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Your favourite collaborations from DU poets.

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3031

I'm looking for collaborations written by DU members on this site.

It would be great if everyone can post their favourite collaborations, recent or in the archives.

I will then choose as many as needed, with the permission of the authors, for the DU anthology.

Thank you in advance ☺️

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2709

beautiful lovely Magdalena ❤️

Tyrant of Words
United States 125awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17818

Before the calm.    (  collaboration with Jack Heslop )

Boil the blood, then drain the heart :  
a sense of mist  
a profanity hissed  
a witch's brew to be dismissed  
by all who'd loathe to tear apart...  
a fair foul with fair force    
 [ you pluck the knife  
   slit the scar    
  add a splash of vinegar ]  
We climbed the fabled steps  
and found nothing.  
no gods, no men, just an old  
and empty room. all too soon  
those simple cries of agony  
became howls of rage;  
betrayed by hate  
we found the streets again  
saw the gutted cars  
vacant urban forts anew  
the bloody bone and torn sinew.  
we watched the sun  
fall behind the ragged skyline  
then bleedout  
held our breath  
time after time, and listened  
for someone, anyone  
alive enough  
to stab the silence

Written by lepperochan (CraicDealer)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 125awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17818

the diviner and the shade

case28 (Alexander Case)
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Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6108

Kop Raas ( Audio Collab with Miss_Sub)


Some leaves fall
in fall. Some are
evergreen. Some
leaves speak in
tongues; tongues
of an ancient love
based around the
globe. Some leaves
grow in spring,
an infant beginning
(a fresh love spoken
through walls & doors
& even windows, somedays)

Some grow from ink blots,
Rorschach fantasies melded
into continents, bonded closely
to pull echoes to their knees.
Some bury themselves
in Lazarus miracles,
knots of wood and bone
crawling under the skin-
etched with knowing,
pained in the telling
(it was declared in glass,
and the house creaks
in absence when night
runs dry)

grass blades of green
& tender summer stars
spell grammatical
in unsuspecting pages
amongst empty journals
& ballads sung
to magicians,
Rothschild &
Shroder in
busy rooms of
butterfly cocoons
(hands held in loving
words, phrases &
rhythms of
dreams in gold

communion in blue caves
shielded from phantasm eyes,
beckoning fingers, a tapping
of keys and melodies
filling silence with suspicion-
the door is open,
windows stillborn
(wildflowers still dance
under burdens of years;
darling, all we've got
is time)

Thank you Missy Miss, it was a privilege and honour to work with you again.

Written by RevolutionAL (Alistair Plint)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 125awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17818

Edge of Eden - collaboration with Styxian

There is thunder
inside me
My heartbeat
beats loudly
My God
My Lover

   I descend, upon her
   My hands extend soft lightning
   from my fingers, to
   Her chest rising, swelling
   Blending angst with hunger
   Equality within our needs

So in tuned
with my needs and
the rocking headboard
he occasionally bangs
his head on

   Overly eager, but I
   try to compensate
   with calm whispers
   Though as deep voiced
   as I am inside her

In sync with harmony
and bed sheet music
Together inside

Our bedroom
Our Garden of Eden

   Where we grow, we swell
   with torrential outbursts
   of blinding colors
   As we touch foreheads
   trying to see what
   the other sees

Where my arms
and legs resemble
tendrils of ivy and rapture
Wrapping around
his back and hips
expanding in every direction

trying to hold onto
this moment
this place

   -Of intense desire
   I wish you could feel
   what I feel
   in you

Where I'm
no longer human
I'm pure divine energy
Feeding off him

tempting him
to take me
into the Edge
of Eden

   As we shove aside linens
   and bare ourselves
   to any envious divinity
   Let the sheen of our sweat
   be our shield
   from judgemental angels

   Who know not what they miss
   Ever since they removed us
   from their garden
   So they watch
   as we rub it in.
Written by Adelphina
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Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3031

Brilliant. Thank you for these. A great start. I will post what I find in here too. 😊

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3031

Kop Raas ( Audio Collab with Miss_Sub)


Some leaves fall
in fall. Some are
evergreen. Some
leaves speak in
tongues; tongues
of an ancient love
based around the
globe. Some leaves
grow in spring,
an infant beginning
(a fresh love spoken
through walls & doors
& even windows, somedays)

Some grow from ink blots,
Rorschach fantasies melded
into continents, bonded closely
to pull echoes to their knees.
Some bury themselves
in Lazarus miracles,
knots of wood and bone
crawling under the skin-
etched with knowing,
pained in the telling
(it was declared in glass,
and the house creaks
in absence when night
runs dry)

grass blades of green
& tender summer stars
spell grammatical
in unsuspecting pages
amongst empty journals
& ballads sung
to magicians,
Rothschild &
Shroder in
busy rooms of
butterfly cocoons
(hands held in loving
words, phrases &
rhythms of
dreams in gold

communion in blue caves
shielded from phantasm eyes,
beckoning fingers, a tapping
of keys and melodies
filling silence with suspicion-
the door is open,
windows stillborn
(wildflowers still dance
under burdens of years;
darling, all we've got
is time)

Thank you Missy Miss, it was a privilege and honour to work with you again.

Written by RevolutionAL (Alistair Plint)
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Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3031

carving thoughts into the pavement (with Indie Adams)

A breath
You grew up like whiskey stained on the dashboard
Lick the palms of both your hands translucent in this moment and let me walk till the chaffing drifts away like green drums
Tappity tap tap fucking slowly
Let's paint like children
Morning dew and rain ten something towns away
Lunar houndings reinforced in the furling magazine
Let's waste some time before the walls start bending to theatrical musings
Sugar free raspberry dreams
Pretty flowers in October and street light hums on backwards strings
Vibrato in leather heartbeats
A breath
Tell them there's an entire solar system in my eyes

Because there’s a black hole in my heart we don’t want them to see
Exhaling dust
Absorbing spirit
The side walk is alive with its own universe
Cigarettes and whiskey vomit
Three week old spit
And the taste of love slipping out of someone’s mouth
My mouth blooming poetry and lies
Licking the pavement for inspiration
Turning the traffic lights to sound
And the car smoke into colours
It screams
And is silent
It aches and cums and unfurls itself
And does it all again
Just for the pleasure of your breath
On my sleeplessness bruised cheek

Hurry and find me
Ominous clicks and trees and someone elses blood on my boots
I've been grounded to the same pavement next to the same person I've met a hundred times over in a new city I can't remember the name of
Turn the lights off
Close your eyes and sway into a new world
Imitate a dark fantasy
Are you listening?
A deep staccato wheeze and claustrophobic smoke tracing yesterdays wounds in a peppered sky
Yellowed photographs
dripping under neon lights
Faces I don't care to see
Lets break a star and pour candle wax in its place
Creation of an almost artist
I'm a goddess of longing
Four am shadows on the coner of sixth street and an owl in my peripheral
Electric pupils and red glitter in the air
Wingless escape
A breath
Tell them I predict dilapitation on the horizon

It pulses
And trembles
Like the decrepit bones of a buried corpse
Rattling with the insects that spawn though its fermenting putrescence
We’re crumbling
Falling apart
Losing our sparks in the cracks in the pavement
Scream until your lungs burn fire And you birth a phoenix that dies
We’re mirror images of nothing
There is nothing in my lungs
But the smoke of you
Like tar
Sticky and black and abysmal
I want to lick your face and savour this moment
Nothing hurts as bad as you hurt
I am displaced
I am alive
I am broken
I want to die
Do you want to die?
I want you to die
I want you to die with me
So we can be reborn in new fire
And shatter all the worlds we know
In whiskey and brimstone
And be the new rulers
Of this spit pavement apocalypse
Written by kourtnissixxx
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I found this one on my reading list. I hope you don't mind me putting it here ladies?
Once a selection has been chosen for the anthology, I will delete the thread.

Tyrant of Words
United States 125awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17818

I'm only posting the ones who are currently active or those I know can be contacted, Mags. I am not contacting them, however. I just posted to help get you started in a direction. xo

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3031

Ahavati said:I'm only posting the ones who are currently active or those I know can be contacted, Mags. I am not contacting them, however. I just posted to help get you started in a direction. xo

Thank you. I will contact those who are contactable.  Or, if they see this thread and spot any of their collabs on here, maybe they could say if they want to be in the DU anthology or not.
Also, DUers  can post their own collabs here. 😊

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3031

Bitter Lake - Collaboration with Magdalena

Written for the "DUP swingers" competition.    
Seventeenth March, 1684.      
While cresting the foothills      
we crossed the south end of a small lake      
The ice proved thin due to springs that fed in from beneath      
One man fell through with full leathers and axes      
Two others drowned in an attempt to save him      
The surviving members of the party named this cursed spot      
Bitter Lake
I am silence while my surface is calm      
no wind to make waves through my tranquility      
the ghosts of those lost are sleeping      
I wear the sun like sparkling diamonds      
caught in a picture of captivating beauty      
inviting like hypnotic whispers      
Come to me and feel my embrace      
swim along my fluid caress the solution you long      
I can wet the appetite of the most innocent life      
come to me and play for a while      
There was a sun-bleached tire swing      
Dad told me not to go near there      
he said don’t go down alone.      
I’d seen the flashes of tadpoles      
and wanted to watch, just for a minute      
but the water tickled      
and the mud was slippery between my toes.      
I remember that I swam.      
There were clouds but no sky      
and a sunken tree, upright still in full leaf.      
I seem to remember climbing down    
into its branches.    
My liquid coldness is constant      
lives have dipped within my soothing ripples      
and I'm mistaken for friendliness      
the weaker becoming blind to my dangers      
that is when I take to their lungs      
drowning their feeble attempts to catch breath      
I bear down on the cries of a clutching soul      
until my blackness envelopes pulling lifelessness deeper      
Trembling currents shift my bed      
burying the debris fallen from my victims minds      
It was in the autumn as the sun slanted      
between the passing color and the coming snow      
when he first kissed me      
We’d borrowed his cousin’s old truck      
and rode in the long miles before dawn      
with the cedars hugging the path      
almost clothed by the closed-in wood      
when all at once it opened      
the shore      
blackness, immense.    
The moon when full will raise the tide of my oceans heart      
a swelling pulse of forceful energy in flow      
every liquid quarter is drawn to her beautiful command      
and the children of many shall be born      
giving back to life that what has been taken      
She anoints me with her reflection      
equilibrium being restored by the hand of natures will      
I am eternal and part of the ever evolving future      
you will swim through my caress      
regardless of the forewarning on the approaching winds      
She is undoing, the liar the leveler      
the meaning of the low empty spaces between the hills      
the perfect solvent against anything we might hold elevated.      
Did the water ever have a daughter or any one precious thing taken?      
Did it ever fight to keep on the upside of the earth      
feel the struggle to stay afloat holding every selfish hope back      
from the reflected self that lives in the lower lights?      
If you truly could ask anything of the water, of her truth      
ask only this:      
among all people and things      
all places we survey    
of the sky and the tumults that twine beneath      
which among them belong to us, and which to her?      
Clearly nothing is ours.      
What she's lost into the air weighs upon her surface      
wants to submit, struggling in isolation      
wants to belong.      
It will all be taken down      
nothing returned.
Written by braggman (Steve Bragg)
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I will add this one here. It was for a comp and won.

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2709

~Timeless Requiem~with The Talented RevolutionAL

Your skin
broken porcelain pieces
of my life; mending them
Your tongue lingers
in my mouth
sharing breath
like a Tango
in the sunset
Your heartbeat lives in my veins
an eternal pulse
The buds that bloom
hearing your voice


Singing delicate notes
in the garden
at midnight
a lonesome blood orchid
dances in the wind
Opening petals
to your tender caress
shattering darkness
the breaking dawn of amour
Falling in your embrace
tracing fingers along your spine
inking out my verse
in hieroglyphics
Knowing you
before light separated night
An ancient love


Birds sing!
Trees blossom
Roses awake
in enthusiastic excitement
the wind whispering
subtle secrets of love
etched in broken lives
of cold concrete walls
in temples of doom


Shaking foundations
though our affections
Traversed through centuries unchanged
Our eyes veiled
in ravenous passion
Tasting each other
as new suns rise
rivers of ecstasy flow
two become one


Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
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Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3031

Thank you lovely. 😘

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2709

Magdalena said:Thank you lovely. 😘

I deeply appreciate you beautiful soul ❤️

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