If your mind was a room, what would be in it?
Joined 1st Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 38
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 38
It took me longer than expected, but here's an example of what could be submitted. This is one I wrote with the topic in mind.
The Room
I sit quietly in the corner
of this darkened room.
The room is special,
the room is hidden.
Only those dedicated can
penetrate the solid steel doors
and break the bars on the windows.
A light in the far corner
flickers on and I look up to gaze
around the small space.
I stand and slowly walk to
the window and peer through the bars.
The room begins to shrink...
Stepping over broken mirrors
I take in my surroundings.
Piles of blank papers and piles
of papers with neatly written words
and carefully drawn pictures
are strewn about.
I caress the little, black book
that holds the most dangerous secrets.
Knives and blades lay neatly
tucked away in metal boxes under the bed.
I dare not venture there
unless under dire emergency.
I gingerly touch the aquamarine
stone lying flat against my bare chest
as I make my way forward.
A white dress, tattered and torn
and dripping with blood and venom,
hangs in the small closet.
Trapped deep in the recesses of the closet
hides a monster.
I venture no farther for fear of waking
the beast for he will take control and
destroy everything in his path.
Crawling out of the closet
I gaze at the four walls that enclose me.
Burned into one of the walls is a
giant letter A.
The wall seethes with anger.
It cries, remembering awful mistakes
that have been made.
I press my hand against it to feel
the heat that radiates from its core.
Turning around again,
I glance at the other three walls
where a rainbow spreads across the entire area.
When I finally look back to the door,
I notice it has been forced open
and a man dressed in white strides swiftly
over to where I stand.
He grabs my arms and holds me still as
I scream and a woman, also in white,
follows behind and shoves
blue pills and white pills and yellow pills
down my throat.
As they leave, locking the door behind,
I fall to the floor and weep.
I catch a glimpse of the monster
before he fades away
and everything turns to black.
The Room
I sit quietly in the corner
of this darkened room.
The room is special,
the room is hidden.
Only those dedicated can
penetrate the solid steel doors
and break the bars on the windows.
A light in the far corner
flickers on and I look up to gaze
around the small space.
I stand and slowly walk to
the window and peer through the bars.
The room begins to shrink...
Stepping over broken mirrors
I take in my surroundings.
Piles of blank papers and piles
of papers with neatly written words
and carefully drawn pictures
are strewn about.
I caress the little, black book
that holds the most dangerous secrets.
Knives and blades lay neatly
tucked away in metal boxes under the bed.
I dare not venture there
unless under dire emergency.
I gingerly touch the aquamarine
stone lying flat against my bare chest
as I make my way forward.
A white dress, tattered and torn
and dripping with blood and venom,
hangs in the small closet.
Trapped deep in the recesses of the closet
hides a monster.
I venture no farther for fear of waking
the beast for he will take control and
destroy everything in his path.
Crawling out of the closet
I gaze at the four walls that enclose me.
Burned into one of the walls is a
giant letter A.
The wall seethes with anger.
It cries, remembering awful mistakes
that have been made.
I press my hand against it to feel
the heat that radiates from its core.
Turning around again,
I glance at the other three walls
where a rainbow spreads across the entire area.
When I finally look back to the door,
I notice it has been forced open
and a man dressed in white strides swiftly
over to where I stand.
He grabs my arms and holds me still as
I scream and a woman, also in white,
follows behind and shoves
blue pills and white pills and yellow pills
down my throat.
As they leave, locking the door behind,
I fall to the floor and weep.
I catch a glimpse of the monster
before he fades away
and everything turns to black.
Joined 8th June 2012
Forum Posts: 35
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 35
If my mind was a room
It would be no fun place
A place with a bed
where the the dead shall rest and lay there head
A vast expansive tomb
With no end in sight
Even at the far reaches there is no light.
For what light there was
The dead got hungery and swallowed whole.
Why do you think there dead?
I killed them,
I took their soul,
That room is my office youll see
From Arron.A to Zythen.P
I killed them all,
in my head
As i stand over the last soon to be dead
I thought for a second
For he i hate the most
At his tombstones head
May i lay a single blood red rose
My scythe loomed only for a second.
But i sliced and diced and
Took his life
No hesatation.
in my office,
In my head
..... I am the reaper
May all oppossed be dead
If my mind was a room
It would be no fun place
A place with a bed
where the the dead shall rest and lay there head
A vast expansive tomb
With no end in sight
Even at the far reaches there is no light.
For what light there was
The dead got hungery and swallowed whole.
Why do you think there dead?
I killed them,
I took their soul,
That room is my office youll see
From Arron.A to Zythen.P
I killed them all,
in my head
As i stand over the last soon to be dead
I thought for a second
For he i hate the most
At his tombstones head
May i lay a single blood red rose
My scythe loomed only for a second.
But i sliced and diced and
Took his life
No hesatation.
in my office,
In my head
..... I am the reaper
May all oppossed be dead
Kristyn Ashley.
Joined 3rd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 717
Kristyn Ashley.
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 717
One Million Photographs.
One million photographs hug those walls,
a reminder of my rises, and of my falls.
They line every floorboard, and each ceiling tile.
A multi-colored paradise, and through the tears, I smile.
The layers of the polaroids, they remind me I get older....
If I could freeze time, if I could make it go slower.
My room may overflow, and I just might shut the door....
I cannot bear to reminisce at what I'll feel nevermore.
One million photographs hug those walls,
a reminder of my rises, and of my falls.
They line every floorboard, and each ceiling tile.
A multi-colored paradise, and through the tears, I smile.
The layers of the polaroids, they remind me I get older....
If I could freeze time, if I could make it go slower.
My room may overflow, and I just might shut the door....
I cannot bear to reminisce at what I'll feel nevermore.
Joined 30th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 263
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 263
The sound of the ocean just outside my window
a storm is rolling in above the seas
I sit in my little rocking chair
braiding my long brown hair
one whole wall is dedicated to books
shelf after shelf
as many books as I can dream of
with many beautiful drawings of faeries and elves
They dance, they sing
they play upon my walls
In this room I have peace
I have unlimited time
To be who I am
because this room is mine
A nice queen size bed
made of simple oakwood
with simple Scottish designs
carved onto the sides
and a home made quilt
that keeps me warm at night
I can think of any song
and it will always play for me
because in my little room
inside my mind
I am free to do as I choose
I am free to be me
a storm is rolling in above the seas
I sit in my little rocking chair
braiding my long brown hair
one whole wall is dedicated to books
shelf after shelf
as many books as I can dream of
with many beautiful drawings of faeries and elves
They dance, they sing
they play upon my walls
In this room I have peace
I have unlimited time
To be who I am
because this room is mine
A nice queen size bed
made of simple oakwood
with simple Scottish designs
carved onto the sides
and a home made quilt
that keeps me warm at night
I can think of any song
and it will always play for me
because in my little room
inside my mind
I am free to do as I choose
I am free to be me
Joined 30th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 263
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 263
really, why does everybody's room have to be dark and sinister? Why can't it be a place where you can reside in peace without all the gore and morbid haunts? Really, I'll never be in peace if the room inside my mind had a ghost, a place for dead people to sleep, monsters, and negative energy that runs untamed. The outside world is already like that, it would be better to have a place to go to where you'll be safe. Sorry, but that's just my opinion.
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2672
My Dungeon
Black fingers tracing
their way along my spine
demons dancing in the ashes
from the endless cigarettes i've smoked
Shadows crossing my vision
reaching into my soul
with poisonous tendrils
that inject despair
Broken toys litter the floor
from the abuse of my anguished
inner child throwing tantrums
begging to be let out of this tomb
A cracked mirror
hangs in the center
of my blackened dungeon
showing the decrepit nature of my soul
Chains hang from the ceiling
a masochistic ego slashes at my flesh
with a cat o' nine tails
cutting deep adding salt to my wounds
From my key board I bleed out my words
an escape from the madness
that looms here
where there are no doors
A window from which I can peer out from
is stained with my depression
my saviour i persist in looking out of
with poetry on the horizon
Black fingers tracing
their way along my spine
demons dancing in the ashes
from the endless cigarettes i've smoked
Shadows crossing my vision
reaching into my soul
with poisonous tendrils
that inject despair
Broken toys litter the floor
from the abuse of my anguished
inner child throwing tantrums
begging to be let out of this tomb
A cracked mirror
hangs in the center
of my blackened dungeon
showing the decrepit nature of my soul
Chains hang from the ceiling
a masochistic ego slashes at my flesh
with a cat o' nine tails
cutting deep adding salt to my wounds
From my key board I bleed out my words
an escape from the madness
that looms here
where there are no doors
A window from which I can peer out from
is stained with my depression
my saviour i persist in looking out of
with poetry on the horizon
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5152
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5152
The heart of the beast
In my chamber....
Here I lay
Thinking of the price I'm bound to pay
Elegant figurines shattered and broken
Like my heart
Mother is dead
Brought by my hands
Father is missing
The walls are painted with broken dreams and painful memories
The radio plays an old tune I knew too well
The floor is coated with the blood of loss
The air is buzzing with the heat of lust
I fall under the blanket of death
And choke on my final breath
In my chamber....
Here I lay
Thinking of the price I'm bound to pay
Elegant figurines shattered and broken
Like my heart
Mother is dead
Brought by my hands
Father is missing
The walls are painted with broken dreams and painful memories
The radio plays an old tune I knew too well
The floor is coated with the blood of loss
The air is buzzing with the heat of lust
I fall under the blanket of death
And choke on my final breath