International Day of Peace

Ahavati said:Firstly, thank you to all who contributed to this competition over the week. Now more than ever, peace is vital for survival, and I don't mean overlooking wrongdoings with that statement. There must be accountability; however, the hope is that it will be a peaceful resolution to today's troubling times.
I know it sounds like a pipedream, but unless reminded with competitions such as these, then I am afraid peace will fall by the wayside to violence instead. Peace begins within ourselves and what we pay attention and spend our time on.
That being said, the only criteria I had for judging this was outlined in the guidelines: Write one * new * poem about what Peace means to you OR how you will observe/promote Peace. I don't care about spelling, grammar, form, or the like; I cared only about the message from the heart; thus, congratulations to our winners:
slipalong: Not in the sights
I totally enjoyed this offering. The imagery, the vocabulary, and most of all, the dream. It's just a lovely promotion of hope. Thank you so much.
Mel44: Peace is not Silent
I really enjoy your Emily Dickinson style of writing. Your brevity demonstrates a command of words and the value of placement. Tolerance is indeed an avenue we should all take. Thank you for such a purposeful proposal of Peace.
TimWombles: The Power of Peace
Tim, I really enjoyed your heartfelt plea of needs in order to accomplish peace. Especially in regards to our leadership. We as a people cannot hope to accomplish peace if our leaders are warmongers. Thank you for such a genuine supplication.
Harry: War Tears
Harry, this was a very powerful post. I could genuinely feel your frustration that so much positivity and light containing love are seemingly cast aside for the darkness of conflict. It truly evoked strong emotion to consider the alternative to war. Thank you for submitting such an observational post in regards to how war not only damages each of us, but our society as a whole.
slip: The quiet yet to come
Slip I truly enjoyed this one because I have children and a grandson who will be inheriting this earth. Mankind has truly forgotten the earth is organic, just as we are, and can be destroyed, just as we can, by careless behaviour. The gift of compromise to secure inheritance is wonderful. There is always a middle ground if we seek to find it. Thank you for such an inspiring entry, and congratulations on your placement.
Wally: Peace is Waiting
This is an absolutely beautiful piece; I loved the cloud and the small figure before it. Peace within ourselves truly does feel as though we are floating on clouds and can get no higher. Sharing that peace with others is imperative. Thank you for sharing such an uplifing poem and image, and congratulations on your placement.
cabcool: peace
This is another beautiful entry both visually and definitively. I love how you started from the womb and ended with a rebirth to accept Christ into the heart for the ultimate peace. Thank you for sharing such a biblicly profound entry of truth, and congratulations on your placement.
Thank you again to all entrants. And may Peace Reign.
Whooop! Congrats Wally, Cabby, & Slip!
I'd say it was a hard fought win ... if it wasn't so ... peaceful ... in ... here ... uhmmm ... 😌
I know it sounds like a pipedream, but unless reminded with competitions such as these, then I am afraid peace will fall by the wayside to violence instead. Peace begins within ourselves and what we pay attention and spend our time on.
That being said, the only criteria I had for judging this was outlined in the guidelines: Write one * new * poem about what Peace means to you OR how you will observe/promote Peace. I don't care about spelling, grammar, form, or the like; I cared only about the message from the heart; thus, congratulations to our winners:
slipalong: Not in the sights
I totally enjoyed this offering. The imagery, the vocabulary, and most of all, the dream. It's just a lovely promotion of hope. Thank you so much.
Mel44: Peace is not Silent
I really enjoy your Emily Dickinson style of writing. Your brevity demonstrates a command of words and the value of placement. Tolerance is indeed an avenue we should all take. Thank you for such a purposeful proposal of Peace.
TimWombles: The Power of Peace
Tim, I really enjoyed your heartfelt plea of needs in order to accomplish peace. Especially in regards to our leadership. We as a people cannot hope to accomplish peace if our leaders are warmongers. Thank you for such a genuine supplication.
Harry: War Tears
Harry, this was a very powerful post. I could genuinely feel your frustration that so much positivity and light containing love are seemingly cast aside for the darkness of conflict. It truly evoked strong emotion to consider the alternative to war. Thank you for submitting such an observational post in regards to how war not only damages each of us, but our society as a whole.
slip: The quiet yet to come
Slip I truly enjoyed this one because I have children and a grandson who will be inheriting this earth. Mankind has truly forgotten the earth is organic, just as we are, and can be destroyed, just as we can, by careless behaviour. The gift of compromise to secure inheritance is wonderful. There is always a middle ground if we seek to find it. Thank you for such an inspiring entry, and congratulations on your placement.
Wally: Peace is Waiting
This is an absolutely beautiful piece; I loved the cloud and the small figure before it. Peace within ourselves truly does feel as though we are floating on clouds and can get no higher. Sharing that peace with others is imperative. Thank you for sharing such an uplifing poem and image, and congratulations on your placement.
cabcool: peace
This is another beautiful entry both visually and definitively. I love how you started from the womb and ended with a rebirth to accept Christ into the heart for the ultimate peace. Thank you for sharing such a biblicly profound entry of truth, and congratulations on your placement.
Thank you again to all entrants. And may Peace Reign.
Whooop! Congrats Wally, Cabby, & Slip!
I'd say it was a hard fought win ... if it wasn't so ... peaceful ... in ... here ... uhmmm ... 😌
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621
Tyrant of Words

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Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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I almost called on ya, then I pulled up my big girl pants! 

Joined 3rd Mar 2017
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Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 348
Thank you for this inspiring competition. I wholeheartedly agree that peace begins within ourselves. Congratulations to all the poets for their truly insightful writes.
Joined 1st Jan 2018
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Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 864
thank you Ahavati for the award I hoped it would be more shiny, and for the critique and comments on all submissions , integrity the fifth dimension Regards SLIP
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621
Tyrant of Words

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You're very welcome, Mel and Slip. Thank you for participating and my peace reign ( if nothing else but our hearts and minds )!
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 787
Guardian of Shadows

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Ahavati said:Firstly, thank you to all who contributed to this competition over the week. Now more than ever, peace is vital for survival, and I don't mean overlooking wrongdoings with that statement. There must be accountability; however, the hope is that it will be a peaceful resolution to today's troubling times.
I know it sounds like a pipedream, but unless reminded with competitions such as these, then I am afraid peace will fall by the wayside to violence instead. Peace begins within ourselves and what we pay attention and spend our time on.
That being said, the only criteria I had for judging this was outlined in the guidelines: Write one * new * poem about what Peace means to you OR how you will observe/promote Peace. I don't care about spelling, grammar, form, or the like; I cared only about the message from the heart; thus, congratulations to our winners:
slipalong: Not in the sights
I totally enjoyed this offering. The imagery, the vocabulary, and most of all, the dream. It's just a lovely promotion of hope. Thank you so much.
Mel44: Peace is not Silent
I really enjoy your Emily Dickinson style of writing. Your brevity demonstrates a command of words and the value of placement. Tolerance is indeed an avenue we should all take. Thank you for such a purposeful proposal of Peace.
TimWombles: The Power of Peace
Tim, I really enjoyed your heartfelt plea of needs in order to accomplish peace. Especially in regards to our leadership. We as a people cannot hope to accomplish peace if our leaders are warmongers. Thank you for such a genuine supplication.
Harry: War Tears
Harry, this was a very powerful post. I could genuinely feel your frustration that so much positivity and light containing love are seemingly cast aside for the darkness of conflict. It truly evoked strong emotion to consider the alternative to war. Thank you for submitting such an observational post in regards to how war not only damages each of us, but our society as a whole.
slip: The quiet yet to come
Slip I truly enjoyed this one because I have children and a grandson who will be inheriting this earth. Mankind has truly forgotten the earth is organic, just as we are, and can be destroyed, just as we can, by careless behaviour. The gift of compromise to secure inheritance is wonderful. There is always a middle ground if we seek to find it. Thank you for such an inspiring entry, and congratulations on your placement.
Wally: Peace is Waiting
This is an absolutely beautiful piece; I loved the cloud and the small figure before it. Peace within ourselves truly does feel as though we are floating on clouds and can get no higher. Sharing that peace with others is imperative. Thank you for sharing such an uplifing poem and image, and congratulations on your placement.
cabcool: peace
This is another beautiful entry both visually and definitively. I love how you started from the womb and ended with a rebirth to accept Christ into the heart for the ultimate peace. Thank you for sharing such a biblicly profound entry of truth, and congratulations on your placement.
Thank you again to all entrants. And may Peace Reign.
Thank you for your thorough treatment (initiation, monitoring, processing, analysis, and conclusion) of this timely competition, Ahavati. This last page, in which you appraise the merits of each entry in a summative review, is more than we usually get in the typical situation. It's like an inspired mother hen (positively proverbial presence) accounting for all her chickens.
Beyond the limits of the competition, we can also see the larger mind in you that bleeds for peace. To this end, your most powerful statements must be emphasised:
Now more than ever, peace is vital for survival.... There must be accountability; however, the hope is that it will be a peaceful resolution to today's troubling times.
Thanks again, for piloting us through this essential awakening. Congratulations to Wally for landing on the apex, and to slipalong for allowing me to share the next rung with him. All the other entries had their own winning merits, diverse in outlook, yet focused on the essence of PEACE.
I know it sounds like a pipedream, but unless reminded with competitions such as these, then I am afraid peace will fall by the wayside to violence instead. Peace begins within ourselves and what we pay attention and spend our time on.
That being said, the only criteria I had for judging this was outlined in the guidelines: Write one * new * poem about what Peace means to you OR how you will observe/promote Peace. I don't care about spelling, grammar, form, or the like; I cared only about the message from the heart; thus, congratulations to our winners:
slipalong: Not in the sights
I totally enjoyed this offering. The imagery, the vocabulary, and most of all, the dream. It's just a lovely promotion of hope. Thank you so much.
Mel44: Peace is not Silent
I really enjoy your Emily Dickinson style of writing. Your brevity demonstrates a command of words and the value of placement. Tolerance is indeed an avenue we should all take. Thank you for such a purposeful proposal of Peace.
TimWombles: The Power of Peace
Tim, I really enjoyed your heartfelt plea of needs in order to accomplish peace. Especially in regards to our leadership. We as a people cannot hope to accomplish peace if our leaders are warmongers. Thank you for such a genuine supplication.
Harry: War Tears
Harry, this was a very powerful post. I could genuinely feel your frustration that so much positivity and light containing love are seemingly cast aside for the darkness of conflict. It truly evoked strong emotion to consider the alternative to war. Thank you for submitting such an observational post in regards to how war not only damages each of us, but our society as a whole.
slip: The quiet yet to come
Slip I truly enjoyed this one because I have children and a grandson who will be inheriting this earth. Mankind has truly forgotten the earth is organic, just as we are, and can be destroyed, just as we can, by careless behaviour. The gift of compromise to secure inheritance is wonderful. There is always a middle ground if we seek to find it. Thank you for such an inspiring entry, and congratulations on your placement.
Wally: Peace is Waiting
This is an absolutely beautiful piece; I loved the cloud and the small figure before it. Peace within ourselves truly does feel as though we are floating on clouds and can get no higher. Sharing that peace with others is imperative. Thank you for sharing such an uplifing poem and image, and congratulations on your placement.
cabcool: peace
This is another beautiful entry both visually and definitively. I love how you started from the womb and ended with a rebirth to accept Christ into the heart for the ultimate peace. Thank you for sharing such a biblicly profound entry of truth, and congratulations on your placement.
Thank you again to all entrants. And may Peace Reign.
Thank you for your thorough treatment (initiation, monitoring, processing, analysis, and conclusion) of this timely competition, Ahavati. This last page, in which you appraise the merits of each entry in a summative review, is more than we usually get in the typical situation. It's like an inspired mother hen (positively proverbial presence) accounting for all her chickens.
Beyond the limits of the competition, we can also see the larger mind in you that bleeds for peace. To this end, your most powerful statements must be emphasised:
Now more than ever, peace is vital for survival.... There must be accountability; however, the hope is that it will be a peaceful resolution to today's troubling times.
Thanks again, for piloting us through this essential awakening. Congratulations to Wally for landing on the apex, and to slipalong for allowing me to share the next rung with him. All the other entries had their own winning merits, diverse in outlook, yet focused on the essence of PEACE.
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 787
Guardian of Shadows

Forum Posts: 787
JohnnyBlaze said:
Whooop! Congrats Wally, Cabby, & Slip!
I'd say it was a hard fought win ... if it wasn't so ... peaceful ... in ... here ... uhmmm ... 😌
Thank you, JB!
I note, with sincere apology, how verbosely I seem to have disturbed your otherwise peaceful morning, as stated in your direct comment on my page.
Still, I give you peace, even if it is not as the world gives peace.
Whooop! Congrats Wally, Cabby, & Slip!
I'd say it was a hard fought win ... if it wasn't so ... peaceful ... in ... here ... uhmmm ... 😌
Thank you, JB!
I note, with sincere apology, how verbosely I seem to have disturbed your otherwise peaceful morning, as stated in your direct comment on my page.
Still, I give you peace, even if it is not as the world gives peace.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17621
cabcool said:
Thanks again, for piloting us through this essential awakening. Congratulations to Wally for landing on the apex, and to slipalong for allowing me to share the next rung with him. All the other entries had their own winning merits, diverse in outlook, yet focused on the essence of PEACE.
You're very welcome and deserving, Cabcool. Thank you for participating and congratulations once again.
JohnnyBlaze said:
I could always say that I hate competing with myself, but Magnetron doesn't care how many tropheees he earns at my expense.
Thanks again, for piloting us through this essential awakening. Congratulations to Wally for landing on the apex, and to slipalong for allowing me to share the next rung with him. All the other entries had their own winning merits, diverse in outlook, yet focused on the essence of PEACE.
You're very welcome and deserving, Cabcool. Thank you for participating and congratulations once again.
JohnnyBlaze said:
I could always say that I hate competing with myself, but Magnetron doesn't care how many tropheees he earns at my expense.
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1883
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1883
I want to congratulate cabcool and slipalong with the runner positions. There were so many great entries, I don't know how Ahavati makes these difficult decisions and also provides excellent feedback. For that I thank you for giving me the honor in this competition as it truly is a concept I've been working on these last few years.
I want to wish everyone blessings and hope that which ever path you are taking, you are on your way to achieving your goals, reaching that balance and understanding which will also bring you peace and harmony.
Thanks again for the honor. May we all soar together and keep sharing great poetry through these difficult times.
I want to wish everyone blessings and hope that which ever path you are taking, you are on your way to achieving your goals, reaching that balance and understanding which will also bring you peace and harmony.
Thanks again for the honor. May we all soar together and keep sharing great poetry through these difficult times.