Poetry competition CLOSED 28th October 2013 8:00am
summultima (uma)
View Profile Poems by summultima

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Thunder En Tundra

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14625

That tight cunt's a real fucking asset

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

13 said:She sucked at it till there was nothing left of her dignity and strength, then dumped her juice box in the trash can, crying for another.

All the meanings you can derive from this are my submissions.
i have no idea what i've written.

bgu guydyt ytftj yu gt kgk
ihgkijui j 78898p- 09!^$ #@@
[/pjpolt ';/goiy ~.

fuck this guy... he shouldn't be allowed to host competitions.

LMFAO!!!! ... great entry also!

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 298

The reason I conceived to apply a strict point system to this contest, and will probably devise similarly to future contests, is because I have noticed a very clear bias in some held competitions wherein a winning entry is based less on artistic precision & execution of device, and more due perhaps to host condition and inner partiality to part/all of a written work or even a particular artist.

Though there are entries here that I really like a lot, and find very entertaining or pretty, that will NOT be a factor in the final judgement. My partiality will be totally irrelevant when it comes to deciphering a winner. I agree that you cannot really grade art, but you CAN definitely score the implementation of literary devices, and even judge similarly applied works of art per well defined criteria. It's a little bit of a task for the host, but it will be an honorable testament to the art as a just sport, and not simply a tribute to a ruler.

When you win this competition, it won't be because you were appointed winner, it will be because you WON.

Utmakalitho Petragammata
Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 2nd June 2011
Forum Posts: 655

arortiz73 said:Before the first entry is submitted, does anyone think that this is too easy and the total score should be raised to (200)?

i remembered this and chuckled heartily. too easy, ha! classic ortiz

Steve Bragg
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 27th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 1850

I like your comp Mr. Ortiz. Nothing wrong with making the brains do a bit of exercise. The award system is interesting but not without its own issues. It Ignores the quality of the content of the whole and focuses on the quality of the details and format. By similar standards even the plainest 10th grader's ballad would beat any one of those by Robert Burns so long as they followed the exact meter and rhyme scheme, owing to his frequent license in form. Possible suggestions for the future is the anonymous. You ask for submissions by PM, post them with no names, then ask a couple of people whose opinions you feel are worthy to pick the winner. It still has a bias toward style, but goes some way toward addressing the skill in the the ideas and taste in the imagery. Yours, however is not too bad of an idea. Being an an unfamiliar one, though, it certainly caused some discomfort. Yes you also read it right. This is a cop-out in pretending to be somehow above the fray while probably being too lazy to try it myself.

.... though I still may give it a shot having just noticed how much time is on the clock.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

did I catch 1 is it a close relative of the creature???

on all fours out on the lawn hanging drawn and quartered

1 back door outdoors - destroyed
1.0 and I were none too fresh
1.2 my ass is the cheapest

2 leave me alone I need to hold onto the grass
2.0 because of all the 4s
2.1 and I lost at quarters
2.1 don't forget the quarter pounder I ate that was some tasty burger

3. about a 45 degree angle acting like its 60

Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1797

Euan isn't coming home

I struggle to accept you're gone,
It doesn't seem real,
it isn't real.

quando omnia aliorum deficiunt

I've lost you,
alongside all my hopes and fears
sorrow can't be suspended.
I haven't anything to lose
now that I've lost you.

I could tell,
you would've grown old
you would've looked just like me
same jaw, resembling smiles
and you would've had your mother's eyes.
a deep sea blue, anchoring into my soul.

I'll scream to you
into the sky.
I'd be better off believing
that somehow, you could hear me.

Hear me scream my love,
and to hear my confession
that I lay down
for  the world to see.

mors in tenebris manet

You were brought to me, cold
and barren.
The first time I held you,
I held you dead.

And here,
drowning sorrow in a high street Pub
Laying down every dollar I had for you
desomorphine waiting idly,
hovering above my skin
I push the needle in
And let all of my pain go.

I collapse,
a glass of Bourbon shatters
spreading it's liquid love across the floorboards
and sinking into the carpet.
I fall in place,
and all feeling passes.

And a Hollow man takes its place.

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 18th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 53


Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 298

Competition ended. Time to re-evaluate all the entries and begin scoring. I will tally scores in the order which contestants entered the comp. If there are any objections to scores please post so everyone who cares can see, and backup your objections with legitimate reasoning.

Sorry again for being an arrogant dick,

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 298

LUNAOBSCURA (Two entries submitted)

LunaObscura said:Let us go down to the Bronx. Fish tacos and a side of beef, with my pleasure seekers.

Quadruple-double-triple combo!

1.) (1-1) Let's go down on each other while listening to the Bronx. (1-2) Let's go down to the Bronx bureau (NY). (1-3) Let's go to The Bronx punk show. (1-4) Let's go down to Bronx Pizza (restaurant in San Diego). (2-1) Food item, food item. (2-2) Cunt, cock. (3-1) Pleasure seeking friends. (3-2) Appendages. (3-3) A song by The Bronx.  

1.) (4) points for the quadruple. (2) points for the double combo. (3) points for the triple combo.

2.) (0) points for drug reference.

3.) (0) points for multilingual use.

4.) (0) points for meaning derived from more than four different words per multi-entendre.

5.) (0) points for sinister reference.

TOTAL: (9) points.

LunaObscura said:Hitting the trail for a white pony ride, colt 45 at the whites of my eyes, blow my mind.

Quadruple-quadruple-quadruple combo!

(1-1) Travel on a white horse. (1-2) Masturbating to prep for sex. (1-3) Smacking a vein for drug injection. (1-4) Snorting a line to get high.
(2-1) Turning around a horse. (2-2) A beer tipped upward. (2-3) A gun pointed at one's own head. (2-4) Coke affecting appearance of eyes.
(3-1) To be amazed. (3-2) To get high. (3-3) To orgasm. (3-4) To shoot one's self in the head.

1.) (4) points for the quadruple. (4) points for the quadruple combo. (0) points for the quadruple combo because it's not original.

2.) (4) points for x2 drug references.

3.) (0) points for multilingual use.

4.) (4) points for meaning derived from more than four different words per multi-entendre.

5.) (5) points for sinister reference.

Total: (21) Points.

Grand total: (30) Points.

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 298

GARDENLOVER (Two entries submitted)

gardenlover said:You need to negotiate this passage to reach the climax


1.) (1-1) Needing to manipulate an orifice to achieve orgasm. (1-2) Needing to read through a paragraph before the high point in a story. (1-3) Needing to move through a geological formation to reach a destination. (1-4) Needing to endure an experience before inebriation.

1.) (4) points for the quadruple.

2.) (2) points for drug reference.

3.) (0) points for multilingual use.

4.) (0) points for meaning derived from more than four different words per multi-entendre.

5.) (0) points for sinister reference.

TOTAL: (6) points.

gardenlover said:She enjoyed sex so much her motto was 'free admission.'


1.) (1-1) She lets anyone fuck her. (1-2) She doesn't charge. (1-3) She admits everything regarding.

1.) (3) points for the triple.

2.) (0) points for drug reference.

3.) (0) points for multilingual use.

4.) (0) points for meaning derived from more than four different words per multi-entendre.

5.) (0) points for sinister reference.

TOTAL: (3) points.

Grand total: (9) Points.

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 18th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 53


Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 298

Dunbar said:Don't forget the quotient of mixed ratios – and the Orphic square measures!

Because that's a big factor.

They're being factored in between the lines. As scoring continues, you'll notice a few points here and there which would otherwise not make sense.

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 298

anna_grin (One qualifying entry submitted)

anna_grin said:On all fours out on the lawn hanging drawn and quartered.


1.) (1-1) Drunk on 'Four Loko' outside, slumped over a chair, robbed. (1-2) Suspended on four limbs, retching sick on the lawn while others throw coins at you. (1-3) 4:44 AM; assaulted and sprawled out on the grass. (1-4) Tacked down, dead and dissected on the lawn.

1.) (4) points for the quadruple.

2.) (2) points for the drug reference.

3.) (0) points for multilingual use.

4.) (4) points for meaning derived from more than four different words per multi-entendre.

5.) (20) points for x4 sinister reference.

TOTAL: (30) points.

Grand total: (30) Points.

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 298

DystopianMelody (Three entries submitted)

DystopianMelody said:The purest cracks live in the powder puffs she's buried in.


1.) (1-1) The real flaws exist in the pathetic people she's amidst. (1-2) The truest wrinkles reside underneath her makeup. (1-3) Literally the best crack cocaine is that which she ingests. (1-4) The most honest assholes are the fags she fucks. (1-5) The most revealing details she's taken with her to the grave. (1-6) There are bold physical cracks in her cheap rotting coffin.

1.) (6) points for the sextuple.

2.) (2) points for the drug reference.

3.) (0) points for multilingual use.

4.) (4) points for meaning derived from more than four different words per multi-entendre.

5.) (0) points for sinister reference.

TOTAL: (12) points.

DystopianMelody said:Spent her time chasing clouds and sucking tubes.


1.) (1-1) Lived her life chasing dreams as a whore. (1-2) Wasted her time searching for the ultimate high. (1-3) While imprisoned she was the associate of bad people. (1-4) She ended up comatose on IVs.

1.) (4) points for the quadruple.

2.) (2) points for the drug reference.

3.) (0) points for multilingual use.

4.) (4) points for meaning derived from more than four different words per multi-entendre.

5.) (5) points for sinister reference.

TOTAL: (15) points.

DystopianMelody said:Concentrated marks pierce her dreams of re-runs, doctors and salt she wished she tasted.


1.) (1-1) Bold needle scars haunt her of her addiction, hospitalization, and the ultimate fix she still craves. (1-2) Her repeated victimization and rape gives her nightmares about her life, she longs to feel love and physical sensation. (1-3) Her idealistic Mark is everywhere from the sounds in the hospital to the shows on TV; from the male doctors to the prescriptions they won't give her.

1.) (3) points for the triple.

2.) (2) points for drug reference.

3.) (0) points for multilingual use.

4.) (4) points for meaning derived from more than four different words per multi-entendre.

5.) (5) points for sinister reference.

TOTAL: (14) points.

Grand total: (41) Points.

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