Poetry competition CLOSED 4th April 2013 7:42pm
becsta (Bec)
View Profile Poems by becsta
RUNNER-UP: lightbaron

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60 seconds of frustration

Tony Pena
Fire of Insight
United States 12awards
Joined 6th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1078

Me First

Silver BMW with time
More precious than most
Announcing audacity
With flashing headlights.
Cutting off cars,
Running over random rodents
On the parkway to peonage.
If I catch this Harry Hubris
I'd ask if he was this pompous
In kindergarten class,
But of course he was,
The boy with cheeks full
Of stolen chocolate
Pissing in the sandbox.

poet Anonymous

Thank's to all who have entered, great work so far

Strange Creature
Joined 30th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2

Words die in my throat
As her face shuts down
And anything I say will be taken badly or the wrong way
And if I don't say anything it must mean I'm angry
I start to feel as if the room is shrinking
Another foot in mouth disaster looms
God keep me from hypersensitive people
it never works out.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 29th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 13

good poems

some of my favourite poems
(the darkest,
truest ones)
get no

listen to me.


i liked that one. that one’s


i said everything there. that one’s
my soul.

they like my
love poems.


i hate those ones.

those mean nothing.
i have things
to say.

and the good poems,
they say:

the world is wrong.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

if tomorrow is so goddamned important
than it would have shown face today

if I knew how to pay back the student loans
then I wouldn't have borrowed them,
and don't tell me
that my looking forward to total financial collapse is short-sighted
I see the long game,
and I need these last few tokens from Caesar

to drink a toast to this minute.

Had I known that growing up
meant dispelling play

then, I would have never asked you
to etch designs
into the mud with me

and I would have asked you to give me back
my pointed stick.

note: to be honest I must admit that this was like in the 400 second vicinity

poet Anonymous

These are great so far, thank's.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128

Kill her!

Kill her now
Why don’t you
A knife on your hand
What’s it for
Just kill her
And get her out of the way

What now
You coward
How can you hope to be free
When you can’t kill her
You can’t be free
If you allow her to live

What did you say
She is dead?
No she is not
She lives in your head
She lives in your heart
Kill it….kill her

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128

Graceful rants

I want to scream
I want to shriek
I want to holler
And kick everything in sight
I want to roll on the floor
And curse like a sailor..
Do I need you anymore,
Do I actually want you,
Are you real
Are you my doppelganger?
Staring at me across the room
Giving me that look
That melts my heart
And weaken my knees.
You stand looking at me
And then she comes
Your so-called ex
Take your arm
And you two move away
At night you call at 2am
And says ‘sorry honey
Just to say hello I love you
Can’t talk too loud
She is asleep!’
S C R E A M ! !
And I whisper back
‘its alright darling
I’m here waiting..’
S H R I E K!!
I am okay now
Grace is done
Until next.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Half Cab Heel
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 30th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 136

Skate Life

Tuck and land
It gets rather tough
Turning feet into hands
Jump and fall
Asphalt and concrete aren’t pals at all
Guts and grit
Stick all four wheels or get bruised quite a bit
Cut and stained
Head clouded up from a swollen up brain
Broken wood
Skateboarding is life
But right now life’s not good!

poet Anonymous

"Lost Without Your Words"
Darling, there you
go again
your sensuality flowing!
The look in your pretty-eyes,
you know what that does to me,
how my hands are tied
to these clairvoyant miles.
I get stoked,
heated motions,
my heart,
my soul,
my body
images of you
in my mind.
Oh, please be kind,
don't stop,
continue baby.
If you only knew,
it's how
I stay alive these days,
lost in my faraway place,
I'm lonely without them,
your words.

Dark Angel
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 15th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 66

Can't you see what you have done to me?
Making me feel lonely
You have given me something that can last and destroy me
Something to kill and abuse me
To make my fears last for forever
To make me cry and sing the song that praises the night
I gave you a gift
You gave me death

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 100

 As the grievous tears streams down my shame filled face
   Feels like my battered heart is being ripped from my chest
     Nothing or no one can heal this shattered and bleeding wound
       The unspeakable, deplorable failures make me want to disappear
          I hate myself for my selfish and ignorant decisions it eats my soul

    Melancholy and miserable at the regretted mistakes that can't be taken back
      Despondent and depressed crying like the lonely weeping willow
        I have disappointed and hurt every single person I love...why?
           I chose the mind obliterating drugs and got caught in it's wicked web
             Dangerous emptiness weights me down with such poisoned, venomous guilt.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 100

mikimoondancer said:Thank's to all who have entered, great work so far

So did you get a chance to read mine yet? Let me know what you honestly think about it, your opinion would be very meaningful to me. Unless this is your competition. just let me know.

Twisted Dreamer
India 2awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 107

Hey dad please dont shout
U give me all the doubts!!
Hey grass just go green
Need to smoke u every evening..
I just love to smoke,
Then i believe no one spoke.
Desolation, condemnation,isolation sucks,
And every convention in society just fucks.
No peace in my life
It is all just dark.
Rules,in my life,contrasts-stark.

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