Poetry competition CLOSED 26th December 2023 11:16am
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Poem of the Month - December

Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 921

Poetry Contest

Three weeks to nominate your favorite poems!
You have THREE weeks to nominate no more than THREE of your favorite poems from another DUP poet!

Please note the following guidelines when making nominations:
The voting for this competition is anonymous; therefore,spoken word nominations will be disqualified. You may nominate Spoken Word pieces in the competition below.

Spoken Word of the Month Comp (every other month) is here:

(Link coming soon!)

New Member ( six ( 6 ) months or less ) of the Month comp is here:

(Link coming soon!)

1. Self nominations are not accepted. The great majority of the competitions here are about spotlighting one's own work on a particular topic or theme.  This is a chance to nominate that poem that you wish you had written but some other great talent here beat you to it.

2. You may nominate only THREE poems from THREE different DU members.

3. No DUPLICATE NOMINATIONS. If you nominate a poem that has already been nominated you will be asked to replace the nomination.

4. Any genre except erotica or pornography. This is a Facebook feature and we must adhere to their guidelines.  

5. Any member who is banned or disables their account PRIOR to winning will be automatically disqualified.

6. One win per member per calendar year, beginning with the month they win.

7. Please notify your nominee they have been nominated.

Nomination Duration is three weeks followed by a week of site voting!

Current Poem of the Month Hall of Famers:

January - Styxian
February - Daniel Christensen
March -  Betty
April - DaisyGrace
May - Northern_Soul
June - Neves
July - Razzerleaf
August - _feral
September - Adelphina
October - Cipher_O

January - Luna Greyhawk
February - AspergerPoet
March - Relic-54
April - Alan-S-Jeeves
May - _feral
June - Nevermindthegaps
July - Indie
August - inechoingsilence
September - Rianne
October - Bluevelvete
November - Honoria
December - KristinaX

January - brokentitanium (k.)
February - SatinUgal
March - X
April - RiAN
May - DaisyGrace
June - Bluevelvete
July - Jemac
August -  Northern_Soul (-Missy-)
September - Joshsam
October - cold_fusion
November - Buddhakitty
December - Particles_of_HerII

August - Daniel Christensen
September - Aspergerpoet
October - Lunagreyhawk
November - Kristinax
December - Ahavati

July - LAYLA
August, 2019 - AHAVATI
September - MISS_SUB

February - LEPPEROCHAN Craic in a Box
March - TINABUBUYA (Tee Mali)
June - MISS_SUB (Missy)
August - LAYLA
September - COLD FUSION
October  - TODSKI28
November - TheMUSE22
December - BENDER

January - VEE
February - CRIMSIN
June - AEMelia564
July - THE_SILLY_SIBYL (Jack Thomas Heslop)
September - _SHADOE_
November - NAAJIR
December - POETSPEAK

December - AHAVATI

Francisco J Vera
Tyrant of Words
United States 21awards
Joined 25th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 5295

Merry Christmas, Mom - Part XI

When I say that you were a wonderful mother and person, I'm being sincere.
The memory of the last Christmas that we shared is something I hold dear.
We spent many Christmases together but we won't be able to do it again.
We'll spend Christmases together in Heaven in the future but I don't know when.
Back in 2012, I gave you and Dad two presents each on Christmas Eve.
You passed away less than three months later and it was hard to believe.
I didn't realize just how sick that you were.
Your death was painful and hard to endure.
If I'd known that the Christmas of 2012 would be our last Christmas, I would've appreciated it more.
I will always appreciate and cherish the final Christmas we shared and all of the Christmases before.
You and Dad are both gone and I can't spend another Christmas with either of you.
I want to wish you and Dad a Merry Christmas because it's the proper thing to do.
Written by randyjohnson
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Francisco J Vera
Tyrant of Words
United States 21awards
Joined 25th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 5295

Straight Talk Live (Awoken)

We are on the throne of entering a new season, a portal window, whereas the celestial bodies once aligned will play a historical role in major events that will forecast and shape our very existence.      
If you are a born Aquarian (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) A great humanitarian of this magnificent astrological force; it will be a pivotal moment as referenced to the Dawning Of The Age of Aquarius, this is the time to accept life’s major blessings, favorable life changes will occur, and spiritual awakening lessons will benefit the nature from where you stand in this vast universe.      
The planet Saturn will grant several challenges as opportunities increase. Be prepared to feel more confident and powerful than ever before.      
The COVID-19 theories, with new emerging variants      
Is this all related to a pre-ordained Armageddon this world is moving into.      
Armageddon. ( ˌɑːməˈɡɛdən) n. 1. (Bible) New Testament the final battle at the end of the world between the forces of good and evil, God against the kings of the earth (Revelation 16:16) 2. a catastrophic and extremely destructive conflict, esp World War I viewed as this.      
Armageddon - Wikipedia 12-03-23-SKC
Allow me to take the time to give you my hindsight, in addition, all opinions are expressed by me, and I take full responsibility for the information supplied in retrograde.      
Let’s go back in history here. To control the masses, one must always give respect to unsound mind, body, and soul.      
Since the world does not consist of a present-day Nostradamus, we must stay focused and be aware of the potential of our Third Eye Enlightenment (Our Third Eye Chakra).      
There are several readers who have questioned the validity of what Chakras are and how do they relate to one’s everyday existence. A quick lesson, they are the essence that resides within on a higher lever of planetary conscious; each one of us have that dynamic core in the center of our being, we must take extra precaution when tapping into its altruistic energy.      
The DNA Of Hebrew Melanin    
The properties of its truth were neglected by great figures such as Constantine (He was the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity) Serapis (Serapis was an invented god just as Christianity was copied from African Spirituality, and then you have the Piso Family (The Piso family wrote the New Testament, and particularly the Gospels).      
Such a travesty to conceal such a truth and gave credence to the number in reverence to the mark of the beast a deceptive practice for the Roman aristocrats who wrote the New Testament in regard to their hatred of the Jews, which, if you study the history of theology is the Moorish ancestry, the original Jews.             
In the history of biological theological anatomies, once the male sperm fertilizes the female egg during conception, it becomes an explosion, the molecular apparatus of melanin covets the fetes until birth.    
Melanin is a pigment that attracts variations of energy; a melanocyte is a type of cell that is located in the basal layer of the epidermis. Melanin can absorb a great amount of energy, yet not produce a tremendous amount of heat when it absorbs this energy.            
African American’s melanin nuclei allow them to age ten years slower than any other European race known to mankind.      
The Afro American genetic chemical elements make up six-neutrons, six protons, and the equation of six electrons.      
Pineal calcification rates with Africans are 5-15%; Asians – 15-25%; Europeans -60-80%! This is the chemical basis for the cultural differences between blacks and whites.      
The numerical number is not the mark of the beast, as many have been deceived with the truth; the propaganda of inappropriate information correlating to the benefits from human, water, to plants. Melanin which makes up my DNA has been falsified of the validity of its beautiful structure.      
However, yes there are several references in the Good Book, it specifically mentions the "number of the Beast" in chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation, found in the New Testament,      
There are three types of melanin, which are brown eumelanin and black eumelanin, pheomelanin, and neuromelanin.    
I will advise woman of color after giving birth to ask for the placental, it carries the greatest amount of stem cells, if you can pay to get it frozen then do so, if not, keep in freezer until the child turns one and then bury it. In some cultures, the placenta is consumed.      
How does all this play in a significant to today's time.    
The New World Order      
It is the time to open shut eyes, we are bowing down to a new World Order. I must step away from this concept and add some insightfulness from theorizing world state affairs, political and astronomical flavones.          
I would take this universal pandemic and this mass effort to vaccinate, I do not understand some of the concepts. You have a society where cancer is on the uprise, hypertension, and diabetes, which citizens have complained of its cost effective in getting prescribed medication if you do not have health insurance, yet, the government under a black-op covert agenda mandates vaccine very quickly to vaccine millions of people buy the year later part of 2021, and here today 12-03-23 and more variants are popping up, and as always it has originated out of China, and now it is a spike in Pneumonias that is affecting children.     
A vaccination standardized given placebo/non-placebo in clinical trials for Asians and European descent but once approved by the FDA, pushed toward the African American population to get. And no, I will not accept African American are at a higher risk than any other race, everyone is at risk.      
I am a tad apprehensive regarding state officials who are balking at requests from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the personal data of residents receiving the coronavirus vaccine, and yes you would have to carry on you that small immunization record.      
It will get crucial, as time progresses, no record of receiving the vaccine you will become a prisoner of your own state/country, mark this date and time of the narrative these will come to past.      
And That’s Straight Talk Live For You.      
Until We Merge the Gift of Our Intellects, Keep Looking Toward The Moon You Just Might Catch A Star  
SKC Interim DON, APRN  
This is an updated repost.
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 294

Wild Woman

She roams the woods
Collecting dreams and inspirations
Weaving them
Into poems and stories

She observes nature's marvels
Talking to animals
Listening to trees
Enchanted by their wisdom

She walks her path
Moving with elegance and power
Catching sunbeams on her face
Inside like outside a raw natural beauty

She is on the scent
Tensing her muscles
Sharpening her claws and senses
Always present in the Here and Now

She protects her family
Widening her heart
Giving generously
Caring mother and reliable partner

She lives free as the wind blows
Dancing around a bonfire
Howling to the moon
She's a wild woman noone can encage
Written by Sappho
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Tyrant of Words
United States 75awards
Joined 22nd July 2017
Forum Posts: 117

While I appreciate the nomination I prefer not to participate in the contest…

poet Anonymous

Wild and Soft

I am the energy that seeks to nurture
Empowered by the radiance of our celestial mother
I lead my existence with a primordial purpose
Like the ocean depths, there’s more to me beneath the surface.
I can’t stay still; my energy seeks to be complete
And once it is, life has never tasted so sweet
I can be the light and the guiding voice
To lead you to salvation and eternal rejoice.
I find refuge amongst the trees
And sweet Luna’s the guiding light for me
In this strange new world that I wonder through alone
For an ancient sin that I seek insight to atone.
Only when we are together is the world in harmony
Our love graces the winds with a timeless melody
Of our creation and our destiny
With you by my side, I can withstand eternity.
I seek a balance to reign in my limitless imagination
You are the encouraging voice that fuels my motivation
You set the catalyst for reigniting my creativity
We were meant to complement each other’s ability.
You complete me and I complete you
Nothing will ever shake this undisputable truth
By remaining divided, I’ve felt hopelessly lost
I can’t change my nature of being wild and soft.
Written by LunasChild8
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Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1854

Poet Wife

I dreamed I had a poet wife  
to tidy up my thinking
She'd wash my word socks every night  
and stop my phrases stinking
We'd roam the pages of our lives
make memories together
and before our ink was barely dry
we both knew it was clever
Now here's the thing I like the most
while we scribble in a fever
even when she burns my toast
I know I'll never leave her  
And joy of joys the day arrived
she proved I was a man
presenting me with ecstasy
our couplets in a pram
Written by Abracadabra
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Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 2nd Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 10

Even though it hurts

I wish I have a way to take away the pain
To go back in time to the day we met and just stay in bed
I wish I had a way
I wish I had a way to never fall for you
but then I remember everything you taught me
everything you said
the way you taught me to chase my dreams and never giving up on anything
I remember all you told me and now
I know I need to fall for you
I know I need to go through all this pain I'm in
It's worth every minute of every single heartbreak
because now that I love you I love myself
You made me feel beautiful
You taught me to embrace my flaws
You helped me to find who I am
You made me feel confident
and as I fell in love with you I fell in love with myself
So I'm glad I got to love you even though it hurts
Written by gracemarie
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Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 2nd Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 10

As you pass....

83,married 63 of those years married to the love of your life, you are leaving behind a wonderful and beautiful family of 3 kids, many grandkids and wonderful in-laws and friends as well...
Along with a timeless legacy you know nothing about, just for being you. This legacy holds more than any type of monetary gift.  
You taught me to love unconditionally and always forgive  
Family, faith, friends, frolic....The 4 effs in life. Besides the eff bombs we all toss around. You never did.  I
You will never know how much youve mean/meant to me all these years and my entire life.  
I shouldve said it more before now  
I shouldve been there more before now  
I shouldve done more before now  
Watching you suffer has been the the worst  
I am actually happy for you as you prepare for your final time here with all of us  
You have suffered far too long  
God will wrap his arms around you and take you where everyone else thats gone before you, and they will make sure your passage from this this life to the next is what youve always thought it should be and you will suffer no more  
This has been hard  
Losing you is like losing a Mom to me.  
Thats how I feel about you.  
Youve always been there for me  
Eve when I was an asshole teenager being sassy and bad  
You and Uncle  
Hes loves you like Ive never seen anyone else love another human
Its been an honor and privilege to witness this extremely difficult, sad and very private part of your life and marriage
Thanks to my family for allowing me to be there through all of this, even though Im not technically "immediate family"
Hes going to need all of us now that youre on your way home to be with our Lord  
Hes also going need to you to help God help him to understand this loss  
Theres never been anyone like you  
You love endlessly and non judgingly  
If only there were more people in this world like you  
Its sad to say you and Uncle are taking this way of living with you when you go  
I can only hope and pray to live my life as beautifully as you have Auntie.  
May you die with grace, peace and painfree surrounded by all your family and may your next step in the next life greet you with all that you dreamed it would.  
Letting you go, has been much, much harder than youll ever know, harder than I ever could imagine  
My own mother turned me way  
You never did.  
Thank you for that.  
This is the crappy part of life, letting go of those we love to go on with the Lord  
I love you so much. And always will  
You no longer need to be afraid  
Embrace the Lord  
Hes ready for you  
Until we meet again, Auntie....  

Written by mysteriouslady
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Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1854


I know what my spirit says
Look how far you’ve come
and all you've done.

Still, shadows lick my feet.
I know I’m blessed.
But what I really wish
is for blessings to be commonplace.
An everyday occurrence
for each human to experience.  
I've seen those suffering
while seeking direction
—gazing out the window
from an office cubicle
pretending to be content
with a noose around their neck.
Staring endlessly
into traversing clouds
beyond whatever assignment
is reminding them  
their needs don’t matter
against the bottom line.
I want to disable the elevator
disconnect the Wi-Fi
apologize for the cruelty
of corporate greed
squeezing their life dry.
I want to look them in the eyes
so they can see the sincerity
and possibility of their desires
and the importance of Be-ing alive.
I want to rip the system apart
burn every faction of spite and hate
that divides us as a nation.
Serve deportation papers
to the shadows
tell them they’ve been dismissed
by our inner Light.
I want an apology
for every broken promise
made by our government
to the huddled masses
who arrived from teeming shores
for the American dream.
I want to dig up every grave
containing the remains
of our forefathers
and beat clarity
from their corpse’s lips
till all that's left
of their broken bones and teeth
is love, imprinted on the future
of this country.
I want to finish this life
—despite being a single drop
in an endless ocean—knowing
I was at least part of a multitude
of drops trying to make a difference.
Not just for myself but everyone else.  
Written by Ahavati (Tams)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1065

To Rest or Range

Paintings hidden on dark cave walls    
becoming now our hallowed halls    
and who can't marvel at their call?    
'Out of the earth to rest or range'    
as with us so in their own age,    
strutting out on the self same stage,    
As from the dust they speak to us...    
" Look, we too slept, fed, loved and cussed,    
hated, made war, and showed some trust,    
And worked at home or braved the weather    
to catch the food of fur or feather,    
or big bold beasts skinned for leather,    
Gorged on sweet fruits, nuts and honey    
bought and sold with flint for money    
wooed, was wooed, and fished the seas,    
Got drunk, danced, 'neath the same pale moon    
carved instruments to make our tunes,    
made Venuses on which men swoon...    
The ranging beast's our season's clock    
to feed our flesh and bone we flock    
but time, of course, had always mocked...    
To live a life we fed on death    
but time's a hunter our spoor, breath...    
hunt's us on the run but, we crept...    
When only Venus was worshipped    
bountiful breasts and big birth hips    
and we too kissed, just lip on lip,    
And dug for stuff we would barter    
had no slaves but, had no master,    
and fell about in our rude laughter,    
As our kids played in mud and water    
shrieked and annoyed as they ought to    
toddling son and coltish daughter,    
Our wealth, to worship, birthing mother    
a higher god than any other..    
except perhaps son and daughter,    
And wondered at the stars bright gleam    
as ears of corn we learned to glean,    
and fished at dams we built on streams    
And built houses because we could    
out of stone and strawed river mud,    
tamed the sheep, the pig and housed the duck    
Our Bible bound by mountain ranges    
commandments writ in our kid's faces    
and all women the three graces,    
We worked hard to make some  leisure    
like you lusted for basic pleasure,    
and only worshipped our earthy mother's..."    
But somehow some greed crept in              
and with it came that original sin              
giving reason to keep down women,              
Soon newer bibles for devilish gods              
writ by and for the fascist Gop              
bought by worshipping insane mobs    
Ragged trousered philanthropists          
pay ranting GOPs to take the piss        
and their billions, in thieving fists,          
Rewriting the history books        
thus " slavery, a life-choice " yuck!        
dissenters dragged through the muck...        
And this miss-named saint dumps on gays    
and pantomime dames played by guys    
I might forgive him? The hell will I!    
And a trumpeting elephant    
spewing lying seditious cant    
strangely grifts the cash with his rants...    
Lawmaking grifter's counting sums        
given by maker's of the guns        
who shoots to death the little ones?        
And newer indignities dumped on women              
as these savages rape kind, from human    
with  Bible quotes used, to delude them...
Written by Rew
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Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1854

Coming to Grips

Awaken from impossible dreams
tolls of time with wandering souls
a hearth not lighted for eons
except in wistful thoughts of home

there’s hope in the path to unfold
yesterday’s remnants of merriment
stolen from outside of the window
looking in but never touching

the next steps I take upon this earth
may be further than yesterday
in minutes and days but the light is dim
the music is slowly winding down

still trying to understand what unfolded
in years past in fading memories
life’s mysteries may never be known
but tomorrow’s story will be written

for life, a journey both fierce and kind,
lessons will be learnt and wisdom refined,
coming to grips with fate's ungentle touch
listening to the clock tick midnight
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 294


There is a beauty in this disarray of
winter tree limbs.
Most of us will shudder a somber sigh.
Flung upward
to the indifference of the December sky.
A few will grin at the year's demise.
Bark, nakedly aches to be dressed.
While our yearning pulls at New Years end,
to guess, our next.
My veins in disarray with a core ache to inhabit my soul's winter den.
To detangle the chaotic with tinsel and zen.
To begin is also to end.
Written by deliabear (Debbie)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 11awards
Joined 1st Feb 2023
Forum Posts: 7

Thank you!!!

Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 294

A Tube From Where To No-Where

T'was never..  
Meant to be swallowed  
...and wallowed in  
Gotta learn to gargle and spit  
...these marbles of media...  
Where folks marvel from  
That seedier  
... greedier  
Are they content?  
NBC sho iz gratified from  
Now pick a personal hell  
.....where vices and fears  
Get channeled  
....... and conscious thought...  
Sprayed like pesticide..  
... best decide your status...  
..in this apparatus  
What was that?  
Someone just had a brain fart?  
Let life imitate art  
...or a facsimile there of?  
..there in  
[Lies] the reason  
For their demise  
Them eyes glued to imagery  
Welcome to the menagerie  
Of many hues  
Rubes imbued in  
...a monochromatic tone..  
..for such comments  
Do we the outcast atone?...  
...nahh....but still  
It's tough standin alone  
..out here in the field left of....  
Can we call it
Grand theft auto~~~~mation?..  
One nation under a ________ .  
Yeah...that's 'bout  
What we're shootin now..  
...thanks for your time...  
Written by Naajir
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