Colors of summer - Visual Poetry
Joined 27th Dec 2017
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Dangerous Mind

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Joined 27th Dec 2017
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Dangerous Mind

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Tyrant of Words

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Of Hot Summer Nights
Joined 1st Aug 2017
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Fire of Insight

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Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
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Hello poets, thank you very much for your lovely colorful entrees. I will go through each poem then will announce the winner. 

Forum Posts: 2880
Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
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First of all my apologies for the delay from the deepest of my heart. I was never meant for delaying this long. I was stressfully occupied.

And am glad I have an extra criterion, yes the visual side of the poem. Otherwise, it would've been me harder than this to chose a winner from these loving entrees.
Thank you all for the lovely poems.
So I will here are the winners with my comments...
I loved the poem, It was very soothing. I felt like I heard the girl is giggling and speak the words from there. I loved the arrangement of the text in the sky background without disturbing the main image. I loved the colours, bright and speak happiness. beautiful one...
Brighter Days by cloventongue89
I would've added a contract between text and the background colours. Because of some areas, the text was challenged to read.
Summer Love by eswaller
I loved this poem it was very sweet.. but in the image, I felt like a shade of a sunset, romantic mode. I was expecting more bright colours.
Light's Lineage by cloventongue89
Wow, I loved this one. I loved the image. Colourful, romantic, happy, fits all the criteria of the theme. My only concern was the stretched text. (one of the first rules of typography taught was never stretch, instead use a narrow font)
The Summer Sun by RevolutionAL
This is a very creatively and cleverly crafted poem, you described a colourfull happy summer in just 6 lines. I would've used may be a picture of a close-up sandal on the beach.
daffodil in the sky by Daffodil32
I loved this one, I saved all images and when laid all in one artboard this poem stood out, the colours of really stands out. I loved the poem. I had a really hard time choosing between this and the winner. Congrats to you...
Summer Fling by LunasChild8
I loved it. That little moment, a couple flirting on the beach, just ran in my head like a clip. But I would've chosen a different picture, with a clean beach, bright sun, bright sky.
Bailemos by LunasChild8
Beautiful poem. Although I don't understand the Spanish words I can feel the romance in it. I might've used a more active picture, with an active dancing pose may be.
Of Hot Summer Nights by wallyroo92
Seeing the tubas I could feel the loudness and kind of a calmness before the big show. but I felt a bit hard to read the poem. The texts were very small.
8/1 by AtoMikbomb
I love the poem. And I love the irony being the last entree in the competition and metaphor you used. I loved the image. But the text colour didn't pop out, and in some areas, the font fades into the background. I would've used a transparent box behind the text, probably would've used a san serif font.
Well, that sums up my comments. I hope all of you would forgive me for the very late reply to the competition. And I really hope this will not affect the participation when I post my next competition... Also, I apologise if I offend anybody with my comments. That was not my intention.
Again Congratulations Jade for a lovely entree...!!!
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

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Oh my gosh! To our host demure, Vick... I’m so very honored for being chosen for the win, and the outcome is special in a whole other way..,
You obviously took great care & artistic responsibility to judge most carefully how each entry followed your comp guidelines & rules, as well as the way the aesthetics impacted your own personal appreciation and sensibilities pertaining to the experience you have when it comes to techniques used in visual poetry. I also appreciated how well you monitored the comp throughout its duration; you were there to help things along. That reminds me, I thought that was so nice the way Alistair helped out when Luna had a question, he’s like that all the time.🤟
As for everyone who participated, you all went above & beyond in your efforts, and so everyone is to be given a fanfare of applause & a rousing cheer in how the spirit of Summer was represented in all of its seasonal varieties! 👏👏👏
You obviously took great care & artistic responsibility to judge most carefully how each entry followed your comp guidelines & rules, as well as the way the aesthetics impacted your own personal appreciation and sensibilities pertaining to the experience you have when it comes to techniques used in visual poetry. I also appreciated how well you monitored the comp throughout its duration; you were there to help things along. That reminds me, I thought that was so nice the way Alistair helped out when Luna had a question, he’s like that all the time.🤟
As for everyone who participated, you all went above & beyond in your efforts, and so everyone is to be given a fanfare of applause & a rousing cheer in how the spirit of Summer was represented in all of its seasonal varieties! 👏👏👏
Joined 27th Dec 2017
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Dangerous Mind

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Congratulations, Jade! Your poem is absolutely beautiful and invokes happiness within us.
A big thanks to the host for creating this marvelous competition, and kudos to everyone else for participating.
A big thanks to the host for creating this marvelous competition, and kudos to everyone else for participating.