Poetry competition CLOSED 5th July 2013 9:54pm
lepperochan (CraicDealer)
View Profile Poems by lepperochan
RUNNER-UP: laceyspacey



Guardian of Shadows
United States 91awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5731

Poetry Contest

It's April 12, 1912 and you're on the Titanic and it's sinking.
Who are you and what are you feeling on this night? Are you the captain, or John Jacob Astor? Are you a socialite lady, a maid, a 3rd class citizen or one of the band members who played on into the night?

Write a poem about who you are on the ship and what you're feeling and what is happening as the Titanic is going under. 2 weeks, no collabs, one entry per person, any style but not so long I'll get bored and won't finish reading it. Enjoy !

poet Anonymous

“Titanic Memories”
We were the talk of the world,
on our maiden-trans-Atlantic-voyage,
steaming the oceans blue.
New York bound,
we were
traveling in style,
Olympic-class of
the White Star Line,

The fourth night
started out with a bang,
we frolicked in the ballroom,
like wild men,
not sipping,
we gulped the bubbly.
Clinking glasses,
we danced
the jitterbug,
a few bunny hugs,
even did the tango .
There were some
society women giving
us the eye, but
I’d had enough,
said bye-bye.

Greatly liquored-up,
I was feeling a bit
too snickered,
had to find my bed.
So, around eleven,
I stumbled around,
back toward my cabin,
it was just below
the main deck,
Had just dozed off
when I felt
the first violent-jerk.
Thought, what the heck,
what the hell is going on,
who's steering this ship?!
Hmmmmmmmm, thinking
it was the champagne,
I did imbibe a lot...
then I heard
the loud-screams,
not a dream.
Poked my head out
in the hallway to
take a quick look.
The place was crawling
with half-naked folks,
all in disarray,
no joke, it
seemed serious.
The crew members
were stunned,
it was obvious they
were having no fun,
some looked
somewhat delirious.
the floor
below us
was moving
at an odd-angle,
seemed the stern
was rising,
moving upward
I thought,
that’s not swell,
so I grabbed my
and Wellingtons,
cruised topside.
It was freezing air,
the myriad stars
they were brilliant,
for a moment,
seemed so surreal,
but it was
indeed real.
Through the din,
I could see the
floating behind us,
we must have hit it,
it was massive.

Then suddenly,
things began
to get rather hectic,
they were lowering lifeboats
down with
women and children,
foolishly half-full.
I saw the orchestra calmly
heading toward the stern,
the back of the ailing-ship,
I had a sickly-feeling
things were going to get worse,
maybe it was the end.

I saw the Captain
he looked terse,
was walking
toward the waterline,
now visible at
the front of the ship.
Disappeared into
the panicky-crowd,
the concerned passengers
who were now
somewhat hysterical.
I did not know how long
my coolness would last,
I was scared shitless.
People were diving into
the black water
from three stories up,
some even higher.
I’d being lying if
I told you
I considered it,
not jumping that is,
thought there was
still a chance to make it.
Till, I saw the stern
rise quickly with
the propellers exposed
and heard the
final loud-crack.

The last thing I remember
was hearing
the tune, “Nearer My God To Thee,”
and the churning of the ice-water
as I drowned in a vortex
of other bodies
trying to swim.

Guardian of Shadows
United States 91awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5731

Great start--thanks for kicking it off, Strider!  

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 711

i was actually there when the titanic sunk

i don't know if you believe in past lives
i barely know if i do,

but if i had one

it ended on the titanic.

i know this
because i was born the day it sunk
nearly a hundred years later

i imagined i'd be one of the poorer ones
not graced by the presence of the likes of the greats
thomas andrews
edward smith
john jacob astor IV and his wife madeleine force astor
sir cosmo duff gordon and his wife, couturière lucy
the countess of rothes
so on and so on

perhaps margaret "molly" brown
shook my hand.

but when i sleep
i have dreams
of the ship

in half
and these waves
destine to suck you under

they say when it was done
the worst part had yet to come
just the screaming of the people
hearts panicking
waiting for death.

just the silence.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14593

Bound for Liberty

I was only four
the last thing I remember
was being danced around the lower deck
and all the rest of the people
were clapping and stomping on the floor

Dad played the tin whistle and Sean thumped the bodhrán
and we were happy
because we were nearly half way there

[we'd left the the dying island, and all it's suffering
back in Cobh harbour
jumped the sinking ship, to board a magnificent one
that would take us to real liberty
that suffered no oppression
and treated it's people as people
as equal
and there was land for us all
real soil that would not spoil or kill the crop]

then the lights flickered and the roar of the engine stopped
and started
and sopped again
Dad said to close my eyes and count to ten
then everything would be all-right
there'd be dancing, there'd be light, there'd be music
and there'd be laughter
because we were nearly half way there

but I counted to ten, and a hundred and fifty more after
and there was still no light, and no music
and all the laughter had turned to scared tones
and all the feet were scurrying back to their bunks
where people packed the few pennies into their socks
and their undergarments

there was nine of us
Dad had taken me into his arms
and mother had the two youngest over her shoulder
she'd made a rope out of sheets
and tied herself to the other four
so they'd not get lost when we made a run for it  

the last time I saw mother and the others
was on the top deck, pleading for a seat on a lifeboat
and when it started lowering without them
she leaned over to plead some more
and was knocked overboard by the surge for the next one
she'd still had the rope around her waist

they were nearly half way there

there was never going to be a place for dad
he knew that all along
and when he kissed me on the forehead
then whispered in his broken Irish
"dul anois agus ag maireachtáil le do theaghlach i do chroí"*
and handed me to a woman
he smiled and waved goodbye,
just like he did when he used to go away
for days on end

* go now, and live with your family in your heart  



Guardian of Shadows
United States 91awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5731

Wow!  Great job, guys and gals--thanks for entering!

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 11th June 2013
Forum Posts: 322

3rd class hope.

Me mum let me stand by the rails as she was waiting in line.
I couldn't go on the lifeboats. I was too old.
As she was lowered into the icy atlantic, I sat there, wondering if I would ever see her again. Then it struck me; I wouldn't unless I snuck unto the boats. I heard the captain saying it had to be atleast 25 degrees in the water. I'd freeze to death if I went down with the ship.
I slipped through the rich crowd, still worrying about their fortunes, family, and if they could sue the ship owners.
I passed through the crowd until a guard pushed me back and said "Women and children only."
I said "Look! Two men fighting to get on one of the boats."
He quickly ran over to where I pointed.
I slipped down the rope and into the boat.
It wasn't hoisted into the ocean yet, so the boat official told the gaurds to put me back on the ship.
I screamed. "No, My mother!"
I was thrown back on deck. 4 or 5 teenage boys came around talking to me to ease their fear. I saw one of the boats out into the ocean, and saw my mom in one of them. I yelled for her, but she didn't hear me.
I slipped and started to fall toward the front.
The ship was going into the air!
As I was trying to hold onto something, the ship started falling into the ocean. I braced my self as I hit the icy water. I was under the water for a short while, but I came up. Luckily, a lifeboat came by and I was saved.

"And that's how I survived the titanic. Any questions?" a student in my class raised her hand. "Yes?" I asked. "Were many others saved?" I looked at her and said grimly, "no." the bell rang and they all ran out the door. I stood up and walked toward the window and stared out into the afternoon sky.

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

could I write something weird like im a time traveler trying to stop it....that would be cool..like a weird Twilight Zone.

Guardian of Shadows
United States 91awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5731

Thanks for entering--I was starting to think this competition was going to sink like the Titanic did.....lol

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th May 2013
Forum Posts: 306

Why they played was the question

My name is Wallace Hartley as
A young boy I have seen the power of music
To calm in times of great peril
When I was six years old
A man broke into our home
He wanted all the money
We had in the house
Mother refuse to tell him where
Stalling him just long enough
For father the storm in with a shotgun
The thief grabbed my mother and put a knife to her throat
This standoff went on for 30 long minutes
At this point I grabbed my violin
And walked behind father
I pulled up a chair
Slowly not to make any sudden movements
Sat down pulled out my bow
I started to play Chopin
And within one minute the weapons
Were put away and the man walked out backwards
Eye contact never broken
Not a blink

So gentlemen it seems like this ship is sinking
Maybe we are it's last hope
Every scale you practiced
Every Theory you learned
Has enabled you to witness
The importance of your instrument
As a vital ingredient toward creating music
The vary music needed
So that the waters will surrender to its beauty
And we once again we can dance with the ones we love

If you had ever felt this power
Then I ask all seven of you
Play with me now

So why did all eight musicians play to the screams and danger?
They truly believed!

Thought Provoker
Joined 28th June 2012
Forum Posts: 58

I am an employee of the white star line
And I'm in love with a ship of master design
Never had an ordinary life no not me
never cared for nothin common
Cause my first love is the sea
I had me a woman once but she didn't compare
To the rolling of the waves or the salty sea air
But the Titanics' a ship to whom I'll pledge my heart
Now here's my oath - God Himself can't tear us apart
I'll stand her bow and I'll ride her stern
And when I climb aboard my lady ship I'll never return;

For 5 sultry sea nights we swayed to the band
Oh they'll never be another be another quite so grand
She was pure opulence in velvet and oak
When she decided to leave there was no time to convoke
Then she was gone with one violent kiss a sob and a shudder
But I'd vowed in my heart to never love another
So I'll follow her to the bottom of the sea
Cause As I've said before

Guardian of Shadows
United States 91awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5731

Great job everyone and thanks for entering! Craic had the best "feel" for what it must have been like on the ship and I liked Lacey's spin on it. Strider--great job as always and everyone else, too. Cookies for all!!

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14593

ah, well thank you kindly Dr Quinn, been drowning in a bit of a poetic lull myself so this is quite the boost.

I'd like to dedicate this trophy to Nelson Mandela, who has had to live with his extended family making fkn eejits out of themselves on their reality tv show.

good stuff Spacey, Strider ..been a pleasure beating you  

Guardian of Shadows
United States 91awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5731

Lol--I think I'm gonna have to change my username to "Dr. Quinn" ....:D

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