Submissions by Duice
Poet Introduction
Dangerous Wordplay, Read Between The Lines. (Google what you don’t know) Former GSPoetry member.
Redemption (Part 5)
Excruciating pain is obsession to a valiant soldier
that’ll arm wrestle the epitome of Death to that
Fighting for infinity wraith on the other dark side
of time and space in stone grip to get back
Black Panther speaking open heart surgery
to parade of Ancestors razor claws drawn
I do it for Wakanda across the chest
til life RIPs respawn or blood gone
Silver fox too cunning to be meat
in afterlife a simp or devoured
When I die it’ll be sacrificial in stance extinguished
Glorious Lamb to awaken bright side empowered
A crashing snap...
that’ll arm wrestle the epitome of Death to that
Fighting for infinity wraith on the other dark side
of time and space in stone grip to get back
Black Panther speaking open heart surgery
to parade of Ancestors razor claws drawn
I do it for Wakanda across the chest
til life RIPs respawn or blood gone
Silver fox too cunning to be meat
in afterlife a simp or devoured
When I die it’ll be sacrificial in stance extinguished
Glorious Lamb to awaken bright side empowered
A crashing snap...
43 reads
Eyeing life side-eyed asphyxiated in this spotters scope
concave monocular teetering in and out of trance
Observant surveilling wretched buffoonery trending
cyclic magnified in this inauspicious life dance
Shrewd to learn intricate reasoning in depths of people
evolved judgemental life views secluded
Laid in the cut calm as a fly on the rancid wall
gender-neutral bathroom festering larvae included
Planted trigger behaviors become iridescently apparent
in blank jungle silence of blossoming juvenile minds
Passive watching random demonic ongoers...
concave monocular teetering in and out of trance
Observant surveilling wretched buffoonery trending
cyclic magnified in this inauspicious life dance
Shrewd to learn intricate reasoning in depths of people
evolved judgemental life views secluded
Laid in the cut calm as a fly on the rancid wall
gender-neutral bathroom festering larvae included
Planted trigger behaviors become iridescently apparent
in blank jungle silence of blossoming juvenile minds
Passive watching random demonic ongoers...
131 reads
King of Spades _ Mental Giant
Born Lead Beast _ Simba Lion
Partly Dead Inside _ Nerve Damage
Need A Root Canal _ Crown Sandwich
Cold Hard Demeanor _ Ice Capades
Urbane Jaw Breaker _ Praised Accolades
How A Boss Talk _ All Introspect
Respectful Disrespect _ Plenty Intellect
Asleep Vendetta _ Dream Catcher
Ambitious Goals _ Noble Stature
Godsent Bestowed _ Pressed & Stamp
Shrewd Humor Core _ Sarcasm Champ
Camo Survival Kit _ Backpack Disciple
Marine Rambo Knife _ Assault Rifle
Big Homie Vain _ Sanctified Stance ...
Born Lead Beast _ Simba Lion
Partly Dead Inside _ Nerve Damage
Need A Root Canal _ Crown Sandwich
Cold Hard Demeanor _ Ice Capades
Urbane Jaw Breaker _ Praised Accolades
How A Boss Talk _ All Introspect
Respectful Disrespect _ Plenty Intellect
Asleep Vendetta _ Dream Catcher
Ambitious Goals _ Noble Stature
Godsent Bestowed _ Pressed & Stamp
Shrewd Humor Core _ Sarcasm Champ
Camo Survival Kit _ Backpack Disciple
Marine Rambo Knife _ Assault Rifle
Big Homie Vain _ Sanctified Stance ...
92 reads
All I know is
be real keep integrity
takes too much energy
to level down for a snake
When the grass low
I’m good it's cool
when I’m not
it's chaos folks levitate
Run don’t walk
mowed at that growl
a howl’s far worse
nape hairs stood on ends
If you got me fucked up
was a person
I’d collect bodies
not friends
Steel fiber
sharpens teeth
off with their heads
Queen of Hearts salt remarks
Overstand I’m a different pedigree
seasoned lone wolf
murder to eat by Nature
no false starts ...
be real keep integrity
takes too much energy
to level down for a snake
When the grass low
I’m good it's cool
when I’m not
it's chaos folks levitate
Run don’t walk
mowed at that growl
a howl’s far worse
nape hairs stood on ends
If you got me fucked up
was a person
I’d collect bodies
not friends
Steel fiber
sharpens teeth
off with their heads
Queen of Hearts salt remarks
Overstand I’m a different pedigree
seasoned lone wolf
murder to eat by Nature
no false starts ...
137 reads
Exorcizing Demons (Part 4) (ExercisingDemons near-collab)
Walking abandoned faint section
of steel train track entranced
by opulent bug with a God complex
in murder of crows nest
Dante inferno hallucination drapes
bewitch stage scene entry
absent benevolence malice feint
convenes eternal rest
Fallen endlessly soul struck fowl
bestial wraith outside carnal realms
only rule at Tartarus entrance
was Allowed temporary burning
Carnivorous phoenix leading eye (Job 1:12 view)
dichotomy Shrieks aerial ablaze
legendary incarnate landed
craves carnage fiercely feast...
of steel train track entranced
by opulent bug with a God complex
in murder of crows nest
Dante inferno hallucination drapes
bewitch stage scene entry
absent benevolence malice feint
convenes eternal rest
Fallen endlessly soul struck fowl
bestial wraith outside carnal realms
only rule at Tartarus entrance
was Allowed temporary burning
Carnivorous phoenix leading eye (Job 1:12 view)
dichotomy Shrieks aerial ablaze
legendary incarnate landed
craves carnage fiercely feast...
173 reads
Mr. Grinch
Honestly since you asked
I’m disgruntled
enjoying today alone cup near full
Quick temper galore
I’m typically Mr. Freeze solo
during holidays
it's a dagger in the ice chest
that goes ignored
Intoxicated subzero don’t do toxic stupid shit
like suicide or murder
that’s poison ivy black rose debauchery
just one more dark problem
Life is perception some perceive demons
I make tea for mine
when not decimating them,
urbane Alfred: Batman & Robin
I been embrace the shadows
depress at least 20...
I’m disgruntled
enjoying today alone cup near full
Quick temper galore
I’m typically Mr. Freeze solo
during holidays
it's a dagger in the ice chest
that goes ignored
Intoxicated subzero don’t do toxic stupid shit
like suicide or murder
that’s poison ivy black rose debauchery
just one more dark problem
Life is perception some perceive demons
I make tea for mine
when not decimating them,
urbane Alfred: Batman & Robin
I been embrace the shadows
depress at least 20...
142 reads
1 Comment
Clay Pigeons (Part 3)
Easter egg planted Pineapples
cluster claymore laden poem verse
Trap lines trigger booby detonator
deadlock provoked drown immerse
SS Britanica land mine sunk to shore
on typhoon hurricane pull pins inverse
Magellan cognition gore circumnavigated
mind blown particulates spray disburse
Air-to-air taut pyro nuggets pluck telekinetic
on sonic brain combust ocean splatter curse
Motion vile explosive fragments bang attune
dissect shrapnel pitch out cranial void hurts
Tannerite incendiary gas can trip blasting...
cluster claymore laden poem verse
Trap lines trigger booby detonator
deadlock provoked drown immerse
SS Britanica land mine sunk to shore
on typhoon hurricane pull pins inverse
Magellan cognition gore circumnavigated
mind blown particulates spray disburse
Air-to-air taut pyro nuggets pluck telekinetic
on sonic brain combust ocean splatter curse
Motion vile explosive fragments bang attune
dissect shrapnel pitch out cranial void hurts
Tannerite incendiary gas can trip blasting...
106 reads
The Ultimate Cure (Part 2)
K][N][O][W] [T][H][Y] [S][E][L][F]
entering Enlightened ancient knowledge learning zone
What’s good for the Goose is lost for the Gander
to each temple [Understand] Hertz of its very own
Om chant Meditation seems to be practice
of putting your brain in tranquil aurora vegetative state
My avatar Aura uproots chakra 852 Hz frequency different
[ground beast] [all Beef] [no chase] [no hesitate]
Snatched raven(ous) out my life-suit to cloud thought tangent
Judas Clashed over a Quest(ionable) 3rd eye
30 second Yoga disappointed...
entering Enlightened ancient knowledge learning zone
What’s good for the Goose is lost for the Gander
to each temple [Understand] Hertz of its very own
Om chant Meditation seems to be practice
of putting your brain in tranquil aurora vegetative state
My avatar Aura uproots chakra 852 Hz frequency different
[ground beast] [all Beef] [no chase] [no hesitate]
Snatched raven(ous) out my life-suit to cloud thought tangent
Judas Clashed over a Quest(ionable) 3rd eye
30 second Yoga disappointed...
223 reads
Surrounded in vibrant sharp beauty
to checkpoint the unknown
Survived experiences devoured
that could’ve sever hip bone
In jungle thorns of life
machete swung at carnivorous dense thicket
Would be insane to run the same path
and more a fool to twice pick it
Resilient in conviction I beat trails
to pave thin fragile success
Fought demons at trials in my wake
asleep woke sweat grapple in stress
Stick a [milestone] at this juncture
to save repeat of heredity queue
S.O.S. walking tight circles to arrive
to checkpoint the unknown
Survived experiences devoured
that could’ve sever hip bone
In jungle thorns of life
machete swung at carnivorous dense thicket
Would be insane to run the same path
and more a fool to twice pick it
Resilient in conviction I beat trails
to pave thin fragile success
Fought demons at trials in my wake
asleep woke sweat grapple in stress
Stick a [milestone] at this juncture
to save repeat of heredity queue
S.O.S. walking tight circles to arrive
223 reads
Goddess Karma
Hammer swung unequal in turn
lets remember Thor’s homage of that
Times got harder on protectors end
spot me who got my back
When scales tipped in reverse I stood often
then drop to assist in bench press mode
At swing of clock hands
“feels” like you watch in betrayal from commode
Karma is a blind lady not spea[king
in spite stick Excalibur pin there]
We’ll definitely revisit at tide change in duality
to unearth skeleton sowed grudge reap to heir
A million times I step with logic
sure as shit fodder kindling or matter fact ...
lets remember Thor’s homage of that
Times got harder on protectors end
spot me who got my back
When scales tipped in reverse I stood often
then drop to assist in bench press mode
At swing of clock hands
“feels” like you watch in betrayal from commode
Karma is a blind lady not spea[king
in spite stick Excalibur pin there]
We’ll definitely revisit at tide change in duality
to unearth skeleton sowed grudge reap to heir
A million times I step with logic
sure as shit fodder kindling or matter fact ...
207 reads
Humble Me
I don’t lack ego in life
I’m stop short of conceited
In quest after Miss Poetry
in the World the same not repeated
Recluse adolescent shy cub
raised best as could by young mother
Never taught to be king
so chose a player thru struggle
Reluctant confidence self assured
Ripley believing or not
I made myself into the vintage Man I raised
chiseled in slow mastery thought
No virtuous grandeur where I stood
pebbles can’t pass before shame
Maybe was meek when I was formed
now word gets born from my name ...
I’m stop short of conceited
In quest after Miss Poetry
in the World the same not repeated
Recluse adolescent shy cub
raised best as could by young mother
Never taught to be king
so chose a player thru struggle
Reluctant confidence self assured
Ripley believing or not
I made myself into the vintage Man I raised
chiseled in slow mastery thought
No virtuous grandeur where I stood
pebbles can’t pass before shame
Maybe was meek when I was formed
now word gets born from my name ...
229 reads
Miss understood (Part 1)
I’m not for [ everybody ]
not everyone comprehends innuendo [ here ]
In hindsight I wrote intuition in [ frustration ]
let me speak to be absolutely [ clear: ]
Don’t just listen for How in my [ words ]
listen close to What intellect is in its [ meaning ]
I don’t speak circles to [ entertain ]
I speak in Braille for the [ gleaning ]
Envision binary patterns as felt [ repetition ]
rationalize bumps and breaks to [ devour ]
You heard 50 shades of [ grey ]
I discern sweet from [ sour ]
Its difficult...
not everyone comprehends innuendo [ here ]
In hindsight I wrote intuition in [ frustration ]
let me speak to be absolutely [ clear: ]
Don’t just listen for How in my [ words ]
listen close to What intellect is in its [ meaning ]
I don’t speak circles to [ entertain ]
I speak in Braille for the [ gleaning ]
Envision binary patterns as felt [ repetition ]
rationalize bumps and breaks to [ devour ]
You heard 50 shades of [ grey ]
I discern sweet from [ sour ]
Its difficult...
322 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Duice