That's The Easter Spirit!
Joined 28th Mar 2019
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Twisted Dreamer
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Poetry Contest Description
Write a poem about an animal which resonates with Spring/Easter season

The May show (episode 12) is coming up folks, and we would like to again offer up the hallowed end spot of the show to feature your poetry on the podcast. The podcast goes out on multiple platforms including Spotify and Apple Podcasts, so it’s great exposure.
If you've not heard the podcast yet you can listen to past episodes here:
It is the month of Easter, so we are asking you to write a poem about an animal that has a personal meaning to you or relates to Spring/Easter season, the poem can be approached anyway you wish as long as the poem is about an animal which resonates with Spring/Easter time .
Obviously we would really love if you would be able to read and record the poem yourself for us, but please do not feel pressured. We (or a member of the reading team currently being formed) will be able to read the poem out for you if you don't want too. We understand.
Need help with creating a video? Head on over to The Loud-Speaker poetry group for help and advice on your audio / video submissions:
*You have one month
* New poems only
* Audio / video / songs accepted
* Up to 2 entries per animal
* No extreme content / extreme erotica / a little swearing is fine.
* Winner agrees to have their poem read on The Poetcast Project May podcast.
* No word count, just don't go mad
* Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Good luck!
Forum Posts: 69
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th June 2019
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Hoppy Easter
While spring breezes rocked the flowers that drank in morning dew.
A frantic bunny ran about not knowing what to do.
“Oh what an awful mess!” He said loud enough to hear.
Just as a passing fairy flew by so very near.
“How may I help?” The fairy said as she stroked the rabbit’s hair.
For this was in her nature to show how much she cared.
“The bunny trail would sometimes zig then sharply turn to zag.”
“This is why so much got spilled out my bunny bag.”
“I’ve no time to collect it all, it’s much later now than late.”
“With so many children’s gifts, a child’s fun can hardly wait.”
“Help me,” Cried the hapless bunny, “Help me,” again he begged.
“Roll by a tree or under a bush we’ll hide a colored egg.”
The fairy said while putting candies in baskets of wood and straw.
“We’ll just put them closely by where ever they did fall.”
“The children will find them when they come out side to play.”
So thankful was the rabbit he was lost for words to say.
He hopped for joy and still does so and not for bashfulness or fear.
So much fun this had become they now do it every year.
Written by midevil
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Joined 5th May 2015
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Thought Provoker

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The Lamb
The dogwood blooms
With strength and resilience
It’s purity is spiritual for all to behold
A twig covered in an ever-changing silk
The butterfly spreads its wings
As a resurrection to unfold
White lilies against a canvas of green
Like tears falling from a broken heart
In a garden between the olive trees
Stands a young sheep like an image of God
A sacrifice for the world, if only you believe
The lamb is a gentle as a springtime breeze
I would see the lamb from time to time
Eventually we became more than friends
Always by my side even in times of despair
My friends didn’t approve of me and the lamb
They were friends with the goat on the hill
And worshiped all the birds of the air
They told the goat of our relationship
The goat called upon the wolves of the deep
They crucified the lamb in name of their sins
My heart was broken I didn’t understand
I laid the lamb to rest in a field of stone
On the edge of the path where the valley begins
My friends all rejoice lamb is dead
But an empty grave is all they’ll find
The lamb now walks the yellow brick road
He comforts me as I’m never alone
The spirit of the lamb in my heart forever stowed
With strength and resilience
It’s purity is spiritual for all to behold
A twig covered in an ever-changing silk
The butterfly spreads its wings
As a resurrection to unfold
White lilies against a canvas of green
Like tears falling from a broken heart
In a garden between the olive trees
Stands a young sheep like an image of God
A sacrifice for the world, if only you believe
The lamb is a gentle as a springtime breeze
I would see the lamb from time to time
Eventually we became more than friends
Always by my side even in times of despair
My friends didn’t approve of me and the lamb
They were friends with the goat on the hill
And worshiped all the birds of the air
They told the goat of our relationship
The goat called upon the wolves of the deep
They crucified the lamb in name of their sins
My heart was broken I didn’t understand
I laid the lamb to rest in a field of stone
On the edge of the path where the valley begins
My friends all rejoice lamb is dead
But an empty grave is all they’ll find
The lamb now walks the yellow brick road
He comforts me as I’m never alone
The spirit of the lamb in my heart forever stowed
Written by buddydog
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Joined 4th Apr 2019
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Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 214
The Cat in Spring
that old cat,
her daily gifts --
when spring is born
her interest shifts
from sitting
on an old man's lap,
the window sill
and day long naps
to roaming fields
around the house
and stalking
and hare
and mouse
she lays their bodies
at my step
and who would think
that one so sweet
who purrs and nuzzles
at my feet
could be the brunt
of nature's wrath
and become a vicious
whose dumping ground
is my front door --
another bunny
hops no more
her daily gifts --
when spring is born
her interest shifts
from sitting
on an old man's lap,
the window sill
and day long naps
to roaming fields
around the house
and stalking
and hare
and mouse
she lays their bodies
at my step
and who would think
that one so sweet
who purrs and nuzzles
at my feet
could be the brunt
of nature's wrath
and become a vicious
whose dumping ground
is my front door --
another bunny
hops no more
Written by javalini
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Alexander Case
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Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
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Dangerous Mind

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The hedgehog
Do you have a garden manacured and neat
or a wild oasis more like a rubbish heap
leave out a bowl of water, for furry friends to sip
the bolden fox, badger with it's pointed snout
or a sleepy hedgehog on a walkabout
Squinting as he feels the springtime warm
count his spines and keep them uniform
for Spike's breakfast, seeking out a tasty worm
swallow it in one, and feel it squirm
Not the kind to garner false display
he seeks camoflage to hide himself away
his lair of autumn leaves, the winters nest
small legs, no match to outrun faster pest's
A treat, some primium cat food on a silver platter
eliviate Hunger games of winters teeth that chatter
oft the butt of jokes, endangered, only few remain
they die not on the cross, but on the roads are slain
The innocent, condemned under the tyre
and some are spared, and some expire
not spring lamb covered in mint sauce
his pleasure, to sniff the bloom upon the gorse
Long hibernation to endure
how short or long his near future
from winters rest to springs arising's
and life's a ball in frightened times
a coat that bristles, like spring buds arriving
For this nocturnal being
a glimpse is all I'm seeing
in that festival of colours gleaming
hiding safe, amongst the greening
Cowered under prickled armoured shield
the gardeners friend, in hedge and field
a simple life amongst the slugs and snails
resurrection is the growth that he enabled
or a wild oasis more like a rubbish heap
leave out a bowl of water, for furry friends to sip
the bolden fox, badger with it's pointed snout
or a sleepy hedgehog on a walkabout
Squinting as he feels the springtime warm
count his spines and keep them uniform
for Spike's breakfast, seeking out a tasty worm
swallow it in one, and feel it squirm
Not the kind to garner false display
he seeks camoflage to hide himself away
his lair of autumn leaves, the winters nest
small legs, no match to outrun faster pest's
A treat, some primium cat food on a silver platter
eliviate Hunger games of winters teeth that chatter
oft the butt of jokes, endangered, only few remain
they die not on the cross, but on the roads are slain
The innocent, condemned under the tyre
and some are spared, and some expire
not spring lamb covered in mint sauce
his pleasure, to sniff the bloom upon the gorse
Long hibernation to endure
how short or long his near future
from winters rest to springs arising's
and life's a ball in frightened times
a coat that bristles, like spring buds arriving
For this nocturnal being
a glimpse is all I'm seeing
in that festival of colours gleaming
hiding safe, amongst the greening
Cowered under prickled armoured shield
the gardeners friend, in hedge and field
a simple life amongst the slugs and snails
resurrection is the growth that he enabled
Written by slipalong
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A Rabbit's Run (a Villanelle)
A free spirit not born in domestication.
She swooned when gently scratched behind her ears.
when she needed, that bunny got our attention.
A gray-brown cottontail of Eastern extraction.
Given gratis with cage, nary a tear.
A free spirit not born in domestication
it’s strange she didn’t suffer electrocution.
when with incisors, power cords she’d shear.
When she needed, that bunny got our attention.
The cat’s approach provoked her defense reaction.
A startling, loud back-foot THUMP!! we would hear.
A free spirit not born in domestication.
Feeding her veggie scraps from meal preparation.
is a happy memory I hold dear.
When she needed, that bunny got our attention.
She mustered a squeak, her first vocalization.
begging me stay while she passed from this sphere.
A free spirit not born in domestication.
When she needed, that bunny got our attention.
(In November 2015, I wrote this poem from the bunny's perspective,
Written by Gahddess_Worship
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Joined 28th Mar 2019
Forum Posts: 208
Twisted Dreamer
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Congratulations to case28! We’ll be using your audio recording on the next show.

Alexander Case
Forum Posts: 2129
Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2129
Thank you and we'll done to all the writers who took up the writing challenge. Sorry about the apocalyptic Easter poem, the shape shifting octopus just seemed to be a good fit for our changing world and the rebirth for our way of life on the other side.
Thanks for the opportunity Poetcast Project!
Thanks for the opportunity Poetcast Project!
Joined 28th Mar 2019
Forum Posts: 208
Twisted Dreamer
Forum Posts: 208
case28 said:Thank you and we'll done to all the writers who took up the writing challenge. Sorry about the apocalyptic Easter poem, the shape shifting octopus just seemed to be a good fit for our changing world and the rebirth for our way of life on the other side.
Thanks for the opportunity Poetcast Project! Congratulations Case and thank you to everyone for your wonderful submissions. Keep an ear out for that and a bunch of other kick ass content, coming up in our anniversary episode, recorded entirely in my birthday suit, without my podcast mates knowledge or consent.
Jk you dirty birds. Belated April fools.
Thanks for the opportunity Poetcast Project! Congratulations Case and thank you to everyone for your wonderful submissions. Keep an ear out for that and a bunch of other kick ass content, coming up in our anniversary episode, recorded entirely in my birthday suit, without my podcast mates knowledge or consent.
Jk you dirty birds. Belated April fools.