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Preserving DUP: A Print-on-Demand Anthology

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2098

Northern_Soul said:

… you rang? 👌🏻

Can’t back track on the project now…  it’s in black and white.

Get some brain storming going on.

Take your pick lady with the golden tonsils and chief curator of the DUP podcast, forum highlights, lols and everything.

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2098

Magdalena said:I'm  in. I have my evenings back, so can help then if you need it.

Great idea. Massive project. I would definitely want this book.

Hello, dark angel… ahem, and queen curator of poetry comps, collabs and anything else that tickles your fancy.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2338

AspergerPoet56 said:you include winners of poem of the month. some of the podcasts. NAPO poems . poems on disability etc

"  etc  "  to include Pariahs?

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17737

case28 said:

Well, it would be fantastic if you could be the chief curator for selecting the most outstanding poems from NaPoWriMo over the years.

Thank you, Ahavati.

Team NaPo'25 will be happy to do that for you, Case. I've never been alone in this massive project.

Quick questions:

1. Is there a specific limit to the number of nominations or submissions?
2. Is there a minimum/maximum word limit per poem?
3. Will images be submitted or just poetry? ( I'm thinking more of the memorials than poems )
4. Who has the final say on what goes into the anthology?*

*We ( Team NaPo'25 ) don't want to spend hours nominating and voting for the best submissions only to be told they're rejected.

Also, on a personal note, I'll do Danny & Eerie's ( Elisha ) memorials/bio and poetry submissions, as Danny left me curator of his poems and I have permission from Eerie's family. Another reason I'll need a limit on submissions.

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 1406

Just a note about legalities here:

whoever actually curates and posts the book on amazon/lulu/etc once it is available for purchase will be the one held liable if a poet wasn't contacted about including their poem in a collection and decides to pursue legal action. just make sure you dot all your eyes and cross your tees. get permission and double check the poet is who they say they are. If they want to use their screen name as the 'author' make sure there is something with their legal name on it giving you permission to publish.

i think the idea is good enough, but I don't want anyone hurt (poets, as well as curators) because things were rushed.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17737

DaisyGrace said:Just a note about legalities here:

whoever actually curates and posts the book on amazon/lulu/etc once it is available for purchase will be the one held liable if a poet wasn't contacted about including their poem in a collection and decides to pursue legal action. just make sure you dot all your eyes and cross your tees. get permission and double check the poet is who they say they are. If they want to use their screen name as the 'author' make sure there is something with their legal name on it giving you permission to publish.

i think the idea is good enough, but I don't want anyone hurt (poets, as well as curators) because things were rushed.

Excellent point, Daisy. I have both mine in writing so no worries on my front. I have all NaPo participants' email addresses as well, so we'll be able to garner permission in writing for their submissions and what name they desire used.

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6100

case28 said:Based on the feedback so far and some consideration into how the lovely Webmistress has structured and categorised the website, this is the proposed structure for the DUP Anthology:

1. Foreword
A reflection on DUP’s history, its impact, and what made it special.

2. The Best of DUP Poetry (Divided by Categories)
Each section will feature standout poems from across the years, curated by the DUP community:
Love Poems
Dark Poems
Erotic Poems
Spiritual Poems
Anger Poems
Upbeat & Inspirational Poems
Observational Poems
Self Poems
Drugs Poems
Story Poems
Song Lyrics
Fictional Prose
Non-Fiction Prose
Miscellaneous Poems

3. The Best Poetry Competitions
Showcasing winning or standout poems from some of the most legendary, challenging, creative, and inspiring DUP comps over the years.

4. Best Poetry Collaborations
The most epic collabs where poets created something truly special together.

5. Iconic DUP Moments & Features
NaPoWriMo Challenge – Standout poems from this annual April poetry event.
Forum Rants – The most legendary rants, including Ray Heinrich’s alligator clitoris rant.
Best Questions from "Ask a Question" – A selection of the funniest, deepest, or weirdest Q&As.
The Muggle – A look back at this satirical publication and its impact on the community.
DUP Podcast – Memorable moments from the site’s podcast.

6. Hidden Gems & Underrated Poets
A section highlighting poets who may not have competed in comps or posted prolifically but wrote incredible pieces.

7. Memorials & Tributes
A page dedicated to poets who have passed, featuring select poems or words of remembrance.

Feel free to make comment and let me know if there’s anything to consider.

Oooooooohhhhhh I do love a good written down methodical action plan.

In terms of foreword, might be worth revisiting the webmiss interview on the podcast where she talks about the site and its history. Some good stuff in there that might help.

You can find it here: https://youtu.be/ZBF3IfMmbr0?si=07teFFzHoSwtEVK7

Also, 27 minutes in is a montage of people saying what the site means to them for the webmiss. Definitely worth revisiting for inspiration in these final days.

(I’m also tearing up listening at the people in that montage who are long gone or are no longer alive)

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14637

There is no content in the podcast group. I dunno why.

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6100

lepperochan said:There is no content in the podcast group. I dunno why.

The group itself stopped when we stopped. But the podcasts themselves still exist.

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3011

case28 said:

Hello, dark angel… ahem, and queen curator of poetry comps, collabs and anything else that tickles your fancy.

Hello mister. Talking of collabs. I would love to see, Diviner and the Shade, written by ourselves in this anthology and also, Bitter lake, by myself and Braggman. I deleted ALL, of my poem's, but Bitter Lake, won the comp you created. I will check with Bragg if it is at all considered.🤪

Copyright is going to be a pain in the derriere with anything that is published. 😫

Love your enthusiasm and brain wave idea. I hope it doesn't prove too challenging.
Here to help if needed. 😀

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2098

I agree, we’re walking into a copyright minefield. Before we move forward, I think there needs to be a discussion with the Webmistress to clarify a few key points:

- Terms & Conditions of DUP to see what permissions exist for publishing member content.
- Request more time to access poetry before the site shuts down.
- Determine whether we can reach out to poets who may not be active but have poetry on the site that what’s at a place in the anthology.
- Discuss the best way forward, whether the Webmistress would consider publishing the anthology herself or officially endorsing the legacy project (this is dependent on the terms and conditions of DUP).

Time is running out, so if anyone has legal insight of the site’s terms or a way to contact the Webmistress directly, that would be helpful…

I’m going to sleep now. Thanks for the discussion and solidarity. Good night!

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14637


I'm not sure the webmiss has the time or will to clarify anything. might be an idea to push on.

as I understand it the poems and posts belong to their author

I think there is a thread which was started by Hemihead some years ago, I'll try find it, there is so.e good info on it


"Hi all,

I always planned that *eventually* an annual book or such may be on the cards, however, I'm not sure the site is currently big enough to cover the cost of actually doing this (we have lots of members, but often people come and go, so the amount of "active" members is far lower). There's also the issue of the site being international, so there may be worldwide shipping costs to factor in.

Going the vanity publishing route could turn out to be very expensive if few people buy it.

I wouldn't like to put the DUP name on it if it turns out to be an expensive disaster for someone, and I currently don't have the funds to try it myself as I've just forked out the annual web hosting!

I think as the site grows this could be workable, and it would probably be best to precede it with some kind of questionnaire to see if people would be interested in purchasing it, and what kind of price they think is reasonable."

From the webmiss some years ago

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 1406

The current terms say that DUP can use our content on this site and to promote DUP (I assume it means on socials and advertisements). Putting it in an anthology not sponsored by DUP would, I think, go against the terms and conditions that users agreed to. If it was sponsored by DUP and the webmiss (what a great way to reveal her identity!), you could maybe (MAYBE) justify using whatever poem you wanted from the site, but I wouldn't want to risk it. To be safe, I'd recommend only using work that you get permission for.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14637

DaisyGrace said:The current terms say that DUP can use our content on this site and to promote DUP (I assume it means on socials and advertisements). Putting it in an anthology not sponsored by DUP would, I think, go against the terms and conditions that users agreed to. If it was sponsored by DUP and the webmiss (what a great way to reveal her identity!), you could maybe (MAYBE) justify using whatever poem you wanted from the site, but I wouldn't want to risk it. To be safe, I'd recommend only using work that you get permission for.

I agree makes perfect sense ,

there is enough active members and contactable members to push on and get it done.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17737

DaisyGrace said:The current terms say that DUP can use our content on this site and to promote DUP (I assume it means on socials and advertisements). Putting it in an anthology not sponsored by DUP would, I think, go against the terms and conditions that users agreed to. If it was sponsored by DUP and the webmiss (what a great way to reveal her identity!), you could maybe (MAYBE) justify using whatever poem you wanted from the site, but I wouldn't want to risk it. To be safe, I'd recommend only using work that you get permission for.


All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.

As stated under each submission.

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