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Deep Underground Poetry is Closing Down

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 31st May 2013
Forum Posts: 659

This breaks my heart. I've used DUP as an outlet since I was 15... in 2013... I'll be 27 this year. What ever shall I do now? I just went through my whole page saving things... what a whirlwind of memories!

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 31st May 2013
Forum Posts: 659

On a less whiny note, thank you for all these years of wonderful reading and writing. DUP got me through years of shitty relationships, growing pains, and addiction.

Paula Jobi
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 9th Dec 2024
Forum Posts: 4

An app called Universal Copy extracts text from web pages.  You still have to do each poem one at a time.

a. r. m.
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 5th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 4

So sad. Thank you for the best therapy I received. DUP saw me through, I am grateful. Good luck. On to the next adventure!
Apryl Morris

Thought Provoker
Joined 12th Feb 2021
Forum Posts: 3

I have been here for only a few years, but visiting the site and reading a few poems have been a daily habit. I have been helped, and I hope I have helped. Thank you for the experience.

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 7th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 89

PoetSpeak said:I'm still hoping there is a collective way DUP can continue to operate...
Can a fee be instituted to keep DUP alive ? 🤔
Perhaps even a scaled down version that isn't so expensive to operate?
Perhaps just poetry and not all the bells and whistles ??
DUP means the world to me.  
It's a safe house for someone like me who is a opposite of the general population.  A site where it is okay to be different.  Celebrated even.
Many of us will be homeless without DUP.  We will cease to write.
Or we will write very infrequently.

I implore you Webmistress to consider alternatives and I thank you for the past 12 years for giving me a home ....

I feel the same way. This was where I could express myself and find support I did not know was out there. I'm going to miss everyone I have had an opportunity to learn. Some of you have encouraged and helped me grow in ways you will never know. I'm going to miss my home away from home. I hope everyone can find refuge in another site, and who knows, we might just find each other again.

Tyrant of Words
United States 56awards
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 181

Check out starsrite.com Bonzi.
A bunch of us have already joined.
I'd like to see you there too ....

Lord Stabdagger
Thought Provoker
United Kingdom
Joined 26th Mar 2020
Forum Posts: 2

And thus the doors will close
Disturb the dust one final time,
The darkness will increase
To hide the tears from swollen eyes.
The voices turn to echoes
As they fade into the night
Ghostly whispers haunt the shadows
To recall creative light.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2343

KittyFromHell said:This breaks my heart. I've used DUP as an outlet since I was 15... in 2013... I'll be 27 this year. What ever shall I do now? I just went through my whole page saving things... what a whirlwind of memories!

i empath Feel Your angst.
i scoured the internet for a NEW Home, to no avail.  i was addicted and donated 28 hrs of my life to this search!

THERE WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER like our Deep Underground Poetry.  
Not like the format EVER.  It;s the format that kept me glued to this Wonderful community.  
Caused me to wish i had the funds and the Coding Knowledge to keep this hallowed place intact.

Fire of Insight
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 625

Next time you are on public transport lean towards
someone and say " i write poetry  "

It isn't the done thing at best you'd get a a nervous grin
the worse? god knows an she ain't telling but here
I can shout it out and add " YES, AND MINE,  RHYMES!

It's a cruel world

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1545

Thank you for being here Kitty, and there...

Dangerous Mind
Joined 6th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 2401

lepperochan said:


I fund this thread a little disappointing,

I would urge people to lay down :

How you found the 7

When did you join

why did you join

why did you stay

-type thing, let the webmiss know how this site makes the days months years better for you

thank you, you are all beautiful people ❤️

PS: If you haven't checked it out already, check out Muggle, it was a type of magazine put together by members :


I no longer know how I found DU, when I try to remember.. some ideas come to mind..none of which feel quite right, kind of like trying to recall your earliest childhood memory, ..where you no longer can tell if that actually happened or you dreamed it.

What I know for a fact though is that I posted my first poem on here on the 12th of May, 2012. I was apparently a member of the site for 9 months before I did so, so I guess I spent a lot of time lurking/reading..  I remember being incredibly inspired by both the forums and the poetry. I had a handful of favorite writers who I really enjoyed, like Miruku555 if I remember his username correctly.

In 2014, after graduating high school I decided to move to Latvia, and feeling quite lonely decided to rejoin DU, and I'm so glad I did, it became a community for me, a space where I still had a connection to America in a sense, and the English language which I adore deeply. Some of my favorite memories from that time are of evenings reading good poetry and chatting with Eamonn and replying to questions in the Q&A thread. This place was a wonderful space for me when I needed it <3

I'm so thankful to the Webmiss for creating this place, it truly is amazing how many peoples lives you've impacted with DU Poetry, there's no other space like it on the internet, and it's had a great run.

Thank you to everyone who I've gotten to know on here, you are wonderful <3

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 8th Sep 2021
Forum Posts: 15

Rew said:Next time you are on public transport lean towards
someone and say " i write poetry  "

It isn't the done thing at best you'd get a a nervous grin
the worse? god knows an she ain't telling but here
I can shout it out and add " YES, AND MINE,  RHYMES!

It's a cruel world

oooh, I love the reel this conjures in my mind.  What a fun crazy idea to whisper something like that to a stranger.

L.C. McQuillen
Thought Provoker
Australia 5awards
Joined 17th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 66

Thank you to those who read, liked, and encouraged me in my poetry journey. I've been a member since 2015 and am so sad to see the site go. I have a website lcmcquillen.com and an instagram page @L.C.McQuillen that I would love to continue to connect with you on. Planning on releasing my first poetry book here soon (:

Looking forward to the NaPoWriMo last hurrah on DUP <3

Fire of Insight
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 625

I just got a new android tablet but can't bring myself to bookmark
DU. This, is torture

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