Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd November 2012 3:34am
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Party Poison
Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 30th July 2012
Forum Posts: 226

This is gonna be hard to judge...good job everyone

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 30th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 17

I can never understand
why people fear,
when others would gladly
pull him near.

Death is a part of life.
A beginning and an end.
And death is just a rule
that you cannot bend.

I will welcome him with open arms,
for he will bring me rest.
I will let the darkness engulf me,
for life was only a test.

A test that I have passed,
by accepting what I can't change.
A test that's over now,
for it's time to rearrange.

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

"Death Begins at Conception"

Conjoined in the swirling lather of smeg
Most die soon after the joy of the lay
Blueprints infused between sperm and egg
Clean slates or copies, who is to say?
Sentence declared at birth
Value determined, justice delayed
Dying begins for what it's worth
Until judgement declares all taxes are paid
Death opens a doorway
Revealing a seductive escape route
Shackles freely fallen away
Faith fades along with confident doubt


Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4409


                              < death >
                        my dad
                        has no one to speak to
                        death is that way
                        for all of us
                        though we cannot admit it now
                        (even though we say we can)

                        all of us

                        will finally

                        have no one to speak to
                                - - -

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 26th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 25

The sudden terror that turns to bliss

Anna Tray
Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 17th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 63

Is a fate no one can escape
It will bring us all down
For there is no such thing as immortality
Only mortality

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 30th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 15

The Great Unknown

Souls wander aimlessly
through fields of grey and ash,
unable there to separate
the future from the past,
wondering in agony,
so many seeds unsown
all vanish in
the great unknown.

A pirate vessel
on an endless sea
of dark mists rarely broken
by moon or star
and never sun.
in undiscovered waters
sometime drifting,
sometime blown,
always lost-
tattered sails all twisting towards
the great unknown.

A tunnel to a cave,
a pool within a cavern,
luminescent lichens,
stalactites dripping,
drifting echoes,
ghosts whispering,
down into
the bowels of earth
never a seed has grown
ever deeper
inward as the tomb
a birthing womb
the great unknown.

Strange Creature
Joined 31st Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 1

Who we are has nothing to do with our chemical makeup. We are what we’ve experienced when we weren’t alone. We are not ourselves without each other. From losing the closest friend—my ears when my mouth was busy, my mouth when my ears didn’t have the capacity to absorb anything—I gathered that I would never again be my whole self. That’s why my knees grew weak when I heard the news, why my heart is heavy as I give these gentle words a permanent home. A piece of my heart, a morsel of my brain, my thoughts, was missing and every necessary function that should happen couldn’t, because I lost a part of me. I will never be whole. A weakening of the tissues in my heart, the aching of a frozen winter night in my bones, an exhausted heat in the pit of my stomach; the weakening of my fingers to write these words. We are the people who make us feel noticed. We are the people who cause laughter at happiness’ grave, and we are the hands clutched together as our tears race each other to the floor. We are that conversation with your best friend when you felt, for once, that you deserved to be here. We are that moment when you look them in the eyes and you both grin, knowing all of this shit will eventually become only delicate memories.

poet Anonymous

"Unknown Death"
Who really knows death personally-
you, me, the people next door,
or, the rotting corpses actually six feet under?
I ponder the deep mysteries of heaven and hell and  
wonder where we all go when we give up the ghost.
We can all talk smack, but once you’re whacked,
that’s it, you’re not coming back, alive anyways.
Courage is in such short supply these days,
I’d bet if you sat across the table from Mr. Death,
you’d make up some ridiculous fable to tell him,
try to trick him with your lack of wisdom,
ball your beady little eyes out of socket,
then run like hell, fast as a rocket,
like a townie to the next County.
Though we tempt fate, Death’s cousin,
nobody really wants to die.
I haven’t met a person yet who’s seen
the mystical bright light and come
back around to talk about it.
Out-of-body experiences don’t qualify.
‘Cause you’re still flying,
not really dead,
maybe, crazy in the head,
enjoying another dimension
far away from this Earth Station.
I don’t take death lightly, but,
until I kiss it, I would rather
enjoy this life politely, and
not disturb the karmic forces that
can take me ahead of my time.
After all, the dead are dead,
transported elsewhere,
not here.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 16awards
Joined 12th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 93

I don't quite think I'll wake up today
Maybe tommorow, when the pain isn't quite so stifling
It's a little claustrophobic lately
Caged in with all of your scarlet memories
I consider sending an SOS code
Via heart beat
But I don't want to leave you yet
No blank expressions are present here
Falling into the warm contours
And irregular angles
Of your real, living, breathing body
Maybe if I stay in my comatose sleep
A little while longer
I'll be able to convince myself of its reality
Why didn't you take me with you?
Maybe I wanted a taste of candy floss clouds
Maybe I couldn't live without you here
Maybe I wont
We were supposed to have forever and a day
I haven't seen days yet
Everything is swallowed by the black
You took it all with you honey
All the feeling of light weight summertime kisses
And warm midnight fires
Now I'm cold, not knowing where to turn
I look down and realised I am soaked
In all my loss induced misery
I thought you loved me more than this
Oh God, Oh God, why didn't you take me?
I don't think I'll wake up today
Or tommorow

poet Anonymous

-Final Destionation-

they know death as much not
death the meer words make us shiver
we fumble through life hopeing to cheat it
death comes often without warning
much like rape, robbiers and dissasters
death leaves its mark on you one way or another
some of us do it to ourselfs
others are silenced to death by the hand of someone else
many by sickness or age
but dont fret little one
death is not all bad
death ends all the pain and agony
death is everyones final destionation

poet Anonymous

my entry

poet Anonymous

iwannadiekillmenow said:i hope i win i want it more than anything right now <3 hugs for everyone!

I'll give you the award for pretentious tactics and ass kissing?

Twisted Dreamer
Australia 1awards
Joined 26th July 2012
Forum Posts: 52


Oh hello death,
is it time.
ok let me say one last goodbye.
so mum, dad, my brother nd sister.
i know the real truth..
the ug;y truth.
the way you never loved me..
i was your first born mum,
and yet i was treated as a slave..
i know what your thining..
yaaay shes gne..
well guess what,
my spirit is surely alive.
and im ready to get revenge..

oh hello death.
is it time,
ok let me say one last gooedbye..
my dearest friends.
i love you all.
we went to hell and back.
i now will surely miss it all.
my spirit will still be around.
ill come say g'day
ill miss yas all,
but you new this day was on its way..

oh hello death.
is it time?
ok let me say on last goodbye.
baby boy.
i love you the most..
you were the light in my life..
im sorry this day had to come..
i know how much you will miss me.
i know how much you cared..
I LOVE YOU and i always have..

death thankyou for comeing here.
on this fine sunday evening..
i did call you..
i know it was time..
i knew that life wasnt for me.
so where to now?

Silvja Weiss
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 31st Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 16

The coniferous epitaph

I never could figure out
How something so beautiful
Could be so destructive.
Like a lone ancient conifer
Stranded on a leafy trail
She stood,
And to the look
Seemed increasingly fragil
Yet so strong,
On a different climate than unique,
but perhaps special,
In her contrast
To the never ending expansion of leaves
That were born to merely grow
And die.
Although unable to reap what she had sewn,
She planted her seeds
Of the things we'd come to love the most about ourselves
And the qualities in her
That we would come to miss
Down this narrow path.
Unapologetically, however unfortunate,
I must admit
That along my travel to the junction,
Ahead from this fateful wrong turn,
I did find myself tripping
Over the roots
That canchored the earth beneath
My feet.
This tree
Had a labrynth that ran
Like veins,
And chaotic,
For leagues longer than any instrument,
Manufactured or otherwise
Could measure.
i will miss this tree,
For i watched it fall,
And as i walked away
I knew that despite the crowds
That potruded
From the elms around me
Spreading their cotton and wildfire,
I was the only one who heard her
Not get back up.

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