Poetry competition CLOSED 30th April 2012 6:45am
View Profile Poems by Whitewand6
RUNNER-UP: lepperochan

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Society's Judgements

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 20th May 2011
Forum Posts: 103

Poetry Contest

Write a poem from the perspective of a person with a mental disorder
Alright, so the point of this competition is to write a poem from the point of view of someone who has a mental disorder (and I don't use that term as a slander). I believe that it truly is interesting that everyone has different set minds, and I want to see that here! I want to really be pulled into the narration!

Please choose from these-
Multiple personality disorder
Any eating disorder

((Ask if you have another one you would like to write))
Edit--> you can post up to two poems per person
You have two weeks, go~

Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1590

Great idea :)

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 21st Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 983

How many entries per poet? O:
Cause I have an old one called 'Manic' based on Bi-Polar disorder and an idea for a Schizo one. (/schizo's unite!)

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14554

"Why must I hide from myself, when I need a crowd? Bring on the crowd. I love the crowd." *

                 The Electric Co*

It's all fun and games 'till the lightening strikes
and when it does,it's only fun for them
my mind explodes and I swear I can smell
Saturdays barbecue even though it's Monday

They look at me like it's them doing me the favor
like I don't know that i'm feeding
some deep dark hunger inside them
a taste for inflicting pain
they picked up during med school
i imagine them rubbing their hands together
when they see me walking through their damn doors

some day I'd like to see how they feel
at the receiving end of this miracle
see how they like being tied down flat
and fitted with all that expensive hardware

I'd like to see them bite down on rubber
see them shudder every time a light goes on
and i'd like to laugh in their faces
when they ask me if they've had enough
because they feel as rough as coarse sandpaper

I'd like to see them watch the world pass by
through a closed window,clean on the inside
and it's no wonder I wont venture outside
when every fucking time I leave the house
there's another shock lined up for the taking
yes it's making me bitter because i'm no better now
than i was this time last year or the year before
and furthermore I can suggest,
that I think it would be by far the best
if I just sit here in my room and watch the world
pass by through the window, clean on the inside

*Electric Co is a song by U2 about electric shock treatment
the quote is a paraphrase of a line from "Send In the Clowns" written by Stephen Sondheim for a musical

here is the link;




poet Anonymous

Excellent idea

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

Speak Your Mind

"You 'heard' the voice 'tell' you"
The doctor replied at a slower pace..
"Look, Im not a fucking idiot!"
They try and keep a straight face..

They take you in
For some tests..
Hand you some pills
And say, "Get some rest.."

You know they are there
They speak perfect and clear..
But it only gets worse..
If you can make out what you hear..

They tell you stories
Of horrid tales..
They torture.. the judgment..
It never fails..

The doc treats you like an idiot
Your mom treats you like a disease..
But you need help..
Your begging them, "please!"

But they wont listen
They don't care..
They ignore the blood
Matted in your hair..

They might leave you..
The people in your life..
But the voices will stay..
And speak your mind..

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 20th May 2011
Forum Posts: 103

Oh! Thank you for pointing out that I never specified that, I made it two.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 20th May 2011
Forum Posts: 103

And these poems are great guys! Keep 'em coming :D

poet Anonymous

I Have Been Away

I have been away,
but I haven’t been far.
That isn’t to say
I’ve not forgotten who you are.

Some journeys take time
while others take a toll;
mine occur in the state of mind
where reality has worn a hole.

There! Did you not notice at all?
While shedding my protective outer skin,
I scrambled up and over the garden wall,
and was just then up – and off again!

Hoisting my rod high, directing my conquest
over the primrose
per the water hoses request.
It was a good lashing and a bloody nosed
mark on their permanent record at best.

Flaccidly now I take a well earned rest
for it’s that shady time of day
when the sun does launch it’s protest
at the Elm for blocking it’s way.

And with much grumbling,
branches sway making a path through the canopy
allowing the rays to come rumbling
through attracting the dust particles…..and me.

Onto this stage I appear
the spot light showing brightly all around,
as the heat burns away my fears.

I stand patiently, motionless on my mark for hours,
each day waiting for the transference to begin.
My stamen uncurling, I become a blossoming flower,
rising in full glory, while I slowly spin.

Then in the soft hush of the eve
I recognize the council coming to lead me
to the safe confines their physicians weave.
As they respectfully salute my flag; I curtsey.

Marching with honor guard at my side,
I’m lead blissfully to the sliding glass doors,
where they pull the curtains aside
and I step into your graces once more.

For I have been away,
but I haven’t been far.
That isn’t to say
I’ve not forgotten who you are.

Thought Provoker
Wales 2awards
Joined 24th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 196

Narcissistic Attrition
You look down on me,
Am I not worth your time?
You look down on me,
Am I guilty of some crime?
Screw you, I know who I am,
You think you're better than me?
Screw you, I know who I am,
Give us equality, or leave us be.

Our primitive instinct is survival,
No matter what, we must stay alive,
Love... is what brings us together,
and what makes our race so close,
Hope... keeps us strong in times,
where we can't use our instincts.

That's the way it should be,
but I can see a change,
narcissistic idiots,
think they can rearrange,
how we live,
how we fight,
narcissistic idiots,
think they are always right.

You look down on me,
Am I not worth your time?
You look down on me,
Am I guilty of some crime?
Screw you, I know who I am,
You think you're better than me?
Screw you, I know who I am,
Give us equality, or leave us be.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2648


The agitation, anxiety a combustable thing
All these voices clamouring in my brain.
Seeing coded messages in every word
The t.v people talking to me, I obess though I know this is absurd.
Flipping off the cameras, i'm sure are planted in my place
Begging and pleading with them to reveal themselves or get out of my space.
To venture in public, a terrifying idea
Wondering which friendly smile is a demon in disguise,
So back to my house I run and hide.
Taking my meds hoping this one will be my magic pill
Hoping finally, one of them will make my voices still.
The agitation growing out of control
Friends and family turned into demons, come to steal my soul.
Off to to the hospitol dragged in chains
Terrified they are aliens come to pick my brain.
Drugged to the point i'm running into walls
Locked in a cell, no parole, no escape
When from this nightmare will I finally awake?
Afraid one day my family will give up on me
Alone on the streets screaming at the sky
Would be my end.
Schizophrenia, what a hand to be dealt
I'm grateful to my family, on me they haven't bailed out.
They calm and comfort me, no matter how ill
Crazy as can be they love me still.
I will find a way to learn on this journey, this trip
I won't let darkness, take me in it's grip.
I will learn to fly with my broken wings
Learn to make schizophrenia work for me.

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 21st Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 983


Today I am the woman who is happy,
And I am calling you to me
With words so sappy.

Who knows what tomorrow may bring,
Not even I know what to expect,
Or what tune I may sing.

In a few days I may be beating you,
May be making you bleed in so many ways,
Like I seem to always do.

In a few hours I may be sobbing and slicing,
Cutting up my arms with frustration,
Wondering why I continue fighting.

Now you see, there is something odd about me,
I suffer from a very special thing called Bipolar Disorder,
Where I never know what I want to feel or be.

Sometimes you're my best friend,
Other times you're the enemy,
But in the end it's all a game of pretend!

I'll continue to fake to get what I want,
And you'll play along unknowingly,
So let's not ruin the game or spoil the fun!

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 26th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 93

This Bi - Polar Love Affair

You know, it has it’s highs and lows…        
Much more drastic than most…        
I love you, NO! I HATE YOU,      
All in the same day…        
There’s not a drug that will        
ever make it clear..        
Go away,        
NO! COME HERE…       
Hug me,        
NO! DON‘T TOUCH ME…        
I waited all day for you to get here,        
Talk to me,        
NO! SHUT UP…        
Kiss me,        
NO! DON’T…       
This Bi-Polar love affair, is an emotional        
roller coaster that has got me more        
than fucked up~!!!

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 26th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 93

Embrace Insanity

Embrace Insanity:  
For one day it will be your theme...  
All the voices you hear inside aren't    
figments of your imagination,  
they've come to scoff your soul alive...  
To expunge all that was once you, leaving  
behind a vacant hull of desiccated skin  
and shattered bones.  
This insanity has you in deep despair, your    
lungs are pruned, unable to take in a liter    
of air, you're now gasping, choking in  
graven anguish..  
You wish those voices you heard would've went    
away but they're there to stay..    
So forever you’ll be embracing insanity writhing    
in agony for all the world to see..    
Embrace insanity and in turn that will surely set    
you free....

poet Anonymous

You Don't See What I See (Anorexia)

Its not that I am not hungry
I just cant handle the weight gain
I look in the mirror
and all I see is this heavy frame

You don't see what I do
you cant possibly understand
I feel the growling in my stomach
but I smack the food out of my hand

I ration out my portions
and eat slowly to enjoy the flavor
because I know if I overdo it
my weight will reflect my bad behavior

I have lost all my muscle
and any bit of strength
I know that I am not healthy
but this fear out weighs the pain

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