Poetry competition CLOSED 8th July 2013 7:07pm
diddi (StephenPaul Summerscales)
View Profile Poems by diddi
RUNNER-UP: PsychicApocalypse

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Let's Talk Evil

poet Anonymous

“The Thin Line between Children and Evil Men”
So often these days,
my mind wanders back
to my childhood,
when we played
wondering if
I could find
that magic again.
We burned toads,
pulled the wings
off of flying-things,
and stomped ant hills
after we magnified
them to a sizzling-death.
Secretly, I still want to throw
the neighborhood cat
into the drink,
watch it walk on water.
But, they’d have me
arrested for cruelty,
think I was crazy,
evil, possessed.
But I’d confess to them,
it’s just my childish dreams
screaming to be heard,
nothing less.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

The Hall Of The Damned        

The scream of sheer death
it deflates your lungs
and rips out your breath  
it tears apart
the ventricles of your heart
like the demonic sounds
of a fallen angels harp
the evil flame forming faces
howl and burn mental ash traces
that lick your brain with hot pain
which lights up the dark
to show the insane
in their stark underworld  
of plughole down drain .

A soul stealing trident
Satan spiked and hell sent
tri pronged and wrapped  
in a serpent
stands arrow capped  
in an evil dominant
inside are trapped spirits of unrepent
and infinite , expirement
they ache for your
desperate , detriment
and life retirement .

So how can you be here
if your not dead yet
a demon leans near and says
this is what you might get
only fear if you gamble
and lose the bet
your soul so dear
shall be speared in an eternal net .

The hall of the damned
full of gone murderers that hanged  
now they're hell framed
their pictured in pain
forever tortured  
dead and inane
they cry out contorted  
faintly my name
as I leave Satans
emporium of reign
I know after this
that I'll play the right game
and never shall I diss
the lords name ever again
nor dare never shall I speak it
in vain .

Mandla Msibi
Thought Provoker
South Africa 5awards
Joined 29th June 2013
Forum Posts: 92

Death,destruction,deceased forcing the D are all sporn of evil

you could see it all in her eyes,those eyes on mirror of all shadows even sorrow

but we can all tell who is evil you can see it in every evil persons gaze

poet Anonymous

Peddling his Pedophilia

His darkness wore a cloak
covered the diabolical depths
had I forseen what the dig would reveal
I would have run instead

He creeps under the guise
of good boy smiles, but delights
in games that redefine vile

Foul are his thoughts
his wants defy every notch of morality
even the lowest of standards rise
in superiority, next to his depravity

he'll pay, one day
as his victims do now
but, until then
little girls, look out

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- Flayed Soul -

You crucified me, with your fanatical insanity,
Using religion as an excuse to persecute cruelly.
Words can cut deep, like knives flaying skin…
Now it is your turn to suffer, so we shall begin!

You anger me, evil human so filled with hate,
Believing yourself so entitled to judge my kind!
Saying I am going to hell because I love deep,
One who shares my gender as well as my heart!
For you, evil human, it is already far too late…
Your soul is forfeit, your spirit I shall now bind.
With darkest sorcery, devils your soul shall keep!
By the power unseen, you will be broken apart.
How dare you mock me, and so provoke wrath,
Until I long to see your head mounted on a pike…
Whilst wolves nibble at your entrails in red bath!
It is not I you need fear, nor I who shall strike.

Demons will haunt your sleep, of your making.
Torments, shall punish you, leaving you mad…
Until: your flayed limbs lie trembling and quaking,
For you have angered me, angered me so bad!
You say I am going to Hell? I am Hell incarnate.
Behold your vile death knell! Let is swell, fiend,
For though I be a devil in your eyes, my true fate,
Is a brighter thing, than any you could ever glean!

You tie yourself with your own veins torn free…
Thinking yourself better than my generation was.
We did not start world wars that killed innocents,
My only sin was that I said the words ‘blessed be’.
Yet you despise all I am, without thought’s pause,
But it is you, who shall sing the bitterest laments…
Evil human, evil bigot, evil mortal whom I despise!
I am your better; I am superior beyond your hope.
You are beneath my contempt; I am the Queen…
And such sweet suffering Hell shall for you devise!
Whilst around your neck is tied the mighty rope…
You will be lowered into darkness, to so scream.

In the end, you will bow to me in heated chains…
Until your shrieks rise like music, to amuse gods.
Whilst I sit in judgment over your countless pains,
As your inner demons poke you with hot prods….
In the tender places, so that you know my agony,
The hell that comes from being treated much less:
Less than human, though I am more can’t you see!
Your demons will drink your blood in gory mess.

Upon a cross, shaped like an X, you will suffer…
No sleep will be permitted you, no sweet dreams.
You will be broken as you broke me, foul thing…
And no reprieve is mine to, your vileness, so offer.
I am the Queen; you will know the truth of Her…
Your every fear will flow from you in vast streams,
And for every time I cried, you will feel that sting,
Your weeping will so harden into a jeweled coffer.
Nothing of you will be left intact, no sanity whole,
And in Hell there is no death, only eternal horror!
Your torture was never my wish, never my goal…
But you wanted this, and so let demons so confer,

The totality of your misery back unto you: creature.
Your evil makes you reek, and it makes me sick!
I am your better, for I am not childish but mature,
Never stooping as low as you, to ignite the wick…
The flame of war to provoke, as you dared wake!
You woke the Dragon, and now you must so pay.
I will lay not a finger upon you; the evils you make,
You will know in Hell, for you must die, one day.

And thence: be bound eternally by your inner ills!
You judged me, hated me, abused me, and spat.
But one day you will kneel before my dark throne,
Fettered by the weight of your unrepentant evils:
And behold my true face, where your fears sat…
Whilst your fears flay you: to your weakest bone.
You saw me as less than human, you sick beast!
Mocked me, for being bisexual and transgender.
You called yourself, a believer in a loving God?
But I am your better; on you, crows shall feast…
Whilst my love, and I, shall always be together!
Keep hating me: keep calling me freakishly odd.

You mock the Queen of Hell, the bright Angel…
But, I was a child, when you first hurt my spirit!
What gave you the right to tell me I was wicked?
You never had the power to judge me so harsh.
But all things change, things ebb and then swell,
Like a primordial ocean, and how you will fear it!
It is not I who condemns you; you made this bed.

You crucified me, with your fanatical insanity,
Using religion as an excuse to persecute cruelly.
Words can cut deep, like knives flaying skin…
Now it is your turn to suffer, so we shall begin!

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 25th May 2013
Forum Posts: 109

What's wrong with me? Who am I .....Nobody you say...Huh? That's okay , because when my hatred lead you into my room you'll soon be a nobody Come sit ...relax....look out the window enjoy the light.....as a matter fact go into if you Do as you please, because right before that angel reaches out her hand I'll grab you back and terrorize your mind and soul , she can't save you now

Imma go and let you work things out, but I'm going to help you the way I was never helped This chair will bee your support, and this loop....damn...this loop will secure you When you give up and the hollowness begins to spread consuming your morals hopes and beliefs I sugguest you give your support a break, and fall into secure arms Well unless you sit down like I did, but in this case you don't have that choice Look at that your offically a nobody

I slowly step back as you beg for air desperately Wait? What's that? Last time I checked nobodys didn' have voices they didn't deserve to walk or breathe on the same planet as you Neither do you

I sit in the corner and watch you put up a fight Dammit just give in I pull your legs and SNAP The sensation of that was rewarding

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 5th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 23

~Babes in the Wood~

Blindfolded and tied
I don't understand
we both really tried

To be good

Like young ladies
but here we are
left in the wood


We drank some
felt a little frisky
and killed a loved one

It was so much fun..

Nett crept up behind
and slit his throat
Im sure I saw
his soul float..

Blood gushed out
like ketchup from a
squeezy bottle
his breath
gargled blood



We didnt mean
such violence

The sweet taste
of blood
left us satisfied.

In the woods
Our hands are untied

Footsteps on twigs
decend into the distance

We take off our blindfold
looking at each other
I give Nett my hand to hold..

His footsteps too slow
for us
he's caught
wrought with fear

Eyes fired up..

with the taste of blood
lingering on our lips
I feel his fear under
my fingertips

I pry each finger apart
I hear each bone crack

A thrust for his screams
Ooh he's ruptured his spleen

Two hot babes dancing
to his suffering
his body a bloody mess

This will teach you to
fuck with
the woods finest
criminal mindsets

Mmm... Karen hands me the screwdriver...

Its such a turn on
my body hums
a sickly song

Watching as she
into his brain
Oh the pleasure
voltage is insane

Pulling the screwdriver
his gore still on top
Mmm how yummy
looks like a lollipop

Sticking out our tongue
we give it a lick
Mmm tastes nice
have we surpassed

No! says Nett

A girls gotta eat
and revenge
is such
a tasty treat


Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483



Listen to me.
I'm yours.
Your own demon.
Why don't you feed me?

I can smell
your filthy soul.
Don't think
Don't feel
Listen, just kill
Loose fucking control!

Blood's dripping
from each of your finger tips
You kill him,
I love your hysteria,
it is!

You pitiful human,
I'll take over your weak mind.
Your ignorance,
Your death is mine to decide.

I'll let them rape you
in hell.
Your screams are symphony,
and there, it'll forever dwell.

Come, come
my lecherous being.
Let's swim and bask in your friend's blood
The deed is done,
so stop crying,
it's annoying
You can hide, but can't run.

Feed me with
their evil
twisted thoughts.
Until their
petty little souls
become empty,
and dark.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 27th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 194


Took all their apparel,
on the black market we sold it like cattle,
came to my outpost,
thinking they would have the code,
parked there boats on my coast,
and didn't leave with there soul,
messing with the Milesian beasts,
that soul feast,
with dark arts untold,
travelling through star gates channels of the nether,
through portals,
faring the dark ethers,
this sector of the galaxy is under draconion dominion,
so i focus on invocation of the avataric condition,
theurgical gnosis usually arises suspicion,
the goal of these warlords is purely psychic scission,
entranced in visions,
being in swamps and humid regions,
with serpentine astral beings,
lush cosmic oasis I'm foreseeing,
black hearted,
not easily outsmarted,
devious and bold,
tales about my soul,
was told,
in the fables and lores of old,
grew vicious and cold,
to proportions untold,
swarthy and shadowy as crows,
beware of one who cant reap what he sows,
cause he'll easily take it out on his foes,
you want to talk shit or humble counsel,
gathering around the lay townspeople,
started talking some diplomatic shit than gunned down the sheeple,
got all u little star childs,
poisoned vaccined indexed and filed,
suppressed ancient memories,
electromagnetic psychic weaponry,
don't be testing me,
got my renegades,
in underground domains,
ready to surface,
to decimate all u earthly leaches with no purpose,
night mares lucid states dim memories,
of a barren world,
astral travel skim through centuries,
through the nether I'm hurled.

Dangerous Mind
United States 7awards
Joined 31st Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 95

Death Art

The moon is my witness
as I weave the shade
I adore how the blood
shine's black in it's gaze

The victim of no consequence
a canvas for my blade
Stealing life with my art
influenced,by deep-seated rage

Warm stained hand's,lifeless eye's
the mouth's empty gape
Their last breath forever mine
a primal euphoric state

Sealed inside my blackened soul
a gallery of sin
death's art is always calling me
lusting for a masterpiece
to appease the monster within

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

Wow, wicked write DispleofLife.

Dangerous Mind
United States 7awards
Joined 31st Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 95

PsychicApocalypse said:Wow, wicked write DispleofLife.

Thanks,I enjoyed yours as well. =)

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1391

Hollow Man

I had a talk with my soul one day, he told me he's in pain, that things I've been doing are driving him insane.
He begged and pleaded, sobbed and grovelled and used myself against me, he railed at the bars of his fleshy jail until I agreed to get over my soulful greed and let him step out for  air.

That glittery bastard ripped his way out, went through the door and never looked back.

Now I'm stuck with a gaping wound, a blood rimmed abyss that forms my core. We still have a bond, that shiny bastard and me, and I'll do whatever it takes to feed his wandering curiosity.

If he feels what i feel, let him feel what it's like to wrap your hands around a neck and look into eyes while the light dies. Let him hear the screams of women and children as they part ways with their skin, let him see what they think as they think of me and him while I scalp them.

I hope he enjoys the feel of an eye for an eye and the feeling of a gouged out eye in my closing fist. I tried and i tried, and now I've finally ruined him.

That once bright shiny bastard who'd thought he'd gotten away. Just look and see how much that one betrayal cost him. His former silvery self now forgotten as he sits in his own spluttering, feeble light and struggles to forget the end of what he started.

Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1797

The Regular's drink

"Give me another."
But you've already had another.



"Okay, here have another."
Would you like it through a straw?

"What the fuck!

You offer me a straw?

I'll take two."

"Fantastic! And what are these?"
Why those? Those are grenades.

"Pull the pin, would you?"

But of course.
"Now, cast it to the sun."

"But we are indoors?"

Cover your ears

"Well... shit!"

That fucking kid
his guts are in my drink!

"Oh, you're a regular are you?"

Fuck no?

But I'll have another!
This tastes good!

"We're out of grenades."

The bartender's been stabbed.

"Stabbed with a stake."

Right through the damn eye!

"Well... shit!"

There's a box
a box of grenades.

"Ah, regulars."

Strange Creature
Joined 7th July 2013
Forum Posts: 1

Im sick and twisted
dark and demented
evil thoughts cross my mind
most of these are all but one of a kind
thinking of death as a sweet release
it gives me a certain inner peace

Im sick and twisted
dark and demented
love hate and hating love
whispering sickened words from the heavens above
I bet you think im insane
have you ever steeped out in front of a train
the bloody guts it splatters up
just leaves the tracks a crimson red

Im sick and twisted
dark and demented
I think of humanity as a cruel disgrace
no matter what colour or race you may be
i think that mankind is a crude and disgusting mistake

cause all we do is take take take

Im sick and twisted
dark and demented

I will sit in the corner and laugh
for no reason
my mind is cruel and corrupt
so I will just sit here and wait for
your heart to burst or erupt

Im sick and twisted
dark and demented
I could not careless if you like me or not
im twitching here as my mind begins to slowly rot

my poetry is creepy and a little bit feared
odds are you probably think im a little bit weird

but there you go what you gonna do?

im not going to change myself...ask your self would you?


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