Poetry competition CLOSED 15th June 2012 6:01pm
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True Fucking Hate

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 711

Hate: This One's For You Sam

If I had a gun
Bash you on the head with it.

poet Anonymous

Natural Selection

If I hadn’t had this gun
We’d still hate each other
If I hadn’t had this gun
You’d still have a brother

If I hadn’t had this gun
You wouldn’t be food for the sturgeon
If I hadn’t had this gun
Your sister might still be a virgin

If I hadn’t had this gun
There’d be no wake in the rain
If I hadn’t had this gun
Your parent’s heads would still hold their brains

If I hadn’t had this gun
You’d still have two aunts named Hansel
If I hadn’t had this gun
Your family reunion wouldn’t be permanently cancelled

If I hadn’t had this gun
The police wouldn’t be searching for me
If I hadn’t had this gun
You wouldn’t be running low of family

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

I'm glad this contest is over because I hate hate...!

"3 Seeds"

Young ones look up to us with learning eyes each day as they grow
Teach your children how to feel and everything that you know
About love and self-esteem and what you reap you sow
Parents who express no love raise their children down so low
Once planted in a heart, the seeds of hatred sprout then grow
Pride injects a high, like drugs, through veins where it can flow
To desire more, then crash from withdrawal addicts come to know
Three seeds of prejudice raise your spirit down so low
From the depths once descended exploring new levels to exceed
Is there nowhere inside their souls unconsumed by material need?
Hypocrites utter deception, telling half-truths designed to mislead
Said so many times even they believe in the lies that plant the seed
Corporate owners seem to have forgotten the slaves were freed
Robbing retirement funds to stuff their overwhelming greed
Keeping down the poor to maintain their status as the richest breed
Who refuse to admit the pecuniary progress they impede
Zealots point fingers and label "immoral", hearts that bleed
And proclaim God as a charter member of their creed
They hunger for power over fearful faithful they can lead
With a grip on their flock that strangles credence like a weed
Cowled cowards twisting scripture till they feel sanctified
Planting the tree grown for the cross, burned to become purified
But there's another fire eager to see how far down they can slide
Where the fallen one would rise to lead them to unholy deicide
Seduced by fear, bathed in greed and gorged the flesh with pride
Will they embrace all three until they've cast their souls aside?
Will God look back at the end of man and see the hate of genocide?
The first thing God did not create, the only thing that never died
The rainbow in their love filled lives kept them on the outside
Don't ask, don't tell the truth, there are rules to abide
Homophobia in fox holes is not morally justified
Love feels no conflicting virtues that ever could collide
Weak hearts are overcome when they feel a darkness drawing near
Listening to the movement beating war drums within each ear
Quiet those thoughts and open the mind to a silence all can hear
Look inside the heart for the courage to quell this secret fear
Eyes held closed to painful sights shed not a single tear
When they open up their eyes the truth becomes so clear
Mesmerized by powerphiles like headlights to a deer
In darkness till they will admit every human is their peer
Search within thick forests for three seeds that grew three shady trees
Knock on their wood to hear three names carried on the breeze
Hear the quiver of terror, glory and desire shaking the greener leaves
See spring saplings and perceive the grand design that hatred weaves
Time marches ever onward forming new circles in the wood
Branching out lines surrounding rings where only one once stood
Lines drawn in circles that separate where colors never could
While one more family tree draws cryptic bloodlines in the hood
The high and mighty tree grows taller with each passing year
The weight of its own branches make it hard to persevere
Until its hollow trunk caves in making way for freedoms true frontier
The first steps toward the promised land must begin right here

(JJ Johnson)

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 4awards
Joined 6th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 30

The Value of Life

I am no longer your emotional slave
You do not hold value in my life
I survived through all your beatings 
You took away so many things 
You crushed the spirit from me 
Leaving me afraid of living
When I got up, you kicked me down 
I always recovered, just to spite you

You no longer frighten me 
I know what it is to lose everything
I feel no shame in losing now
I want you to know I have no fear
The one thing that you taught me
Nothing is truly lost if it is not given
I want to embrace you and thank you
Because you showed me the value of life

You knew you were going to win
That there would be no retribution
Well, Dad, light up the victory cigar
You made me evaluate my life

I have no value

I am worthless

I have never existed

I am not real 

I am


Disillusion_Ment 16.06.2012

poet Anonymous

kriticool said:.

This was an entry? Kriticool, I like your poetry much, and I hate plagiarists too, but how did this one line comment (for CriticalMass' full rant about a plagiarist) get an award?

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

HollyDove said:[quote-91877-kriticool].

This was an entry? Kriticool, I like your poetry much, and I hate plagiarists too, but how did this one line comment (for CriticalMass' full rant about a plagiarist) get an award?[/quote]


Naw, wasnt a poetic entry on my part, justa comment at the time...sorta like yours. I thought awarded the "win" was interesting though... so much so, i had asked MadameLavender to look into it for me. Graciously she took the time and got back to me. I won't put anyone on blast here about what she relayed. Suffice to say, it appears related to some kinda thread maintenance issue by the thread's host.

Shit happens and it-is-what-it-is. Personally, I look at is as an asterisk in my "win" column, but who's counting?

and yeah,,, that's kriticool with a small K

poet Anonymous

kriticool said:[quote-274887-HollyDove][quote-91877-kriticool].

This was an entry? Kriticool, I like your poetry much, and I hate plagiarists too, but how did this one line comment (for CriticalMass' full rant about a plagiarist) get an award?[/quote]


Naw, wasnt a poetic entry on my part, justa comment at the time...sorta like yours. I thought awarded the "win" was interesting though... so much so, i had asked MadameLavender to look into it for me. Graciously she took the time and got back to me. I won't put anyone on blast here about what she relayed. Suffice to say, it appears related to some kinda thread maintenance issue by the thread's host.

Shit happens and it-is-what-it-is. Personally, I look at is as an asterisk in my "win" column, but who's counting?

and yeah,,, that's kriticool with a small K[/quote]

Lol. But if I begin a sentence with your name, it must be capitalized.

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

HollyDove said:

Lol. But if I begin a sentence with your name, it must be capitalized.

lol...silly person,,, "must be"  
WHO in the world told you that???  surely you must know many a "sentence" have begun without names ever coming into play

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

I've seen one liner comments win comps before..we have at least one who shows up sporadically and does such things still...

This is why we suggested before to have a link to prior comps run by each member. There will still be those who open new profiles and award themselves though.

I usually enter comps for the fun of it and the writing practice and often don't publish what I enter, but still it sux when it goes that way

Kriticool_ you should have won in a couple of comps you entered and did not, so take it with pride

And I know the mods want those 70 odd cleaned up, but is the mess really so in the way? Not like we trip over old ones on the way to new ones...
Maybe we should let them go? No-one seems to want to vote anyway
Just my thoughts...

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

I respect the fact that you want to give such respect to the entrants and see their effort isn't wasted. That is commendable from any angle.

The problem is that there's no way to ensure people who start comps actually finish them and there are many who never return after starting one. I think its a risk we take by design of the site and it being free to use by anyone. This is also what makes the site a good one-catch 22
Also, I left DU for a number of months and had my profile closed then reopened. Then I was sent a gentle reminder on my comp I left open (a year earlier)and it was very traumatic to read and mostly contained the reasons why I left...
It was kindly removed.

Then there were 2 I had going when this site crashed and was down for a good week and I forgot those comps, only to be reminded months later when the timing was terrible again.
I pick the length of comps based on when I will have time to judge them with careful reading to be fair.

I think there must be a middle ground and an understanding that its a risk we take when entering these things and maybe a way from the comp holder to close or end it would help a lot...a choice like "unable to complete" perhaps. We may face death, illness, divorce, insanity..whatever
And need the option.

Again, I think your idea is the kinder one, but I think that there must be another option too...

Thanks as always for taking the time, ML
Its a valuable service you shadows provide

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 5085

Miki You make good points...and Madame I appreciate Your tidiness...but if entrants to comps are that worried about their work...copy and paste works quite well in their own profile/posts...those that worry of not catching a medal seems a tad arrogant(save the ego stroke)...big deal-many comps added almost daily-time spent here has shown those who run good comps...Known folks (such as Miki) if abandon a comp...we SHOULD know there are reasons-explanations are silly and should only be given if they have the energy or want to. Abandoned comps seem a waste of space...not to mention time on Your part. (but that's just my mouth)  

poet Anonymous

souladareatease said:..time spent here has shown those who run good comps...Known folks (such as Miki) if abandon a comp...we SHOULD know there are reasons-explanations are silly and should only be given if they have the energy or want to. Abandoned comps seem a waste of space...not to mention time on Your part. (but that's just my mouth)  

thank's for that, Soula
I had to send a very uncomfortable email to the webmiss explaining a VERY personal and traumatic situation as the reason for closing my comp..after I asked that it be deleted and she asked if I'd be open to letting it go to voting.
I felt that having to explain so much was invasive and although she was polite and understanding and full of good intention...an option to delete them would be good.
I understand that maybe I should not run comps that could potentially damage me emotionally but as in my case at the time, I had no way of knowing the future

it's like running a comp on rape and then being raped the next day and then obviously you wouldn't want to read the entries
I hope that I made some sense here

anyway, thank you soula and MadameL :)

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