Competition Ends 15th July 2024 3:43pm


Fia Naturie
Dangerous Mind
United States 3awards
Joined 24th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 96

Poetry Contest

Internal Storm
Alright everyone this is the last competition I am creating for the summer.  
I want you to describe an internal storm.

What was the cause?
What did you do?
Did it ever go away?
Did you feel helpless? Why

This is a 2 week competition. Good luck everyone. Fia xoxo

Lost Thinker
Joined 3rd July 2022
Forum Posts: 7


 They were knights of a brutal silence.
Hanging at my door and my bed just beyond it
  a gaze to the left and right that turned
 to glance suddenly that landed on the stares

In pieces lay there
On the stares were lashes wet and
called casualties
And on the bed huddled amidst
Spreads of iron --- a sheeted metal
And I under it
A shutter in the dark that clanged wildly

The knight had taken my tongue
 would draw a sword and shelve it
Would separate me peace by peace
And leave me where I lie
Written by Bonanza1
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Tyrant of Words
United States 8awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 54

Interior Confinement

I hold myself in disdain
I don't give a fuck
I've got nothing to hide
No one understands
A part of me has died

Utopia rejected on Earth that's hell
My mind is lonely, no different from a cell
My body is sick, which I can't leave behind
What will it take to medicate the mind

Exit the womb to a tomb
Can't adjust
Alone in my room
Depend on my departed friend
Not remembering
How long has it been
If there's one thing I've learned
Comfort cannot be found
Nowhere to grow
Nobody's fault but mine
Painfully existing alone
Infinite incarceration

You have to lose so much to find your heart
Even your innocence
Thinking back as a kid
What being alone did
It’s not so pretty now
That's where addiction was found
I'd burn those houses down
Into a hole in the ground
And I'd burn them down again
And I'd make it evident
With satisfaction just to laugh at the fucking flames

Now as I'm older and wiser
I've worked out my mistakes
I made sure that my past is left behind
No one knows how much the mind can take
Written by Vision_of_insanity
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Guardian of Shadows
United States 88awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5620

The Violence Of The Day

I cannot fix
what I did not break--
but I tried to neutralize it,
your anger
when I could.

I felt the pressure
Everyone else did, too.

how time slows
just before the worst--
is it so we can have a few more seconds
to escape
or so the pain is dulled?

We knew today was different
and somehow
it was coming
(this time)
for real--

No more regersals.
Could I have steered things differently
years ago
in the classroom
where I taught you?

Probably not.

That's the sad part--
seeing it coming
and not one could help you
except yourself
if you had just tried.

Do we have to worry
about tomorrow
or some other tomorrow
that you'll come back for us
and try to finish
what was interrupted today?

I should have tried harder
but I thought it was enough
when I saw your smile
when I told you
that we take no disease
and hurt with us
when we die
because those aren't allowed
in heaven.

Maybe that seed will still grow
and this, too
shall pass.
Written by MadameLavender
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Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 9awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 164

Amidst My Storm

Await the coming storm I will,
Amid it’s bearing swells I stand stoically still.
I look up into the clouded heavens for prayer,
Little did I know there was evil in the air.
Once more staring into that gray,
I shall never see the radiance again of day.

The distant waves coming I hear,
Myself alone I hold so dear.
The chill of the northernly gust slaps my cheek,
The bleeding of the sun through the clouds I’ll never again seek.
Ankle deep on the shoreline, I watch the horizon dye twilight into the sky,
The next bleedful thing to my mind is the tear from my eye.

Maybe there’s something there my mind couldn’t see?
Rather the bleeding mosaic indeed be my own mind!
The swelling of my heart in tune with the rolling waves and gusts against my chest.
Perhaps I shall wake up from this nightmare and rest,
But the flickering hallucinations around me swarm,
And I stand patient for the beating of the coming storm!
Written by gothicsurrealism (Daniel Long)
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Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 9awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 164

Poetic Firestorm

It’s a firestorm  
that rages… and whirls… within my body,  
that no hand of sanity can smother.  

My innards burn,  
my blood boils,  
the flesh upon me bubbles.  
Sane, as I may have been before,  
the virtues that encased this body with innocence  
has long but burned away.
Written by gothicsurrealism (Daniel Long)
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