Poetry competition CLOSED 26th October 2024 4:16pm
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The Golden Tear

Oliver Cocks
Lost Thinker
Joined 15th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 6

I / You

I will bring you a crown of barbed wire,
laurel of art magazines, and throne
of alabaster. I will name you King of
my heart, Queen of my body. I will
bring you olive branches and cocaine.

I will aeroplane to your house,
Rolls Royce to your bed. I will take
your breath and transmute it into
amphetamines. I will toss aside the sun
and carve your face into the sky.

I will baptise you in a sea of honey.
I will turn your words into song, then
assemble a choir of recalcitrant toddlers,
to bawl them for eternity. I will take you by
the hand and lead you into a moonless mansion.
Written by olliec (Oliver Cocks)
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Thought Provoker
Norway 5awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 212

wooing betwixt and between

Dark is a sorceress
within mine withered heart
I hold you

beneath these frozen waters
a voided path
where so many times
death has asked me
to forgive

though a true silkie
is kept within salted streams
thawing waves wintered
away our humanness

as we carved
proclaiming deepest
dearest psalms
within his palms
pressed against mine

the hourglass
where time hides
frocked frost
upon a window

lulls lilting heads
as nightshade
in mantic dusk
as skin
we meet again
as snow drops
mark our foreheads

your gaze is kept
held within mine
and your name
on my frost bitten lips

return to me
o apple of mine eyes

white swan


one day
we will become
stars incarnated

copyrights © owned by Rianne 2024          
all rights reserved
Written by Anne-Ri999
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 762

No One to Replace You

There are the unfinished poems and unread texts.
They become the story of my life when everything
Has loose ends and there is nothing that connects
To my current or next chapter. I am trying to fling

Myself into work and diversions, but nothing could
Ever fill the empty hole like you do. No one can lift
Me up when all I want to do is melt away like wood
Floating down the river. No one understands the drift

And wind I feel in my bones when they are telling me
That I am going in the wrong direction. No one to tell
Me that the irrational thoughts and feelings that I see
Playing in my head are not reality. The truth is I fell

For the potential instead of the guy standing right in
Front of me. I fell for the guy I could see a future with
And who made me feel comfortable living in my skin.
The simple truth is that you really made the wordsmith

In me come alive when I have felt dead for days, months
And years. In every second of every day, you have revived
Something in my soul. Maybe when I can finally confront
The fact that I love you is the day when I said I truly lived.  
Written by eswaller
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Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5700

All The Best Guys Are Dead

Wish I could've met you
when you were still alive,
but this will have to do.  

Videos and interviews--
I can see the real you, a kindred soul,
your demanding presence,
your wry smile,
behind everything else.

So now that you've skedaddled
in the middle of all your raging prime,
let's get to know each other, through the veil.

I would have laughed at all your dark jokes.
I would have been flinging my own, right next to you.
I would have waited in line for you.

Maybe it's me?
Michael died, after hardly a pittance of time together.
Maybe you saw me coming and said  "Oh shit....gotta go!"

I would have walked through the woods with you.
I would have understood your thoughts
I would have seen your shock value, and raised you one

Good on you, for cleaning yourself up
while you still had the time to do it.
Do you have any regrets?
Anything you want me to tell anyone, (or myself) ?

Portals are a real thing--
do you watch this realm, sometimes?
Did you see the young guy on YouTube
who plays your music
and sounds just like you
so much that it brings tears to the eyes?

I guess the one good thing
about falling in love with you, now
is that I can play it all out
in my mind
just the way I want it to happen.

No one gets hurt
No one argues
We're both always happy.

Meet me back here
and we'll talk some more, next time

You were a good man, you know.
Written by MadameLavender
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Fire of Insight
Portugal 19awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 282


And then he got up
only to fall again immediately...
just to lose track of himself again
only to realize that he had already lost his ability
to be himself and never a shadow of someone else
only to realize that he had already lost his ability
of losing track of himself again
only to fall again immediately...
And then he got up
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Tyrant of Words
United States 153awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1851


She taught me not to fear death
It’s just part of living
Now every time that I go and visit her
My soul hurts and heart sinks
She’s waiting to cross that bridge

Gone are the stories she used to tell
As far back as 1936
All the great details she could recall
Are now but soft flashbacks of mystery

I kiss her cheeks and forehead
Her smile and childlike eyes know who I am
The skin on her hands is paper thin
Soft and warm under blankets
Fighting the impending cold and darkness
An internal silent battle is raging

For a few minutes in the light and lucidity
She remembers people and places
Glimpses of a past life
Recollections of love and loss
Before they are tossed into an ocean of…of…
…memory drifting

her voice. has diminished to a whisper,
.     struggling - to get the words out
like, broken echoes of…history
         lost in time
mind slowly declining
               .the. familiar.distortEd                                                                                      :

themusic has more_static   '                *                                                                                           ``.
     …and it’s skipping                                                                  .
^ little by little                                                    /
slipping...                                                                                                     ~
             into an abyss …




Written by wallyroo92
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Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2024
Forum Posts: 187

Autumns Glow Winters Burn

I remember that day so vividly    
When fear and anxiety became estranged    
The doctor explained unequivocally    
The test results have changed    
My body collapsed to the ground    
As leaves crunched beneath me    
The sun started shining all around    
I could feel again, a harmonious breeze
Blanketed by a landscape of autumn glow    
I was comforted with hope    
Treatments for cancer she'd undergo    
With the medicines helping her cope    
I took care of her every single day    
On the road to her recovery    
The strength she would display    
And her smile so perfect and lovely    
Winters burn approached as months went by    
Every moment together a memory    
We cherished instead of sharing a cry    
My wife and I lived this eternity    
Joking laughing and sharing    
The most priceless time together    
Her loving heart constantly caring    
These moments in time last forever    
As we were sitting by the fire inside    
A reflection glowed within her eyes    
It was that moment she had died    
Asleep in my arms her body lies    
I had kissed her one last good bye    
Questions loomed why she was dead    
I couldn't quite understand why    
Her cancer like a wild fire spread    
But hope helped me appreciate life    
And it taught me how to learn    
I fell in love again with my wife    
Autumns glow and winters burn
Written by Mstrmnd1923
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Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1797


Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1797

True Love A Metaphor

I breathe in your fragrance and it becomes nostalgic, like a myth from a story book I will bottle and bury it deep within my heart forever and always. Unmistakably undeniably undoubtedly I love you and as such is beyond contestation.                                      
As if a prophecy of Ill-fated love had been foretold to me,  
I drop down to my knees helpless and begin to weep.
I know you are leaving me as many before you have done, never to return until you are lifeless, until your body lay dead at my feet.            
I whisper into his ear softly do not forget me, then reach for his hand and tell him, take this and keep it safe, then place something wet into his outstretched hand and walk away.              
Innocently he uncurls his fingers and looks down to find a blood-filled stain in the palm of his hand, he looks at me once more as if to say, I understand, I understand you my love, forever and always.    
Now frightened and lost for words he looks at me and wonders for a moment; not knowing why he starts to cry, streaks of fear now scar his cheek he wipes his face and tells me to come to him, I go to him to ease his pain                                            
Solemnly, lovingly and with great pain I return his gaze with a wry grin and say; you have been granted the greatest gift of all, a piece of my heart for all of eternity, remember me my love, remember me always.

Lost Viking
Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 2nd Apr 2020
Forum Posts: 37

Echoes of the Past

It was a cheap room in a cheap hotel he knew well. The only furnishings were a bed, a chair, and a small bedside table. The bathroom light was on casting a dim glow.

Jenny, a woman in her early twenties, stood by the bed with a small, knowing smile on her face.

“Mr. Weiss? Is that you,” she asked in a voice he remembered.

Mr. Weiss, a man in his late fifties, stepped closer and adjusted his glasses.  

“Oh my. Is it Jenny?” As he said, the words, he felt the heat of a blush across his face.

“Yes, it’s me,” Jenny replied, her smile dimming as her eyes look away from Mr. Weiss and then back to him, her head tilting as if studying him.

“I remember your kindness,” she said at last.

“You were a good student, Jenny. One of the best.”

“I remember you telling us to seek learning and wisdom. I’m sorry for you to see me here,” Jenny said.

Mr. Weiss with a rueful smile said, “I’ve sought wisdom but fallen very short. The more I learn of life, the less I understand. And now, seeing you...” His voice trailed off. “It's as if time has played a cruel trick on us both.”

Jenny: (Reaching out, touching his hand) “We are older, Mr. Weiss, but that doesn't mean we're any less alive. Sometimes, the heart grows hungry for more than just knowledge.”

Mr. Weiss blushed again realizing he’d never felt Jenny’s touch as a student through they were close.

“Yes, hungry...” Mr. Weiss shakes his head. “But what am I saying? You were my student, and I...”

Jenny inserted, “We’re just two souls who once shared a classroom and now we meet again, Mr. Weiss. The past is a shadow; it doesn't define us now.”

“Jenny, I—” Mr. Weiss stops with a questioning look.

Jenny speaks up now with a more mature voice. “I know why you’re here. Do you still want me?”

“Yes,” answered Mr. Weiss.

As Jenny turned away and unbuttoned her blouse, Mr. Weiss was transfixed and gazed at her form. Her blouse fell to the floor and he saw the smoothness of her back. As she began to unsnap her jeans, he placed an envelope on her bedside table. When she turned around, he'd disappeared through the doorway.
Written by LostViking (Lost Viking)
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Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 9th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 182


To understand what is" Golden Tears"
You must emerge from the past
Engage in the truth of darkness and all fears.
Starting from the first to the last

Every pain is acknowledged by its own story
Their purpose and reason
The weight and capacity make it all blurry
Clouds that abide to us by a different season

Every tear is a testament
Our souls' tormenting laments
The sadness of one's Clements
The Hell on earth that happens

The devil roams harder on earth
With scattered teams of demons to evolve forth
The agony we face with the spread of evil enforced
Sufferings everywhere unheard, from birth to dead bodies being searched.

The past is filled with so much sadness and despair.
Every anecdote, whispers behind walls, to every single bad news report.
Many of them are disturbing but I will share.

Who deserves the Golden Tears Title?
So many do...
But there are a few I strongly feel are entitled... These stories are real and true...

Many, of you will know,
Many, of you won't...
Be ready for your eyes to glow...
This written work is dedicated to all here I note.


February 14 AD 269.

Saint Valentine, a priest of Rome,
Spread love and joy in his home.
He secretly wed couples in love,
Defying the emperor, he rose above.
His kindness and faith knew no bounds,
But his actions led to his end, bound.
Imprisoned, tortured, and finally slain,
His legacy of love forever will remain.

It is around 265A.D

In ancient Rome, a law did stand,
No marriage for young men in the land.
Emperor Claudius sought power and might,
Believing war was best without a wife in sight.
But St. Valentine, a man of faith so true,
Performed weddings in secret, and his love shone through.

For years, he united couples in holy matrimony,
Defying the emperor, risking his own testimony.
Yet, his secret was discovered, his fate sealed,
Claudius demanded he renounce, but Valentine wouldn't yield.
On the 14th of February, in the year 270 A.D,
Valentine paid the price for love with the ultimate fee.

Before he perished, he sent letters with care,
To friends, to lovers, saying a final prayer,
"Remember your Valentine," his words so wise,
His legacy of love, never to demise.
So each year, we celebrate this saint's noble stand,
A reminder of love's power in every land.

In a prison cell, love did ignite,
St. Valentine and the jailer's daughter, a sight.
Julia, so kind, her heart so pure,
She visited him often, their bond secure.

As they shared stories and whispered dreams,
Love blossomed between them, or so it seemed.
Before his execution, a note he penned,
"Your Valentine," his message to send.

The jailer's heart softened, his family converted,
Their lives transformed, love asserted.
Julia's sight restored, a miracle divine,
Valentine's love, a precious sign.

Emperor Claudius, once a foe,
Even he learned to respect and know,
The kindness and courage of St. Valentine,
Whose fate was sealed on that fateful Valentine's Day in '69.

Though his earthly presence may have passed,
His love and legacy forever last.
Relics and stories, reminders of his grace,
In churches and hearts, his place.

In Dublin and Rome, his memory held dear,
Each year on February 14, we draw near,
To honor the saint, the martyr, the friend,
Whose love continues to transcend.

St. Valentine was sadly beheaded.
Relics of St. Valentine, including his skull adorned with flowers, were originally kept in the Church and Catacombs of San Valentino in Rome, which was a significant pilgrimage site throughout the Middle Ages. However, his relics were later transferred to the church of Santa Prassede during the pontificate of Nicholas IV. Today, the Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin in Rome displays his skull, while other relics can be found at the Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland. This church is a particularly popular pilgrimage destination, especially on Saint Valentine's Day, for those seeking love. My birthday is February so I remember him with love.



In the year twenty twenty-one, a tale unfolded grim,
Of a young woman's life, now left so dim,
Jennifer's cousin, just twenty-one,
Caught in a nightmare, her life undone.

Genevieve's kin, taken by a man named Ryan,
Their love twisted, turned to cruel confinement and pining.
Kidnapped, trapped in a dark and desolate space,
She endured horrors, her spirit in a hopeless chase.

In the depths of a basement, she laid her head,
Forced to bear the burden of fear and dread.
Every day, he ravaged her soul and body,
A vicious cycle of torment, oh so bloody.

But in a moment of courage, a glimmer of hope,
A phone call she made, a lifeline to cope.
Rescue came swiftly, a savior in the night,
Breaking the chains of her captivity, shining bright.

Now, at twenty-four, she stands strong and brave,
Caring for the twins, the innocent lives she gave.
A survivor, a warrior, in the face of despair,
Her story is a testament, a beacon of light in the air.

A story my daughter shared with me from her friend's cousin from school. Very sad what a man will do to gain dark evil power.


Once upon a time, in the beautiful kingdom of Portugal, a love story unfolded that would leave a mark on history. It was the forbidden love between Infante Peter, son of King Afonso IV, and Inęs de Castro, the lady-in-waiting to Peter's wife, Constance.

Despite being married, Peter and Inęs would steal moments together in the enchanting gardens of Quinta das Lágrimas. Their love blossomed in secret, away from the prying eyes of the court and the disapproving whispers of the people. Tragedy struck in 1345 when Constance passed away, leaving Peter and Inęs free to openly live as a married couple. However, the news of their union enraged King Afonso IV, who vehemently opposed their relationship.

For years, Peter and Inęs resided in Santa Clara Palace in Coimbra, raising their three children and basking in their love. But the dark shadow of the King's disapproval loomed over them, leading to a fateful decision. In January 1355, King Afonso IV ordered the murder of Inęs de Castro, sending shockwaves of sorrow and anger through Peter's heart.

Consumed by grief and fury, Peter led a rebellion against his father, earning the title of "the Cruel" as he sought justice for Inęs. He executed her murderers by ripping out their hearts, a brutal act born from a heartbroken soul. When Peter ascended the throne in 1357, he declared that he had secretly married Inęs and demanded she be recognized as Queen of Portugal.

In April 1360, Peter fulfilled his promise of eternal love to Inęs. He had her body exhumed from Coimbra and transferred to the Royal Monastery of Alcobaça. Two magnificent tombs were carved side by side, marking their final resting place together for eternity. The tragic love story of Peter and Inęs became immortalized in stone, a testament to the enduring power of love in the face of adversity.

And so, the most overwhelming Portuguese love story lived on through the ages, a haunting reminder of the sacrifices made in the name of love and the enduring legacy of Infante Peter and his beloved Inęs de Castro.

Even though adultery was committed, they waited with patience. In the end their love was not valued and committing a crime to end Ines life, raging her king. Never shall love be separated by force. Their love is true love. Very sad story.


February 17th, 1944

In the heart of war, a young soldier stood
Forced to play a piano, as best as he could
His fingers trembling, his heart full of dread
Knowing that his every move was being closely watched

The Russians, cruel and unforgiving
Made it clear in sign language, what his fate was living
Play the piano or face the consequence
His life hanging by a fragile thread, his spirit immense

For 22 hours, the soldier played on
Each note a cry from his soul, each key a mournful song
Tears streamed down his face, as his body grew weak
But still he played on, for fear of what would seek

The Russians, impressed by his endurance
Clapped and cheered, a falsely sincere assurance
But deep down they knew, his fate was sealed
Once the music stopped, his life revealed

As the soldier collapsed in a pool of tears
The Russians approached, hiding their sneers
Congratulations were given, before the final blow
The soldier fell, his music silenced, his spirit a shadow

Ling Ling could play for 40 hours straight
But no amount of music could change his fate
A young soldier lost, a piano forever stained
In the darkness of war, his final notes remained.

This story broke my heart in morose and anger.
What those evil russians, made him do.....
Poor Ling Ling playing the piano for his life and scared to death.

He wanted to live....  HE WANTED TO LIVE!!!!
God please forgive
For they do not know what they were doing...
His life gone and ruined, rest in peace Ling Ling, your music will forever shine.

Another story about the Polish pianist Władysław Szpilman. A similar sad story to Ling Ling but this man did survive.

So the true deepest gloaming part of one's heart and tears, is losing your child whether missing or had died. It's the worst grief ever to feel. Losing your parents hurts a lot but not as painful and sorrowful as grieving for a child. It doesn't compare. As the same for humans,  so is the same for animals. As a respect to the next story that earns the Golden Tears of a Crying mother cat that really touched my heart so deep and to remember her. I saw the video and it's so heartbreaking. I'll call her  Effervescent. Means unique beautiful eyes.  



Effervescent a beautiful mother cat and her kittens lived in harmony in a home. Kittens were not far from birth. They were still babies. They were not in a rich place,  but a poor home,  but lived well. One day, a couple of young evil teen boys up to no good came to change that forever for Effervescent. The horror she had to see and witness.

They demons, took her babies and all basically one at a time they lit up fire and burned the poor angelic kittens to death "ALIVE"!!!

The kittens were wailing in agony pain as the mother couldn't do anything for them as she cried meowing loudly. She could be seen desperate to get close to her babies but the monsters laughed and burned all her kittens and they waited for the kittens to die. As soon as silence filled the air of whispers for their mom, they then cruelly let Effervescent lose and she goes to them so late and so gone. Scorched, darkened and lifeless. She smells them and caresses them and realizes they are dead. Then cries a lot and the demons of hell just make fun of her as they laugh and record her without compassion and plain hate.

Seeing this video was painful and hard to watch. It made me cry and be so furious. and to see how a mother reacts to losing her babies to horrible disturbing acts of inhumanity.

6.  "A Nightmare Unveiled: The Tragic Tale of Adrian Jones"

In 2012, Adrian Jones was taken from his biological mother's home by the Kansas Department for Children and Families. His grandmother, Judy Conway, hoped to care for him and his siblings but the children were granted custody to Adrian's father, Michael Jones. Little did anyone know, this decision would seal Adrian's tragic fate.

Fast forward to late 2015, police responded to a domestic dispute at a home in Kansas City, Kansas. A woman at the residence revealed that the property held the remains of a child. Adrian, just 7 years old, was found in a livestock pen on the property, where he had been living with his father and stepmother, Heather Jones, along with his siblings.

The extent of the abuse suffered by Adrian came to light through evidence discovered by Jen Hoevers, the landlord of the Joneses. Upon gaining access to Heather's iCloud account, she uncovered horrifying images of Adrian's maltreatment. Surveillance footage showed Adrian chained, blindfolded, and subjected to unimaginable cruelty. From being forced to stand for hours on end to enduring physical torture, his last days were filled with unspeakable suffering.

Messages on Heather's Facebook account revealed discussions of tasing Adrian, further highlighting the depth of his torment. Adrian's body bore signs of abuse, including Taser marks and injuries from being restrained and confined. The once-smiling boy with dreams of playing football had become a shadow of himself, stripped of his innocence and subjected to a living hell.

As investigators delved deeper into Adrian's case, they uncovered a truly nightmarish truth. The Joneses had subjected Adrian to unspeakable abuse, with evidence indicating that his short life had been filled with cruelty and torment. But what shocked the public even more was the revelation that Adrian's body had been fed to pigs after his death.

It was revealed that Michael and Heather Jones had disposed of Adrian's body by feeding it to their pigs, attempting to eliminate any trace of their heinous crime. The gruesome act of feeding a child's remains to animals added another layer of horror to an already tragic tale of abuse and neglect.

The details that emerged painted a chilling picture of Adrian's final days. From being chained, blindfolded, and subjected to physical torture, to enduring starvation and deprivation, Adrian's existence had been a living hell. His innocence was stripped away, his dreams replaced by fear and suffering at the hands of those meant to care for him.

As the details of Adrian's tragic fate came to light, the public was left reeling in shock and disbelief. His story serves as a haunting reminder of the darkness that can reside in the hearts of some, and a plea for vigilance in protecting the most vulnerable among us. May Adrian Jones rest in peace, his memory forever etched in our hearts as a symbol of the need for justice and compassion in a world filled with cruelty.

This is heart breaking and never deserved this. How could anyone be so evil and do this to a beautiful child. It's truly disgusting and horribly sad. I have a child and could never allow any cruelty and any evil act to my child. I love my child and will always protect. All children should be protected from any harm and be giving a chance to live like everyone does.


In anguish, Mary wept golden tears,
As she watched her beloved son in fear,
On the cross, where He bore all sins and pain,
His sacrifice bringing salvation, not in vain.

Her heart, shattered by the cruel sight,
Her precious child, cloaked in divine light,
Yet suffering for the sins of all mankind,
His love and mercy, infinitely kind.

For God's will, the ultimate sacrifice was made,
To redeem humanity, a debt to be repaid,
Mary's sorrow, a mother's love profound,
For her son, the King, with thorns as His crown.

In her tears, the world's salvation found,
As Jesus, on the cross, His love unbound,
Her strength and faith unwavering,
As she witnessed the Savior's suffering.

Oh, Mary, full of grace and love,
May your golden tears intercede above,
For all of us, sinners lost and weak,
In the shadow of the cross, may we seek.

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