Poetry competition CLOSED 7th March 2014 5:34am
Page_Writer (Mad Girl)
View Profile Poems by Page_Writer
RUNNER-UP: kitsykat

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The Never ending story

Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 1st Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 172

Poetry Contest

Write about something everlasting
Write a poem of any style about something you consider to never ever end. Be creative and make sure not to write about anything like God. This is kind of overt regardless of whether or not you believe in Him. Instead right about something that is inside or related to you.

Have fun...

Mad Girl
Thought Provoker
United States 19awards
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 183

Glass Rose

Pretty rose; glass rose.
Eternal rose.
Never changing,
Forever remaining,
Never dying,
Always staying.
Marking his love for me.
Pretty & delicate--
Perfect & intricate--
A single glass rose.
Like his love for me.
The most mystical gift ever--
To someone who lives, breathes & thrives in the fairytale realm.
The world of enchanted flowers & dreams made of the finest gold thread.
Where true love's kiss is the strongest weapon above all.
Where good always reigns, and evil always fall.
So straight from a storybook
And into my hands--
A enchanted glass rose, the fairest gift in all the land.
Not marking the passing of time, for instead it does not change.
Like his love for me, and the love I return vastly.
It is eternal--
It is infinite--
It is our love.
Captured and frozen inside, of a rose made of glass.
Never to be changed, altered or removed by time.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17152


I stood with you
at the Tower of Babel
Looking towards the sky

proud of the rubble
that now stood symmetrical
towards heavens

The blasphemed God thundered

In Babylon, once more
we stood together
Loving the decadence of living
Drinking waters of ether

Shrieking against God
Until He answered

By the Ziggurats,
towards the sky
They seemed to claw

Holding your hands once more
No lesson learned from before
God destroyed again
till you spoke in Unknown Tongues

Voices of Heaven
Shrouded in dark Mystery

The babble spelled dark incantations
But God was not pleased
His wrath laid your dreams in ruin

Building pyramids
with Stepping Stones
till ancient chants and wails
tried to stop you
confusion reigned and Angels
visited the Earth again

The Construction of stairs
to the heavenly constellation
ended always in Tragedy
these temples dedicated to them.

As for you great builder
Challenger of the gods
I abide with you until!

*cycles of births and deaths*

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 11th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 154

A love eternal

My feelings run deep
They go all the way to my core
My love for her will never disapear
She is my breath
And my heart beat
My love so true
She shows me the way
Leads me though
Dark and un descoverd
Corridors and secrets
If a tradgaddy shall occur
If she ever got mad
I would love her even then
The forbiden love
We made happen
Will never disapear from my heart
She is my love eternal

Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 1st Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 172

Thanks for everyone's post so far!

Thought Provoker
Vatican City 1awards
Joined 6th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 127


Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 1st Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 172

MGC said:-The Audacity to Dream-

Where does "it" come from?
What is it?  Why can't I turn
it off ... ? ... It won't stop!

I like this post. Leaves you thinking.

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483


One by one the shriveled leaves are falling,
so as the days of our lives, passing
We often reminisce those years gone by,
with lots of what ifs and what could have been.

How I wish we were the parents of those happy kids
playing tug-of-war with us on our favorite beach
Every week-end in summer, we will share their joys
Until our girls get married, as well as the boys.

Oh, how I envy their lucky father,
as I envisioned you, as their mother
Just imagine how it would be like
living with those children,
instead of three kittens.
If only we could turn back time
we won't be having
this kind of conversation.

Now that the sun is slowly hiding
behind the veils of youth fastly fading
We can only be thankful for every setting sun
there's a promise of hope for everyone.

Clouds of doubts consume our bright minds,
as shroud of darkness fills the void within
our moral fibers, slowly gnawing our hearts out—
Not knowing what to do when someone is left out,
we would rather be both dead than living without...

In our darkest hour and final days on earth
I shall call your name from the land of your birth,
and forever cherish those days filled with mirth
as well as our daily conversation
of what ifs and what could have been,
which is becoming a daily ritual
before we go to bed,
yet we have no regrets
just bittersweet memories.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 19th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 292

if you want never ending..
then the only one..
energy never ceases..

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483


Day and night, night and day
twenty-four hours a day
my love for you will never die...
just like the moon chasing the sun,
it will never end—
day and night, night and day!

Just like the wheels of life
our love will continue turning
Sometimes up and sometimes down,
yet we stay within the circle.

May your kisses be like
the ocean waves that never cease
kissing the waiting seashore;
may your love be as warm as the rising sun
endlessly shining with fervor burning,
as the days go by
until the end of time...

Thought Provoker
Joined 11th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 91

                                            Love and Hate Game
                                             You bite my lips
                                              for what I said
                                              grab me tight
                                              between my legs
                                              pin me down
                                              angry and distress
                                              feed up
                                              make up sex
                                              stills stays
                                              tomorrows  another day
                                              for the love and hate game


poet Anonymous


poet Anonymous

My endless curiosity about people keeps me alive...

Mysterious Collisions

He pushes 80 needles in a 40 mph zone,
dust rising from asphalt in question marks.
Ignoring the skid scars on the road,
his cycling roar sets the wayside flowers shuddering.
The law pulled him over for speeding,
but blue line blood allowed him to go free.
That makes no safe sense to me.
He told me a tale about his fast, fondest friend
whom he witnessed slam into a semi at cross roads of fate;
The road turned red as his friend’s head bounced away from its body.
Though crosses mark the highway,
this cop still burns the flowers on their wreaths
with the fury of his own passing.

The soldier has in his grasp every resource to live full,
except peace of mind.
He has seen beyond death
and knows pain is just a shadow passing.
Still he chooses to stare into the dark
and listen to static of spirits
which lead him to cling to the void wherein no hope is cast.
The answers lie in the light, but he keeps on his shades.
I know his eyes are beautiful but their fire can’t be touched.
Like comets they are, swallowed up by everlasting space,
Evidence and mystery for which I crave ever.

Why does the skull cloud laugh in the sky above
as a futuristic enforcer reaches for ghostly woman
who flees on a wild-eyed, gas masked horse,
parallel to his swift steel steed?
Both speed on steeplechase tracks crumbling in flaming ash.
Two courses closing in on each other,
the tracks lead to the edge of the canvas, destiny unknown.
Painted lives, bound in leather of passion skin.
The mysteries of soul still collide within the artist.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 25th Jan 2014
Forum Posts: 26


you are my everything
you are my soul
you are the one
makes my heart full

Without you here
there is no me
you are the reason
my heart can see

you are the fuel
that makes me fly
without your love
I wouldn't even try

you are an angel
with beautiful wings
you are the voice
that my heart sings

I tell you these words
as you come from above
float into my arms
my only true love

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 24th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 125

~I long~

The smell filled my nose
It screamed beauty
But It ended
The women pulled it out
Of my bloody hand
I search for the SMell
But it was never the same
I long
For the smell of the rose
That presented itself life An angel
I long for that angel that ever lasting smell.
I long and long
Until I find it
The rose of the angels

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