Poetry competition CLOSED 30th April 2012 6:45am
View Profile Poems by Whitewand6
RUNNER-UP: lepperochan

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Society's Judgements

Dangerous Mind
India 16awards
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 2251


It whirred and cut thru the cast-swiftly
sending tiny shards of plaster-a small
white storm in its wake and all the
'get well soon' messages
were gone and my feet looked
but mine-
then the sessions began
It was August if I recall-
the lightless zenith of despair
the jump that nearly got me killed-damn
that had also happened then-on my birthday
on the very first day of the year-I was still
on the rebound-shaken-liquid-weightless-flightless
after having nearly died and I never liked that word
n-e-a-r-l-y for it sounded like an unfinished musical score
an unpolished wooden bed-an unwanted life to claw and cling onto
My gills were choked with tears of blood that defied every single attempt
for release and September was when
there was this kind man who dressed in white-linen
listened to Penderecki early in the morning-
with herbal tea and cookies
He gave me sessions where
he wanted to listen to me
I had not much to offer
except for fillers-
which did not fill
a n y w a y
vanished from
my life as I slept
like never before for
days at times- some cocktail
it was-Withinia Somnifera-
The beard replaced what used to be
my neck in the small broken mirror
My eyes were bigger than ever-like
that Jewish actor who played the creep
Having locked myself from outside I was
free at last-from therapy-the world from
Quartets for Strings and Piano in A minor
November as I remember was always glorious-
glum-lonesome-when everyone had plans or they came up
with for next month-next year-for future-for life-for it
I won't have known it from any other but for the bills
and visits by strangers who came from the bank
for payments still pending from years ago-
p r o b a b l y-It was a time when there
were couples everywhere copulation
purchases-sale offers-discarded
glittering wrappers and blush
underneath cheeks-breasts
I did not realize when
it ended-no big deal-
not really for all
I saw was jabs-
was turned up
then ever
a sensory assault-
the kind one feels
while being born-I guess
it was just opposite-the very
opposite for me-an antithesis
One day I found my door split-open-
the lock missing and the rooms looked
bigger-cleaner and later I realized there
was a robbery a few hours ago as I watched
the telly-the late night homeshopping infomercials
A couple of days later there was a visitor
She stood nervously when I stood
and asked her to come in
She showed me slides of
inflated stomachs and
skeletal women with
no hair in thatched
houses and there were
the jabs and she
told me which one I could go
for as there were five types-
I looked into her eyes long enough as she
reminded me of someone I used to know and I guess
I lucked out for she started crying and then she
hugged me and she made me nudge in between her
legs and yank and pull and thrust and grunt
I slept-battered-bruised like a new born
All thru out the month I found her
in my house-kitchen-dining-study
bed-couch-wrapped in sheets
wobbly and I found
myself expel
She shaved my head-
my beard-my crotch and made
me wear a silk robe that felt good
She told me she would write a blog
about me and took a few pictures dressed
in that robe and said she would come back-soon
And then there were bright fireworks and loud cheers
a few days later and one bill particularly asked me to be
present-during a hearing in court-on the first fifth of twelve
So it was another year The power was cut off that day
and I could not find my old manuscripts from which I had
been tearing off pages every time there was no water
standing naked-unwashed-midway-the birthday boy
I had my first smile after lifetimes.

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4409

Whitewand6 said:                Eve

It whirred ... after lifetimes.


Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596


I’m annoyed but
Don’t really know why
But I do know. I’m here
Here where the para shoots less
More or less. Shoot…I’m falling
Falling out of this aero-plane
Plain & simple this is insane
They’re saying on my own
That I can’t maintain; saying
There’s a need to restrain
Adding that I need not complain
Stay medicated...live my life regulated
But nah, this is a may day and
I’m going down
For me, looks to be a NO win
The para medics they’re strapping me in
These jokers along with their frowns
Who in the hell are these clowns?
Strapping me down onto this gurney
Where the fuck is Bernie?
Where is she when I really need her?
Probably somewhere off with Marcos
Taking a secret meet with the Narc O’s
In a meet…clandestine
Got my cheese sipping fine wine
Conferring, a lot of referring
All of it about my condition
Flight planned for my rendition
Yeah, they got my blurred attention
Thinking they can send me off to Morocco
Bernie, Marcos and the Narc O’s
Conspiring with them medics. The doctors
Them lawyers; I got something for all y’all
Just wait ‘till I break my fall
Y’all just a bunch of wannabe rocket stars
Shooting in & out of them black shiny cars
Planning, preparing my next dose
Bernie, I should’ve left her..
Should’ve left her on the west coast
Back then thought I was a gracious host
‘tween me and her; she did the most
Now they giving me another cocktail
From air to sea I’m about to set sail
Perhaps next, I’ll ride the rail
Come back seeing y’all later
Shooting another tale. Any mail?
Conspiracy; y’all gonna fail
What the hell!!!  





StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Purple Train Driving Hippos    

The train
clatters on the tracks
travelling through my brain
made of candle wax

The driver is a hippo
he takes me where I wouldn't go
he's purple
with a funny glow  
reminding me of what I shouldn't know
winding , binding , inside coves  
igniting memory , lightning probes .

I am who I wasn't
and I was
what I am not
all I am is what you see
and the past should be forgot .

Don't taunt then bring
the gone into everything
anylising , scrutinising
none of it's worth realising
it's in the earth
so let it lie then
purple hippos
aren't for finding .  

poet Anonymous

diddi said:Purple Train Driving Hippos    

The train
clatters on the tracks
travelling through my brain
made of candle wax

The driver is a hippo
he takes me where I wouldn't go
he's purple
with a funny glow  
reminding me of what I shouldn't know
winding , binding , inside coves  
igniting memory , lightning probes .

I am who I wasn't
and I was
what I am not
all I am is what you see
and the past should be forgot .

Don't taunt then bring
the gone into everything
anylising , scrutinising
none of it's worth realising
it's in the earth
so let it lie then
purple hippos
aren't for finding .  

Good shit you are smoking tonight--LOL

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

har har minxter

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 20th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 6

I scare myself sometimes, because my thoughts are so diverse and abstract. Of purity and beauty, they mostly lack.

I fear my own soul, I fear my vanity. Not because of it's sporadic seether. I fear the Devil will say I have neither. That is, when I meet her.

I fear my own, little fantasy world, because it makes more sense than the one I live in. Even the sickly and the sad seem to grin.

I don't fear my sanity. It's beyond my desire, it's only good for constricts me from soaring higher. Here, you can have it. I want the psychosis and delusions and sick little habits.

I fear no authority, I was born a King, the gems of my crown peeled to thorn and I walk a shame. Forget my name, but remember thee! Messiah of the Fantasy world that is me!

Thought Provoker
Puerto Rico 5awards
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 317

im coming out. hard ont his one.

Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 24th May 2011
Forum Posts: 1958

Imagining my funeral, I must admit it
excites me more than future weddings.
Nothing will change. My body delicately
pampered, soft as sin and wrapped in
Versace, Fendi or Prada. Admirers flocking
from far and wide; desperate for one last gaze.
Shielded by veils and silk handkerchiefs
they won't even realize it's they're greatest gift;
a role in my last display, although my image
thrives. Ambrosial breath on lovers' neck
and delicate fingertips forever etched.
Realizing your hearts will never again
beat with the fervor my touch ignited
You will weep.

I imagine my funeral and giggle, nearly forgetting Gods don't die.

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4409

  < somewhere between despair and dishes >

    "My mental illness was so convincingly real
     I had to write little notes and hide them
     everywhere just to remind myself."
     - Martha Darling

    the words come
    (somewhere between despair and washing dishes)
    something to do
    something to write about
    always in metaphor
    but always about it
    the center of self
    where no one
    no one matters
    drawn selfish
    drawn for a reason
    drawn to thin rooms
    these beds
    these births
    and only this
    and only an excuse
    and out of this
    this failure
    here it comes
    an edge
    a shiny little sharpness
    sharp enough to slit this life apart
    so gray at first
    then red with bitterness and blood
    just wait
    be patient now
    an edge
    a little something just for me
    that I
    will never let you see
            - - -

Thought Provoker
Puerto Rico 5awards
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 317


Whispered in my ears (don’t pay attention,
they are just naďve, stupid people,
Surrounded of mental slavery. You are not,
you are emancipated, keep on going
Don’t stop)

Strange feelings, un-removedable thoughts,
Well, I have many friends, I’m never alone did I tell you
My name? is weird but is fhong. Im not attractive,
or photogenic.

I have this littler friend one of the best inside my ear,
Big eyes like a frog He would give his life for me,
I would do the same.Always talks to me,
But when I ask he never respond,
Never comes out, he said he does not
Need to come out, because he know what’s
All about. We know that there’s a missed level,
we are In different dimension. But still.

I like my short California pants,
And my pink color cowboy hat,
I know I’m mental different,
Does that give you the right?
To discriminate me, and ignore me, and push me aside?

I smile a lot, and talk to everything,
And when they ask me for direction
I always give it wrong, so I can compensate,
With then and laugh like I’m in drugs.
I’m tired of seeing people coming
With white coat, I tell my littler friend to
Be quite, so they leave me alone,
Lying to me, telling me that is sugar pill,
And is not a placebo.
Knowing for a fact, that drugs lack my thoughts.
So I vomit,

Run to the park, with my pencil and notes,
Start writing a lot of things that are wrong,
Everybody get away from me, thinking that I am
A Freak and I only want them to let me be.
Nobody talks to me, they don’t dare, I don’t care.

I know I have a serious faces sometimes,
But I’m ok, I’m happy; I have the desire too,
Of have sex, like a mother in a convent.

I have this friend of mine, which I love so much,
I was so happy the first time we made love,
We did it, not shame everybody saw me, they were in front,
I talk, I ask, and I don’t receive respond,
Understanding me, that’s why I like her so much.
A reason to say why im all alone.

I’m a social maniac; they try to take my notes
Away from me one time, I ate most of them,
Because what I said was true but for them I was
Sick, and need it some help, but my friend was always telling
That they were the one that needed it to understand.
I have seen things, that would never scare me,
But if you see what I have seen, you’ll be the one freak.
I’m used to it. I have learned living with this,
hypocrisy, idiot-crazy,Ignorance and the rest of human been.

Whispered to my hears (what are you doing, don’t let nobody knows,
You are the way you are, you and me, you promised me, now you are talking about me,They are going call you equizofrenic again, shit up, f…zzzzz)


Dangerous Mind
India 16awards
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 2251

rayheinrich said:[quote-78631-Whitewand6]                Eve

It whirred ... after lifetimes.


Honoured, dear sire.  

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 51

My Depression

[left][/left]Why must they think that?
That my life, my love, my feelings
Dont matter...

They have been corrupted.
Not unlike me,
Not unlike how I used to be...

They push and they pry,
But never get the answer.
The answer they seek is unreal.
Undeniably fake.

They hope that they can "help"
They say.
They dont know the truth.
Nothing, well... Almost nothing...
Actually can help.

When you open up,
Some get lost.
Others get angry and frustrated...

They dont really want the truth,
The twisted and vicious pain.
The truth about how...
All of my life, is really...
In vain...

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16890

Judge me not

Today, my beloved gweilo
told me I am as brown
as a de-husked coconut
I am a brown islander
what is my colour to you?
He thinks I am less
where my grey matters are
How do you know?
Do you have more than I do?
Do you have a big head
because you have a head?
Or a heady head
because you drank my rice-wine?
You beautiful specimen
Of a macho man
But just a man
You bleed
You feed
You grow old
and then you are dead...
just like all of us
in this island paradise.

Dangerous Mind
India 16awards
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 2251

                d e l e t e d

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