Forum Posts: 204
Thought Provoker
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 204
To my first boyfriend
I still love you; not romantically, not lustfully, but I consider you more a part of my family than anyone I'm actually related to.
I care about you more as well.
You have no idea how much it means to me that after all these years we're still friends.
It always blows my mind when people are surprised by that fact;
we once meant the world to each other, why should we stop caring just because we're not together anymore?
It was touch and go there for a while, we had drifted apart, and I thought you didn't care,
but then you called with hurt in your voice, and asked why we never spent time together.
I can still recite that conversation word for word; that's how happy it made me.
You have changed so very much since that first day I saw you.
In some ways you're completely unrecognizable; your responsibility and maturity being the most prominent changes.
In some ways though, you're so very much the same; the joy in your eyes when you see your sister, the goofy way you act when you're hyper,
and so many little things, that add up to you.
You know, I don't think I'll ever stop loving the boy you were, but I am so proud of the man you have become.
Forum Posts: 204
Thought Provoker
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 204
Wandering, with no path in sight
When I see you, my heart skips a beat,
but when I don't, it stops altogether,
suspended in the syrupy weight of your absence
and waiting for a reason to resume it's rhythm.
These feelings, wholly unbidden, unwanted,
occupy my every waking breath;
your name always on my lips,
in exultant joy when you are near,
or unbearable longing when you are not.
You have claimed me so completely
that I hang on your every syllable,
each one prized as a precious gift,
and I am always left yearning for more.
I find that have lost myself in you,
yet, if honesty is to be had,
I would have it no other way;
for what better a place to be lost, than in paradise?
Joined 8th July 2012
Forum Posts: 345
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 345
glad to see im not the only one who went all out on this one....
Forum Posts: 204
Thought Provoker
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 204
lol yeah, I couldn't pick which one to enter.... so I did them ALL! XD
Joined 10th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 15
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 15
Love Flow
I want to hear you say my name
Say it softly Shout it from rooftops
Whisper to the wind that you are mine and you love me
Breath to me sweet somethings
Though we both know that I am already yours
Tell the moon the story of how we met
And let the stars be witness to our love
Sunshine and Spring Rains will be our caresses
So long as the ocean sees us parted
I will have faith in you because you are my first, and I will earn your faith because I am determined to be your last
This love started flash flood fast
But we'll survive because it will temper to a consistent flow
I would see our flow of love grow
I would see it give life Renew Inspire
I would see it refresh
But most of all
I would see it last
Time only knows what will become of us
Yet still when I picture my future you're there
...I've loved you before I love you now
Love you again
I'm here for life, for lives, forever
Until the day you ask me not to be
I want to hear you say my name
Say it softly Shout it from rooftops
Whisper to the wind that you are mine and you love me
Breath to me sweet somethings
Though we both know that I am already yours
Tell the moon the story of how we met
And let the stars be witness to our love
Sunshine and Spring Rains will be our caresses
So long as the ocean sees us parted
I will have faith in you because you are my first, and I will earn your faith because I am determined to be your last
This love started flash flood fast
But we'll survive because it will temper to a consistent flow
I would see our flow of love grow
I would see it give life Renew Inspire
I would see it refresh
But most of all
I would see it last
Time only knows what will become of us
Yet still when I picture my future you're there
...I've loved you before I love you now
Love you again
I'm here for life, for lives, forever
Until the day you ask me not to be
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3005
Threaded Together.
I want to touch you to your bones
and read the memories inscribed there
stroke your heart with the tips of my fingers
kiss each layer of your soul
as it seeps into me
breathe into your lungs
the life force I hold
crawl inside every part
of your openness
soothe your hurts
and warm the cold places
Mould me to fit your shape
puzzle me together in your mind
meet me on a level beyond thought
as we reach places unreachable
where impossibles melt away
Become the flow within my veins
travel every part of me
know my pulse as you enter me
stay until I am part of you
feed me the life within you
as I feel it enter my very core
I want your DNA inside and out
so you seep from my weeping pores
deep enough for me to taste you
Braid our spines in love spoon fashion
hanging together on the wall of lovers
Threaded together no matter how far apart.

They were not designed to fit, you know
the scattered, restless pieces
where the fingers stop
and hands begin
Naked is the skin
that begs to be eaten
by the gilded malace
of sharpened instruments
With one glove off
I can feel the sting
as it rithes and festers
before numbess sets in
My panacea will come
and with it time
but I want not time
if time debilitates
I'd prefer the sea
of quiet moans and blue
to the lengthy ghosts of unanswered calls
where once gave chase
an unrequited love
They were not designed to fit, you know
the scattered, restless pieces
where the fingers stop
and hands begin
Naked is the skin
that begs to be eaten
by the gilded malace
of sharpened instruments
With one glove off
I can feel the sting
as it rithes and festers
before numbess sets in
My panacea will come
and with it time
but I want not time
if time debilitates
I'd prefer the sea
of quiet moans and blue
to the lengthy ghosts of unanswered calls
where once gave chase
an unrequited love

Missing Piece
Let me feel you inside the depths of me
Be my warm breath in damp isolation
Follow me as a shadow in the setting sun
Play as the melody in my favorite love song
Gift me the presence of your company
I need you as my anchor to keep me still
I require your words where I have none
Fill the chair that sits empty without you
I am deprived of the pleasures
life bestows for I am alone
in this box of silent musings
that needs a definitive purpose
as loneliness makes for a poor companion
that I long ago was introduced to
by your leaving
Come back to me
and let me forget
this side of a heartless world
that cannot be without
your presence
for I miss you
Let me feel you inside the depths of me
Be my warm breath in damp isolation
Follow me as a shadow in the setting sun
Play as the melody in my favorite love song
Gift me the presence of your company
I need you as my anchor to keep me still
I require your words where I have none
Fill the chair that sits empty without you
I am deprived of the pleasures
life bestows for I am alone
in this box of silent musings
that needs a definitive purpose
as loneliness makes for a poor companion
that I long ago was introduced to
by your leaving
Come back to me
and let me forget
this side of a heartless world
that cannot be without
your presence
for I miss you

Last night on the eve of my sanity
you reached into my trembling soul
with your purely woven monologues
soft caresses and warm embraces
Where before I was bound
to a tumultuous past
your careful deliverance undid me
returning me to myself
In the moments that followed
your reach pierced my guard
broke past the walls I had so diligently built
and by your grace I felt light again
Last night on the eve of my sanity
you reached into my trembling soul
with your purely woven monologues
soft caresses and warm embraces
Where before I was bound
to a tumultuous past
your careful deliverance undid me
returning me to myself
In the moments that followed
your reach pierced my guard
broke past the walls I had so diligently built
and by your grace I felt light again
Joined 15th May 2012
Forum Posts: 161
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 161
I want to watch, you
I want to watch you sleeping
It probably won't happen
Considering I was your fling
But did you ever stop to think
Maybe he'll fall in love
That he will want to holds me tight
Well let me tell you
I want to watch you sleeping
It probably won't happen
I want to watch you, sleeping
I want to sleep with you
I want to mend your wounds
I want to be consumed completely by you
to be so needed and important
But unnoticed
To be the sure that fills your lungs
That fire that warms you
I need you
But do you need me
I want to watch you sleeping
It probably won't happen
Considering I was your fling
But did you ever stop to think
Maybe he'll fall in love
That he will want to holds me tight
Well let me tell you
I want to watch you sleeping
It probably won't happen
I want to watch you, sleeping
I want to sleep with you
I want to mend your wounds
I want to be consumed completely by you
to be so needed and important
But unnoticed
To be the sure that fills your lungs
That fire that warms you
I need you
But do you need me
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 3
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 3
I gushed and gave
Homing her with wonder of why I hurt so heavily
Synergistic savior
Radiantly radial
A dainty daisy
Smoothed my palm gingerly
Prying it to relax and endure an expanse
Strewn tools and mementos mixed
Blades of grass gravitated with gusts
Consuming them many mystic strides away from my crossed legs that linked with hers
Only the sun was worthy of clothing pride perpetrators
Leaves licked loose arches as she candied her candor
Claiming daunting analogical clouds the source of such suffering
Ones that I compulsively called for atop those treeless towers as rain ran into that vice of a vision as I screamed until my throat threatened drying save the blood that clogged it
Marrying that storm
Marring that potential with personal poison
Rage coursing until veins lost levy
Leaping from limbs
Limiting leisure
Teeth grinding until the chalk that was me choked me
Lightning lingered until my livid lips pressed to your floral face
Frustration flacks this meadow mating
I wear pelts of those punitive predators to armor myself from more agony
I sleep alone with varying locality to shove another slice of space between my resting body and your sly silhouette
I still clamp my fist until neglected nails nestle under crescent breaks in these calluses
The way you gaze into me
“Hold hesitations for the humored” you retort
After I let my tongue loose to lash and taint what we were sharing
To send you galloping and hating
You nuzzle the soft blades of your shoulders into my heaving chest
Lacing my lips with a longitudinal finger
Patiently anticipating a hurried heart to adapt an adagio answer
Subduing those knives that nicked lungs each gasp
Building those broken breaths until ours synchronized
Where you then smiled and I found those butterflies I assumed lost
Homing her with wonder of why I hurt so heavily
Synergistic savior
Radiantly radial
A dainty daisy
Smoothed my palm gingerly
Prying it to relax and endure an expanse
Strewn tools and mementos mixed
Blades of grass gravitated with gusts
Consuming them many mystic strides away from my crossed legs that linked with hers
Only the sun was worthy of clothing pride perpetrators
Leaves licked loose arches as she candied her candor
Claiming daunting analogical clouds the source of such suffering
Ones that I compulsively called for atop those treeless towers as rain ran into that vice of a vision as I screamed until my throat threatened drying save the blood that clogged it
Marrying that storm
Marring that potential with personal poison
Rage coursing until veins lost levy
Leaping from limbs
Limiting leisure
Teeth grinding until the chalk that was me choked me
Lightning lingered until my livid lips pressed to your floral face
Frustration flacks this meadow mating
I wear pelts of those punitive predators to armor myself from more agony
I sleep alone with varying locality to shove another slice of space between my resting body and your sly silhouette
I still clamp my fist until neglected nails nestle under crescent breaks in these calluses
The way you gaze into me
“Hold hesitations for the humored” you retort
After I let my tongue loose to lash and taint what we were sharing
To send you galloping and hating
You nuzzle the soft blades of your shoulders into my heaving chest
Lacing my lips with a longitudinal finger
Patiently anticipating a hurried heart to adapt an adagio answer
Subduing those knives that nicked lungs each gasp
Building those broken breaths until ours synchronized
Where you then smiled and I found those butterflies I assumed lost
Joined 17th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 9
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 9
You are my one
my only one
my one regret
I have few
and you are one
The one that hurts me most
I let you get away
Although I shouldn't have
I let you walk
right out of my life
and that hurt me most
Even though I'm now married
as well as you
most days I wonder
what could have been
what should have been
what would our life look like now
I still think of you
I hope you still think you me
what we had was magic
from the moment we met
we did thing we should not have
but love is love
and the heart wants, what it wants
we made love
I'm not saying we fucked
or had sex
it was making love
I loved you
and you loved me
Although we were scared
of what our friends would think
most of them knew
I had a girlfriend
you had a best friend
both were one in the same
she didn't know
I didn't mean to hurt her
but that's another regret
for that hurt I'm sorry
I still think of you
do you still think of me
I still love you
I always will
but it's a love
I will always keep in my heart
I'm told people say
"all good things must come to an end"
I still love you
I always will
I will always keep this one regret
most memories will fade
but yours will always be
in your spot deep with in my heart.
You are my one
my only one
my one regret
I have few
and you are one
The one that hurts me most
I let you get away
Although I shouldn't have
I let you walk
right out of my life
and that hurt me most
Even though I'm now married
as well as you
most days I wonder
what could have been
what should have been
what would our life look like now
I still think of you
I hope you still think you me
what we had was magic
from the moment we met
we did thing we should not have
but love is love
and the heart wants, what it wants
we made love
I'm not saying we fucked
or had sex
it was making love
I loved you
and you loved me
Although we were scared
of what our friends would think
most of them knew
I had a girlfriend
you had a best friend
both were one in the same
she didn't know
I didn't mean to hurt her
but that's another regret
for that hurt I'm sorry
I still think of you
do you still think of me
I still love you
I always will
but it's a love
I will always keep in my heart
I'm told people say
"all good things must come to an end"
I still love you
I always will
I will always keep this one regret
most memories will fade
but yours will always be
in your spot deep with in my heart.
Joined 6th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 103
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 103
Bombs of Love
She's out there somewhere
I've just not seen her as yet
And I might never have that glorious moment
But she's there
All the same, She's there
I can write sonnets daily
poems of devotion
of how things might be brighter
Flying to her computer screen
and dropping my bombs of love
Do they uplift her?
Do they make her smile in secret?
Are her silent prayers to save us being answered?
Or do they tease and torment
Is she praying for the bombs to just go away
To stop destroying the fabric of her mind
Is she asking for peace?
Unfortunately I can't say how she feels
So my poems will continue
In the hope she feels the same
In some small way
She's out there somewhere
I've just not seen her as yet
And I might never have that glorious moment
But she's there
All the same, She's there
I can write sonnets daily
poems of devotion
of how things might be brighter
Flying to her computer screen
and dropping my bombs of love
Do they uplift her?
Do they make her smile in secret?
Are her silent prayers to save us being answered?
Or do they tease and torment
Is she praying for the bombs to just go away
To stop destroying the fabric of her mind
Is she asking for peace?
Unfortunately I can't say how she feels
So my poems will continue
In the hope she feels the same
In some small way
Joined 29th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 8
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 8
for the love of a mother , her hands maybe full her chores never done but her heart is never closed is open to everyone, she adores her children and loves her man, for this women is gods chosen one
Joined 29th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 8
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 8
Enough to do anything for you
give my life, my love, my heart,
and my soul to you and for you.
Enough to willingly give all of my time,
efforts, thoughts, talents,
trust, and prayers to you.
Enough to want to protect you,
care for you, guide you, hold you,
comfort you, listen to you,
and cry to you and with you.
Enough to be completely comfortable
with you, act silly around you,
never have to hide anything from you,
and be myself with you...
I love you enough to share all of my sentiments,
dreams, goals, fears, hopes, and worries
my entire life with you.
Enough to want the best for you,
to wish for your successes,
and to hope for the fulfilments of all your endeavours.
Enough to keep my promises to you
and pledge my loyalty and
faithfulness to you.
Enough to cherish your friendship,
adore your personality, respect
your values, and see you for who you are.
I love you enough to fight for you,
compromise for you, and sacrifice
myself for you if need be.
Enough to miss you incredibly when
we're apart, no matter what length
of time it's for and regardless of the distance.
Enough to believe in our relationship,
to stand by it through the worst
of times,
to have faith in our strength as a couple,
and to never give up on us.
Enough to spend the rest of my life with you
be there for you when you need or want me,
and never, ever want to leave you or live without you.
I love you this much.
give my life, my love, my heart,
and my soul to you and for you.
Enough to willingly give all of my time,
efforts, thoughts, talents,
trust, and prayers to you.
Enough to want to protect you,
care for you, guide you, hold you,
comfort you, listen to you,
and cry to you and with you.
Enough to be completely comfortable
with you, act silly around you,
never have to hide anything from you,
and be myself with you...
I love you enough to share all of my sentiments,
dreams, goals, fears, hopes, and worries
my entire life with you.
Enough to want the best for you,
to wish for your successes,
and to hope for the fulfilments of all your endeavours.
Enough to keep my promises to you
and pledge my loyalty and
faithfulness to you.
Enough to cherish your friendship,
adore your personality, respect
your values, and see you for who you are.
I love you enough to fight for you,
compromise for you, and sacrifice
myself for you if need be.
Enough to miss you incredibly when
we're apart, no matter what length
of time it's for and regardless of the distance.
Enough to believe in our relationship,
to stand by it through the worst
of times,
to have faith in our strength as a couple,
and to never give up on us.
Enough to spend the rest of my life with you
be there for you when you need or want me,
and never, ever want to leave you or live without you.
I love you this much.