Poetry competition CLOSED 25th August 2024 4:09pm
View Profile Poems by ExercisingDemons
RUNNER-UP: fianaturie8

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Alice in Wonderland

Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 60

Poetry Contest

I want to read your best Alice in Wonderland poems. The darker the better.
I will be choosing the winner after 2 weeks.

Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 60


Your chalice  
Is dripping with malice…  
a shallow of hallow seeped into your palace.”  
Follow the rabbit to the darkest of depths  
Plunge into the mire of the gatekeepers cleft  
Trickling down through the tangle of vines  
The fungus is shrinking her down as she dines  
A wee little door and a gut full of shrooms  
Into the obscure from this stark little room  
“What a curious place,” she spoke under her breath  
“Could it be that I have submit to my death?”  
With a shake of her head and her brow in a furrow  
Out popped the rabbit straight out of his burrow  
“I’m late! I’m late!” Cried the panicky fellow  
But Alice could not quip much more than a, “Hello?”  
Gone in a whisper, he flit through the sable  
Past the Mad Hatter who’s head of the table  
“Alice, do join us.” The dormouse declare  
“The tea is exquisite and temptingly rare.”  
As the psychos had bantered so random of tales  
Alice slinks past them, “so long now!” She wails  
Into the plume of the hookah, divine  
The chime of its essence is smoother than wine  
The illusory ride; the leaf-eaters hype  
The euphoria toils from the wick of his pipe  
As the bug waft away in a virginal flutter  
The hum of the twins filled the air with their mutter  
“I haven’t got time for such lengthy of story!”  
On a whim full of vim, the twins story turned gory  
“What a terrible fate of that poor little oyster!”  
Alice could feel her eyes fill with moisture  
Swelling with sadness, her tears started growing  
As she wept and she wept, the sea started flowing  
“Oh dear, it is clear, I haven’t time to be blue.”  
With dry eyes, she surmised, “there’s much more here to do!”  
As the ocean relinquished, she furthered her travels    
Into the forest where the darkness unravels  
The Cheshire Cat, O’ the slyest of foe  
Let’s you dine on his smile while perusing your woe  
Beguiling and wily; a coin with one side  
A handful of smitten; a mouthful of pride  
“Have you answered the call of the Queen of the hearts?
Slip past the tree; take the path where it starts.”  
Alice, unmindful, marched south past the elm  
Nixed the signs of imperil as she heads to her realm  
As the music imposed in the ears of the child    
from the spades in the glade where the roses, defiled  
enlisting the aid of the sweet little starlet  
they’re painting the roses much redder than scarlet  
As the horns began sounding, the rabbit whipped by  
Past the cards in the deck, splayed out to comply  
The Queen clipped the roses dripping with red  
In a howl, she’s foul, “Now off with their heads!”  
Alice devised she was aiding the spades  
but her majesty balks at the truth she evades  
“Perhaps a quick game and all will be fine.  
If you lose, dear Alice, your head will be mine!”  
As the rules were bent for the portly red Queen    
Alice abandoned the match as a dream  
“What a curious sleep! What a furious mess!”  
As she brushes the blood of the spades from her dress  
*Non-competition entry
Written by Everavalon
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Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 535

O Alice

I caught her over the shoulder glance
her chase me look,
and in a trance
through the looking glass was led
all steamed up, jeez I'm gonna get cooked,
but, instantaneously back to front
inside out, dying I bled,
O Alice you rotten cun...
Written by Rew
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Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 60

Thanks for entering

poet Anonymous

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Fia Naturie
Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 24th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 122

Wonderland Jail

Click click click       
Miss you must awake you're wasting time        
It's obvious you did it just admit to the crime        
She started to come too not knowing where she was        
Her head was ringing from a slight buzz        
Sitting across from a white rabbit with tails        
In the corner was a man with a hat humming the scales        
“Crime, you say? Where am I”        
You're in Wonderland jail        
For the murder of the queen        
Her eyes popped open        
Her skin began to Sheen        
“Murder? You have got the wrong person”        
They looked at each other, and the rabbit's lips pursed in        
Before you is two bottles        
You drank them both        
Do you remember anything after that?        
You are under oath        
She scratched her head, trying to recall        
She remembered having Irish tea        
and having a puff of hookah at a ball        
“No, I did not drink this?”        
We have you on film        
You are with the Cheshire cats        
He has a long record, as long as that        
She came to Wonderland wanting to have a good time        
She heard the queen had a party, and it was so sublime        
Now she's being questioned for a murder she did not commit        
The man in the corner with the piercing eyes would not sit        
“What has happened to the queen tell me plain”        
As if on cue, a box had came        
The rabbit opened and she peeked inside        
The queen head laid in the box        
“I'm going to die”        
They both looked at her with incredulity        
Not believing a word she said        
“I need a lawyer and a call, would you please?”        
They both nodded and left her with the head        
“This has to be a dream this cannot be real”        
that's when I heard the laughter and all the zeal        
the cat puffed in with a wicked laugh        
Alice come with me there are fun times to be had        
“Did you murder the queen?” she whispered out loud        
With a twinkle in his eye and a flicking of his tail        
She wanted her head to come off        
She wanted her body to sail        
No worries, Alice, this is just for a short time        
Her head will reconnect, and you will be pardoned of this crime        
“I want to go home. This is no fun.”        
With the click of his fingers, he said        
“Our fun has not begun.        
You want to go home then tomorrow I will see        
what Alice’s world will hold for me.”        
Awaken with a start        
And a pounding heart        
“You want some more tea, dear? The Olympics is about to start
Written by fianaturie8 (Fia Naturie)
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Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 60

Thanks for entering

Ivelina Boneva
Thought Provoker
Bulgaria 2awards
Joined 7th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 135


Alice stayed at home.
Losing track of time.
She escaped into her imagination.

Where she traveled everyday.
She escaped into Wonderland.
And saw a cheshire cat.

She saw white roses painted red.
And a mad hatter as he sat.
He had a twisted smile.

She stayed there for a while.
Her head went up in the clouds.
Where has she gone now?

Has she escaped into her head?
Or was it to escape her frown?
At first,she did not know what it meant.

But she kept daydreaming,cheshire cat said.
When she was sad,Wonderland was sent.
Madder than the hatter,her own world ascend.

Where things are never black.
Where we paint white roses red.
Each shade from a different person's head.

When she is feeling low, her mind goes black, imagination glow.
A world far away.
Where you chase a white rabbit.

And you never decay.
Alice fell into a rabbit hole.
In the real world,she did not feel whole.

She used her mind to cope.
To escape the madness.
But when a voice has spoken,she is dragged back to reality.

Away from Wonderland.
Where her true emotions are black.
And her tired eyes,white.

But when she escapes into her head.
She can stay there all night.
Alas,she lives in a world astray.

Where she can make her sadness to away.
Escape into madness,with her friend - cheshire cat.
Where things are always better,and the sky is matte.

But one day,Wonderland will go away.
Out of her mind,or she will be stuck in the prison of her head,astray.
She used her mind to cope.

Now a different voice has spoke.
Written by Liziantus-Marantus (Ivelina Boneva)
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Ivelina Boneva
Thought Provoker
Bulgaria 2awards
Joined 7th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 135


It was night.
I was tired.
And ready to dream away.

I got under the blanket.
I laid my head on the pillow,closing my eyes.
One second,I was in my bed.

Next thing I know,I have a fuzzy feeling in my head.
I woke up in a mystical land.
Where it's colorful,and everything is bent.

Everyone was smiling unnaturally wide.
I didn't know what it meant.
I began to head inside a tunnel.

But I started to fall.
I ended up in a hallway.
The air had an odd smell.

Next to me ,a magical wishing well.
I got a coin and I made my wish.
The well began to perish.

I saw a white rabbit running late.
And I noticed my clothing had changed.
I wore a blue and white dress.

I got confused,I confess.
I met a caterpillar,and I asked it for the way.
He puffed a smoke and told me there is no way.

Then I found a plate of cookies.
With a sign that says, "'Eat me!"".
I ate one and began to shrink.

The letter wrote with invisible ink.
Water surrounded me.
I began to swim away.

I started going in another way.
I saw the sky.
I saw a cat.

It had a smile,its fur is matte.
It smiled at me and disappeared.
Magical clouds reappeared.

As it began to rain.
I got caught in a hurricane.
Everything blacked out.

I woke up in my bed.
I heard my alarm.
And saw the book next to my bed.

The title said, ""Alice In Wonderland"".
With a colorful cover.
I dreamt its story,now I discover.

That it all wasn't real.
It was just how I feel.
Written by Liziantus-Marantus (Ivelina Boneva)
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Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 60

Thanks for entering

Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 14th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 18

"Looking Glass"

In eldritch realms where sanity doth fray,  
Young Alice wanders through a mind’s dismay
Her path is strewn with shapes that twist and writhe,  
In wonderland where madness takes its seat

The trees do melt like wax beneath the sun,  
Their branches stretch in ways that should not be
The skies, awash in hues of scarlet run,  
As shadows dance in discordant jubilee

The creatures here are neither beast nor friend,  
With eyes that glimmer with a ghastly gleam
Their forms defy the rules that nature penned,  
A nightmare realm that twists each waking dream

A rabbit’s grin that stretches ear to ear,  
A hatter’s laugh that echoes through the void,  
Such things would drive the strongest mind to fear,  
In this strange land where reason is destroyed

O Alice, lost within this blighted scene,  
Where nothing’s as it seems and shapes confound
In madness’ grasp, your mind doth shatter clean,  
A wonderland where sanity’s not found

Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 60

Thanks for entering

Thought Provoker
Canada 2awards
Joined 30th July 2014
Forum Posts: 32

Lost Boy

              Lost Boy            
I miss you, more than I tend to admit.              
Now I've got lots on my mind              
that i need to emit.              
So here are some words              
that I'd like to submit to the page,            
about how we lost you at too young of an age.              
I thought you were strong, and you were,            
but you hurt a bit more than I gauged.              
Now you're ash in a box,              
and a name on a grave.              
Now you're only captured in thoughts              
and photographs. Sometimes I think            
this could have been stopped,            
you could have been saved.            
But we were deep down the rabbit hole,              
dancing with Alice.              
We all have to go eventually.              
For now, I'm alone in the palace,            
just me a throne and a chalice.              
Cold, wrapped in a throw,              
seeking my balance.            
The king, the queen, the guards,              
they've all left.              
The jokers are gone, no more jests.              
The gold's been spent,              
I'm mocked by empty chests.            
Still I wander here,              
even in my dreams while I rest.              
I tried to burn it all to see you in the next.            
Not that I believe in that,              
but for the longest time              
I believed that you would be back.              
I saved a Guinness for you,            
do you miss your cats?              
Do you miss morning bike rides,            
or afternoon naps?              
You missed my birthday,            
but I'll forgive you for that.            
Moving on, another chapter to write.            
You've got me hoping that              
there's an afterlife. If there isn't,              
then I guess this is goodnight.              
I just hope you feel all right.            
My voice now echoes down              
empty halls, beneath blackened skies.                    
Do I curse Alice, the rabbit,            
the hole, or my mind?          
Trapped, I study these walls in              
effort to memorize the climb.            
At times I imagine emerging            
covered in sweat and grime,            
but after so long submerged,              
the rabbit hole's light now burns my eyes.            
Lonely, in a dark corner,            
I lay cold and blind.            
I'm having trouble deciding            
on where I want to reside.            
In this empty castle           
a hollow shell,            
or is that the same as to die?            
Is it worth the hassle              
climbing out of this hell?            
It'll be tough, I've tried.            
Why can't you just be alive?               
I need a release,            
I keep dreaming that I'm trapped            
beneath the foot of my feats.            
I need to blow off some steam,            
I need my demons to cease,          
I need a trigger to squeeze.         
Cut the leash off some beasts,          
send me a fleet to defeat,              
or a dragon in heat    
to behead for a feast.                

Hell, while I'm wired            
I'll start a fire before bed.            
I'll slay a thousand winged beasts            
and bathe the entire castle in red,            
or gain peace in my defeat,            
as my soul slips from it's weary stead.            
I wish you were here,            
not just in my head.            
I miss how we joked,              
worked, bonded and bled.            
I can't believe that you're dead.            
I wish I'd known you were dying,            
I'd take back words that I said.            
I hope you know that I'm trying.            
I wish I'd known you were sick,            
while we were drinking and smiling,            
out all night below the city lights,            
picking fights, and prank dialing.            
If you are up there looking down,            
I hope that you’re still smiling            
and any time you find              
a moment to spare, could you              
read these lines Ryan,            
or would that be too death defying?        
Moving on, another chapter to write.            
You've got me hoping that              
there's an afterlife. If there isn't,              
then I guess this is goodnight.              
I just hope you feel all right.            
You could be childish,              
still you taught me to be a man.              
You had been violent, yet held              
compassion some will now never understand,            
damn. How could you leave us like this?            
We planted a tree for you,              
I hope you see that you're missed.              
It was a Linden, your favorite, I had to insist.              
I'll admit, for a little bit I was pissed.              
You could have talked to me.              
Looking back now, I see the hints.              
But we were two lost boys,    
busy burning up the motherland.            
Winter storms on the beach, we              
treated like wonderland.              
With our ski masks on,              
we were ready to hike.              
The goggles went on            
for icy rides on our bikes              
and when the gloves went up,              
we just might fight.            
Like when you crashed your truck              
into my car and we both threw strikes,              
then laughed it off and got high that night.            
We shared Caesars in the morning before              
even a bite. Bonfire at noon and by two,            
we were feeling all right.       
Life without you is a trip,              
I'll try to carry on your essence.              
I aim to learn from your mistakes,            
and pass along your lessons.              
I'm currently pumping the brakes,              
to deal with some depression.              
It's got me reminiscing              
about your kind gestures            
and funny expressions.              
Arguments and barbecues, late night confessions,              
trail walks and comic book sessions.            
Real talks, about whatever had us stressing.            
In times that I was my worst enemy,            
you were a great friend to me, no question,            
and I'm sorry if I took you for granted.            
It felt like we were meant to meet              
like we both came from another planet.            
Now I'm forced to bid you farewell,            
of course, not how I planned it.              
There are so many stories to tell,            
next to your tree that we planted.            
Still, I get broken up,            
the duo's been disbanded.              
I hate that you're gone,            
and at times I can't stand it.              
I try to move on, but            
I'm scared, I've been abandoned.            
I try to be strong,            
but I feel stranded and            
it's got me on a tangent again.            
That's why for now, my hand stays            
clamped to a pen.              
You were a hell of a pal,            
you were a champ of a friend.            
I miss you buddy,              
I'll carry you till the end.              
I wish you a peaceful slumber,              
wishes are now all I can send,            
and when I'm six feet under            
I hope we meet again.              
But until then, know              
that you're remembered              
and missed, Until then,              
I'll pretend that you're in              
heaven in bliss and if there isn't,              
then I guess this is goodnight.              
I just hope you feel all right.              
                                For Ryan
Written by ExercisingDemons
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 16th June 2024
Forum Posts: 3

“Alice” by Everavalon, that was an amazing scribe, down to the accent I found myself reading with in my head.

Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 60

Thank you for that. I like poems to have melody

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