Poetry competition CLOSED 14th November 2012 11:22pm
cjmshadow (Poetic Joker)
View Profile Poems by cjmshadow

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Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

Poetry Contest

See below--
Write about something you desperately  wish you could undo, take back, or change.
You know me, no rules..
Go at it..

poet Anonymous

oh why couldent i have the winning breed
i wish id never said i hated you
i love you like a brother and cant live without
now you sayin we done no bro it cant be
weve come so far and now its over
bro i miss you come back but you woulnt answer its over
if olny i could undo that comment

Golden Bird
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 6th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 119

I wish my life to be undone,
Mistakes I've made,
There's no light in my sun,
Give me a blank page,
And maybe this time,
I'll write neatly and keep in clean,
Instead of blood streaked,
Hasty and scribbled,
So many things I've said,
So many things I've done wrong,
Lives I've ruined,
I wish to undo it all.

All those hearts I've broken,
The dreams I've crushed,
Secrets I've whispered,
Lies I've told,
So many things cost heavy wait upon my soul,
So many things I knew were wrong,
I wish to undo it all.

I went too far and taking one thing back,
Wouldn't touch the papers here that stack,
High and high they climb,
Crumbled and burned words,
Wrinkled used to be dainty letters,
Too much done wrong,
I want to start it all over,
I want to undo it all.

Time machines are a waste of space,
Too many things that just can't be fixed,
I could start from the time I lived,
But fixing the things done wrong,
Would take six times longer to sift,
Changes so easier said than done,
I wish to undo it all.

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

Two really great poems, excellent. (:
Thanks for entering!

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2026

Shit, I live life
In a no regret way
For if I changed the past
I'd change today

I'd take back
Every ounce I could
Of pain I've caused
That I misunderstood

I can't take it back
So I don't look at the past
I live for the now
before the present bites me in the ass

Golden Bird
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 6th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 119

firedaughter said:Two really great poems, excellent. (:
Thanks for entering!

thanks. no prob ;)

poet Anonymous

“Broken Laces”
Wished my shoes had been
untied that violent day.
Sadly, I needed them to walk across
the broken glass you placed in my path.
I knocked you on your ass,
the teeth and blood flew on the floor,
I walked out the back door,
it hurt you to your very core.
Looking at five to ten with no chance of parole.
I can’t blame you, I put myself in this dark hole-
one I cannot undo, even if you wanted me to.

This is a fictitious poem.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 29th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 47

If only I could undo
The day those words
Were carved into my ankle.

My mom woulndn't
Have had a reason
Not to trust me.

My ex and I
Might still be together
To have celebrated a year.

My dad might still
Look at me
Without fear in his eyes

My sister might not
Judge me so harshly
As the "problem child".

Because I wouldn't be.

I'd still be me.

I'd still be


Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 15th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 10


I should have let doubt push through that day
Could have listened to my gut
Stopped the wheels we had in motion
Withheld from saying "i do" to you

Instead now I have gone to far
Built a strong wall clear in front of me
With bricks made of years and children
Left feeling foolish and naive
Bound by invisible rope I cannot unfasten
Locked in by premature actions
The key for this undoing discarded long ago

Not quite sure why I did not see the signs
So clearly dripping with unhappiness
Now every night I rest my head
In this nest packed with my twigs of regret

poet Anonymous

No Different

I am made fallible by my own speech
I opened my mouth and I defined myself
One minute I'm absolute
The next I am transparent

Where before I was separate
Now I join the masses
Becoming one of them
The greedy, the selfish, the hypocrites
Those who fit the mold
Rather than break it

I no longer impress
With my true colors expressed
In one instance progress is dismantled
As a wall is constructed
Where trust once flourished
There are no words to undo
The destruction that has ensued

I'll save my breath in hopes that silence heals
Because my speech is the shovel
By which this hole has been dug
What to fill it with now but regret
Since appologies don't work
And my words are as good as dirt

I will live with this self-induced eruption
While coming to terms with my own corrpution
Bidding farewell to perfection
And praying that I learn from this lesson

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

I would never
have not done
the tandem leap
into the volcano


we should not have pretended
to know

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 108

All out of band-aids

When a hurricane strikes  
Lives lost, homes destroyed  
No schools, no supplies store  
Hospitals packed with others worse off than you  
but it doesn't feel like that,  
Who else lost everything?  
The HOME where I share memories  
Of..the hole in the wall,  
When I fell off my bike at the age of 9 and cut my knee,  
What about the the laundry room door where my mom wrote my height through the years,  
All my journals, art work, and photos  
Now I'm in a packed rescue center, over filled with strangers, families sleeping just feet away  
This isn't my home  
My school is gone, opened up, exposed, in ruins  
Every place that I have ever known.. gone  
I want food, water, my own clothes  
I want one more day to be alone in my room  
Me and my family are just one of the many  
It's hard to believe one day I had a place  
And today I don't know where I belong  
The hospital said that we aren't a serious case  
We have to wait, others have limbs missing  
Others are worst off?  
...What if there are no more band-aids?  

alon aLion
Dangerous Mind
San Marino 10awards
Joined 1st June 2012
Forum Posts: 348

"it aint over til its over"
Bullshit Yogi Berra!
it was OVER
before it even begain
the older
ya get
the motion gets slower
you actually
watch yourself
perform the act
you wanna forget
even before
there`s somethin
to remember

...and my BIG F`in mistep
will for Decades
have me in Financial Forceps
a pathetic schlepp
to one system inept
pouring every earned cent
into another
ever expanding debt
that will still be there
after death
I got my hands
over my eyes
is the horror
over yet?

there I was
at the closing
just a moments notice
from escaping the hosing
I`d get
if the sellers had their way
there isnt one damn inch
of this property
that didnt need first aid
and Bob Villa
I aint
my Wife,
my Folks,
even my kid,
ganged up on me
trying to persuade
me to make the worse
Damn Decision
I`ll EVER make

my stomach quaked
I trust my gut
and it was Screaming
for me to make a clean break
from the foot thick
pile of documents
put before me
poison on a plate

and fate
has decided
I am NOT a Man
of THIS rigged mortgage game
In THIS Time
THIS Place
at THIS AGE...

my digestive tract

but I sat
and signed
devil devised

in triplicate

an american dream
a money-armpit
even BeFORE
the market crashed
our plans
now ash
wait every two weeks
to make enough cash
pay all the bills
leave over enough scratch
for a little eggs and hash
TOTALLY Strapped
its like
wallstreet demons
took axe
to our marriage

I`m eternally
tryin to forget
what, in the first place
I never
wanted to remember
we are Romantically
just waitin`
for someone
to finally yell

Strange Creature
Joined 14th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1

Answer... to whom?
Text, call, e-mail, twit/twat, IM, letter...which one?
Undone is me.
I am now butter in my generation pulled between work and responsibility is my obligation and goal apparently.
Every day I take back myself in fear of loosing it!
Do I have glossy eyes of the lost?
Do we really have freedom?
Do we have as much time to enjoy anymore?
I feel the undone, I am loosing the magic.
I fear of loosing myself to this society and its liberal sobriety.
Concerning with trifles is not my concern is the underlining they want.
What a fallacy to my reality.

Strange Creature
United Kingdom
Joined 14th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 8

Recognition of one's faults isn't something that comes naturally to all, but this time?
Oh, how everyone knew. Everyone who ever saw you, your eyes suddenly bigger than ever before
and a face that could not have been distinguished from raw meats.
A slip, a stutter, a thousand lies.
And it wasn't just you that this crippled: you broke the legs of everyone else stood with you.

So sorry, for that time
when the lines just didn't stick
And yes they saw and yes they knew
That that was but a simple trick
A 'nay' here
A 'yea' there
And we were the ultimate best
But everyone else, who stared you down
They knew the bloody rest.

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