

I want everyone to know to keep fighting on
To live your life to the fullest and enjoy it

I am not sure exactly what to say
So I will tell you the story of me

I was a short, shy girl
Plagued with depression

I was overcome by suicide thoughts
And wanted to cut my wrists open

But I found support from friends and family
I bothered them endlessly with my problems

They were patient and always tried to help
They saved my life and now I don't want to die

I like to write these poems though I'm not that good
But I don't care as long as you enjoy them

I have so much more to tell you but I have no more time
So to conclude I want you to remember

I write this poem to you
Goodnight and live on

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435


Note to Online Friends 4:38 a.m.

I wanted to say thank you.
For some months this site gave me
purpose. I thought I would make
friends who would last a lifetime.
I thought I was actually working,
creating something meaningful,
that there was something I could be
good at in this life.

For some reason my heart's not in it
anymore. My heart’s not in anything
anymore. I always tend to mess things
up. At first I make friends and people
like me, but the more they get to know
the real me they leave. Like everyone
else, they leave. Friends, lovers, parents,
they all go away, and I can’t blame them.

Also, it’s finally settled in that I’m not
a writer anymore, if I ever was one.
Can’t make myself read, and what kind
of writer never reads?

I can’t escape myself anymore. Soon
I will have to travel to the grocery.
I do not want to see the looks in people’s
eyes as they meet my gaze. I’m not sure
what they see and why it takes them aback
so much, but I’ve grown weary of it.
Weary of always being alone.

It’s hard to explain it. There just doesn’t
seem to be anything left. I have failed
at everything I’ve tried to accomplish.
And I just don’t want to be awake anymore.
I don’t want to be conscious anymore.
I don’t think I’ll last one night more
within these four sad walls.

I guess that’s it. Thank you all for the time
we had together. It kept me going for a while.
Just can’t run from that girl anymore,
the one always peeking her head out
of the shadows, reminding me it will
never change. No matter how much
I think things will be okay, it’s
only an illusion. Anyways, my best wishes
to everyone. I’m off to sleep now and
hopefully won’t wake up ever again.

poet Anonymous

R eye pee dikkhedz

Y leeve youze
wittuh phuck yew
ore eat sheet.
Dat kynduv stuff
ain't happee moejoe.
Eye would rathirr sai
gud riddince ore
havvuh hart attak onn mee.
Itt soundz betthirr.
Iff itt soundz betthirr
it'z gud moejoe.
Swallowe poop und live pilgrymz.
It'z mai Indeepenndense Dai.

Salvatore Didato
Lost Thinker
Joined 6th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 8

This is my poem. Can I post it on my page too? Or do I wait till the competition ends?

Every day has twenty four hours
Every hour has sixty minutes
Every minute has eighty heart beats
Do you know it?

Every day you can change your life
Every hour you can change your mind
Every minute you can change your heart
Do you make it?

Every day can be your last one
Every hour a vein can explode into your brain
Every minute your heart can stop
Do you fear it?

So every day make something different
Every day make your best in that time you got
Every  day make yourself satisfied of what you did
Every day put a deadline, before someone else put it for you

Bradley J
Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372

Do whatever pleases you sir!

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Bradley J
Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372

bahaha.. It was worth it, I lol'd

Strange Creature
Joined 12th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 3

The sunshine has meant the world to me,
But for reasons that you can not see,
The darkness has meant much more,
My youth was spent romanticising of the ancient lore.

There in darkness reside many evils but also magic too.
Without them, I might not discover what only masters knew.
My power can't be taken. It's not a bobble or a thing.
Outwardly, you may not guess what I've been mastering.

For in the darkness where shadows loom, I first discovered light.
This began when I was six, and demons visited one night.
They ravaged at my mother, and she has cried for thirty years.
It's been so long the time that passed dried up all my tears.

They call it schizophrenia,  but I argue they're not right.
It's demons and it's angels that have come to teach me fright.
With them though, my strength has grown, and there's little that I fear.
I will be the bravest when the end of world is near.

I have learned my strength reaches far beyond,
And it is my will alone of which I am so fond.
With it I have the power to shape the future of my dreams,
The end is not the end although that's what it seems.

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

Beautifully Dead Words

The end is but the beginning.
Life has granted me with words.
A chance to say goodbye to breathing,
for in death, words are needed no more.

Whether they be read, or not.
A care is not really given.
Though appreciated are the compliments,
the words that I just love writing.

Never thought it would be so soon,
I must say.
Then again, I'm to meet my reaper.
Scenting the end nigh,
I bloom instead of wither.

I thank the universe for a chance.
The Gods have witness my tries at dying.
Thinking that it wasn't yet my time,
I was saved from the brink, like lightning.

Now I know, the time is drawing even nearer.
Family and friends watch another disappear.
A vase being decorated in my name,
cremation of a body no longer held by fear.

Be it heaven, be it hell.
I await my destiny with open arms.
For I've never been afraid of dying,
Feel the shinigami's touch, so warm.

But all I seem to be leaving behind,
is memories, pictures, and words.
Things that will soon be forgotten
in under a year, for sure.
Because in the end, time passes us by in a blur.
All I ask is for you to enjoy
my last beautifully dead words.

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304


was i worth the pain
there were noted side effects
i always bled you

Bradley J
Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372

I am amazed and humbled by all these submissions, thank you all for sharing.. Judging this competition may be more than I bargained for!

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