Poetry competition CLOSED 10th July 2014 7:47am
rain1courtel (RainC)
View Profile Poems by rain1courtel
RUNNER-UP: lanooz

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poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

write a poem about Mourganna (Le Fay)

The great MERLIN amongst poets, SOULADAREATEASE handed me the staff to continue the "DU MEMBER" thread.

Write about Mourganna, Le Fay. For personal details, read profilø, surprise me dear poets of Deep Underground....

Mourganna Le Fay

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483


There goes Le Fay of Norway
whom I had known first  
as LizardQueen
commenting on my acrostic-tanka,
a nature lover just like me.
She likes my take on fairies
she maybe simple
but has a great heart.
Flora and fauna
she will protect—
a rebel with a good cause.

No living creature—
big or small
will she treat
without loving care,
for in her pagan belief
life is so sacred.

May you live
not to see the day:
the woods without trees,
the city without buildings
and the rivers without water…
because I would hate
to see you drown
in river of tears.

poet Anonymous

May you live
not to see the day:
the woods without trees,
the city without buildings
and the rivers without water…
because I would hate
to see you drown
in river of tears.

My favorite part of your great poem, thanks so much poetic enigineer mile]

Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 3rd June 2012
Forum Posts: 230

Imperfect Perfection

A starry-eyed visionary perplexed by complexity
in a world of pandemonium
she keeps things uncomplicated
finding solace in simplicity; her spirit’s freedom

Idolizing perfection is not her forte
for she knows we live in an faulty world
and she adores being gorgeously flawed
wearing life's blemishes, as secondary skin

Such beauty to her unorthodox reasoning
such uniqueness to her rebellious ways
optimism flowing so strongly within her,  
that she exhale loving life….

so others can inhale, the true scent of living

I have witnessed compassion in her words
heard her heart’s song in poetic languages
felt love flowing through her verses,
becoming mesmerized by the perfection....
found in a perfectly-imperfect woman

~Oh to be the shadow of her exquisite image~


*this is not an entry*

poet Anonymous

Rain, dear Poetess
I hardly know how to thank you for this poem.
Tussen Hjertlig Takk, as they say in Norwegian, means A thousand warm thanks yous
You captured me pretty well dear Lady


Twisted Dreamer
United States 14awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 240

The Simple Complexity

"Norway" she said
when asked about life
and the optimistic heart
which is a lover's domain
and the key to the
imperfection that sets you
free to live the life a
natural pagan should live.
The solitary path you walk
is full of rebels looking to
belong with the highest cause
of self reflection but what must
you do to survive this negative
world who believes in fears and
self-limitations against a couragious
background of lies and discoveries.
Awaken! you proclaimed,
as you crossed the road into
a universe full of green trees
and here we are hoping to understand
your glory, fighting against the same
spear you fight nightly but this time
together we will declare victory.

poet Anonymous

Thanks very much, for your entry. Ianooz
Quite the surprise, a very genuine poem there
Very Much appreciared!!!


Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 5085

The Mystic, The Cryptic~ Queen

While out in the wilds
of Her
expansive mind
I caught sight to the ever mile
where streams flow
along golden fields
the crows do fly
needling their lip to the doves olive tip
as which way
they say
our lives may comb
there they shared
past and present
wrapped in paper
humming a tune
of inky black silk
soothing through
fettered rust that I felt
came a
calm ascension
to Baldur
while my eyes reached ever on
these winds swept me up
leaving me breathless
to haunt, to scour
every script
so precious
These sparks lain gem
in my eye
much needed
joy to my life
dip the quill once more
Dear Queen
I'll be sure to read

**Not an Entry**

poet Anonymous


This is just wonderful......another fine surprise!
Glowing with pride!

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 12th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 708

a ghost

a poet

a reptile

a queen

a passion

a writer

a whisper

a scream;)

poet Anonymous

THANk you much for your participation in this comp, much appreciate your entry, Jasper!

poet Anonymous


TROPHY goes to Rain C.....
Your poem is such a beautiful work of art
I am so humbled and honored by your words
Greatly admire your skills as a writer, dear Rain
Praise you!

Iam, your poem will be runner up,
Delighted to read it
A great write

THANKS to all the participants
Its was nice to host this competition
Shine all you crazy diamonds!

Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 3rd June 2012
Forum Posts: 230

Le Fay, I’m truly humbled and honor by your kind words but this win is so bittersweet for me.  I must confess, I hate being the focus of attention, hence my little note; *this is not an entry* and the reason I haven’t enter many other DU members comps. Your spirit was too beautiful not to write about. Thank You! Congrats Lanooz and nice poems all around. Xo

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17077

Congratulations Rain! and Lanooz...awesome!!

poet Anonymous

Dear Rain,

The spotlight is not my favorite place either......
Do you have your poem on your page or not?
Just in case (greedy as I am for it
I have copied and pasted it for myself......
Good luck in your comp rain
(and others you might be hosting at the moment)


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