Poetry Praisefest
Lost Viking
Joined 2nd Apr 2020
Forum Posts: 42
Lost Viking
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 42
Poetry Contest Description
A chance to recognize and praise another writer in DUP

Poetry Praisefest
We have many talented and interesting writers in DUP, some relatively unnoticed. This competition is a way of helping others discover writers who've impacted you for the better.
1 Write an expression of thanks to another poet in DUP. Include how the poet has had a positive influence on you. Feel free to have an erotic twist but don’t get creepy.
2 Purposely select a poet who might be less known or read.
3 Write a letter, note, song lyric, or a poem. (300 words or less)
4 Winners to be decided by votes.
Example of a letter:
Sometimes I find myself loving across the expanse of time and distance, smitten by the poetry of a soul I've never met. I’m thankful to have found the words of one whose spirit resonates with mine. You words touch my heart. You're a beautiful soul.
When I read your words, I feel like I’m kissing their meaning and feeling the love they hold. I’m fascinated by the connection I feel with your words, one that speaks to the timeless nature of human emotion and longing.
Thank you for the feelings you’ve stirred within me, for the thoughts you’ve provoked, and for the comfort your verses have given.
Sincerely, Lost Viking
Joined 26th May 2022
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Dangerous Mind

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Lost Viking
Joined 2nd Apr 2020
Forum Posts: 42
Lost Viking
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 42
Thank you for the early entry. Looking forward to learning of more from others, especially in praise of DUP poets that might not have a large following yet.
Forum Posts: 17127
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17127
Inspired by You
the songs of the wild his doorsteps
reigns within his own kingdom
holding his sceptre and the crown
worn invisible on flowing locks
companion on the sandy shore
waves incessantly crashing
gentle zephyr on his brow
walks with me on poetic moonlit stroll
Quiet but always there
friend and stay in times of woe
phone calls across continents
curator of my scribbles
a caring hello...telepathic touch
of a kindred spirit
lift his aloneness a little
the smile on his lips linger longer
to all that I follow
your writes inspire
in the deep underground
inspirations and motivation found
in the dance of words through our stories let our worlds intertwine
within this portal let us find friendship and understanding
reigns within his own kingdom
holding his sceptre and the crown
worn invisible on flowing locks
companion on the sandy shore
waves incessantly crashing
gentle zephyr on his brow
walks with me on poetic moonlit stroll
Quiet but always there
friend and stay in times of woe
phone calls across continents
curator of my scribbles
a caring hello...telepathic touch
of a kindred spirit
lift his aloneness a little
the smile on his lips linger longer
to all that I follow
your writes inspire
in the deep underground
inspirations and motivation found
in the dance of words through our stories let our worlds intertwine
within this portal let us find friendship and understanding
Written by Grace
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Faith Elizabeth Brigham
Joined 29th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 212
Faith Elizabeth Brigham
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 212
The Gifts You Have Given Me
Lost Viking,
I embrace your every word
For within each one i have found
The gifts of acceptance and connection
Your words have given me hope
When I needed it the most
Causing me to be glad I'm alive
What greater blessing could there be
Than that of knowing that not only
Do you get me but you are moved by my own words.
Thank you for making my heart smile so big.
I embrace your every word
For within each one i have found
The gifts of acceptance and connection
Your words have given me hope
When I needed it the most
Causing me to be glad I'm alive
What greater blessing could there be
Than that of knowing that not only
Do you get me but you are moved by my own words.
Thank you for making my heart smile so big.
Written by faithmairee
(Faith Elizabeth Brigham)
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Joined 8th Aug 2018
Forum Posts: 19
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 19
1001 Thanks
Dear Vision-of-insanity!
When I read the first poem of your pen
I felt confused
A sober and merciles look at the world
Cruel but undeniably true
At the same time I was
Irresistibly drawn to your work
Every time I was active on DU, I visited
Your page and got lost in your poetry
Your writing style is brilliant
Awesome wording, rhythm and flow
Sarcastic sense of humor
Contribute to creating stunning poems
Every now and then you published
Bitter-sweet and heart-touching poetry
Showing a well balanced man
Rough shell, soft core
Now I understood my initial confusion
You challenged my unicorm- vision
This world isn't sugar and roses only
High time to leave the Ivory Tower!
Maybe one day I'll follow your example And write a poem about a guy who Prepares the last unicorn for the grill
Or something like that
1001 times thank you, Vision, for
Being a bubbling source of inspiration
And a helpful and supporting member
Of the DU Poetry family!
When I read the first poem of your pen
I felt confused
A sober and merciles look at the world
Cruel but undeniably true
At the same time I was
Irresistibly drawn to your work
Every time I was active on DU, I visited
Your page and got lost in your poetry
Your writing style is brilliant
Awesome wording, rhythm and flow
Sarcastic sense of humor
Contribute to creating stunning poems
Every now and then you published
Bitter-sweet and heart-touching poetry
Showing a well balanced man
Rough shell, soft core
Now I understood my initial confusion
You challenged my unicorm- vision
This world isn't sugar and roses only
High time to leave the Ivory Tower!
Maybe one day I'll follow your example And write a poem about a guy who Prepares the last unicorn for the grill
Or something like that
1001 times thank you, Vision, for
Being a bubbling source of inspiration
And a helpful and supporting member
Of the DU Poetry family!
Written by Sappho
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1879
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1879
At Midnight the Stars Shine Brighter
If you speak the truth then some people will think you’re uncouth
Society has lost propriety smiling brightly while a missing tooth
So it’s up to poets how to show us with rhyme, stanza and verse
Dropping a volley of knowledge like its college - fully immersed
But in the new world that’s been flung and hurled into the gutter
Those who write well are the new age rebel outlaws with a cause
When a sonnet runs the gamut of observation, reflection and thought
As the lexicon has brains and brawn sharper than transitive claws
He who spills ink and makes you think is skilled in the art of the word
With wit and intellect intact it’s fact you have to keep a keen eye
So catch it while you can before it gets banned if you understand
Because at Midnight the stars shine brighter all over the sky
Written by wallyroo92
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Forum Posts: 17127
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17127
Thank you so much for the recognition.