Poetry competition CLOSED 4th December 2019 3:05am
View Profile Poems by gardenlover
RUNNERS-UP: wallyroo92 and Carpe_Noctem

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Your pen name explained

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 214

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 787

cabcool was the cure

Bee to the blossom, moth to the flame;
Each to his passion; what's in a name?

—Helen Hunt Jackson

she joined the staff of moe
on my eighth anniversary
but no one stepped in as her guide
and so i snuggled to her side
mentor-mentee relationship
was no less novel, no more hip
because she would not even eat
unless i also sat at meat
one day i had to send her mail
whose speed was only like a snail
she had a digital address
but i had none, i must confess
so when she said j-s-g nice
it made me promptly realise
initials with an adjective
was all i was required to give
since she was nice i could be cool
with no threat to the golden rule
and so we thought of it and laughed
both satisfied with my first-draft
from that day thenceforth, we have used
jsgnice and stood amused
that c-a-b cool was the cure
for my snail-mail discomfiture!

© Copyright 2019 November 27
by Clyve A. Bowen♫
Written by cabcool
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poet Anonymous

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Kurt Geric Dili
Twisted Dreamer
Philippines 1awards
Joined 19th Aug 2018
Forum Posts: 19

Unique Scars

Let me run my fingers through your hair
When you smile all i can do is Stare

Can we be foolish for awhile
As we enjoy are pity lives

Counting raindrops
Impossible right?

I enjoyed watching you play outside the rain
That's why love-you/">i love you
you're Uniquely Insane

As we gaze upon the stars
No one can hold us
even strong bars

i love you so much
even when you left me
With a unique Scar

Kurt Geric Dili
Written by KGERICD (Kurt Geric Dili)
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Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 787

Unique Scars

Let me run my fingers through your hair
When you smile all i can do is Stare

Can we be foolish for awhile
As we enjoy are pity lives

Counting raindrops
Impossible right?

I enjoyed watching you play outside the rain
That's why love-you/">i love you
you're Uniquely Insane

As we gaze upon the stars
No one can hold us
even strong bars

i love you so much
even when you left me
With a unique Scar

Kurt Geric Dili
Written by KGERICD (Kurt Geric Dili)
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Please excuse me, KGERICD, but are you certain that you have posted this in the appropriate forum?
How does it explain your pen name?

Just wondering.


Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1885


Twelve thugs on drugs packin’ mad heat were about to shoot at me,
They was talking smack when I clapped back carefree and happily,
I was young but then again I was seventeen just like my magazine,
‘Cause my glock nine had more speed and rhyme than they had ever seen.

They started spraying but I was praying the Lord to afford me aim,
Suckers took cover like little bitches when they saw my tracers flame,
One drunk punk got hit in the junk when a bullet ricocheted,
And the prick yelled “Ah! My dick” then they all quickly felt afraid.

They fired uninspired while I was wired without dread or fear,
The lame brains saw that the aim from my pistol was crystal clear,
They stopped trippin’ cus I was pickin’ ‘em off one by one,
Ninety two bullets missed my mullet until they I said I won.

I’m just bullshittin’ –
Wally has always been my nickname, I know it ain’t that cool,
Roo just rhymes with ‘92, the year I graduated school.
Written by wallyroo92
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Fire of Insight
Joined 15th Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 236

DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

Ahavati, nutbuster, AspergerPoet56, Jade-Pandora, _boybrains, butters, Josh, eswaller, Andiew, De420, Stoney223, TIG, inechoingsilence, Poetic_Strength, Marks, FreeLove87, PoetsRevenge, Poetrybydhyana, Tallen, Lagertha, russell_snow, Sky_dancer, Kingvirky, snugglebuck, alcedoathis, Heaven_sent_Kathy, Kinkpoet

Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1885

Congratulations to Carpe on runner up and to gardenlover on winning the trophy. I'm honored to stand on the podium. It was certainly a fun and interesting comp seeing the origins of names.

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