Poetry competition CLOSED 14th February 2024 3:40am
View Profile Poems by Naajir
RUNNERS-UP: slipalong and Jordan

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Nathaniel Peter
Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 20th Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 141

Never Ending

Taken in, enraptured at a glance
Honing in on this romance

Usurping my heart through my eyes
Novice hopes called to light
Dreams come alive where fantasy dies
Enduring beyond a moment, a lifetime’s promise, a lover’s fight

Revolutions of palpitations
Stirring up passions to relive first sensations
Tried and true, a vows kiss beyond infatuation
Rendered undone by love satisfied by in-satiation
Under the influence of what brings both clarity and chemical inebriation

Cadence set in harmony to imbue
Kinetic collisions of our lives, a never ending “I Do…”
Written by ClovenTongue34 (Nathaniel Peter)
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Nathaniel Peter
Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 20th Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 141

Trend Setting Fashion Statements

Trust compromised and repaired
Holistic bonds give sight to the otherwise impaired
Uniformed in motion gradually instep and unaware

Nuanced of the imperfect and yet automatic sense of care
Deviances redeemed on the altars of our swear

Experience refined by self sacrificial love, in every joy and burden that we bear
Romances of routine and revelry re-pronounces love so rare

Sedated yet awakened, our hearts in fashion that we wear
Torn to be reborn from the past and knit in the wonder of a full gaze from a blank stare

Roses bloom in unseen gardens nurtured by the souls of the broken and the fair
Undignified our pride dies with every echoing prayer

Courting destiny in matrimony, respirating on these lungs we share
Kindred flames burning deeper than the surface flare…
Written by ClovenTongue34 (Nathaniel Peter)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 293

Thank you so much for all the amazing entries! As usual, I had to call in reinforcements to make my decision. I love when y'all make it difficult to choose. Until next time... 🙌

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16794

WillowsWhimsies said:Thank you so much for all the amazing entries! As usual, I had to call in reinforcements to make my decision. I love when y'all make it difficult to choose. Until next time... 🙌

Congratulations to all winners. Awesome Comp. Enjoyed!

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 20th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 47

Thank you very much Willow for hosting this comp
And thank for everyone who  voted for me...
I am deeply appreciative of all the consideration

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