Poetry competition CLOSED 5th June 2012 5:47am
Page_Writer (Mad Girl)
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RUNNER-UP: cjmshadow

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Break ups suck shit

Lost Thinker
Joined 23rd Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 10

Poetry Contest

any sort of break up poem
whatever relationship that you cant forget how it ended
how they left you
why they kicked you out
etc etc etc

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 26th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 93

~Tell Me How To Be Okay Without You~

Tell me how to be okay
Without you?

My world stopped turning today
I don’t think you even noticed
Blistering words flowed from
your mouth

Tell me how to be okay
Without you?

The loss of your love
Trickles down my spine
Dancing across my very
The pain is immense

Tell me how to be okay
Without you?

The solution to me
Would be better than
Living with your ghost
My world revolved around
You night and day

Tell Me how to be okay
Without you?

The love we have is of the
Kindred sort
We just simply are
Nothing can make that
Not even unending
So I beseech you

Tell me how to be okay
Without you?

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 7th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 75

-maybe this is a question-

maybe the end of all,
which is what
will never be severed
is all that there is
and maybe the never will be
because it hasn't been
will never become the present
which the past was promised in the future
and maybe it's okay

Kristyn Ashley.
Fire of Insight
United States 12awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 717

To Spare Your Feelings.

I don't need anyone to tell me,
about the bad choices I consciously made.
Trust me, I was there for them,
on every bed and couch upon which I got laid.

This might hurt a bit,
but you can't gain a thing without pain.
Before you smack the shit out of me,
listen to the truth, not the other stuff I said.

Let me stress it to you,
I didn't mean to lie, but I had some stuff to hide.
If you recall all those Harry Potter marathons we watched,
there was more knowledge behind my smile than just who was next to die.

I've snuck under many a ramp at skate parks,
with a couple guys whose names I'd later discard.
And those Paramore videos we layed around and jammed to,
I had more of her red hair on my mind than the Hot Pockets you charred.

Not that you've always been second best,
but my hormones just couldn't take all the heat.
All the eyeliner you bought me, and the ways I paid you back....
I pulled your hips against mine, lips against mine, made you my feast.

I had to say I'm sorry,
and I still feel like I should be starving.
The cuts on my hips are still there, and they're formed by my self pity.
I love you, I do.... but I lied and it haunts me.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17151


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17151


Standing like a sentinel
against the buffeting wind
stoically looking into the sky
daring the clouds to cry
I stand here still
waiting for a reply
to my plea...don't leave me

The grass grows over my feet
the leaves cascade from the tree
bury me in grey brown and yellow
shrouds of sorrow and grief
still I wait for you
Come back my love
I want you so ...

Through the skies and sun
the indifferent planets
the terrifying broody galaxy
dead quiet Maya
I traverse
sorrow personified
the breakup, is my death trap.

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 26th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 93

Without You

Emotions run high and so am I…
Consuming things to relinquish this never
ending sting.
With you I don’t need them, you make me
Without you I need something to numb my core…
Penetrating and searching my mind never to
obtain any gain…
Why must you have this hold on my soul?
Why can’t you just let me thrive and grow alone?
Your selfishness is so apparent, you just
won’t stop until you inflict permanent
damage to my heart..
You coming and going has torn my world
further apart…
These consumptions’ must continue,
for without you I must numb my core...

Jamie Rhodes
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 8awards
Joined 20th Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 1426

It seldom slows down;
it speeds up,
gets harder.
The whole farce
is relentless...
Epecially now.

Unanswered communications,
the sound of her walking
past the house
on her way back
from a night out.

Every man I see
is about to go and fuck her:
The brain does not work
as it could
so I stare out of the window
with the macabre,
and far fetched idea,
that she might be sat there
with someone else.

Every time I look
the pub garden
is as empty
as I am.

Poetic Joker
Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 2nd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 557

Drowning in Death

Here we are sitting in the quiet night
I look at you under the soft moonlight.
Teardrops slowly fall from your beautiful eyes
And the sight of them makes me wanna die.
I know there were things that got in our way
There were times we hurt each other with what we had to say.
But I’m here now to say that everything will be okay
All our pain will someday go away.
We hug in a tight loving embrace
But then I see the look on your angelic face.
And realize that through your hope and love the pain is still there
So I wrap my arms tighter around you to show I still truly care.
I kiss your tears away and hold you close for a while
When I look at you again your frown turns into a smile.
As I pull you in for a loving kiss
Your face turns red, something I’ve come to miss.
Suddenly I’m alone, and when I look around you’re gone
I sit up in bed, heart racing and eyes blurry, it’s almost dawn.
From my eyes flows a new steady stream
As I realize that once again, it was only a sad dream.
Sobs rack my broken body, for you’re still not with me
I question your motives, is this really how it had to be?
Were you really that unhappy, was it really that bad
Couldn’t you instead focus on the special love that we had?
You’ll never know how bad you hurt me, you changed my very life
You can’t see what I’m trying to tell you, that I can’t put up with this strife.
You might as well be squeezing the trigger, or pulling the blade
Just accept it now, this is the decision that I have made.
I told you what would happen if I ever lost you, but you didn’t believe me
So now because of you there’s a dead body floating out at sea.
You didn’t wanna talk or listen to me, and now your old lover is dead
I hope you never forget what you did and the guilt never leaves your head.
When you start getting sad again, there’s something I want you to know
YOU did this and caused this shit, YOU’RE the one who let ME go.
And if you decide to visit my gravesite, remember this hun
I still won’t forgive you for all the shit you’ve done.
Because even in death I remember the hurt and the stabbing pain
I remember the feeling of being rejected and left alone in the freezing rain.
So go ahead and try to get rid of the guilt, the regret, the sorrow
But it's still going to be there when you wake up tomorrow.
You should’ve been honest, but instead you lied
And now you’re the reason that I committed suicide.
Go now with this knowledge, and live your sad life day by day
I’ve shared my heart, there’s nothing left for me to say.
I finally understand that the pain and hurt will never cease
And now because of you i lay under a stone that says “Rest In Peace”.

Poetic Joker
Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 2nd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 557

You Lost

My dear ex, you think you’ve won, but really you just lost  
You didn’t realize all the consequences of this, all the cost.  
I tried to change your mind, but in the end you didn’t listen to me  
Now because of your foolish choices, alone is all you’ll ever be.  
At first you made me cut, starve, burn, and want to die  
But you can’t hurt me anymore, and it’s time to say a final goodbye.  
We had so many dreams to fulfull, you and me  
But now all you’re going to be is a sad memory.  
I’m sad, broken, and torn, but it’s even worse for you  
Because without me in your life you don’t know what to do.  
You put on a smile and act happy to cover up your pain  
When inside your mistake is making you go insane.  
You’re starting to realize how alone you feel without me by your side  
You’re starting to feel the emptiness, like part of you has died.  
It’s been a month now, and still you haven’t said a word  
But I don’t know if you realized something, if you heard.  
That it’s too late to try again now  
The curtain has closed, I’ve taken my final bow.  
I no longer want to listen to anything you have to say  
Maybe if you hadn’t made me wait a month and a day.  
For while I still love you, I can’t let you do this to me anymore  
I have to shut you out of my life and close that door.  
Because of you I cannot love the same  
I keep reliving the pain, wondering if i ever won't be a pawn in this sick game.  
You’ll never know how bad you hurt me, how I wanted to just die  
And I’ll never know what caused you to do this to me, and why.  
We could’ve had something special, we could’ve made it last  
But now I guess you’re just another thing in the past.  
I hope one day you see what you did to me, every tear, every scar  
I hope you feel regret every time you look up and see our special star.  
One thing I know for sure is that you are blind, and can’t see the cost  
And that when it comes down to it, in the end, I won...and you lost.

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

Good Riddance

Our final encounter let's keep this brief
You stole my heart an experienced thief
But I got it back and what a relief
Here's your collateral take your grief
Pack it in your baggage don't leave it behind
This isn't a storage of any kind
Whatever you're searching for you'll find
That it was a complete waste of time
Hurry up you're moving too slow
Now you act like you don't want to go
I need my space and room to grow
And baby you're just disturbing my flow
Don't even start to explain I'm finished
There's no point in cleaning up your image
You're marked for life a permanent blemish
Reclaimed my strength and now I'm replenished
I guess this is goodbye

That infamous word I don't like to say
Don't look back be on your way
The road is rough the skies are gray
Prepare yourself for a rainy day
The consequence of the choice you made
All the games you constantly played
I begged, I pleaded, I cried, I prayed
But you're a lost cause that couldn't be saved
Temptation called you took the bait
While I was drunk staying up late
Too many times you made me wait
Not anymore you sealed your fate
See my eyes are perfectly dry
Never again will you make me cry
My head held high as I look to the sky
I say a prayer and I ask God why?
Does this have to be goodbye?

Yes it does we've reached the end
I honestly never want to see you again
You're nothing to me not even my friend
You've helped me to see how lonely I've been
To put up with you and the things you did
I'm dying inside you stepped out and lived
But that's okay I've put in my bid
For a real man not an immature kid
I want you to leave me my front door keys
Return them to their rightful owner please
I'll change the locks to put my mind at ease
Cross the threshold and feel the breeze
Of the door slamming in your face
Take your loss and leave with grace
Quit dragging your feet pick up the pace
The dude coming by he's taking your place

Mad Girl
Thought Provoker
United States 19awards
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 183

The All-True Confessions of Teenage Cheater

I know what I promised.
That it would always be with you.
I know that I never broke a promise,
until that moment.
I had just saved our relationship
And you begged me, pleaded with me
Not to make you let me date you both--
You said it wasn't okay.
You wanted me only to yourself.
Not it wasn't selfish--
You were not selfish.
I was.
And I still am. . .
Finally admitting to myself the wrong I did.
I cheated on you.

But let me please explain...

I was gay, and yes I still am.
But it's not the gender that I am fond of,
It's the personality.
Did you really have all of those ones you said you had?
Were you telling the truth?
Don't lie now, please just be honest with me.

Oh well, anyway.
I am not gay but I am not straight.
I am not bisexual.
I love what is in the inside.
I love the person.
One person.
I'm sorry but I am only one person.
I cannot be everything.
And still try and be me.
Because the truth is,
I was slowing dying.
My dreams were falling.
My mind was unraveling.
My life was falling apart.
And you-- you were not helping.

I'm sorry.
I shouldn't be trying to blame you.
It's just that when you weren't around,
And I was cutting a heart into my leg.
Well he was there.
He was always there.
And unlike people that you are friends with.
I did not take his love for granted.
I was in love with him.
And I'm sorry.
But I did something about my feelings for him.
I thought
And thought
And thought.
And finally. . .
I kissed him.

That was it.
We were meant to be together.
I'm sorry that I did that.
That I betrayed you.
That I lied to you.
That I went behind your back.
That I cheated on you.
That I kissed him.

But I'm not sorry for falling in love.
That is the one thing that I will not apologize for doing.

Sorry. . .

Mad Girl
Thought Provoker
United States 19awards
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 183

Brilliant Lies

It's funny to see how it took for me to finally get over you.
Over all of those nonsense lies you told me.
How I believed every one of them.
How I could only imagine how much a fool I looked like actually believing every word you said to me.
When nothing you said was true.
The thought of your acting skills and lies just makes me feel so sick...
Sick with myself for believing you.
You never deserved it.
Never deserved my trust.
And I told you.
I warned you--

"If you're lying to me-- About anything, you will lose me."

Maybe you didn't believe me?
Thought that I would always be at your beck and call until you got bored with me.
But you lied to much...
To the point that it was just annoying and I seeked out comfort and safety from someone who really did love me.
Who could be honest with me.
Even when the honesty hurt.
You made me feel like this was all my fault of these months.
Held me in a box of guilt.
Believing that I was the bad person because I cheated on you.
I didn't cheat on you.
I was no longer yours.
Your lies pushed me so faraway that I felt like I wasn't even dating you anymore.
We were over when you first broke up with me.
Our entire relationship (A year and three months of it) was a lie.
One brilliant.
A brilliant lie that blew up in your face.
Because you lost that best thing that ever happen to you.
A person that was sane until you made her cut her wrist.
A girl that was whole until you broke her heart.
A girl that had dream until you shattered her soul.
You gave up on the person that never gave up on you.
Even after all the lies.
You broke up with me.
I didn't break up with you.
I just was done bending for you.
Done beleiving everything you said.
Because if you had really loved me, you wouldn't have given up on me.
But you did....
You lied.
I cried.
We both tried to die.
But I have been free of cutting since Feburary.
Something that I cannot say happen with you.
You did not stop me from cutting.
You did not save me.
I tried to help you countless times.
But you just continued to lie.
About not being a virgin.
About being raped.
About being molested.
About being abused.
About a friend dying.
About hearing a voice inside your head.
Which turned to more voices.
Which turned to eleven personalities.
Which turned to you being the biggest LIAR that I have ever known.
But your most amazing lie, the best lie that you ever told.
Your most brilliant lie of all time.
Was when you said you loved me.

That was a brilliant lie.
Because I actually believed you.

Lost Thinker
Joined 23rd Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 10

wow. these are all really heartfelt and honest.. they are amazingly written

Tyrant of Words
United States 26awards
Joined 5th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 9051

We loved 
We laughed 
We fucked
I cried 
Never did you care
Still I gave everything for a family 
A cherry tree in the back yard with a tire swing
a 4 door passenger automobile
car seat in the rear
baby on board

For what
For me to move on
Grown kids now understanding 
and you
You stay in the state of  fucking delirium
Rocking the jewelry I bought you 
Texting me to come to my bed 

I'm gone 
Long gone 

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