Poetry competition CLOSED 6th November 2013 2:42pm
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Oh Pie!

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Write a poem or prose about pie
Describe in detail what's in your pie.
Throw it in someone's face (no names please), offer us a taste,
tell us why we should buy
And let fly...

Tyrant of Words
United States 26awards
Joined 5th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 9051

My pie
is to die
it amounts to so much more
like a savory bite
pure delight
fantasies if you add whip cream at night

buy my pie
Or I may throw some in your eye
don't be scared or shy
it's apple apple crisp pie

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273

Gg78 said:My pie
is to die
it amounts to so much more
like a savory bite
pure delight
fantasies if you add whip cream at night

buy my pie
Or I may throw some in your eye
don't be scared or shy
it's apple apple crisp pie

lol Gigi

Tyrant of Words
United States 26awards
Joined 5th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 9051

Quick thinking sometimes is not good lol

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 13th Feb 2011
Forum Posts: 2523

Atakti said:[quote-239803-Gg78]My pie
is to die
it amounts to so much more
like a savory bite
pure delight
fantasies if you add whip cream at night

buy my pie
Or I may throw some in your eye
don't be scared or shy
it's apple apple crisp pie

lol Gigi [/quote]

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273

Gg78 said:Quick thinking sometimes is not good lol

No, I loved it

Tyrant of Words
United States 26awards
Joined 5th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 9051


Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 31st May 2013
Forum Posts: 656

Eat Your Mistake, Bitch

Flaky delicate crust
Like the trust
You shattered that night
Bringing tears to my eyes
Filling my heart with spite

Sweet ripened peaches
For how far your tongue reaches
Into the mouth that was on my pussy
When you tasted his lips in that kiss
Honey, you were tasting me

Vodka, vodka! To wash it down
Emerge in it until you drown
For that time that turned grim
For the drunkenness you were in
When you had the nighttime swim

The pie is hot and ready
You're just in time, old buddy
I'm about to smash your face into it
Until your eyes are black
Your nose broken, and you look like shit

Yum... Revenge tastes good
As I always knew it would :)

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 10th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 24

A pie it is, is it not?
A boon or bane, no matter-
Whichever, it still vexes me so
That my skin remains to touch
That my nose lingers to smell
Whatever it holds within
I wish not the ability to tell
Yet I shall reveal it with my sin
For my demons to be delighted.

A little of the things sorrow has brought
marinated with my own twist,
A dab of romance for the belle
And Let hormones get excited,
A little soil from the ground ‘neath my feet
But little is more than what you’ve thought,
A star beyond my sight and unattainable;
Merely it’s essence gathered from dreams
And last a pinch of my own frustrations!

Let it bake through Time’s oven
Let it stir up from the inside out
To bake, just to bake, oh it’ll be heaven!
Heh, I’m not deranged without a doubt.
You’ll love it, my dead lover sure did
It was her last bite of anything delicious!
A moment different from her life so arid
Yet odd, her mouth then became caseous.
A pie it is! Is it not?

poet Anonymous


Two cups of mud
Half cup of dog shit
Quarter cup cat piss
One big spite
Last my secret ingredient
Half cup pimple puss
Mixed in with the crust

Buy my pie
This is what you get
Jam it in somebody's face
I did
Sweet revenge  

poet Anonymous

I Love Me Some Pie

Mmmmm…I love me some pie
give me a big old slice
all warm and gooey
it sure tastes nice

Squishing it between my fingers
smearing it all over my face
licking it up with my tongue
until there’s not a single trace

I love a good pear
but my favorite is cherry
first timers say when I tear into it
things can get a little hairy

So next time you’re in the kitchen
bent over checking the oven
remember the secret to a good pie is
inserting a little homemade lovin’

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 26th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 13

Pie, Pie, really Oh my!
Listen now! I do not lie!
My pie, My pie, it's not like 3.14!
Just ask me nicely, and I'll give you some more!

Genesis Sutcliff
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 4th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 70

Pie is the worlds best therapist.
It keeps you company no matter what.
Its sweet decadent scent lingers from the oven,
that sweet smell of cinnamon and apples,
bleeding into the air.
Then taking a slice,
knife cutting through the soft flour.
With just a little spice,
Take it into the autumn day so fair,
And drinking a cocktail of 516* and snapple.
the wind flows through with all its cool lovin',
and you take another cut,
And enjoy the season you so much missed.

poet Anonymous

Thanks for the entries, all.  It was all a treat to read. :)

poet Anonymous

Congratulations Empty Tree! Great write! And thank you Artina Heartflash for a fun competition! I mean...who doesn't like Pie!!!


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