Poetry competition CLOSED 25th July 2024 11:01am
View Profile Poems by Vision_of_insanity
RUNNERS-UP: Betty and down2dirt

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Write something Abstruse

Grandfather Nebulous
Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 16th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 4

Poetry Contest

Write something that is difficult to understand or that only you can. Feel free to make up words, use obscure or archaic ones.

Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 9awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 183

Sauce and Ants!

Sorrows stir within.
The funeral retains an aura of raucous silence from our inner cries.
It was more of a sauna, a trance of the sound of rain as I held my rose.
The sun can rest above clouds and care not to show herself to a mortal’s rest.
I look up into the falling rain and hope my prayers shall oust the day star.
There was a moment when all of us thought that we had seen a hand arose from a grave!
What could of roust a soul? Rest!
A score of ants then emerged from beneath the tan coffin lid! The mourning crowd can’t retain their stance!
So, the mourners ran! My aunt raved into a wild rant!
The hand of the corpse drove open the lid, hunched over the side of the coffin,
and out spewed a sauce of vomit and ants!
Written by gothicsurrealism (Daniel Long)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 14awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 73

The Month of June

Static radio gives me the shakes
Sensitive to light, my belly aches
Red holes infected my suspicious leg
Green water mucus as baby Jesus loves to beg
Pill popping dope created a milk dud of a man
The white swans turn black, sacrifice the lamb
Ask for a ride and you shall won't find
Wheels have no fortune, life is suicide
Cancerous objects, indeed are lethal
X-Ray's of your rectum, images on her easel
1 month to die, 1 month to live
Make down no mind, maggots forgive
The hog & pig dance of June comes to a close
Hatred is heaven as hell has so many pros
The walls open in as your mind is tossed away
Cysts & stones will destroy your bones
My heart & soul have eroded & decayed
Written by Vision_of_insanity
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16850

Gambols and Groans

gambol a gambol at the meadow
smelling the tree stumps of mildew
rest supine on year long pine needles
not thinking much life is simple
sheep on narrow path
to the top of the hill
envying watches ticking  
tireless unlike puffing goats
there's hope there yet
where heartbeats in rhythms
uphold the tired mortal
not spilled magenta liquid
on roadside
awaiting scrappers
to pick up the squished parts
un-baptised to the graves
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Thought Provoker
Palestine 1awards
Joined 24th Feb 2021
Forum Posts: 89

The Ash, the Oak, and the Elders - A Horticultural Horror - The Tree Tragedy

    The Oak was old. The tips of her branches were brittle, but her heart was strong.
    She had seen many trees rise and fall back to earth.
She remembered the horses, pulling everything and everyone around, she saw them left behind by the motorcar.
      Her neighbours the Elders were younger and shorter, their sweet white elderflowers hung heavy in the May rain. They had tangled themselves with the barb wire, their gnarled wounds thickened with time.
      They were indifferent, though the Oak viewed herself as the queen of the row. She was the tallest, and the widest, and eldest of them all. She believed she would live forever.
      The Ash shot up fast and vigorous. He demanded attention. He threw his branches onto the road during the winter storm.
      Men came and trimmed him back.
The Oak knew his fate. He would rise and live a long life before he fell under the weight of his decay.
She would remain. She had outlived her neighbours and even her children. For her shadow blocked out the sun.
      She did not foresee her own demise, a premature demise.
      The men came with a chainsaw and cut her down.
      Three hundred years ended for a house that wouldn’t last twenty.
      The Ash looked on sniggering.
      He was next.
      Then the Elders were eviscerated.
      The briars were ripped away, along with the ivy, and the cow parsley.
      All that remained were stumps and sawdust.
      And the plastic lid of a vended cappuccino.

Written by James_A_Knight
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Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 15th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 590

Pulsating Crescendo


Walking the night wearing gloves
trailing a veil of seductive lace
with an ebony's song of twilight

As frost lay light as a feather
missing the touch of softness
strange as it may seem

Yet your breath seduces me
as a shadow falls on the dusk
with the scarlet of rising romance

Lusting in my veins for love so true
things that will haunt me forever
walking the night wearing gloves

Shadowed by the memories
with the soft creak of leather
and your hair tinged of snow

The way the wind blows
as if a phantom at day's end
and I alone in thoughts of sin

Provocative as the dripping tallow
like sealing wax in my grotto  
with an ebony's song of twilight

Like a centipede with a hundred feet
walking across my heart
feeling love as dawn opens it's eye

As the portal of Heaven swings
in nocturnal dreams
with thimbles and rings

With a pulsating crescendo
beating at my pulse
as we kiss with wanton lips  
Written by adagio
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Tyrant of Words
United States 27awards
Joined 8th May 2012
Forum Posts: 510


Your mouth is  
a needle
basting ribbons  
through me;  
my skin
a corset
your air.
It's hard to breathe  
when so  
tightly tethered  
I inhale
when you  
not at all.  
Written by Betty
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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 269


Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 543

My Feat is...

Only my feet too big to fruit  
those that hide in all birthday suits,
those that irritate like mad cats  
or those great big concrete slab hats  
I dither now, which way to choose?  
There are things which glow green cloud chutes  
beyond the isle of lamb-like-brutes  
whom, have no grief coz not got mats,
Only my feet...  
I'll teach those brute lambs how to toot  
tunes show birthday suits shorter routes
to rehouse those scratching mad cats  
beneath that concrete slab hat, that's  
why, there's nothing here which to loot,
Only my feet...
Written by Rew
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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 22nd June 2021
Forum Posts: 271

pecking order

granny rinses her coffee cup in the sink
screen door screeches her departure
disgruntled hens squawk her arrival
her vengeance quick, dinner secured
a well practiced wrist snap
another rooster won’t announce another dawn
the rest of the flock scratching mornings grain
their pea sized brains not realizing he’s gone
before grandpa can hoe a row free of weeds
a sharp knife and practiced hands
have drawn, quartered, salt, peppered
and floured what’s sizzling in the frying pan
at just 4 feet granny command’s a tight kitchen
at just over 6 feet grandpa knows his place
with washed hands and clean shirt
the nod of her head and he’s saying grace
another day and all chores done
sheets turned down and prayers said
she silently locks the bedroom door
hoping that keeps the zombie fowl from her head
Written by down2dirt
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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 9th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 67


I gave up the spirits
who tell me things

“this world has no common sense”

you say you might be given wings
we cannot avoid
this recompense

choke down my pride
follow the trend

“upheaval squirms in all the cracks “

which way do the streetlights tend
watch the red
flow into black

these feet have left the ground before
I’ll remain in the old oak grove forevermore.
Written by Detritus (Clay)
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Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5689


The rabbit in my yard
pulled a shard,
a clover leaf out from the grass
then he blinked and he said
"Come be led
through your own illusion of glass."
I knew I had to go
down a hole--
so much deeper, way into my soul
then I heard him say
"Come my way
on this savagely beautiful day."
"Don't go!" the flowers said,  
shook their heads
a dewy tear rolled down from their eyes,
"It's really not that wise
to keep on looking to see what you'll find."
But then I bade them farewell,
what the hell,
the rabbit grinned and said "Baby let's go
don't you know
it's all there for you, down in the hole."
And so I followed him in
felt like sin
then everything came crystal clear
you were near
weaving all your illusions again.
So I cried
and cut off the binding soul ties
that we made
in the grave
the place where we used to go play
And I saw  
what you said
the words of love that you wove in my head
they were dead
from the start
stabbed an inkwell of black in my heart
The rabbit soothed my mind
asked, did I find
the truth behind all of the lies
from your sighs
and deceptively debonair wiles
Oh, my life
all your lies
carefully packaged in schemes
fell apart  
at the seams
you never were who you said all the while
So I stayed
all that day
with the rabbit inside of his lair
thought you cared
and I dared
to have some hope but all went away
And I'll pray
that maybe justice will find you someday
King of Hearts
filling carts
of lovers you've left in your wake
time to go
back to sleep in the warmth of the den
once again
and the rabbit becomes all that I know.
Written by MadameLavender
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Thought Provoker
Canada 2awards
Joined 30th July 2014
Forum Posts: 32

Within Me

Blue worm
gluing itself to
changing hues

feigning nooses
in seeping thoughts of demons leeching

I digest bottles of bleach to leak, lest
poison stem free in my empty system
Written by ExercisingDemons
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2996

Life appears


A mirage we grasp at

Scarcely recounting mere moments
gone in the beating seconds

Like a night rainbow

Glimpsed in the washed away tears
of the forgotten rain

In the illusion that is
one comes to the realisation
There is only now

A conundrum
of cherished memories
bitter lamentations
Experiences to hold
Written by Carpe_Noctem
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