Competition Ends 14th October 2024 2:44pm

Make it Real & Surreal

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 24th Aug 2020
Forum Posts: 5

Poetry Contest

Write a poem that reflects on real relatable events in a surreal manor

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 24th Aug 2020
Forum Posts: 5

The reflections of A lost Goodbye (white lines on the bitumen)

I have driven this road so many times before in the past
I will drive this road so many more times in the future
The rout that I drive never held any further significance for me until .... well
Until I met you.
I remember driving this road for our first encounter
A full tank of anxiety fueld excitment as ,
I drove with you by my side , loving memories of our banter, driving late at night finding comfort in one another's silent presence
I remember driving that road alone , empty in my heart as I manuvered into the worst crash I have ever experienced ...

I still have to drive that road , and to me it will always be a constant reminder of you , to you it's just white lines on the bitumen .


Written by u53l355 (The_Real_Grifta)
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