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Blendology Poems [ for 18+ adults ]

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1805

Mother Of Creation (Eve)

Archangel Michael the time of spiritual evolution has come for you to reveal who I am and what contributions I added unto Heaven    
In the year of killing fields, blood will pour as never before    
Expert implanted technology and manmade wars    
Most will be asking what lies beyond the stars    
Only the spiritual of your minds gets you past Mars    
The battle was to kick evil out the third Heaven into the abyss    
Reopen your eyes, cries will pierce thy ears    
Food shortage, no medication quells your fears    
Your government has made your fingers slow    
And our national integrated intelligence even faster, to go with the flow    
Eve (/ˈiːv/; Hebrew: חַוָּה‎, Modern: Ḥava, Tiberian: Ḥawwā; Arabic: حَوَّاء, romanized: Ḥawwāʾ; Persian: حوا, romanized: Ḥavā; Greek: Εὕα, romanized: Heúa; Latin: Eva, Heva; Syriac: ܚܰܘܳܐ romanized: ḥawâ)
Let the truth be known from the scrolls of Heaven    
Not written by the begotten hands of time, centuries wagging of false myths twenty-four seven    
I was molded of the same clay as the first man    
Blessed over from the nostrils of the Creator, as to be subservient, obedient to the superior of his command, by the natural laws of spiritual govern where the man’s loins rule where he stands    
One voice, we were to be two hearts    
Conjoined by the mind, body, from the sunrise in the Garden of Eden until midnight as the stars blanket the sky at dark    
My pulsate quickens when the first man came unto me    
I was chosen by the Creator unto my King to roam Heaven to share the air with the birds, the water with the schools of fish, and Earth, to see the pollination of the bees    
Divinity in the food we had partaken to the lips as we ate    
Love touches to our virginal skin, lust concealed in his eyes, soft caresses in our whispers, the moments brewing in the winding of our unsuspected fate    
Mm... our yesses, and our moans became more ardent, under the tree of knowledge our promises resonated, were we the only two listening to the desires wishes my love    
Our union in paradise we wanted, needed, unto the blending of yearns, generations disunite if there ever was    
Were not our actions of craving beyond the benediction of forbidden passion    
In the moments of coveting the stirring of the first man’s elongation and in act of my femininity discretion, has it caused all this celestial chaos    
Is it not sacredly ordained from above    
The first man turned his back, and I stood alone under that tree, a voice of soothing reason    
Do Thy Will come with many seasons, only one choice leads to divine treason    
I glanced down, it looked like a brown long branch springing forth, and I touched to test its firmness, to see if the hanging pairs was ripe, they were so, temptation as I was forbid not to    
I was curious my first man, to taste of this strange force of nature forbidden pleasure, of its hard spiritual food    
I lay open unto my womb and the Archangel came unto me    
My first man I introduced him into the wiles of the sensations of feeling rapture of my new rose colored world    
I danced for him, I held the fixation of his eyes, as I twirled    
My kisses to his willing lips I unfurled    
The first man of the creation of the time    
Sunk deep into the offering of my creamy centered fruit and his lips tasted mine    
To those forbidden emotions so sweet, so tender    
His body, uncontrollably, as he totally surrendered    
We realized we felt the ecstasy in the sensation in the making of two nations    
Our eyes were now earthly opened    
We heard a thundering voice, shamefulness as it has spoken    
His endowment looked mighty good to my eyes    
Her Nubian curvaceous form caused my nature to rise    
The first man pulled me close and captured the sweetness of my lips, our souls became entwined    
I kissed over his body    
Unto his rib, he became mine    
I gave her the power over my kingdom as she uni-lateral my throne    
My Angel    
My helpmeet, the beholder of my universal, and even better, my wet dream    
The woman who walks a thousand chameleons as the Eve unto herself    
Queen, Angel, Warrior, Seer, Seductress    
Always keep the soul cleansed for everyone to come in passing to accept    
We will protect our Heavens at all cost    
You fight with weapons, how do you fight machines, and what would be lost    
From the invasion as Hell breaks out on Earth    
Spiritual beings are on Earth to combat in the evolution of rebirth    
Everything goes back to beginning of time from life to death    
This dimension is the gift of your wealth    
I am Eve
The first woman born from the gift of the skies
Until Mother Earth to conceive

Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 19th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 53

My friend what a beautiful spill

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 5th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 16

Well my Eve this beautiful I might say. Sexually exquisite. Well a fitting piece to the first King and Queen of mankind.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1805

The Stone Age Civilization (Wilma Flintstone)

A Queen Among Her Time

Yes, I am the woman who created a civilization out of brick l as labored with love to give humanity a foundational beginning, stone by stone
To give a world where women can thrive to bestow unconditional love to a King all night long
When he returns from the labor by the sweat of his brow from a Quarry Cave, the warmth of a Queen who awaits his heart, with warm biscuits from the Hearth layered with persevered marmalade
Unto her bosom he rests his head, softness cradled by her femininity, as his wandering thoughts atone
In the silence of chaos that permeates an existing world
Adorned from the Garden of Eden, as the Giants are gone, and progress pushing days for peace to unfurl

Inquisitive eyes will look back upon at our Stone Age Goddesses within this realm to see we were strong, we were loyal, we had faith, and our judgment unto each other was always fair seeming
We gave unto our hemisphere of time, manmade wishing, and the paradox of futuristic dreams
In a land where the mirror of serenity dwells in our heart
No malice found in the shroud of ignorance, even the Sun shines and kisses the interchange of the Moon’s ominous dark
We were chosen by fate and destined to be
Our society ordained by the Dove flying from higher, we were the remnants of Noah’s Ark
From the Heavens, I am Mother’s Nature renewed start

I have walked among the Supreme Kings
Given unto my hand to be his forevermore Queen
The universal is our everlasting nuptial ring
We honor in truth the Water where royalty of lost voices continues in unity to sing
Our hands have planted within the soil the tree of wisdom, we have deeply embedded the seeds of knowledge in the bed of Universal’s Earth
With the torch of Allah’s Fire we light the way for humanity with Frankincense to give safe homage of rebirth
I am the second generation of Eve of many lifetimes, as whispered words my beloved has claimed me and comes deep into my sacred passage as our ancient souls entwine, with the cosmic Air we, breathe in our everlasting need

My Sire, clenching me tighter, groaning to my skin, Yaby Daba Doo his soul blending, in my sacred Chi One love when he is locking between the portal of my thighs
I am blessed to reach the helm of the skies
I give nations hope beyond my window of mounted rocks
Looking on the horizon, there will come a time when society befalls to the tick of the clock
A living separated by the feast of the Have and Have Nots

The ocean shore will cry unto the earth as her fury shall pour
The terrain cries for peace where it will not be obtained any more
Stolen by the seeds planted upon the scrolls the forefathers indoctrinated by will
In the land of Bedrock there are no acts to kill or steal
We love all like you are second kin
We do not give credence to hate as the Serpent or as the Jinn
I am the woman who loves and may the heart of my song be heard upon generations
To be the Psalms of this stones age Queen who give of her sacred greatness

As my King will say, Yaby Daba Doo
And from his staff and the crescent of Allah's Sun and His Moon may it be accepted as gifts from our Stone Age Civilization as spiritual food

Picture by Paytonya

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1805

Repentance (Mary Magdalene)

Mary Magdalene (sometimes called Mary of Magdala, or simply the Magdalene or the Madeleine) was a woman who, according to the four canonical gospels, traveled with Jesus as one of his followers and was a witness to His crucifixion and resurrection. She is mentioned by name twelve times in the canonical gospels, more than most of the apostles and more than any other woman in the gospels, other than Jesus's family

When earthly whispers no longer in life can console  
The upside cross of this civilization in the Land of Nod, leads the flock to a deep sinkhole  
There is nothing more deserving to see the mind reflection is dark  
Stem cells in my melaninated content, where the spiritual realm, I lark  
Sacred Scrolls must be given, must be told  
Reverence of unchained energy is not of old  

To pardon the democracy of Heaven and Hell, as blood still seeps in burial ground  
Forebode and ancestry speaks shh... you can hear if you do not make a sound  
Native land, footsteps branded on the soil by the Moorish man  
You give the world a book fables, with insect, murder, fornication, and adultery, and you ask to hold my hand  
When the Constitution of our forefathers refuse to acknowledge blood still seeps from the vast land  
Where sacred chants from the soil your ancestors stole  

Sacred chants you may tell a stone  
Genocide, pilgrimage, ethnic cleaning the stars, the moon, can never be atone  
The Revelation of whips and chains are clamoring from the mountaintop  
Aren’t we all waiting for the great tribulations, as eyes look up for glory, knees to the terrain we will drop  
Natural disasters upon the shores the beginning of trepidation  
I am not the martyr that you should never fear  
My frontier is sky miles in the remnants of fallen tears  

Occurrences from sky wars  
The battle of Heaven, Earth, and in the depth where the water pours  
Do you know who you truly are  
I come from the vines of Israel and Hebrew is my astral star  
What good is a woman in nakedness that does not know her worth when she is clothed  
The femininity of her grace it speaks the mystical wonders she bears deep in her soul  
We cleanse the properties of our spirits when we are bare skinned  
Shh… do not speak when Lucifer roams or you will allow him in  

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 5th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 16

You truly no who you are my Queen, your value and worth are priceless. Wisdom is birth from your womb. Knowledge is yours to bestow on others. The more knowledge you have the more responsibility you have to serve your fellow brothers and sisters. You serve your duty well. May Allah bestow his grace and mercy upon you my Queen .

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1805

Thea Philopator (Koinē Greek: Κλεοπάτρα Θεά Φιλοπάτωρ[note 5] lit. (Cleopatra)

Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator, commonly known as Cleopatra, was the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. She reigned from 51 BC until her death in 30 BC. Cleopatra is renowned for her intelligence, political acumen, and her romantic liaisons with prominent Roman figures Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.

Secrets found within the galaxy’s alignment  
The allurement of fate cast of no resentments to circumvent  
Within the benediction of the Sun, the Stars, and the Moon, governed by the Ankh in the palm of my hand    
My compass voyage upon it as I proudly stand    
A beautiful song blanketed of its journey, as a muse’s lullaby to any mortal man    
Echoed from the four corners of the vast great lands    
As my ancestral jeweled crown graces proudly on top of my head      
Words of passion, love, spoken desires, a silken odyssey to explore once in my bed              
The thirst of my knowledge streaming and beautifully felt all up in your head              
Fools rush in where Angels never fear to tread              
We as ancient Queens  
From the sky given our fertile wombs we bear as we ceremonially bow unto Moorish Kings  
We silence the stigmata tongues in moments in humbleness, only wisdom twist the providence of my mental key              
Trickling rainfalls to covet any perceptual sensations, as you sink deeper into my psyche abilities              
From my bearer as my water is quietly sipped to inspire              
As a Moth is drawn to my intellectual stimulating fire              
What your own intellect cannot perceive on a higher spiritual degree  
Fills a wicked tongue in thoughts of ignorance, darkness of hearts, minds  
Misconceptions to earthy deceive            
In the queues of my gentle whispers, entangled temple christening, we extol              
Sacred sensations I softy give unto the benediction from my head down to my toes    
Inferiority spreads for the obscurity found in the fire as earth quietly bestows    
Rebirth in the caresses of my arms found, rapture, ecstasy, yearn in tow    
I flow with the highest power, enlightenment given to and fro              
Uplifting your mind as my presence cajoles              
Tenderly playing the heart strings stimulating the chasm of your soul              
The vast universe of my knowledge I lay at the tiller of humanity feet              
Blending vernaculars, echoing temples engaging upon our Holistic meet              
Weaving around each other's souls, I walk in faith  
A King's staff is the equilibrium of his shadow uplifting his soul, giving credence to his purpose  
Soothing endearments in its wake  
Mm.. I commune with you my King from off the same hymn sheets  
Gyrating melodies of our life songs, oh how sweet          
Emotional medicine given as the sands of time, stolen moments flowing at free will  
Mm.. got you mesmerized, your heart palpitations once standing still              
Kneeling in honor of my lascivious goodwill    
The last breath of life determines who you would meet        
If your soul is wicked, darkness you shall greet        
Therefore, play, laugh, live, and embrace to love, but never assume        
It only dulls your limelight, increases your values of self-mental gloom and doom        
As the saying goes, when you assume you make an ass, out of self        
Stand for the witness of your presence to soar after earth has been left        

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1805

“Heavy is the head that wears the crown.”  (Jezabel-Part I of II)

Jezebel (/ˈdʒɛzəbəl, -bɛl/;[1][2][3] Hebrew: אִיזֶבֶל, Modern: ʾĪzével, Tiberian: ʾĪzeḇel) was the daughter of Ithobaal I of Tyre and the wife of Ahab, King of Israel, according to the Book of Kings of the Hebrew Bible (1 Kings 16, 1 Kings 16:31

Oh, thy King Ahab of the fairest of thy sacred land  
You are the most influential above any God, where you stand  
I am the Queen who sits by you, and you are your own man  
I will rule as your second voice of reasoning  
Your words, the law of our covenant will be exorcised among many seasonings  
Let not thy heart be worried with God’s law  
We are here among the giants, we are the vision the sinful, divinity have not saw  
Turn your heart away from this... this ruler who calls himself a deity, unspeakable blasphemy until he kneels at my knee  
We will rule until our day of destiny  
Lay upon my bosom, my King, who within this Kingdom defines our way will not remain tall  
This God with his way of understanding will never allow us to take a fall  
Allow this deity who would benefit this Kingdom    
Our name upon sacred scrolls will spill from lips from the Heavens to the rise of the Sun  
Each mortal will know right from wrong, excuse thy will, his own lament never come undone  
We are victors and if battle ensues, we will have already won  
My Queen, who is this ruler that has shone for you in the apple of your treachery eyes  
The truth in the hand is worth more than holy wars based on the foundation of wicked lies  
I thrive to be unto the righteous the servants of my scepter and kindness shall be me just to the masses  
The improvised, the mortals without social classes  
Never to incite war where blood drops seep into the soil and only blades clashes  
Tell this ruler no one above my insignia shall have a say upon the right hand of my throne  
We are ordained under Yahweh’s oath and that is to remain for all the days short and the nights long  
What have my Queen traded upon her favor or such depravation, where wickedness feaster in her heart  
Betrayal upon the stars where beauty soothe the beast in the temple of dark    
Leave me and go to this entity and advise I will not turn against my God, so shall it be written so shall it be smite  
And that vow is to be mandated by the lovely neck of my wife  
The passion of a King is to lay between the solace of his Queen’s thighs  
Obey my Crown’s order and together we shall rise  
Be gone  
My Lord, my King is refusing to give in  
Give him time, my Queen, we will be the cascade above the candor of sin  
By the high moon of its rotation  
I will have the love and trust of my King’s devotion  
Baal, I will serve unto you  
For the fruit of our labor, until the reign our alliance we will not lose

Dangerous Mind
United States 2awards
Joined 2nd Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 129

A great observation of the first woman on earth!!!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1805

A Regal Queen Unto Her Throne A Female Pharaoh (Hatshepsut)

Hatshepsut[a] (/hɑːtˈʃɛpsʊt/ haht-SHEPP-sut; c. 1507–1458 BC) was the Great Royal Wife of Pharaoh Thutmose II and the fifth Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt, ruling first as regent, then as queen regnant from c. 1479 BC until c. 1458 BC (Low Chronology). She was Egypt's second confirmed queen regnant, the first being Sobekneferu/Nefrusobek in the Twelfth Dynasty

Whispered strangulation winds tells me      
As my Dragon Blood Incense bellows in the wind to allow the direction of my mind to roam free        
The seven Chakras may it guide my conscious of awareness to the powers that be        
Voices from my ancestries’ belief is stronger than the calamity of a concealed demons or earthly jinn’s  
Insignia laminated with blood spillage upon lands in the name by falsehood by the forefathers’ slaughtered upon the innocence origins          
I give credence to Mother Earth as my intellect begins        
I bow unto acknowledgment for those who are without sins        
Spiritual manifestation of the serpent’s tongue        
When hearts and chaotic minds continue to cast stones then hide from the sun        
The passage of spiritual order balances this earth        
Give humble respect to pagans, the atheists, and Christians within humanity and their worth        
No one oppresses or can ever degrade the yin-yang of a divine mind        
Today, tomorrow, in, or out of time        
Only the Creator’s oath of my bloodline makes Heaven beautifully chime        
And He does not make mistakes        
The DNA in my veins is not for earthly beings to surrogate, underestimate, or to tempt the destiny of its fate  
For you unto mercy yours may be obscured in shame        
No hand needed to reach passing cloudy skies to bring torrential rain        
The caliber of my lineage is proud from the revolt of cotton fields, survived by whips and chains        
Only the strong survive in this realm we call life        
Most bring good intentions and Hell to the ones who brings daily strife  
No doctrines upon pedestals I see to give homage or its receptiveness in plight        
I am the darkness from the beginning of time unto me, let there be light        
Most will never reach that universal mystique        
It has surpassed the Freemasons and now sits upon the laws of the 33rd degree        
I am the peace, to uplift, reach, teach or, preach        
When dark forces befall within my synagogue, purgatory you place in my path        
It is best you place lamb blood over your door, or under I will stream to bring my spiritual wrath        
Women’s movement is just a phrase for two evades of superiority and inferiority a stance when someone needs are entwined in despair        
It’s liberation in a guilty society, which has manifested for past transgressions when tossed in the air        
Inhaling to open the portal of my third eye        
The insightful of spirituality and serenity is to always coincide        
To bring knowledge not dark wisdom to those who dwell in Hell and use Heaven to earthly fraternize        
Stories in life must be written, must be told        
Not on the back of harmony to judge my journey where mouths speak venom when tongues roll        
Be the believer, the redeemer for your heart to console              
Exhaling such incantation, oh such beautiful thy sound        
Slowly aligning my mind, body, and soul to stand upon my sacred ground  

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1805

Last Night

Desires lie my body down to sleep    
My rapture entwined to the universal my soul to keep
If I shall climax before this dream awakes  
Call out my name in ecstasy for selective remembrance's sake  
On my back I lie, rested, in slumber eyes closed  
Up the back of my thighs I feel your tongue softly roll  
The cushion of my body the heat of your breath patrols  
Mm… the tip of your tongue dipping inside my ear to explore  
The helmet of your girth, kissing my rounded derriere, the hole I would love for you to adore  
Rendering me senseless for what’s in store  
Leaning your chest down  
My body attuned to the lust of your beating heart sounds    
“Feel me take you in this dream,” whispered with amore  
Tingled sensations in anticipation seeping from my pores  
If this is a dream, then God give me more  
Could not wish upon a better dream to live for  
Strong legs, parting my thighs  
Inching back, hips palmed, raised to the skies  
Sniffing the honeyed aura of my femininity  
Right dreamscape for a butter rum identity  
Palming my hips for the sweeten taste of fate  
The subconscious of my Chi, is reality’s sacred mate  
Soft flesh from behind, tantalizing my virgin clit    
My body melting with each feverish exploring tongue flick  
Sinking from the lashing of the heightened tongue hits  
Whimpers cloaked in the state of the sweetest illusion, upon the passionate inflict  
Drools trickling, juices escaping to the silken sheets from this wondrous cosmic gift  
Body coming undone with the precision of each arrowing slip    
Moaning to the Heavens, as I call out your name  
In the throne of stirring this lover’s inferno flame  
My skin scorched by your coated touch  
Oh God, your tongue aimlessly wandering over my buttocks, planting tiny kisses as such  
I felt my body moving to the alluring beat of your wicked engulfing heat  
Palms clenching my hips tighter, my wet sunken treasure pampered upon my dream of feast  
Drowsy now awake  
Reaching my hand backwards, palming your neck for the deeper butter rum intake  
Back arched    
Pussy juices seeping, now unparched  
Climaxing from the final tongue dart  
Mm…staining your tongue with that sweeten wet stream  
Oh…God, an oceanic overflow sensation, so vivid, yet, so serene  
Your carnal pleasures bestowing upon me such a saucy dream    
Lavishly catered for a butter rum Queen

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1805

Kissed By The Queen Of Rose

Rose Queen (or Apple Queen, Cotton Queen or Harvest Queen) is a local or regional tradition associated with Whitsun processions or June festivals and fêtes similar to May Queen. Annual civic honorific titles are bestowed by local election to particular individuals, typically local young women.

I bloom as I am  
Petals to adore, sniffed upon, and even used to cover silk sheets in the ideal of romance  
The bed I lay as sunshine brightens above  
Petals, Stems, Leaves, Sepals my true melodies of love  

A promise from the Creator to only bloom as a majestic work of art  
Comforting to know it’s my mortal birthmark  
From the sunrays, I stand within the ground, yet hidden  
Such beautiful thriving petals, to sunlight my roots are forbidden  

A gifted aroma in a decorative bottle  
Gently pluck my petals and lay me in a pottle  
Intoxicating fragrance magnetic stems of emotion  
A revitalized Rose no truer devotion  

Take a moonlit stroll through my garden; get high off my blooming soft petals  
In this galaxy and time, the mind always needs to be settled  
Blooming so proudly while standing among the dark  
No written words of love greater from a flower’s warmth than Hallmark  
I wear my crown from a midnight bloom ordained by night as the till of hands has chose  
From the Moon Flowers to the sweet smell of my Evening Primrose  

Cultivated from noon awaken at the nighttime hour  
A sweet flower to pamper with an infused pearly gift from a soft rain shower  
The darkness is our celestial guide as we bloom in earth’s paradise balanced by the soil of midnight power  

If a flower bloomed in the dark, would you still trust it as a soft kiss  
Love it with sheer bliss  
Cultivate it in a tender moment of reminisce  
I came from the darkness of the womb, cultivated, nourished, and bloomed from a planted seed  
Given life to trust, however, never any guarantees  

I’m a Rose in bloom let’s just admit  
I’m not unfit  
I try not to just quit  
A desired emotional lickety split  

If I were perfumed with the fragrance of one of the beautiful flowers that blooms in the dark  
And I was lost, you would rely on the essence of your senses where passion once larked  
Could you locate me to make it right, rather by sunlight or by passion in its forthright  
Capture my heart under illuminating moonlight  

Flowers are an intriguing sentiment when giving in life  
Just make sure you have the right flower it cuts through the chase of continuous strife  
As the moonlit drinks in the essence of the spirit of my silken petals  
They are more inclined to blossom with rewarding reactions as water sinking a pebble  
And with much greater intentions richer than silver, gold, or precious metals

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1805

There Is Beauty In Darkness, Mine (Queen Persephone)

Hades’ wife is Persephone. She is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, and she became the queen of the underworld after her abduction by Hades. Persephone is also associated with spring and vegetation, especially grain crops. In art, she is often portrayed robed and carrying a sheaf of grain. Her name has historical variants, including Persephassa and Persephatta

The pentacle my bed of lust, his beloved from Heaven to earth      
His chase, reeling me back into his kingdom for a clandestine affair rebirth      
Soft kisses up my legs to my inviting soft fold lips      
His arousal for me locked in time of an once tryst that floated amidst      
Reminisces of yesterday’s handsome Angel, oh thy fallen Morning Star      
In Heaven, we once were concealed loves entwined, immortally your reign coveted Venus, wooed on the bed of Mars      

Kisses to my inner thighs      
Anger of refusal to join him in his fiery demise      
Spreading my thighs wider, for such wicked games      
Calling out unto him in the height of passion his many names      
Loving each and every pronouced word
I am the before and after, the to and fro, the Dove and Hummingbird  

Deep inside me, sucking my tits, pulling me closer, splitting my pussy walls with controlled dick hits        
My pussy gloving his wondrous gifts        
Demanded me to kneel to my knees        
Mouth open, his girth invading, suckling down his seeds            
Turning me over, sniffing his treasure        
His palms gripping my hips, in Angelic language proclaiming my scent in hell for all to measure        
His long tongue trailing up the curvature of my spine        
Wetting my back, tasting my skin, cupping my breasts, telling me on earth, he’s all mine        
Lifting my ass up, legs linking around the back of his neck, grunting, seducing my body, now my mind        
As my mouth take him deeper, Haitian caramel coated surprise sixty-nine        
Sexing, pleasing me until the break of sunrise        
Nails embedded in my supple skin        
My juices in slow motion, on his tongue mend        
His concubines they savor my flavor off his tongue, my juices to their mouth smoothly blend, he lends        
Mm… what a feeling, unbeknown to this world        
An escaped Queen of the Damn concubine, Hades’ earthly scented pearl    
I own the air you breathe
One snap of my finger I will blow you away like little dust mite seeds
And don’t you forget it when you think you can come up against my powers
I will take you down, spin you around, and eat your heart for dinner in your darkest hour
I am Queen Persephone
Quiet in the shadows and by the blood of the blue moon I am terror to your bones

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1805

The True Essence Of Me (Queen Sephora)

Zipporah (also spelled Sephora) is a fascinating figure in biblical history. She was the wife of Moses, the great leader of the Israelites.

My Dove, may my words to the world be heard as my spirit has asunder from soul and my energy shall continue on
As my soft lullabies I whisper to a beautiful bird as my rebirthed in its divinity shall atone

I was born with vital organs to survive as I live as an earthly loner  
What happens when I die as an organ donor  
My fate, essence, and creed will live in the body of someone else’s me  
My soft smoky gray colored eyes without my corneas  
Once implanted, will they see the beauty within the world to embrace in warmth, without deeds of hyperthermia  

My French Creole Butter Rum Skin  
Used as a graft for someone’s third degree burns to regenerate, the scared nerves to begin  
My heart, oh my beautiful heart, the core beat of my pulse  
The marathon runner of its stamina as winds chases me from getting lost  
Such a vital organ to love, forgive, find peace  
If it’s instilled in another body, will it still remember me  

My essence, the flow of blood as it pumps through the four chambers  
No more a vital organ than the heart, to ever be categorized as life’s disclaimer  
My non-toxic kidneys  
Will they be given to someone name Cindy or Sidney  
Utilized for someone’s else body to filter the toxic need of their creed  
Will someone else benefit from breathing with my lungs  
Tried and true breathes of life from countless marathon runs  

A pair, but if needed from off a lengthily waiting list, then here is your donor’s spare  
Remembrance of me as I once walked, ran, or soared by feet on celestial air  
Engulf the breeze with each new breath as the winds gently blows through your hair  
Waiting list recipients with the call of a beep  
Awake with anxiousness, feeling a hint of despair when they fall asleep  

Liver Failure without a last hope  
Fate bows to them daily as they mentally cope  
A liver has been given, someone can now walk a mile  
From a donor’s source to now store glycogen, yours can now make its own bile  
My favorite essence as it rests inside of me  
Thoroughly cleans my blood stream to sustain a function to be  

Will you pamper my liver  
No alcohol to drown it as if it’s in a river  
A glass of Moet it will accept occasionally, no drugs please to my vital organ you shall ever deliver  
My sweet pancreas converting my food regulating my glucose  
Will you care for it and not live footloose for the most  
Knowing it came from a sexy goose, who you now have her golden egg to brag and boast  

Vegetarian lifestyle be advised my organs are very spoiled  
Therefore, treat them, accordingly, to function well as a car needs premium oil  
The true essence of me  
So many states, my core will stretch for eyes to see
Appreciated of its vital needs
Another life shall continue to live on  
Hopefully, my donated organs will sing, once given an acclamation of a unified song

Dangerous Mind
United States 2awards
Joined 2nd Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 129

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