Poetry competition CLOSED 25th August 2013 4:06pm
marielavoue (Gypsy Red)
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Serpents and Doves.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17075

Poetry Contest

Wisdom against/with Kindness
Life is a series of adventures where you will meet wise intelligent people and kind souls. Compare these two in your experience; how one can outdo the other. Or how one complement the other.

1- Less than 300 words
2- Title your poem
3- New poems encouraged
4- One entry per poet
5- No collaborations

Inviting dup family and friends to take part in the comp.

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 12th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 24

19 South Rose Street

I wish you'd been smarter.
But you were so big hearted.
You wouldn't have thought twice
About going to his house.
He'd said he needed help.

And now I'm here. Lights
Are flashing and the police
Have questions for me.
I don't know why, except that
You were so big hearted.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17075

The_Student, thank you for your participation.

Gypsy Red
Tyrant of Words
United States 40awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 905

Together We Create Wisdom

The serpent…
Intelligence, the fable creature
who touted his intelligence
to temp the innocent into craving
the capacity for learning,
reasoning and understanding;
acquiring an aptitude to grasp
truths, facts, meanings,
and then gathering or distributing of that
selfsame information,
especially secret information.
Ah it is a heady feeling indeed
when we feel we have bridged
the known and the unknown
accessing knowledge that is forbidden,
we easily become proud,
arrogant and haughty in our
perception that knowledge is power.
But as in all things there
must be balance not all knowledge
is good or beneficial
and like a weapon, it is amoral
but in the hands of the wielder
it can be used for good or evil.

The dove…  
Kindness, represents the pure heart
in a state of grace, acting or being kind,
manifesting good and charitable behavior
which in turn presents itself as a pleasant
disposition, and concern for others,
a virtue in of its self;
giving without expectations, declarations
or recognition, in its purest form
innocent, naïve and ignorant to malice.  

On there own both have faults
one a virtue and the other a vanity
but combined one tempers the other
intelligence give kindness,wisdom;
the wisdom to know that not all are
deserving of said virtue,
while kindness humbles intelligence
so that it does not become too
haughty in its superiority.
This is where both together
make wisdom and the wielder
a sage and maybe a philosopher.

Gypsy Red

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17075

Thank you Gypsy Red for your entry.

Gypsy Red
Tyrant of Words
United States 40awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 905

Grace said:Thank you Gypsy Red for your entry.

No prob Grace, thank you.

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 12th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 708


So long was I known of me.

Distraught several levels.

Angry different children.

She turned one of my personalities kind.

"So very nice to meet you finally"

said I to myself.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17075

Thank you, JasperSilence, for your entry.

poet Anonymous


(My Jewish Learning)

Wisdom is comparable to justice
It must not be emotional
Wisdom must be impartial
Sometimes wisdom must be cruel

Kindness must be compassionate
Kindness must not be from pity
When pity is present
Kindness is a sham

Know when wisdom is the answer
Separate kindness from wisdom
For clear thinking is necessary in planning
And aiding a friend or even a stranger

Thus he who is wise learns from all people
He who is wise gains understanding
She who is kind is expansive
She is who kind gives space to live in
She who is kind ultimately gives freedom.

97 words



"Ben (the son of) Zoma said: Who is wise? He who learns from all people, as it is said: 'From all those who taught me I gained understanding' (Psalms 119:99). Who is strong? He who conquers his evil inclination, as it is said: 'Better is one slow to anger than a strong man, and one who rules over his spirit than a conqueror of a city' (Proverbs 16:32). Who is rich? He who is satisfied with his lot, as it is said: 'When you eat the toil of your hands you are fortunate and it is good for you' (Psalms 128:2). 'You are fortunate' -- in this world; 'and it is good for you' -- in the World to Come. Who is honored? He who honors others, as it is said: 'For those who honor Me will I honor, and those who scorn Me will be degraded' (I Samuel 2:30)." (1), (2)


Chesed: Kindness is often thought of as being synonymous with niceness, but the connotation of chesed is much deeper than this. Chesed is properly described as an act that has no "cause."

Chesed is proactive –- it is the initiator of interaction, and must therefore be the first in the sefirot of action. Chesed deals with the level of visible, and in the chain of social dynamics is the primary spark that initiates subsequent action.

Being first is no mere hierarchical ranking. Being first carries within itself a property that no other element in the universe possesses. Every action in the universe has a cause –- except that which is the the first one. Within the sphere of visible action, chesed is without cause, a proactive expression of expansiveness.(3)

"The world is built with chesed." (Psalms 89:3)

(1) http://www.simpletoremember.com/articles/a/pirkei-avos-who-is-wise/
(2) http://www.torah.org/learning/pirkei-avos/chapter4-1a.html
(3) http://www.aish.com/sp/k/Kabbala_10__Chesed_-_The_World_is_Built_on_Kindness.html

Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 16th July 2013
Forum Posts: 34


That guy at the coffee shop?
He still thinks he is hot
shit because he knows everything.
He has all the advice in the world,
sure, its good advice,
but he splices the wisdom with snarky comments,
sonnets of a mean heart intertwined in poems of wisdom.

But the girl in the library,
hasn't experience or common sense in her body,
but she isn't haughty or mean.
Sweet as a bunny,
It doesn't matter that she is stupid and unwise,
because the kindness in her eyes,
it makes people around her feel high with affection.
it makes people care for her,
and maybe the guy at the coffee shop will learn,

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17075

Sterling7147 and Kitty, thank you so much for participating.

poet Anonymous


Through the broken glass
I found the pieces of time
There is no room
For a safe salvation
Rivers of absence
When we speak
Your serpent smile
Falls at my feet
Behind the space
Left unfilled
Many lives
To kill
Who shall pull
The trigger
Aimed at love?
May you be carried
On the wings
Of a dove

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17075

Thank you for participating Mourganna.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17075

"Matthew 10:16.. Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."
Inviting more entry for the competition.

poet Anonymous

Only A Fool Can Become Wise

Out from shadows, I've entertained angels
there and gone but with impressions ever written
marked within me
I've run from demons slicker than serpents
cold their lessons, frozen eternal
from the dark alley's and basements, have emerged
all kinds
and to retain an honest grace and see the purpose of each
is real living
to reach out in faith, knowing defeat
and still grasp for the sake of good
is wisdom

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