Poetry competition CLOSED 20th September 2011 5:21am
rayheinrich (Death Plane for Teddy)
View Profile Poems by rayheinrich
RUNNERS-UP: PierreTheMad and ImperfectedStone

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Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 24th May 2011
Forum Posts: 1958

Poetry Contest

In the POV of the stalker or stalkee

It can be as long or short as you want.
Only rule is it has to be a brand new poem.

Fire of Insight
United States 20awards
Joined 21st June 2011
Forum Posts: 330

Spiders eat their mates
My post-coital midnight snack
no "her" to follow "me"
no skinny bitch on your stoop
kissing you sweetly at 6 am
Sometimes nature has the right idea

"Psycho bitch"
spit angrily into your cell phone
sounds so mean as it statics
on my modified car stereo
when you take me back
I'll be rubbermaid
contorted in your bed
not cowering in my car
hiding from police lights
you filed a restraining order
because you want my attention

Your t-shirt smells so good, love
I don't think you missed it
you should really lock your gym locker
I love to rub your scent on me
wrapping it around my arm
my fingers
late at night
when I touch myself

I'd love to wrap my arms around you
Hands around you
Hold you so tight
My skin consumes absorbs you
Pulling your pulsating heart
Through my chest cavity
Meld us together
Into one being
One breath
Utterly consume you
Sometimes nature has
the right idea

Annabelle RHCJ
Thought Provoker
Joined 18th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 199

I saw you as you were walking to the store
You bought beer, chips , steak and more
I wondered how long you would be awake
I have missed your smile ,I have missed your kiss
I have missed so much ,so I made a simple wish
I followed you down the center isle standing one lanes stay
I hurried through the self check out as not to give myself way
How you looked as you walked to the truck
Hair blowing gently in the cool breeze of the wind
I placed the carts in the corral as you fumbled for your keys
You sensed someone was watching, but couldn’t reveal it was me
I memorized everything about you the colors that you wear
The scent of your cologne. The color of your hair  
When you got home, I was standing there
I saw you, but you didn’t see me .It’s how it had to be
I told you for so long of love. You told me it was wrong.
Gave to me that same sad song, I could not escape
Now your life is being raped; as you have taken mine
There will be no pain, violence is not my gain
There will be no words , I have already had my say.
I will follow you all around , make you wonder of the sounds
Are you going insane , is it a game ? You hurt me just the same
You ripped my heart out and took it with you as you go
So if you don’t mind where it leads you I want to know
I saw you in the den, drinking on your bottle gin
Watching the movie flick I saw the whole thing
You thought you caught a glimpse but I was too quick
You can’t place what’s going on I must be sick
Or is it just you? How to know what to do?
As I sit in the car just outside in the darkness I hide
Wanting only you to be my side
If you won’t come to me I’ll come to you
Whatever I got to do
20 August 2011 ARHC

Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 24th May 2011
Forum Posts: 1958

Awesome so far. :'D

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2026

A normal walk home
from school, or was it
She saw walking twenty feet
behind her, him
A man in black attire
She knew him, he was her ex
He wouldn't leave her alone
She thought "What next"
She cut through an alley
Took another route
He still followed
She started to shout
" Leave me alone!"
He Started to run
She ran and ran
But soon it was done
He grabbed her
She kicked and screamed
"I hate you!
Get away from me!"
She broke free and
ran as hard as she could
She made it home
Locking her door like she should
He bust through a window
and moved inside
She barricaded her room
and tried to hide
She got out her cell
And call the cops
She wished this
nightmare would stop
Sirens rang
through the streets
The cops ran in
and caught the thief

poet Anonymous


In her fitful sleep, restless, alone
she fumbles for peaceful dreaming
a reckless twisted image, rampant
replaying itself so she can't find comfort

or hazy rest.

She smells him before he's in the room,
stale booze and stifled maturity
he swaggers, almost keels on the bed.

Restlessness evolves into fear.

He bends over her, puffs
his whiskeyed hatred into her nostrils
and his eyes light Hell fire.
The overcast hands, uncaring

seek her heat

pinpoint and corral around her throat.
Finally. He can break her.
She rakes his eyes, pulls his hair

panicking under his weight,
her windpipe buckling under his thumbs.
He smiles into her gurgling death.


poet Anonymous

This poem is excellent in every way.

Miss Kay
Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 26th Feb 2011
Forum Posts: 13


I feel his eyes, they watch me whenever I walk by. I do not know his face, but these dark streets are his home at night. I am alone, in unfamiliar ground. I am a dead man, waiting to be found. He is creeping closer, like the plague-- Getting nearer, I have to walk faster, I was never good at remaining calm in stressful situations, can I fake it this one time? Can I make it home? I don't want to die, I want to live-- I do not know what he wants from me, or if he is human at all. When the mind panics the strangest things come out of the dark. Do I want to deal with a human being or something not of this world? How many blocks between my job and my house, why didn't I call someone? Why do I insist I walk, because it nice out because nothing bad can happen to a teenage girl.

I stop. . .

Two pairs of feet stop behind me, he is following me tonight but I know when I turn around I will see no one-- This has happen before. What do I do? Do I keep walking, will I be able to reach my cell phone? I'll make a run for it, I scream if I hear someone chasing me. What did my mother always tell me to scream? Rape?-- No fire, people will come if there is a fire, or are they all to unconcious, what if he drugged them all. What if they know he's coming to get me, what if they know and they don't care.

My heart is beating faster than an hummingbird's wings, my mind is racing like a crack addict's brain, my hands are shaking, the color I feel has drained from my face. And I take off running, I don't make a sound-- I just run, I don't scream-- I run. I don't stop and I don't look back and then I am home, I open the door and slam it shut behind me.

I look out the window to see the shadow of him standing there again, he's standing there and I can just image a evil smirk on his face. He knows where I live, he's going to kill me in my sleep. I am not safe anywhere, why isn't anyone awake in my house. I'm scared now, I lock the door my hands shaking-- a hand is on my shoulder. "Ramona you okay?" I nod, "Yeah I'm fine, there was something following me" I stop myself, really-- 'Something' like it could have been a demon or a monster, it was a person, a sexually deprived person who just wanted to rape and murder me-- That is totally different from a demon. I look out the window, the shadow is gone. "Well I think it's gone" I say. My hair is brush to the side, "Oh Ramona, he's not gone--" and a hand wraps around my mouth and I let out a muffled scream. . .


Now her blood on my hands, I didn't want to hurt her-- I loved her, really I did. Why did she have to scream, everything would have been okay, we would have been together just her and I. But no, she has to get selfish they all have to get selfish, why-- Why do they do that? I first saw her when she was working in the coffee shop, she was so beautiful and so I began to watch her. I didn't know that it was wrong, I would go there every day just to see her and she was always so nice to me. Why was she nice then, she gave me mixed signels. Soon I wanted to know where she lived and so make sure she got home okay, I watched her leave her work and then walk six blocks home, why didn't someone give her a ride-- I should have offered her a ride. Then when I saw her outside her house, I saw she had a boyfriend. It made me even more angry, why is she doing this to me. The next day at the coffee shop, I saw she was nice to everyone, the same way she was nice to me-- No she can't treat us all the same, she was suppose only smile when she saw me, not him, not them, not her, not you. Just me, me and only me.

And now look at this sad tale, she took off running away from me, scared like a little rabbit and I tried-- I really tried to make her understand. But she just didn't understand and now, we're here. And she's dead, just like the other woman, the other girl, the others-- Why didn't they just listen, I wouldn't have hurt them if they would just listen. But no they always have to scream. . .


"I don't understand?"

"What exactly don't you understand?"

"I didn't kill her-- I mean, I would never kill her."

"You were found at the scene of the crime, her blood was all over you. How can you say that you didn't kill her, your prints are on the murder weapon. You killed her!"

"No! There has to be a mistake, I didn't kill her-- I loved her. I would never kill her, she was my girlfriend."

"Ramona? Yes you indeed killed her-- It says you stabbed her mulitple times in the chest, she was concious the entire time-- She finally bled to death."

"SHUT UP! I didn't kill her!"

"There is no reason to angry Mr. Stevens."


"Andrew Stevens, that is your name isn't it?"

"No, my name is. . . Jason, and I didn't kill her and if she died than that what she deserved-- I mean, Nooooo she can't be dead, she was my friend."

"What are you talking about?"

"Ignore that, what's this all about?"

"Nevermind, Andrew Stevens, you have been charged with the murder of Ramona--"

"Yeah I killed her, so what?"

"You're under arrest."

Are you confused yet? Because I know I am, that wasn't me that killed her-- Just a part of me, I didn't want her to die. But He knows if I love something and when I love something, He has to destroy it. It makes me wonder, would you rather want to die a hero, or live as a monster?

NAME: Andrew Martin Stevens

AGE: Nineteen

ADMITTED INTO: Admire Pscyhological Observational Institution

DIAGNOSIS: Dissociative Indentity Disorder

DESCRIPTION: Criminally Insane

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 7th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 2808

(As song I wrote...)


Enter the mind of a hunter
Thinking only of his pride
Looking to fulfill its hunger
And she is what he had in mind
The beast is loose and he’s on the prowl
Suddenly feral he lashes out
Don’t look now there’s a stalker
There’s a certain safety in numbers
In just being a face in the crowd
Between the folds of grass lies a hunter
And he has her singled out
The power’s in his hands between the folds
Every time again between the folds
Instincts understand between the folds
He’s proving he’s a man
Don’t look now he’s a stalker
But you’ll never see it in his smile
Keep glancing over your shoulder
And he’ll play this game for a while
Folds of grass form a corridor
Following the prey
This delicate little creature
Should never have gone astray
The power’s in his hands between the folds
Every time again between the folds
Instincts understand between the folds
He’s proving he’s a man
Don’t look now he’s a stalker
But you’ll never see it in his smile
Keep glancing over your shoulder
And he’ll play this game for a while
Don’t look now
The beast is on the prowl
At a local watering hole
Next time we’re standing around being social
The animal might take control
He’s proving I’m a man
Don’t look now I’m the stalker
But you’ll never see it in my smile
Keep glancing over your shoulder
And we’ll play this game for a while
Is this all that it takes
To finally get what you want
To enter the mind of a predator
And participate in the hunt
Now I hunt

Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 24th May 2011
Forum Posts: 1958

I love these, they're all so different.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 28th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 4

Worn thin, followed by a stranger
oblivious to inevitable danger
same history now draws the curtain
similar actions left uncertain
flags attact little attention
too proud to mention
pointless when odd doesn't fit
fueling her comtempt, now lit
failure's posed as competence
denying loss of signicance
expactations fade to familar burning eyes
hard empty expression complies
silence and we're aquainted
back turned...begging..memory painted
melts in mirrors shattered
smiling and spinning what mattered

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 28th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 4

Worn thin, followed by a stranger
oblivious to inevitable danger
same history now draws the curtain
similar actions left uncertain
flags attact little attention
too proud to mention
pointless when odd doesn't fit
fueling her comtempt, now lit
failure's posed as competence
denying loss of signicance
expactations fade to familar burning eyes
hard empty expression complies
silence and we're aquainted
back turned...begging..memory painted
melts in mirrors shattered
smiling and spinning what mattered

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4409

[font=Courier New][size=2]
          < i watched you today >
            pink blouse
            gray skirt
            same as last tuesday
                 - - -

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14621

           On safari with my little friend

It's friday night and i am back on safari

pickings are good, i will feast tonight

look at them falling around scoffing curry

despicable creatures all begging for it

could be the loner crying into his i phone

or the couple trying to hold each other up

getting nowhere fast after a few vodkas

the stubborn runaway wrapped in a blanket

would be far to easy,no,no fun in that one

i need at least one punch before a frenzy

a blue uniform,now thats more like it

excuse me officer would you have the time

thanks, now say  hello to my little friend

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

Animal Control.

I smelt him,
watching me.
Monday's and Wednesday's and Thursday's and Sunday's,
sweat and English Leather.
I smirked
- didn't know what I'd been leading him
into, for weeks.
Oh, how the sick dogs file in
at the sound of a whistle and promise of a warm bosom.

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