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Poem of 2024

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16793


I am exhausted today
as exhausted as can be
I need a rest so badly
after I've had my tea

and then I watched a movie
a sad one that made me cry
I watched it to the end
feeling so sad and rather silly

it was all about a lost valentine
many decades in the making
she always visited the station
for years she was waiting

her soldier husband went to war
and never returned to her
it was so sad I swear
but now I've dried my tears

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1637

Shelly Snail🐌 Does It Again!

It seems that Shelly Snail is slow tonight.
Meandering, he finds himself quite lost
in trackless wilderness of mental frost
and every way he wanders isn't right,
for no direction home appears in sight.
He struggles on, he doesn't  count the cost
of sleepless nights; the poem must be crossed
from start to finish. This is Shelly's plight.
But then, what's this? A path! The sestet's here!
Now Shelly gives a skip and picks up speed,
a happy Snail, a smile upon his face;
his steadfast Snaily heart is filled with cheer
as joyful crowds applaud his splendid deed:
again old Shelly's won his poem race.


Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1637

A QuickShit Sonnet

The sort of people I can't understand
are those who take an hour or more to shit.
You bathroom hoggers really should be banned
from taking such an age to finish it.
It's just too long a time to take to shite,
the operation should be slick and quick,
to sit and shit and wipe and leave is right,
and then your arse remains in perfect nick.
But if you’re constipated, eat some prunes!
This fruit will surely speed your turds along
and then your guts won’t bloat like fat balloons
and shitting quickly you’ll not leave a pong.
So if you're shitting slowly, change your diet.
We normal-shitting people wish you'd try it


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16793


Yowling and mewing all night long
just outside my window how annoying
cats seem to sing their mating songs
just when my eyes are closing

I swear the owls are irritated
to compete with the sounds at night
the cats so noisy as if getting killed
with a spoon blunt and rusted

I hear a loud prolonged squawk
and wondered if my cat will birth
strange and stunted be feathered
kitties a crossbreed called Cowl

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1831

Shrimp Fried Rice

That is why I do not eat Chinese food
You never know what the hell may be crawling under all that white rice
Lucky for me this cat cannot be skinned alive
I suppose the rats down the street have to take that skin peeling

Soy Sauce anyone

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1637


A Rat's in me stomach and gnawing away,
the pain is tremendous the whole of the day,
but what can I do? I can only endure
the Rat that is chewing and ripping me raw.

But worse than the day is the long, endless night
when all of me agony reaches its height,
for then it's most hungry, and ravenous gnaws,
attacking me gut with its ravenous jaws.

So all of the future is filled with despair.
The Rat keeps on biting, it's going nowhere!
I wish I could kill it and stamp on its head,
then laugh with relief as I saw it was dead,

but never I’ll see the demise of the Rat,
the Rat’s here to stay; I’m afraid that is that.
It’s gnawing and ripping not ever will cease
and never again will I have any peace.


Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1831

I see you have a lot to learn
Big Ben before the sewer you have earned
The Rat is part of the Chinese Zodiac
Says, me the cat
My lives are the power of three to the ninth power
Clawing you while softly mellowing in the darkest hour
From sundown to sunrise
No one comes for the cat without planning for their own demise

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1637


The Cat just looks Anonymous to me.
She's nothing special, just another Cat,
a dime a dozen, found up any tree –
on any street, if it should come to that.
No doubt she'll howl and scratch a little bit,
but come the morning she'll be tame and sweet,
because, you see, to get right down to it,
a Cat to me is just a tasty treat.
For I'm a Hound, and I eat Cats like you
for breakfast, after chasing you all night,
and then when morning comes I simply shoo
you off into your broken-hearted light.
About my Cats I'm really not that fussy,
and you to me are just another pussy.


Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1637

Dog Days

The Hound is slowing down, she's getting old.
She just can't do the things she used to do,
and though to write those words is sad, they're true.
Her once-upon-a-time hot blood runs cold,
the bounding miles that then so quickly rolled
beneath her flashing canine paws have slowed
to walking speed. She's now in old dog mode,
and crashed out on the settee's what she likes.
No doubt she's dreaming of long doggy hikes,
with miles to go still of her doggy road.


Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1637

And So We Face That Final Curtain ...

And so, surprisingly, we're at the end.
The final day of Houndom now has come
and soon I'll lose my hairy doggy friend.
I shall be left alone and feeling glum
without her by my side, my walking chum
who shortens every mile beside the sea.
Of comfort I can't find a single crumb,
and when she goes back home it's plain to see
she'll take away a good-sized doggy chunk of me.


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16793

Doggie Days

I know of doggie days
and pats on shaggy head
of hugs and kisses
and wet noses when I was sad

her name was Mimie
I rescued her near a drain
she was full of sores
she stank so awfully bad

she grew up a fine lady
shaggy shiny coat and all
had a litter of puppies
and loved them everyone

she was sad when her puppies
left for forever homes far away
we sat together sharing hugs
with her only one puppy left

when she left for glory
by the hand of some humans
who were bad and evil men
she ended up meat roasted by drunks

she came home and jumped
at the window and when I opened
the door there was no Mimie
that was the moment she died

to this day I still cry inside
I miss my Mimie so
I hope I meet her heaven side
when its time for me to go.  

*sad for you and your dog Ajay*

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1637

Grace said:Doggie Days

*sad for you and your dog Ajay*

Thank you, Grace 💐

Chere R Sarver
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 27th June 2022
Forum Posts: 105

A great dog lover myself for this poem made me truly cry. Thank you for the share

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1637

Putting A Brave Face On It

My time with the Hound is alas almost through,
the days have rushed by in a blur, it is true,
and now sad  to say less than two days remain
before SuperPoppy must go home again;

but, still, I'll be glad of some peace and a rest
from walking the Hound in the place she likes best,
and when she has gone . . . even though I'll be sad,
a dog-free existence is really not bad.


Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1637

Nightwalking 🌙

The streets are dark, there's not a soul around,
but still a something whispers through the trees,
in search of something hidden in the breeze,
though always out of reach, a secret sound
that's floating free and never will be found
by anyone who doesn't have the key
to hear and understand the harmony
vibrating, resonating deep inside
the substance of this Universe, so wide.
Tonight, I do, and All belongs to me.


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