Poetry competition CLOSED 4th May 2020 3:34am
View Profile Poems by souladareatease
RUNNERS-UP: wallyroo92 and Jade-Pandora

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Imagery Poem

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16872

greyeyes10780, thank you for your entry.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

Colours for the blind

Red- The burn, as your cheek finds sunlight,
Orange- the scent of dry spice at Christmas,
Green- smell of fresh cut grass under your fingernails,
Black- the taste of coal on your tongue and teeth.
White- the crunch under foot muffled by snow,
Brown- the earth of mud pies mixed by hand
Yellow- the smooth peel of bananas and the feel of custard
Blue- a cold electric tingle when ice finds your face.
Grey-A rough scrape on damp concrete
Pink- the sweet smelling pop of a chewing gum bubble
Purple- the power chord haze of a pulsing guitar.
Written by Razzerleaf
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Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 12th July 2017
Forum Posts: 286

The Touch of Love

What more does one need, than the touch of love?
Than the supple grace of lips on tear stained cheeks?
The touch of love can define beauty to whatever the receiver decides
Painting a picture for them, only their eyes can see
On a canvas so strong, no color will bleed.

The touch of love feels like a burst of spring
When the sun wins against gloomier days
And we missed the weeks of April sunshine
Hoping this weather carries through May
The touch of love can do it.

Loving touch supersedes all senses, when the giver truly means their act
Loving touch replaces mental warfare, if the giftee of touch allows it.

What more does one need, than the touch of love? To learn first to adore oneself, with the very hand that destroys it.
Written by Thetravelingfairy
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16872

Razzerleaf and Thetravelingfairy thank you for your participation.

Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 363

Mama's Calling

       Inner child, your mama’s calling from the past, a memory, haunting
Twenty years, unspoken longing since she passed through heaven’s door
        Inner child, your mama’s singing, hear the memory, now ringing
        Deep within, your tears are brimming, wishing you could sing with her
Listen to her lovely singing, raise your voice and sing with her!
                                                Lovingly, remember her
        In your mind’s eye, see her walking hand in hand, with daddy, talking
At Sears Roebuck, Christmas shopping, brought to mind from long ago
        Images of love and laughter, longing for the things that matter
        Loved ones now in the hereafter, see them still, with heartfelt glow
Mom and Dad look down from heaven, Knowing how I miss you so!
                                                Memories from long ago
Written by ReggiePoet (Reggie)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16872

ReggiePoet thanks for your entry.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th June 2019
Forum Posts: 69

Oasis Queen

I lie awake and pierce the void of this restless night.
My minds eye sees a torches path burning ghostly bright.
The flavored air of myrrh and jasmine thickened as I near.
Men gathered speaking foreign tongues to faintly over hear.
Guards flanked the entrance each with swords drawn within their hand.
Carpet tapestries of red and beige replace the desert sand.
Inside the shelter stood smoking hookahs around an open space.
On a silken cushion near the back is where I took my place.
Shackled slaves each bore the brand of their master’s mark.
Knelt beside their owners bowed or waited silent in the dark.
Brazen women served heavy trays baring fruit and roasted meat.
Clothed to delight and entice in ways that weren’t discrete.
Upon a throne sat the host a bearded hulking man.
His reputation understood by all the nomad clan.
Tribute lay before his feet maidens fanned him from each side.
He clapped his hands the music played an entrance opened wide.
Like uncorked wine came flowing dancers moving to the beat.
Alluring as they spun, each of them, on barren graceful feet.
Gold and silver charms and bells rang on silks and sun bronzed skin.
Daughters of flame and living fire ignite their souls within.
As I watched slender fingers caressed and fed me well.
Should sin be of such lustful pleasure then damned is how I’ll dwell.
My goblet brimmed and stayed as full from skins fat with wine.
While the water pipes hypnotic smoke wafted twisted, light and fine.
At fevered pitch the dancers fled back through the entrance door.
The music changed but few could notice from the frantic men’s up roar.
Temptress came and quelled them quiet while barely in the room.
Her presence reined a seductive glow amidst the shadows gloom.
Hers was not for rent or for sale though all would gladly pay.
I too gazed in private want desiring every turn and sway.
“Could the dream also dream?” A thought broke from my trance.
It’s importance lost as well as I watched her body dance.
The smile she gave the look she made I wondered what they meant.
Her tossed silk veil covered me to bless me with her scent.
The goddess cloth was drawn away so too the vision also done.
As my bed’s pulled sheets no longer blocked the rising morning sun.
Again she’ll lure away my restless nights as an exotic fantasy.
Where for that time she’s what I wish and who I’ll want to be.
Written by midevil
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th June 2019
Forum Posts: 69

Long Past Bedtime


Tempt not the dream whose life was spurned from dancing in your mind.
This stolen chance may have it’s due to this neglect in kind.
A fertile field is innocence where sin may plant a crop.
Imagination knows no bounds so long as wishes never stop.
When I was young I dared not sleep awake I staid through out the night.
A fatigued will lead me on till the dawn of morning’s early light.
What should have been like any day took on a different feel.
For lurking just beyond my focus hid a world that was surreal.
My senses felt the mortal shell that holds my soul within.
A glimpse I caught ‘twas enough to crawl beneath my skin.
Closer came the chasm boundaries of realities fraying ledge.
A blackened void of empty thought dwelled just beyond the edge.
I heard the echoes of my prayers that comfort me to sleep.
Strung like pearls of desperation to aimlessly repeat.
Should something catch me from behind I turn to see what’s there.
In time to witness an unfamiliar place revealed before my stare.
I found my self-standing in a fog that coursed through barren trees.
As a woman dressed all in white ran through the fallen leaves.
A monument to eternity stood among rows of carved headstones.
As she slowly moved to this home I felt a deep chill within my bones.
A ravens call broke this trance to look another way.
There stretched far out was a fabled city defying the close of day.
Cauldrons of scented burning oils brightened windows and rooftop.
On gentle winds music rose and fell its chorus never stopped.
Ripe fruit sweetened every breath mixed with the taste of baked fresh bread.
Savoring the breezes wine above I gazed at airships overhead.
Towards town I walked but every step moved me farther back.
The burning flames of the homes dimmed then turned to black.
Perched high inside a stone gazebo of white marble and ivy vines.
I saw a sea of souls marched below in unbroken endless lines.
I watched them go from light to nothing a fate I did not want.
To be among the demonic specters that in my nightmares haunt.
I screamed and screamed but a drone of laughter canceled out my voice.
A path to follow I fought the urge but my freedom had no choice.
As I walked I asked aloud, “This road, its end, where does it go?”
The answer whispered close to my ear, “Surely, you must know.”
Away I ran into the dark over unseen things I fell.
I broke free from the grab and hold of claws and things I could not tell.
Then a gentle hand held me still my eyes I opened wide.
The nightmare that was but a dream went back to where it hides.
As near as I remembered it I told of what I could.
Take to sleep but not from asleep this lesson understood.
Written by midevil
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Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 5085

Parts And Path

Wode leaves spiral by branch
winding hillside with random sprig
to those full open with white-striped vein
mark to trails entrance speaking home

voice to the voiceless sing from trees
spoken in wind, rustle and leaf
feather downs whistle for absent mother
padded paws chatter, chase and tumble

wilds we in Nature combine serenity
salve, balm, stroked and beloved
mired together, combing soft grasses
inhales of moisture letting oak permeate

pink swirls dipped in red blending blue sky
playing gateway for red-tailed hawks, stratus and robins
two troves interconnect lapping with wave
slapping-back at ocher banks these grey waters flow

mothers tongue lulls, embraced by the cradle
wrap thy arms secure to breast and bone
placed inside your rib-cage thumps the beat
my perked ear attentive can hear both ventricles  


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16872

midevil and souladareatease thank you for participating in the competition.

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 26th Nov 2019
Forum Posts: 11

Lost love ? maybe?

Whistling winds
Through swaying tree's
Rain lashed down
Our body's drenched
But warm too touch,
We did not care,

I remember your face
I can see it now,
We could not stay
In each others arms,
Knowing we would only
Cause much harm,

Maybe in another life
When we wouldn't
Cause much strife,
As the rain subsides
We see our chance
One more kiss
Then one last glance,

Goodbye my love
My one true friend,
Yours forever
Big G x

Written by BigG
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16872

Thank you BigG for participating.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16872

cloventongue89 thank you for your entry.

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 31st Mar 2020
Forum Posts: 49


Eye no longer see
Rainbow, iridescent, auras.
Child like, lost belief
In all things made of magic.
Lips no longer taste,
Summers promised bounty.
Stays rotting on the vine, to waste.
Doesn't that seem tragic?
Hands no longer feel
Caresses, soul deep connections.
Hope, harshly, brought to heal,
Turns the mellow manic.
A tumultuous un-meeting of minds,
Wrath in the rendering;
As the entwined de-combine.
Darkness feeds the panic.
Written by Brokenpoet2020
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