Joined 3rd July 2012
Forum Posts: 32
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 32
I guess she wanted to fight,
The first encounter started off with a
"Hi"My name is Revue, born and raised in the Lou
What's your name?And from whereabouts in the US are you?
She stared me up and down before she said, :I'm Jade from Phoenix
I rep the land of the Grand Canyon and where the "Air is on ya, I mean it"
Alright, pleased to meet you. (I'm being cordial)
By the way, I like your shoes.
She said you can't afford them
(Um Okay?) I left confused.
See you later, I'm sensing trouble abrew.
By then I was cluelessSomething pissed her off, there was no way I knew this
She was something of a Bigger Thomas,
She tried to go there so she made a bigger fuss,
and she pulled back her hair when confronted, she start to cuss, plus.
I dropped the logic on ol' girl
Ten dollar convo turned to a hundred destroyed her world.
She got buck wild and fronted on me
I called her bluff and asked her
What was her problem with me.
Conveniently no other words to be said
I never did anything to her
She decided I was competition intended to outdo her.
My badI was just doing me again.
As odd as it seemed, my worries weren't of her, nor have they ever been.
Every time I saw her, she was sour
I'm smiling, minding my own
Enjoying my life by the hour.
And that's when it got hot.
Every time I saw her, insults at me she shot.
By then I stayed quick witted
She couldn't hold her own so her friends got all up in it
I started to have fun with them all
Tying them up in knots
Getting high off their mental downfall
Now, I'm not trying to be self righteous
In spots like this some people have no idea how to handle politeness
I feel they lacking basic social skills
In situations like this they get nervous so they fall back on "keeping it real"
But in the end some end up feeling silly
I'm just saying hi, ain't no need to be acting chilly
Do I classify myself as hard? not hardly
I'm a combo between Nina Simone and Rita Marley
I'm saying
Just put the guard down for a minute
Stop mean muggin' and smile stay for a while, just for a brief visit
We might learn from each other, I understand I don't know you, nor am I looking for a sister or brother
And I don't expect to find one in you
I've made folks drop the front, extinguished hate up in the venue.
And that's the main issue I feel we struggle with
using passive aggressive,hate followed by no debate to successfully solve a problem is a myth.
And yet some of us are more direct with it
I prefer the latter, I rather have someone tell me why they were livid.
So how you livin?
I guess she wanted to fight,
The first encounter started off with a
"Hi"My name is Revue, born and raised in the Lou
What's your name?And from whereabouts in the US are you?
She stared me up and down before she said, :I'm Jade from Phoenix
I rep the land of the Grand Canyon and where the "Air is on ya, I mean it"
Alright, pleased to meet you. (I'm being cordial)
By the way, I like your shoes.
She said you can't afford them
(Um Okay?) I left confused.
See you later, I'm sensing trouble abrew.
By then I was cluelessSomething pissed her off, there was no way I knew this
She was something of a Bigger Thomas,
She tried to go there so she made a bigger fuss,
and she pulled back her hair when confronted, she start to cuss, plus.
I dropped the logic on ol' girl
Ten dollar convo turned to a hundred destroyed her world.
She got buck wild and fronted on me
I called her bluff and asked her
What was her problem with me.
Conveniently no other words to be said
I never did anything to her
She decided I was competition intended to outdo her.
My badI was just doing me again.
As odd as it seemed, my worries weren't of her, nor have they ever been.
Every time I saw her, she was sour
I'm smiling, minding my own
Enjoying my life by the hour.
And that's when it got hot.
Every time I saw her, insults at me she shot.
By then I stayed quick witted
She couldn't hold her own so her friends got all up in it
I started to have fun with them all
Tying them up in knots
Getting high off their mental downfall
Now, I'm not trying to be self righteous
In spots like this some people have no idea how to handle politeness
I feel they lacking basic social skills
In situations like this they get nervous so they fall back on "keeping it real"
But in the end some end up feeling silly
I'm just saying hi, ain't no need to be acting chilly
Do I classify myself as hard? not hardly
I'm a combo between Nina Simone and Rita Marley
I'm saying
Just put the guard down for a minute
Stop mean muggin' and smile stay for a while, just for a brief visit
We might learn from each other, I understand I don't know you, nor am I looking for a sister or brother
And I don't expect to find one in you
I've made folks drop the front, extinguished hate up in the venue.
And that's the main issue I feel we struggle with
using passive aggressive,hate followed by no debate to successfully solve a problem is a myth.
And yet some of us are more direct with it
I prefer the latter, I rather have someone tell me why they were livid.
So how you livin?

Bully Land
You may stand taller
with your feet on my ego
may feel safer when my surrender
grants you stability
that big feeling
of being baddest of all
looking down on my trip
captivated by the fall
because you are so small!
insecure to extremes
my win is your loss
or so it feels
passive aggressive or
overly assertive
gas light games like a
mad detective
dramatic in presenting your case
swaying the jury and playing judge
you think you are God
I know you're dirt
You may stand taller
with your feet on my ego
may feel safer when my surrender
grants you stability
that big feeling
of being baddest of all
looking down on my trip
captivated by the fall
because you are so small!
insecure to extremes
my win is your loss
or so it feels
passive aggressive or
overly assertive
gas light games like a
mad detective
dramatic in presenting your case
swaying the jury and playing judge
you think you are God
I know you're dirt
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14617
Guardian of Shadows

Forum Posts: 14617
Give us your lunch money now
you whale of a boy
here, have a finger in the eye, it'll help with the tears
lie down there on the playground
and let us recreate the scene from Wonka, where we'll stand on you
then roly poly you around with our feet
to try work the fat out o you
If that doesn't work, we don't know what else we can do
'cept maybe pull your boxers up to your ears
or light your tie on fire
It's all the one , all in the name of fun
and what we don't do today, we'll think of tomorrow
and all the tomorrows after that
you whale of a boy
here, have a finger in the eye, it'll help with the tears
lie down there on the playground
and let us recreate the scene from Wonka, where we'll stand on you
then roly poly you around with our feet
to try work the fat out o you
If that doesn't work, we don't know what else we can do
'cept maybe pull your boxers up to your ears
or light your tie on fire
It's all the one , all in the name of fun
and what we don't do today, we'll think of tomorrow
and all the tomorrows after that
Joined 7th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 2808
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2808
Oh Dear God!
Will you stop fucking talking already?!!
The vile, ignorant, and hateful shit
that is spilling from your rotten maw
is exactly the poison cloud of audible puss
That I would cherish the chance
to wipe from this earth
My Buddhist roots are holding me back
Om Mani Padme Hum
But you just keep on
vomiting all over my inner peace
and shitting on my temperance
I've tried to practice a whole hearted love
Acceptance of all walks
But, right now
you're walking into a minefield
trying to step all over
some of the people I love most
That was it!
I've just sprung a raging hard-on
That last comment will be your epitaph
I've reached my boiling point
and I'm about to fuck your face with my fist
Oh Dear God!
Will you stop fucking talking already?!!
The vile, ignorant, and hateful shit
that is spilling from your rotten maw
is exactly the poison cloud of audible puss
That I would cherish the chance
to wipe from this earth
My Buddhist roots are holding me back
Om Mani Padme Hum
But you just keep on
vomiting all over my inner peace
and shitting on my temperance
I've tried to practice a whole hearted love
Acceptance of all walks
But, right now
you're walking into a minefield
trying to step all over
some of the people I love most
That was it!
I've just sprung a raging hard-on
That last comment will be your epitaph
I've reached my boiling point
and I'm about to fuck your face with my fist
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1260
"The Bully HELL"
Spinning in a torment of fire and rage.
An endless pit of torment with all those
faces and im trapped within this cage.
My dreams of endless fights continue.
Long into my sleepless night.
Still fighting the villain's from the past
and the ones my mind invents with depressing
cosmic plight.
Blades they weild and swords they swing.
Bats they flail and poison darts they pling.
Sometimes I have the strength to become lucid and clobber them with their illusions and wrath.
But most of the time my weary mind so tired. I lay back upon there torments.
And get trapped within there path.
Now and again my mind lays peaceful while I sleep. Not to be drawn into the depressing vortex of the nightmare bully hell.
Spinning in a torment of fire and rage.
An endless pit of torment with all those
faces and im trapped within this cage.
My dreams of endless fights continue.
Long into my sleepless night.
Still fighting the villain's from the past
and the ones my mind invents with depressing
cosmic plight.
Blades they weild and swords they swing.
Bats they flail and poison darts they pling.
Sometimes I have the strength to become lucid and clobber them with their illusions and wrath.
But most of the time my weary mind so tired. I lay back upon there torments.
And get trapped within there path.
Now and again my mind lays peaceful while I sleep. Not to be drawn into the depressing vortex of the nightmare bully hell.
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
- Night of Sorrows -
Prologue: Silent Tears
You cannot hear my weeping just from written verse…
But the heartbreak I have suffered in life, does compel,
My hand to pen what I must, for I feel like I will burst!
There are moments when it seems this world is a hell…
And those who ever hurt me must then be the damned.
Within me lies my innocence, the joys they try to steal,
The song I strive to sing as if it were a divine command.
I must not be silenced, and I must show how I do feel!
So I sing on, even through the depths of my sadness…
I pluck my lyre, and my music becomes a dear prayer.
Why is it sometimes so difficult, to embrace gladness?
It is because life sometimes hurts us until we beware…
Fearing the harm, we wonder if we can ever be happy.
I too wonder as only a true warrior queen can ponder!
But I know that my soul is safe, and retains its’ dignity.
Tonight I shall not slumber, let words be my thunder…
And let the truth of my heart, be the sword I do wield!
This night of sorrows has not the power to destroy me.
I bear the light within me wherein its’ flame is sealed…
Those who would wound me are blind and cannot see,
That: their words cannot break my will, my great shield.
Part One: Wretched Souls
This night, the owl did cry and my tears fell most hard,
Like rivers forming into seas, that cry my lamentations.
I am forsaken, called a harlot when I am a gentle bard,
And only the crickets join me in this eve’s celebrations.
What caused my sorrow was the sting of ugly words…
Spoken by a cruel soul who understands not my heart.
That one bellows, still, like the harsh call of blackbirds!
Even as I write, trying to ease the pain, of every dart…
Thrown at me from the mouth of one who is truly cold.
That I once called her like a mother to me, with caring,
Makes her hatred of me as worthless as is rotting mold.
Even that horrible image is more graceful in comparing,
Than that corrupt person, that hypocrite of wicked sin!
Even those who fell from Heaven at least have honor…
She has none and I must ignore her bigoted, noisy din.
Can she even fathom, the old wounds she makes stir?
Like a mad dog she is, constantly barking and panting.
Let animals be animals then, and I shall be above they,
Who have degenerated: far from love by evil ranting…
Until I can see utter darkness, and it blots out the day!
So many wretched souls exist in Earth’s dark corners,
That take enjoyment from the suffering that they enact.
Such ones will pass without joyful fanfare or mourners,
For their sick heaven, was in savoring every cruel act!
I despise such evil, for I have been victimized so often…
Bullied and pushed, prodded and driven unto breaking,
By they: who would rather I be laid down into a coffin.
But I have survived; my life is not theirs, for the taking!
Part Two: Gentle Music
I try to create a paradise within the dark, an Elysium…
For, even in the midst of Hell, there is such a paradise.
And so I listen to music fit for the Celestial Kingdom…
Whilst it soothes my soul with the most tender device,
That being, the feeling of love that this world so lacks.
A maiden sings, and in her voice is youth, tenderness!
The opposite of those: whose words become attacks.
I was once an angel, but fate can be a cruel mistress…
Let the music play on, for I have sorrows to expunge!
With every note let my spirit journey far from torment.
Even should every devil suddenly, at my throat lunge,
I must remain steady, as is water carried to a torrent!
The fireflies I long to see are not in my garden tonight.
And were it not for the night birds I would now weep,
For this has been a season of hardship devoid of light.
Oh, would that I could just one perfect moment keep!
If I could tear evil from the world, to cut such cancer…
And make all souls filled with their intended goodness,
I would; but there is never in life so easy of an answer.
My spirit is angelic still as I search for my divine bliss!
How many, have I been a guardian for: and a friend…
For some a lover, for others a sister or even a mother!
My whole existence has been a quest that has no end,
But I could not ever turn from it, to take up any other.
This is my fate, to be selfless where all others cannot!
I know that there is no respite on the journey I travel,
So I seek pleasure and serenity in deed and in thought.
Even should the fabric of the universe begin to unravel!
Part Three: Night Prayer
Oh mother night, why can I find no comfort with you?
For though the arms of evening enfold me like a lover…
You cannot ease me, when the old agonies fast ensue.
Yet you try to help me forget so my soul can recover!
Beneath the sparkling stars I can imagine another age,
One in which prejudice does not exist and love reigns.
A good memory, that calms my soul, lessens my rage,
And through its’ virtue allows me to cast off my pains.
Why did the gods tear the wings from my noble back?
I look at their children, those mortals that do wrong…
And in their doings, I see only an abyss emptily black!
I cannot save them, even with my most beautiful song.
People and gods do evil and there is no reason why…
I shall not seek one, for they deserve not my attention.
The wicked, mock divine will, and do true glory defy!
I am not bound either to them or to stifling convention.
Oh mother night I must be strong, for those blessed…
They: having good hearts, kind souls and compassion.
It was for such as they that I, of old, fought and bled!
I shall endure, and try to muster a cheerful expression.
I am a warrior weary of fighting and yet I fight eternal,
A queen without a kingdom, and no crown to wear…
I was a warrior angel, one fallen and become infernal!
Yet I do the right thing, and my knowledge I do share.
Perhaps I suffer, because I feel so deeply, with mercy,
But that is also my salvation, and keeps me most well.
I must continue to stand for freedom, love, and liberty,
Even when all the storm clouds gather: for me to quell.
Prologue: Silent Tears
You cannot hear my weeping just from written verse…
But the heartbreak I have suffered in life, does compel,
My hand to pen what I must, for I feel like I will burst!
There are moments when it seems this world is a hell…
And those who ever hurt me must then be the damned.
Within me lies my innocence, the joys they try to steal,
The song I strive to sing as if it were a divine command.
I must not be silenced, and I must show how I do feel!
So I sing on, even through the depths of my sadness…
I pluck my lyre, and my music becomes a dear prayer.
Why is it sometimes so difficult, to embrace gladness?
It is because life sometimes hurts us until we beware…
Fearing the harm, we wonder if we can ever be happy.
I too wonder as only a true warrior queen can ponder!
But I know that my soul is safe, and retains its’ dignity.
Tonight I shall not slumber, let words be my thunder…
And let the truth of my heart, be the sword I do wield!
This night of sorrows has not the power to destroy me.
I bear the light within me wherein its’ flame is sealed…
Those who would wound me are blind and cannot see,
That: their words cannot break my will, my great shield.
Part One: Wretched Souls
This night, the owl did cry and my tears fell most hard,
Like rivers forming into seas, that cry my lamentations.
I am forsaken, called a harlot when I am a gentle bard,
And only the crickets join me in this eve’s celebrations.
What caused my sorrow was the sting of ugly words…
Spoken by a cruel soul who understands not my heart.
That one bellows, still, like the harsh call of blackbirds!
Even as I write, trying to ease the pain, of every dart…
Thrown at me from the mouth of one who is truly cold.
That I once called her like a mother to me, with caring,
Makes her hatred of me as worthless as is rotting mold.
Even that horrible image is more graceful in comparing,
Than that corrupt person, that hypocrite of wicked sin!
Even those who fell from Heaven at least have honor…
She has none and I must ignore her bigoted, noisy din.
Can she even fathom, the old wounds she makes stir?
Like a mad dog she is, constantly barking and panting.
Let animals be animals then, and I shall be above they,
Who have degenerated: far from love by evil ranting…
Until I can see utter darkness, and it blots out the day!
So many wretched souls exist in Earth’s dark corners,
That take enjoyment from the suffering that they enact.
Such ones will pass without joyful fanfare or mourners,
For their sick heaven, was in savoring every cruel act!
I despise such evil, for I have been victimized so often…
Bullied and pushed, prodded and driven unto breaking,
By they: who would rather I be laid down into a coffin.
But I have survived; my life is not theirs, for the taking!
Part Two: Gentle Music
I try to create a paradise within the dark, an Elysium…
For, even in the midst of Hell, there is such a paradise.
And so I listen to music fit for the Celestial Kingdom…
Whilst it soothes my soul with the most tender device,
That being, the feeling of love that this world so lacks.
A maiden sings, and in her voice is youth, tenderness!
The opposite of those: whose words become attacks.
I was once an angel, but fate can be a cruel mistress…
Let the music play on, for I have sorrows to expunge!
With every note let my spirit journey far from torment.
Even should every devil suddenly, at my throat lunge,
I must remain steady, as is water carried to a torrent!
The fireflies I long to see are not in my garden tonight.
And were it not for the night birds I would now weep,
For this has been a season of hardship devoid of light.
Oh, would that I could just one perfect moment keep!
If I could tear evil from the world, to cut such cancer…
And make all souls filled with their intended goodness,
I would; but there is never in life so easy of an answer.
My spirit is angelic still as I search for my divine bliss!
How many, have I been a guardian for: and a friend…
For some a lover, for others a sister or even a mother!
My whole existence has been a quest that has no end,
But I could not ever turn from it, to take up any other.
This is my fate, to be selfless where all others cannot!
I know that there is no respite on the journey I travel,
So I seek pleasure and serenity in deed and in thought.
Even should the fabric of the universe begin to unravel!
Part Three: Night Prayer
Oh mother night, why can I find no comfort with you?
For though the arms of evening enfold me like a lover…
You cannot ease me, when the old agonies fast ensue.
Yet you try to help me forget so my soul can recover!
Beneath the sparkling stars I can imagine another age,
One in which prejudice does not exist and love reigns.
A good memory, that calms my soul, lessens my rage,
And through its’ virtue allows me to cast off my pains.
Why did the gods tear the wings from my noble back?
I look at their children, those mortals that do wrong…
And in their doings, I see only an abyss emptily black!
I cannot save them, even with my most beautiful song.
People and gods do evil and there is no reason why…
I shall not seek one, for they deserve not my attention.
The wicked, mock divine will, and do true glory defy!
I am not bound either to them or to stifling convention.
Oh mother night I must be strong, for those blessed…
They: having good hearts, kind souls and compassion.
It was for such as they that I, of old, fought and bled!
I shall endure, and try to muster a cheerful expression.
I am a warrior weary of fighting and yet I fight eternal,
A queen without a kingdom, and no crown to wear…
I was a warrior angel, one fallen and become infernal!
Yet I do the right thing, and my knowledge I do share.
Perhaps I suffer, because I feel so deeply, with mercy,
But that is also my salvation, and keeps me most well.
I must continue to stand for freedom, love, and liberty,
Even when all the storm clouds gather: for me to quell.
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
- Dark Feeling -
This is for the ones who hurt me, lied to my face,
Robbed me of my dignity and made me wrathful:
For you, there can be not forgiveness, nor grace.
You thought me blind, but I was ever watchful…
And I know the demons of your heart, your sins!
You wanted to know my pain and my agonies…
But never could you imagine, where such begins.
I shall show you, and bring you to your destinies:
The myriad hells that await the wicked, the cruel,
And all who harm the innocent and corrupt souls.
Did you think me but a mortal and merely a fool?
My power, so much darkness and light controls!
I am, the fallen angel you chose not to believe in.
My arms lead to either Heaven or Hell, eternally,
And my soul is not of the understanding of men…
As I long for a paradise built from ash, infernally.
The ashes of evil, the bones of those who hated,
Upon such damned ones, I would raise a tower!
To rival Babel; until we fallen, have been sated…
Ancient wrongs righted in a last apocalyptic hour;
My old wounds healed, my anger laid to its’ rest.
Come let us dance in battle, upon scarlet plains!
Bring your swords and arrows nigh to my breast.
I will show you the path that leads to the flames!
You have roused the Serpent, the Great Dragon,
Until the very depths of the underworld do rock!
My heart has become a dark and empty flagon…
Because of you; and now the sky grows so dark.
My time approaches, my bonds weaken at last…
And though you thought to destroy all my beauty,
You who do evil: your season will soon be past!
My glory is forever, and in the end you shall see.
I did not raise the sword first, it was you as did,
When you would not accept me, in compassion!
I was your victim, but I will not lie down dead…
For I must stand taller: in more splendid fashion.
I work my spells in shadow, unseen by all eyes,
Invoking the gods whom you do not know exist.
Whilst above, the clouds gather in black skies…
As the waters rage on, below, within the Abyss.
I wish I could have simply been happy, content!
A princess in a fairy tale, an angel singing sweet,
But because of your prejudice, Hell must vent…
Until all who hate as you hated do lie at my feet!
Fear the evil within yourself, for I have seen this:
That evil begets evil, until you are so consumed,
Ashen, by the fire that robs you of peaceful bliss.
I cannot weep for those who are self-entombed!
Love must release me, from this torment I bear…
But shall that love come, before the end of time?
You do not know my desire, and never did care.
So I never knew you, and with my will sublime…
My heart condemns you, to your created prison.
The hell that you did not believe in, nor fathom…
Your own remorselessness, becomes the prism,
To reflect the inferno that has no top or bottom!
Why do people cause others to feel such anger?
I did not want this dark feeling that you impose!
But you wanted to see that it grew ever stronger.
I will find serenity and deprive you of my woes…
You cannot touch my spirit, for it is beyond you.
I am not your equal; I am superior in every way!
Because I can still love, and know all that is true.
I need not fear darkness, for beyond it lies day!
This is for the ones who hurt me, lied to my face,
Robbed me of my dignity and made me wrathful:
For you, there can be not forgiveness, nor grace.
You thought me blind, but I was ever watchful…
And I know the demons of your heart, your sins!
You wanted to know my pain and my agonies…
But never could you imagine, where such begins.
I shall show you, and bring you to your destinies:
The myriad hells that await the wicked, the cruel,
And all who harm the innocent and corrupt souls.
Did you think me but a mortal and merely a fool?
My power, so much darkness and light controls!
I am, the fallen angel you chose not to believe in.
My arms lead to either Heaven or Hell, eternally,
And my soul is not of the understanding of men…
As I long for a paradise built from ash, infernally.
The ashes of evil, the bones of those who hated,
Upon such damned ones, I would raise a tower!
To rival Babel; until we fallen, have been sated…
Ancient wrongs righted in a last apocalyptic hour;
My old wounds healed, my anger laid to its’ rest.
Come let us dance in battle, upon scarlet plains!
Bring your swords and arrows nigh to my breast.
I will show you the path that leads to the flames!
You have roused the Serpent, the Great Dragon,
Until the very depths of the underworld do rock!
My heart has become a dark and empty flagon…
Because of you; and now the sky grows so dark.
My time approaches, my bonds weaken at last…
And though you thought to destroy all my beauty,
You who do evil: your season will soon be past!
My glory is forever, and in the end you shall see.
I did not raise the sword first, it was you as did,
When you would not accept me, in compassion!
I was your victim, but I will not lie down dead…
For I must stand taller: in more splendid fashion.
I work my spells in shadow, unseen by all eyes,
Invoking the gods whom you do not know exist.
Whilst above, the clouds gather in black skies…
As the waters rage on, below, within the Abyss.
I wish I could have simply been happy, content!
A princess in a fairy tale, an angel singing sweet,
But because of your prejudice, Hell must vent…
Until all who hate as you hated do lie at my feet!
Fear the evil within yourself, for I have seen this:
That evil begets evil, until you are so consumed,
Ashen, by the fire that robs you of peaceful bliss.
I cannot weep for those who are self-entombed!
Love must release me, from this torment I bear…
But shall that love come, before the end of time?
You do not know my desire, and never did care.
So I never knew you, and with my will sublime…
My heart condemns you, to your created prison.
The hell that you did not believe in, nor fathom…
Your own remorselessness, becomes the prism,
To reflect the inferno that has no top or bottom!
Why do people cause others to feel such anger?
I did not want this dark feeling that you impose!
But you wanted to see that it grew ever stronger.
I will find serenity and deprive you of my woes…
You cannot touch my spirit, for it is beyond you.
I am not your equal; I am superior in every way!
Because I can still love, and know all that is true.
I need not fear darkness, for beyond it lies day!

Dear Lucifer - was once an angel, but fate can be a cruel mistress
thank you for bringing your incredible talent for epic poetry to this competition.
To all - the submissions are all excellent - thank you
thank you for bringing your incredible talent for epic poetry to this competition.
To all - the submissions are all excellent - thank you
Joined 14th June 2013
Forum Posts: 6
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 6
Standing there as theyre you u try to hide but they know you're every move you start to think its u and that your imperfect but deep down inside theyre the ones who are worthless
Screaming at god asking him.is he real saying if he helps u youll make him a deal
Hurting yourself but its not solving much
Bruises ,cuts,and lies disembodied you
Never bleed again just repent
They come again like they can smell your.scent
U fight back but its a battle already lost
Maybe next time if u lose youre life theyll pay attention to the costs
The ones who ignored youre screaming are now deaf to thier own
Those people who didnt want to see youre tears are now blind to this world
You were made to seem invisible but only when u needed help
I can hear your voice and i scream when u say my name
I still have the scars but i will never be the same
Screaming at god asking him.is he real saying if he helps u youll make him a deal
Hurting yourself but its not solving much
Bruises ,cuts,and lies disembodied you
Never bleed again just repent
They come again like they can smell your.scent
U fight back but its a battle already lost
Maybe next time if u lose youre life theyll pay attention to the costs
The ones who ignored youre screaming are now deaf to thier own
Those people who didnt want to see youre tears are now blind to this world
You were made to seem invisible but only when u needed help
I can hear your voice and i scream when u say my name
I still have the scars but i will never be the same

Hi Mistaken Identity
Welcome to DUP New Member.
Thank you for posting your poetry in this contest.
Welcome to DUP New Member.
Thank you for posting your poetry in this contest.
Joined 21st Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 3
Never had a problem with bullies
You just tell them who's boss, who's more important, and who's eventually going to die alone and friendless, and they pretty much ignore you. They get physical, you get physical back. I'm sorry, but law and order means nothing concerning those worthless pieces of shit. Learn to fight, break a few bones, and it'll get itself fixed. Learn to SPEAK is even better - beat 'em half to death then explain why you shouldn't be expelled. Worked twice for me.
You just tell them who's boss, who's more important, and who's eventually going to die alone and friendless, and they pretty much ignore you. They get physical, you get physical back. I'm sorry, but law and order means nothing concerning those worthless pieces of shit. Learn to fight, break a few bones, and it'll get itself fixed. Learn to SPEAK is even better - beat 'em half to death then explain why you shouldn't be expelled. Worked twice for me.

Hi Audible Blink - there are people like you who instinctively know how to handle bullies. Your job then - is to help those who do not understand their reptilian minds (the bullies mind).....Thanks for the paragraph.
Joined 14th June 2013
Forum Posts: 6
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 6
hi and sorry im late but ur welcome
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1260
interesting take.....:) very emotional! 

Joined 16th July 2013
Forum Posts: 34
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 34
All On My Own
I kick the shit outta that kid daily.
Gives me something to do to feel important.
I wanna shorten than chain length of insecurity
that drags around behind me.
See, he's really small, not tall,
quick fall and his lights are out.
I look down on him and feel like a king,
livin' the dream...
Because I can't at home.
It's sorta weird, I am all alone
but that kid, I matter to him.
I am somebody to him.
And really I am just passin' the buck,
Who gives a fuck whether it's right or wrong.
it wasn't long ago that my ass was being handed to me...
but that was in 6th grade...
I am a big 8th year now.
I own this town.
And as long as I am around,
Someone's gonna feel my pain,
Because I can't handle it all on my own.
I kick the shit outta that kid daily.
Gives me something to do to feel important.
I wanna shorten than chain length of insecurity
that drags around behind me.
See, he's really small, not tall,
quick fall and his lights are out.
I look down on him and feel like a king,
livin' the dream...
Because I can't at home.
It's sorta weird, I am all alone
but that kid, I matter to him.
I am somebody to him.
And really I am just passin' the buck,
Who gives a fuck whether it's right or wrong.
it wasn't long ago that my ass was being handed to me...
but that was in 6th grade...
I am a big 8th year now.
I own this town.
And as long as I am around,
Someone's gonna feel my pain,
Because I can't handle it all on my own.