Poetry competition CLOSED 27th March 2022 1:07pm
Viddax (Lord Viddax)
View Profile Poems by Viddax

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Self Not Me

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 41awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 842

Inner steps of fate (sonnet)

As you behold the seated mannequin  
that temptress comes with a pose reclined
reclined with her long legs, stretched out so thin
hairless, smooth waiting for the hand to find
Sitting on the steps that lead to nowhere  
foul dank walls, that signify her occupation
a brief liaison, expecting no great love affair
credit card or bank note, enhancing each sensation
Comprehension, now you see how far the fall  
with soulless eyes, reflections of life's shitty void
body, the inhabitant no better than Neandertal
just falsehood, a noir film made of celluloid
Just a casing painted, dressed for a pleasures fee
 that playground, a sham, empty of all entity
Written by slipalong
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Micheal M
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 24th Feb 2022
Forum Posts: 4

Stairway of Illusion

Blocking the path leading to divinity
Lies a woman barring passage
To passersby, this one included
Seemingly flirtatious
Undeniable in appeal
This journey fraught with distraction
As experience has shown
Time and time again
Same story, same journey
Enlightenment barred
By worldly desires
This mortal coil
Ever climbing
Clawing up this barriered path
Leading into eternity
Unforgiving corners at every step
Deciding to find a way past
This stiletto distraction
And continue to ascend
Until this journey’s end
Be revealed
Mirror held snugly in a pocket
Ready to tell the truth
Combatting illusions
Confusing this mind
A secret weapon learned
By sages long since passed
And this new perspective
Shows that this distraction
Never existed to begin with
Allowing ascension to continue
As this mortal coil becomes
For the first time
At Peace with himself
Written by xero (Micheal M)
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Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

These are awesome!

Thank you for joining us Xero & Slipalong

Loving where this comp is going!

Thank YOU!

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 32awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6705

Picture this place

In a place away from the crowd,
is this self imposed exile?
Or simply the hermit's choice
of peace and introspection,
before the necessity of moving onwards and upwards.

Here perhaps is not much at first glance
and yet,
this is not the bottom;
how fortunate to be in such a position
where one can rest awhile.

Whether to descend or ascend
to reach full potential,
no one else bars the chosen direction,
it is simply a matter of finding the will
to perhaps continue on.

Yet here is a space
comfortable enough for daydreaming the days away,
where heels can gather dust
while contorting limbs as desired
with no onlookers or voyeurs to judge.

Maybe here is too solitary, too quiet, too alone;
a life with blank walls in monochrome,
but it is the type that inspires curiosity at the mystery;
exuding an air
of being all dressed up with no place to go.

The cares and worries are mostly unsaid,
better expressed in a glance
understood and shared by only a select few,
while most others focus on the flesh
and not what lies hidden within those bones.

This is indeed a strange place,
the type that many would pass by
only brief visitors for the solitaire
who currently sits at this level
still yet to be motivated to change placement.

Plenty said in description of the location,
yet the incumbent remains an enigma
as dark strands hold intrigues
that lips can unseal if prompted
but all remains silent and still for a while yet.
Written by Viddax (Lord Viddax)
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Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Aaah Mr. V
So damn good to see you again
As ever a fantastic entry!

Thanks so much

Blue Skies Your Way!


poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Hi hi Keilani

Thank you so so much for popping a entry in heat!
Good of you to join us!

Blue Skies @ you


Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 213


it's the legs  
and then the heels  
and then the skirt  
and maybe  
it's a flaw in the male brain  
or maybe not  
but what most men see first is the legs  
and the high heels  
and the way the skirt  
is bunched up around those thighs  
and yet she's one weary girl  
catching the tough breaks  
picking the wrong men  
and god knows the money's gone  
and the rent's past due  
and the car's a piece of shit  
and the boss is an asshole  
and mama's a bitch  
and every goddamn body  
just wants wants wants  
and nobody ever gave her a damn thing  
no sir  
not really  
and she never ask for anything either  
just worked that weary ass off  
and tried hard as anybody  
and it's exhausting  
and she's really a good person  
a good girl  
and more beautiful inside than out  
and a girl like that deserves better  
and many men know all that's a possibility  
but still  
before they see any of it  
they see the legs
Written by javalini
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Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Oh Wow!

Thank YOU Javalini for your entry!

How awesome!

Blue Skies at you!

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 13th Mar 2022
Forum Posts: 10


Memories of polaroids
All in black and white
The home of ghosts
The haunted, the lost
To ask that only-
 the screaming would stop

Zoloft, Lexapro
Gold chains, Stilletos
Sertraline, Prozac
Vices and setbacks

The film is distorted
It's soaked from the rain
The ink is faded
She’s only to blame

What is it like to have
The camera in the hand
Of someone who actually gives a damn
Written by sierraD61
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Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5404

the stairway to heaven

she was smiling  
that's what the  
the steps  
the miss(/ed)teps  
the straight path  
turns out  
not so  
it is said  
be misleading  
one should look  
no further  
than the picture  
at beginning  
of life  
her smile...
Written by cold_fusion
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Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Awesome entries sierraD61 & the cold one!

Thank you so so much for joining us here.

Blue Skies my peeps!


Strange Creature
United States
Joined 21st Mar 2022
Forum Posts: 1


This is all truth .

   Bullies tormented  
 my childhood  
   Depression stole
my happiness
 Mental illness  
Stole my mind
Anxiety caused  
 me panic  
 Addiction stole  
my life  
 P.T.S.D.  ran  away  
with my sanity  
Nightmares crashed  
my dreams  
Darkness invaded  
my thoughts
Written by MYSTRYghostCAT
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Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Hello welcome to DU!

Thank you for entering this lil comp.

Blue Skies at you


Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 7th Nov 2021
Forum Posts: 28

A Single Note.

An Oboe,a single note•
Moulding pure and simple•
Bigger than•••••
Sitting,contorted body•
legs upset• outstretched,on concrete steps•
Far from the basement door•
A soloist playing alone•
Amused by Mozart's •••"Marriage of Figaro"
she absolutely adores•••
Beautiful surround,booming sound••
In the city of ••
New York.
New York.
New York•••
An epic tragedy••
Lacking empathy••
Freedom rarely comes around•••
Gotta Go!
Gotta Go!
Heels are hurting feet,and in need of a smoke!

©Wired6. 22/3/2022
Written by Wired6
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