Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd December 2012 11:33pm
View Profile Poems by ElrondSirfalas

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Katelyn Michelle
Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 25th May 2012
Forum Posts: 43

Poetry Contest

Write about your deepest darkest fears, the one's you typically don't tell others about.
No collabs, but other than that, it's free reign..
Vivid descriptions, ones that will convince me to be afraid too, would be awesome.:]

Genesis Sutcliff
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 4th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 70


Go ahead and laugh,
At one of my darkest phobias.

Those crawling creatures,
Thick and slimy.
At the very thought,
My stomach winces,
And my eyes dart.

Just thinking of their appearance,
I turn paranoid,
Inside the apple?
Behind me?
On my hand?
My back?!

Sneaky bastards,
Eating away everything.
Their squirming bodies,
Twisting and disgusting.

You cant bat them off your shirt,
They'll just stick to your hand,
And start crawling on you,
Looking at you,
With their hideous faces.

The thought of stepping on them,
Heaves my stomach.
The squish of their bodies,
As their innards spew out of them.

Any sight of them,
And my mind sets to hysteria.
You can hardly notice them,
Their camouflage cloaking them.

Not to mention,
Some are toxic,
While others secrete noxious gasses.
My biggest fear.
My main phobia.


Katelyn Michelle
Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 25th May 2012
Forum Posts: 43

I'm not gonna lie...that's really adorable :] sorry..haha

I can see how they're scary though, nice job

Thought Provoker
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 204


she slipped into my thoughts, when I wasn't looking
and nestled in amongst my fears
now her whispers echo, as I try to sleep
and during midnight hours she pries my mind awake
the figure in the corner, I try to ignore her
and my traitorous eyes refuse to wander
she moves malicious, grotesquely, teeth gleaming in hate
and takes an unseen step toward me
the heat of her breath, warming my cheek
and if I inhale I'll take her in
this apparition strokes my flesh, greedy, hungry for pain
and a scream rises inside me as I feel her
weight settles on my hips, putrid breath on my lips
and hard harsh fingers push and ply
my weak and trembling arms, trapped in iron grasp
and helplessly and silent I cry
she leaves my discarded shell, naked, unmoving
and empty eyes staring into nothingness

crude bruises in the morning, wrists, thighs
and still my room awaits another sleepless night

(As an aside, Genesis, you did a great job with 'Caterpillars'; I've never before found them creepy in the least, but after reading that, I think if I came across one I'd give it a wide berth!)

Golden Bird
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 6th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 119

With your dark eyes and cruel expression,
Feeding me lies slowly,
Who have no proof for anything,
Another random person on the Internet,
A possible stalker outside my window,
That hunter out in the forest coming for me next.

I'm all talk and flirt,
Being bitchy and a big fat jerk,
But on the inside I'm weak,
Am I lying?
You don't know.
Are you really eighteen,
Or are you only twelve?
There is no way of knowing,
We have no way to tell,
Maybe your truthful, maybe I am too,
But inside I fear the reader,
The one who read these words,
Someone I know perhaps,
But mostly strangers,
So who do I fear?

Fire of Insight
Canada 2awards
Joined 18th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 397

Loathing Fetish

Another awe-filled sky that I will surely miss
With my sight fixed on dirt and the end of my bliss
I recount the hours of one gleaming stare
She had foreseen my fate of imminent despair
call it woman's tuition or her knowledge of mind
Or did she merely glance upon my human design?

I never once thought that I was sending such signals
Am I really as bland as the blind man's tribunal?
I'm either dying for love, or Loathing to Live
Deprived of the comfort that only a mistress could give

Colourless smoke as one would see fit
The stomach of guilt becomes ever so thick
A smile subsides, so why question it?
This desolation of will being laid brick by Brick
Like an innocent child that knew nothing of fear
Painting masks on souls which I once held so dear

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

I fear many things,
Some, dear katie, you know.
But at the tippy top of the list,
Lies one blanketed in snow.

When it unfurled its wings,
I tried my best to fight it off,
But in its tretcherous misery,
Is where I got caught.

It brought the rest of them to life,
Started up the nightnare machine.
Where I'm crowded, I'm stuck,
As the the dead walk through the streets.

Finally it ended,
Went out with a bang.
Her bullet, her gun..
She let my head hang.

poet Anonymous

“Alive from Death”
Daily, I catch glimpses of a dark shadow
constantly following me, everywhere I go.
I get spinal shivers, cold winds rankle me
as the plot thickens against me, the cloaked one
has a great desire for my soul.
Its hollow eyes follow me in perpetual motion,
I am sickened by the holes it burns right through me.
My skin melts, my marrow boils at the thought of
losing myself to such a greedy evil character.
Tempted to run a red light to shake it loose
from the noose around my neck it holds tightly.
Holy Crap, that’s a deceptive trap!
Just passed a six-car pileup, one had exploded,
went up in a fireball, the passengers didn’t make it.
Maybe, I need a smoke to ease the anxiety,
create some hypertension, calm me down a bit.
Holy Shit, I could have a heart attack!
I want to stay, to live another day, to play again.
Guess, it’s my fear that
keeps me
alive from death,
who still wants me,
I fear.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 19th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 8


so dark and cold
no words told
you are there again
when you were beaten
from the inside out
you scream and shout
hoping that you are with someone who knows
on your face it shows
you are there
and you feel hopeless at first
then suddenly a burst
you remember that God love you
He is your but of few
you kneel to pray make it go away
and as soon as it came
it's gone.

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 21st Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 983

That thing people usually wish for:

I sit amongst my friends, who laugh
and joke about how I am still single
while they all are 'madly in love'
with their 'soul mate'.

Sorry, maybe I'm a bit cruel minded,
but I don't think love ever lasts.

Hell, divorce is proof enough with
how high the statistic is, and sure
enough after I thought that one of
my friends got dumped.

I watched her with the world crumbled
at her feet.

No sympathy, because I fear what all
should fear, in my opinion.

It's so wonderful, but it's risky
and hurtful and deceitful.

Love is a cruel game that I have no
interest in playing with any person
who thinks they can invade my mind
and emotions.

Vulnerability is not worth the fleeting
moment of joy when someone says words
that are as frequently thrown around as
the word 'girl' or 'boy'.

I understand my fear and I'd rather fear
something rational, than sit around every day
squealing about my fear of spiders.

Twisted Dreamer
Australia 1awards
Joined 26th July 2012
Forum Posts: 52

the clown

im being watched,
it cars me.
the make up,
the red mouth,
the big red nose,
the pale white face.
they all scare me.
they lurk in the shadows,
inside and outside.

everywhere i look,
i see one.
at a circus,
in movies..

it all started,
in year 3.
i went to the circus,
i was called up to help..
the cown stared at me,
he said this won't hurt.

he grabbed me,
through me into the air.
i was screaming,
i ran out,
he chased me.
once hed caught me,
he slapped me,
across the face.
he said,
if i told anyone,
hed come after me..

to this day,
everywhere i go ,
i can see his clown face..

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 1st Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 241

You who now lay safely dead live forever in my head,
I wake up shouting in the dark sweat soaked with memories clear and stark,
Confronted on that jungle track you stood transfixed just staring back,
Eyes like saucers plain to see you were terrified just like me,
You were barely seventeen, all your comrades dead or fled,

We stood there filled with mutual dread.

I point at your rifle “Dallam” I scream but you don’t put it down, and cling to it as in a dream,
For god’s sake drop it, you know the rule, don’t just stand there bloody fool!
You move at last but far too fast and straight at you I fire a blast,
I hit you squarely in the gut, as you were handing me your rifle butt!

You lie writhing on the jungle floor your young life soon to be no more.
Before you go you stare at me, accusingly,
The unasked question in your eye, why?
“Emah. Emah” you call your mother, but she can’t help you little brother,
Oh Jesus Christ! What have I done? You were handing me your gun!
It doesn’t matter comrades said just another of the bastards dead.

I shake it off with the ease of youth but deep inside I know the truth,
What I did was just not right and so you haunt me in the night.
Yes, you who now lay safely dead will live forever in my head.

Damn you!

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 13th Feb 2011
Forum Posts: 2523

I heard that sneezing and farting at the same time is a good reason to be fearful.


Anyways.. I'll try not to write 'bout that.

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 29th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 154

strider -------love your happy picture and writing of course.x karen (pip)

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 29th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 154


i watched her with the the world
crumbled at her feet..

bought back memories, enjoyed your poem. Karen (pip)

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