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The Biden's Israel bashing thread

Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1883

MidnightSonneteer said:Let's fix the Gaza situation by throwing more xenophobic totalitarian gasoline on the problem with a vote for MAGA and MAGA generals...


I know, Midnight. The Palestinians are fucked either way. For now, I'm blaming the miserable fuckers who are in office, as we all should be doing, yourself included.


Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1883

Meanwhile, as Kamala Harris and her Democrats continue to lose the Muslim vote in the US election – something that will surely give this reprehensible woman a few sleepless nights even if the responsibility for 40,000 dead Arabs doesn't – here's a video of a tank firing shells at Gaza's Kamal Adwsn hospital. I'll say that again slowly: Here. Is. A. Video. Of A. Tank. Firing. Shells. At. Gaza's. Kamal. Adwan. Hospital. A tank firing shells at a fucking hospital is hard to believe, I know, but, hey, the Biden and Harris Dems are still ensuring the Netanyahu government of 'Ironclad' support






Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 380

ajay said:

I know, Midnight. The Palestinians are fucked either way. For now, I'm blaming the miserable fuckers who are in office, as we all should be doing, yourself included.


How the world got to this atrocious state of affairs isn't just a Biden/Harris issue, where their nicknames just happen to sound like a Trump generated nickname, and couldn't possibly be anything other than a coincidence instead of a Netanyahu inspired attempt at playing The U.S. like a fiddle. I mean if Putin can do it why not Assreal, but we won't level any actual blame at the trigger man.  

And why don't the Saudi Arabians even have one word or American made munition to bring to bear against Assreal in defense of their Arab brethren, women, and children?

Plus let's not lose track of the Bush generated Republican wars that role modeled genocide for the Assrealis.

Takes more than a Democrat to make a mess this big.

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16493

MidnightSonneteer said:

. . .

Takes more than a Democrat to make a mess this big.

It's easier for the patriarchy to blame a woman without power ( yet ) rather than to admit their own part in this fucked up planet. Their worst fear is the rising of the divine feminine to her rightful place. Stomping her out before she rises makes them feel superior and in control.

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 380

Ahavati said:

It's easier for the patriarchy to blame a woman without power ( yet ) rather than to admit their own part in this fucked up planet. Their worst fear is the rising of the divine feminine to her rightful place. Stomping her out before she rises makes them feel superior and in control.

And to add a little used Marxian word to the mix, we can plainly see that the Gaza carnage is unabashedly aimed at the Palestinian lumpenproletariat every bit as much as it ever was toward the Palestinian proletarian, with the takeaway being that if they can do it there, they will do it anywhere.

The holocaust isn't that different from N.R.A. sponsored U.S.A. school shootings, and wherever we see their homicidal ideation in their rhetoric, we are sure to see it manifested in Gaza and Uvalde style situations all over.

Who fetishes the weapons?

Conservatives do, and gleefully, whether they be MAGA, Netanyahu style neo-Nazis or Putin style Tankies.  

It's like they love to stroke on anything with a rifled barrel as their proxy death cock.

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2619

Another political thread?  Wow...how original. You all know how I feel....

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