Poetry competition CLOSED 5th April 2023 4:18pm
View Profile Poems by Bluevelvete
RUNNERS-UP: mcjay and robert43041


Something scary

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

The origin of the last one standing (a vile horror story)

She asked questions
she already knew the answers to
white knuckle hoping
and silently begging
for specific
and certain replies

Being able to
predict every
possible scenario
and to adjust herself
is paramount
lucky, in laser instinct
At least fate afforded her
that small kindness

She sings songs
of muted harmony and peace
figuring that
light soothing

was where the engine
of mild safe complacency, fed

She dressed accordingly
and pleased them,
those that pulled strings
of survival
from a cold
and wholly owned
wretched existence

She kept her eyes
only on
which was straight ahead
unending obedience
never wavering
A "Yes Sir" or "Ma'am"
at every turn

She played the part
her self developed role
this game
one, where one day
she terrifyingly awoke,
to find herself in

A place, lessons of
pure horror were taught
minute by minute
teaching the 'inferior'
making her
pitting her
against a 'superior'
became fast in the revelation
of the entire motive
behind this nightmare,
the live playing out
every brutalized
wreaked of agony

To avoid, at all cost
any hint at misbehavior
when perceived 'consequences'
for negative actions
are a maniac's den
of conceived torture
forced female castration
acid scarification
(to name only a few)
unimaginable and unfathomable
reinforced though
and widely utilized,
by the abject ghastly,
howling screams
coming from
numerous nondescript
and as of yet,
nightly locations

Her body
on precarious edge
in constant shock
and cold,
controlled breathing
from second
to petrified
to second

One thought


(her willed mantra, repeats and repeats)

To Survive
to play the game

To play the game
only one thing

anything and everything


Written by Bluevelvete
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Tyrant of Words
United States 159awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1896

Room 237

Keep pedaling Danny!
Past the atrium and the hallways
Past the kitchen and the corridors
Past the pictures and the galleries
Past the lobby and countless doors
The wheels from your tricycle stir a ghostly echo
Muffled in the carpet then amplified on the floor
Keep riding past the remnants of time and history
It’s a long winter but be careful where you explore
Be watchful of the dead ends that linger in the corners
Because some guests never left and you can’t ignore
Listen to the foreboding, your daddy they are goading
Be careful of little girls and bloody floods from elevator doors
But somehow by the designs or spell of the hotel
Without going up the stairs you’re on the second floor
An isolated place like this is not meant for little children
But please don’t go into that room with the open door  
That is daddy’s room of pleasure and madness
For his waiting temptress, his witch, his whore
It’s where the visions of morbid lust and horror
Can change a man, an aspiring writer to the core
Written by wallyroo92
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Fire of Insight
Canada 7awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 89

The misbegotten starvation

The ultimate conversion
Of segments in time
The creation; dishonest
I’m milking the grave
Stealing the breed
I’m a soul involved in misery
Conceiving the deceit
For my mind
Will soon be overtaking your illusive kind
From what
does the world descend
Shaping all creations thoughtless lives
Condemned to a mourning sin
seduce me til your ill-infested end
Drawn to avoidance
A resistance  
A capability to die
A blood tear
I shed
I’m left too shallow to defy
An absence of regret
No causeless neglect
Brutality is commentary to the nothingness  
The misbegotten starvation
Is the weight of our demise
A fabricated death
Which skulks in your lies
To entangle the wisdom
Destroy the affliction
Persuasive conviction
Drawn to avoidance
A resistance  
A capability to die
A blood tear
I shed
I’m left too shallow to defy
An absence of regret
No causeless neglect
Brutality is commentary to the nothingness
The grave is desecrated  
I am worn  
I demonstrate the reality
In which I’m reborn
Dismantle my shell
Envenom my mind
Shelter within
Notorious eyes
Led me to realize
These shades of anger amplify
All reflections  
All inauspicious crimes
Reclaim my soul
Drowning in suicide…
Follow me to the end
Written by Everavalon
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Fire of Insight
Canada 6awards
Joined 11th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 514

Haunted Forest

The night is dark, the moon is low
A chill in the air, an eerie glow
The wind whispers secrets, unknown
A feeling of dread, I'm not alone

I walk the path, the trees surround
A rustling of leaves, a haunting sound
Footsteps behind me, but no one there
My heart beats faster, a rising scare

A shadow moves, just out of sight
A presence here, in the dead of night
I turn to run, but I'm held in place
A cold embrace, a ghostly face

The eyes of death, they stare at me
I'm trapped in fear, I cannot flee
A voice whispers, a deadly tone
"You're never leaving, you're all alone"

I scream in terror, but no one hears
My soul is lost, my fate is clear
In this dark forest, forever to roam
A victim of horror, never going home.
Written by mcjay
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Cannibalistic recipe......

Leonarda Cianciulli was a very sweet old lady
Of Correggio, Italy.
She did not want he son to join the (then)
Royal Italian Army (we're close to 1939, you see)
Palm readings, fortune telling was part of her beliefs
Part of a practice and from her, women came advice to seek

In the process of seeking blessings for the son
Offerings and sacrifices were needed.
The first vicitim (of three) was a  spinster
She killed her with an axe, cut the pieces
And put them in caustic soda

To the mushy results she  ''added flour, sugar,
Chocolate, milk and eggs as well as a bit of margarine...''
And thus made lots of crunchy cakes and served them
To the ladies who came to visit..

She even ate some of the delicacies herself.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Dangerous Mind
India 7awards
Joined 9th Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 157

those three children

We used to study in metro city and live in college hostel there.
Annual exams were coming and we used to study at night
Dinner was early at night, now I was hungry while reading
Me and my friend went out to for tea with the permission of the warden.
our college campus was huge so We took the cycles and just reached half a kilometer
n we saw from a distance that some people were going round and round in circle with some burning thing on their heads
We got a bit scared because we've never seen anything like this before
Nevertheless, we went ahead with some dare.
got close to the place and we saw that the people carrying the burning things had disappeared and there were three children who were playing round and round in circle
Seeing this, now we were very scared
they were the boys nothing was worn on the chest, they only wore black short trousers
They were driving  tires with wood stick in the dark of night
When we started going a little closer, all three of them started looking at us.
N now we realized  that they were ghosts, not humans
We didn't run away when we saw them, we just stood there,
they didn't do anything to us or even scare us
they were ghosts of dark darkness, they were not cunning like humans
they weren't ugly in appearance, but they were strangely shaped souls.
they were released from the cage of the world, they were human beings of the world.
they were away from the selfish world, they were not in any relationships.
they were sip of unfulfilled desire, they were not torture anyone in vain.
Written by dimpy (dimpsmoon)
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

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