Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd April 2022 7:10am
View Profile Poems by Bluevelvete
RUNNERS-UP: lepperochan and sierraD61

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#NoPoo Strange Magic

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16752

Poetry Contest

An extraordinary occurrence on a normal day
Narrative Poem
Two Poems per participant
No extreme contents
No collaborations
New Writes
No chatting on comp thread
*The top three winning entries will be read out in DU Podcast*

poet Anonymous

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16752

Thank you Missy for kick starting the competition.

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257


I've changed my entry...
please see final entry below



Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16752

RevolutionAL thank you for your entry.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16752

Rose of Oblivion

Notes of flowers wafted from the garden
while I had forgotten the purpose keeping me there
part with my reasoning, immerse, wile and stare

Time closed sewn upon breast, slow chimes sing pour to trestle
cracks alight by daily passage, warping wounds rip into wood
wrap gently my vine, rail-rot under night owl, kissing flower given full bloom

Mothers magic tree with its buried secrets, tales once beloved
speaks in wind-chime, shape that she is
Natures conduit, old arms and peace, spoke and wheel

Trails meander over hill and dale, streams that glisten , gush in echo
over there mushrooms grow underneath the may-apple flowers
once upon a time the glow of love shone, we the age'd rose of overgrown.

By Souladareatease
in Narrative Poem
Word Play
Not an Entry

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Of A Book & A Box

In the United States;           
Windsor Locks            
situated alongside            
Connecticut river            
is the site of            
Bradley International Airport,            
serving the Greater Hartford-Springfield            
region, boasting a square            
kilometer of water            
complimenting 25 squares            
of land            
New England Air Museum            
The irony              
a history of aerospace              
along side the boarding dock            
of my little brown box            
brings smiles            
Newark, celebrates            
age, as one of the oldest cities            
it parties with population            
as 320 thousand odd              
New Jersey residents            
fill census forms and              
port achievements            
suburban life,              
complimented with            
bustling urban districts            
The sarcasm              
in my breath              
thinks of       
Cathedral Basilica Of The Sacred Heart              
with its gold            
with its large stained glass            
with its steeples            
I wonder the magnitude              
of prayer           
a rat, would have heard there            
my brown box            
doesn't have time for prayer            
visiting Queens  
in the business and retail            
sectors of Jamaica            
I wonder if it stops              
to check time            
on the Sidewalk Clock            
in Jamaica Avenue            
I wonder if it              
shimmy shakes              
Jamaican Performing            
Arts Center            
The irony            
of a Arts Center            
being located              
in the First Reformed Dutch Church            
As airlines stop for over night              
blankets on steel airport chairs                 
I smile at the largest population            
in the United Arab Emirates            
thinking of the heat in Dubai            
of boiling toilets            
consider 3 Million people            
and populations            
of the places              
my brown box              
has visited             
I think of the sarcasm            
in words            
flying over     
an Arabian Prince            
In Johannesburg            
a small unobtrusive chap            
sits on his motorbike            
swiping his phone screen            
in wait            
for the landing            
at O.R. Thambo International Airport            
South Africa's finest!            
My brown box            
travels highways            
of the capital            
in crime            
Finally my box            
lands on the desk            
I open it            
finding the book    
wrapped in      
shards of card-board    
I think of its travels            
the life lived            
in 10 days            
places seen            
history consumed    
by a book in a box    
and Irony            
having been written,            
printed, and published            
in England;            

Paper scent            
of an ink made              
with love            
and tears            
having travelled              
four continents              
in it's young life            
I consider irony, living 49 years            
and the couple of times            
I've managed            
Alberton to Durban              
the book is a Wild[ling]!            
Written by RevolutionAL (Alistair Plint)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16752

RevolutionAL thank you for your second entry

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 13th Mar 2022
Forum Posts: 10


My last day on earth
My vanity holds
The last words I'll speak
Not an item’s out of place
in the house that I weeped
When my mother called,
And I said my good-bye

I dream of the funeral
Of the living and the dead
The cocktails in the mourning
Of my siblings and my dad
How strange it is
for them to turn heads

The autumn wind kisses my face
Caressing my hair
with frostbit whispers
Of the people who killed me
Made me a disgrace

Tears paint my face
Tomorrow they’ll find me
Frozen in the river
Shattered, cracked

They say that halfway down
Everything stops
Everyone halts
And the things that seemed impossible
Suddenly feel so small

My heart leaps into my chest
and you reach over the edge
I should be dead, at rest
But here I am grabbing a ledge
Begging you to just let me go

Thank god you didn't oblige

I’m a tyrant of it all
A dead man walking
You saved me from the fall
Now I’ll save me
From self enthrall
Written by sierraD61
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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16752

sierraD61 and feral thank you for your participation.

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14534

an excerpt from a strange occurrence

"you may not remember
back when we were one cells
wriggling round the ocean
and not a notion of standing
on dry land

I do

I remember much
later, when eyes overwhelmed us
with beauty and sadness
and where it took us
from there  

and look at us
look at you"

but, I dont think he knew
who he was talking to


Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

Quiet Essences Of

Under cool blanketed darkness
each twinkle wished upon, above
dire calls assuredly silent ...in their beckoning

You are there

Wherever the skies turn rusty pink,
dew slowly melting upon grassy earth
hushed truth finds way made of whispers

You are there

Whimpering newborn cries
a fawn shaking, celebrating pure life
tenderly warmed by it's mother's breast

You are there

When winged nightingale's sing-song
echoing their musical enchantments
rousing hearts to flourish an unending

You are there

Sunshine brightly warming my face
with a kiss of cool breeze
hugging it's arms, pulling me in

You are there

As days pass into years
time seemingly fleeting
while also impossibly standing still

You are there

In every place I have looked today,
in all days
from the gates of heaven itself
to nature's bounty or the song
playing on the radio

i know

You are here.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16752

Thank you lepperochan and Bluevelvete for your respective entry.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16752

Due to certain circumstances I will be closing this competition as of today. April 1. Hong Kong Time, a few hours hours before the closing date. I apologise for the inconvenience.
I will announce the winners soon. Thank You.

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