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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

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Vesta enters the Lions Den: Embracing Our Creative Truth

Vesta enters Leo tomorrow evening, June 19 @ 6:08 PM EDT, 10th House, the natural home of Capricorn ruled by Saturn.

Vesta in 10th house increases our ambitions and commitment to see them reach fruition. This doesn't necessarily mean in business, as the 10th, ruled by Saturn, is the teacher and taskmaster and delivers direction throughout our lives. Authenticity is extremely important in this placement, and while dedication and hard work are at home here, it has to be from the heart to truly mean something.

Imposition has no place here or it could breed resentment.


#art Tammy Cantrell

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Wed, Jun 19, 2024:  Today the Moon joins Mercury & Venus Out of Bounds.  

OOB Moon, Mercury, & Venus: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles  

Vesta enters Leo & the Moon enters Sagittarius: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Midmorning the Gemini Sun inconjunct the OOB Scorpio Moon: Adjust our perception toward goals and dreams, friends and wishes rather than sinking into an intense bog of emotions.

Late morning Neptune in Pisces trine Vesta in Cancer: This is a delightful breath of fresh air involving profound relationships that stoke the hopes and dreams within us. We taste peace through acceptance of what is beyond our control.

Early afternoon the OOB Scorpio Moon trine Neptune in Pisces trine Vesta in Cancer at the exact same time, continuing this beautiful flow of opportunistic energy and hope for the future. Take care about the urgency of action, as the anaretic degree is present. Make certain what needs completed has our attention prior to moving into the next phase of our dreams.

Midafternoon, the OOB Moon, now in Sagittarius, sextile Pluto Rx in Aquarius: Time for some deep emotional closet-cleaning to obtain that sense of accomplishment and freedom we so seek.

Tonight, the OOB Moon in Sagittarius oppose Jupiter in Gemini: Expressions of Gratitude reunite any stagnant polarity when we set the in motion.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):

Sun: 28GEM46, 11
Moon: 28SCO46, 4
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 10:14 AM

Neptune: 29PIS23, 7
Vesta: 29CAN53, 11
Aspect: Trine
Time: 11:52 AM

Moon: 29SCO53, 3
Neptune: 29PIS53, 7
Aspect: Trine
Time: 12:19 PM

Moon: 29SCO53, 3
Vesta: 29CAN53, 11
Aspect: Trine
Time: 12:19 PM

Moon: 01SAG36, 3
Pluto: 01AQU36, 5
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 3:32 PM

Moon: 05SAG48, 11
Jupiter, 05GEM49, 5
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 11:22 PM

#art Catherine McMillan

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Moon joins Mercury and Venus out of bounds @ 10:19 AM before entering Sagittarius @ 12:33 PM, EDT • Void of Course: 12:19 - 12:32 PM EDT.

When the Moon is in Sagittarius, it embodies optimism and a readiness to release what no longer serves us. Sagittarius, symbolized by the archer, is a fire sign known for its high energy and adventurous spirit. This sign is endowed with the gifts of prophecy and wisdom. Spending time outdoors and being spontaneous benefits this lunation.

Fortunate to be under the auspices of Jupiter, the planet of fortune, growth, and prosperity, Sagittarians are natural risk-takers. For those born under the Sagittarius sun, pursuits that broaden their horizons, such as traveling, learning, philosophizing, or teaching, are the keys to their success and happiness.

The Archetype for Sagittarius is The Explorer:

The Explorer archetype is all about curiosity, a love for adventure, and a deep desire for new experiences. It's driven by the quest for discovery and the thrill of venturing into the unknown, all in the pursuit of personal growth and enlightenment. Setting the Explorer apart from other archetypes is its trailblazing spirit, always eager to explore new horizons and delve into the unexplored aspects of both the world and oneself.

The Explorer archetype goes far beyond simple wanderlust, driven by a deep quest for truth and authenticity. For them, casual sightseeing and sporadic trips don't compare to their unending thirst for knowledge. They eagerly accept the challenges that come with exploring the unknown.

This archetype embarks on a journey of discovery with a steadfast resolve to explore and broaden horizons.

#art: Tammy Cantrell

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Blessed Midsummer Solstice tomorrow, June 20, in the Northern Hemisphere/ Midwinter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. This marks the longest day of the year above the equator and will occur @ 4:52 PM, EDT.

In ancient times, civilizations anticipated and celebrated astrological phases, understanding their alignment with the rhythms of the Earth. Construction of sites such as Stonehenge, Machu Picchu, the Sphinx, and the Giza pyramids were erected to represent astrological turning points with such precision.

Coinciding with the Summer Solstice is the Sun's ingress into the zodiac sign of Cancer, also @ 4:52 PM: inspiritualservice.com/astrology-signs

There appears to be a "moment of stillness" of the Sun a few days before and after Solstice, which invites us inward to become still and fully present with not only the moment, but where and who we are, and most importantly, who we have become.  This moment in time asks us to pause and take inventory of ourselves and to chart where we want to go next.

When we become fully present in the moment, particularly when Solstice becomes exact, we meet our authentic selves and are prepared to move into the next chapter of our lives fully grounded in that knowledge.

In ancient Greece, the summer solstice marked the start of the New Year and the official countdown to the Olympic Games. It also observed Kronia, a festival honoring Cronus, the god of agriculture. This is a time when slaves were treated as equals, and some were even served by their masters.

Now was also very important to honor Vesta, the goddess of the home and hearth, who entered Leo @ 6:08 PM EDT yesterday evening, in a religious celebration called Vestalia. While the temple fire was only tended by vestal virgins, during this festival married women were permitted into the temple to leave offerings for Vesta in hopes she would bless their home and family.

Ancient China's celebration surrounded the yin, or feminine energy force with celebrations of the Earth and femininity.

How do you plan to honor the Sacred Pause of Solstice today?

For all my sky gazers and starwatchers: this year's solstice will feature the Waxing Gibbous Moon preceding the Full Moon in Capricorn the following day.

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Thu, Jun 20, 2024:    

OOB Moon: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Sun enters Cancer @ 4:51 PM, 9th House conjunct OOB Mercury and OOB Venus: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-signs

Summer Solstice @ 4:50 PM EDT:  http://inspiritualservice.com/beliefs-1

Late morning the OOB Moon in Sagittarius trine the North Node in Aries sextile the South Node in Libra: We can make strides toward our goals if we put forth the effort to step out of our emotional comfort zone. We can discover the alchemical process of fear becoming courage and doubt strength as we move forward.

Midafternoon the Gemini Sun square Neptune in Pisces on the anaretic degree ( 29° ):   Impulsive actions can bring unwanted consequences that escapism won't solve. This is the realm of structure, organizing, planning. Double-check outstanding projects prior to moving on.

Late afternoon the OOB Moon in Sagittarius square Juno in Virgo: Emotional tension in a committed relationship. Exercise patience and understanding between the differences rather than becoming pedantic or nitpicky.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Victor Sheleg

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Sun enters Cancer this afternoon conjunct OOB Mercury and Venus. With the Moon also OOB, there's going to be some powerfully emphasized yet unpredictable emotional energy surrounding the way we communicate and demonstrate affection.

Cancer stimulates emotional rapport between people. Also, pinpoints need, supports growth and nurturance, and tends to domestic concerns. Home is everything to them.

Some information about Cancer:

SYMBOL: The Crab🦀
MODE + ELEMENT: Cardinal, Water🌊
HOUSE: Fourth 🏠
MANTRA: “I feel, therefore I am” 🗣
BODY PART: Chest, Breast, & Stomach 🫶
COLORS: Silver, white, pale blue, gray, & cream 🤍💙
ARCHANGEL: Gabriel 🪶
GODDESS: Artemis, Goddess of The Moon and Wilderness

The Sun enters Moonchild on a Thursday, ruled by #Jupiter, portending expansion, money, prosperity, and generosity!

The waxing Gibbous OOB Moon is currently in the fiery sign of Sagittarius, encouraging flights of imagination and confidence. This is an adventurous, philosophical, and athletic Moon sign that favors expansion and growth.

Cancer ( July ) Birthstone

The glowing ruby shall adorn
Those who in warm July are born;
Then will they be exempt and free
From love’s doubt, and anxiety

Modern: Ruby
Zodiac: Emerald

As a Cardinal sign, Cancer heralds summer, just as Aries kicked off Spring, Libra begins fall, and Capricorn winter. Cardinal signs are the leaders and “idea people” of the zodiac. These signs prize originality. They’re the trendsetters and trend spotters, the ones who get the party started and the crowd hyped.

Count on them to initiate a winning idea or plan. However, they need to reign in their competitive nature, as they like to be first in everything they do. This type of competitiveness can strain relationships, both domestic and business.

A Cancer is sensual, passionate, super in tune with their bodies, and highly attuned to love and physical sensation—as long as they can trust enough to let down their barriers and allow another person into their world.

*Birthstone poetry reprinted from 'The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones' by William T. Fernie, MD. Harper & Row ( 1981 )

#art Tammy Cantrell

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Blessed Solstice. That sacred bath was one of the most powerful I've ever had! The energies were, PHEW!

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#AspectingtheCosmos: Fri, Jun 21, 2023: It's not where we are now but our commitment to growth that matters.

OOB Moon—OOB Mercury: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Full Moon in Capricorn: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

OOB Moon enters Capricorn: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Midmorning the OOB Moon in Sagittarius inconjunct Uranus in Taurus: Potential for interruptions in plans or schedules. Instead of becoming frustrated adapt by refocusing what is in our control—our response.

Early afternoon OOB Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus followed by the OOB Moon in Sagittarius trine Hygieia: A wonderful opportunity to push forward on a goal or dream. Strength and stamina combined with a higher intellect and perhaps a little help from our friends set the stage for wishes to manifest. Emotionally caring energy leads to feeling beautiful.

Early tonight the OOB Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces: Emotional instability coupled with escapist tendencies and difficulty distinguishing what’s real and what’s not. Highly sensitive to energies. Find a way to ground and perhaps calm the mind with meditation.

Tonight, the Sun in Cancer oppose the OOB Moon in Capricorn: Full OOB Moon Energy fluctuations combined with personal and emotional polarity surrounding our identity. Reconciliation of this polarity is obtained through awareness and acceptance of who we are at the moment coupled with a commitment to growth.  

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Elizabeth Cheever Gessaman

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Moon enters Capricorn tonight @ 7:09 PM EDT, 2nd House, the natural home of Taurus ruled by Venus. Void of Course: 6:58-7:08 PM EDT.  

During its transit through Capricorn, the Moon exhibits qualities of organization, practicality, and a business-like demeanor. This phase often brings out our sense of duty, caution, and a tendency towards pessimism. It is a time when we prioritize our future ambitions and goals. I have this natal Moon so can attest to these qualities.

Now is the moment to focus on the family business, exercise responsibility, assume leadership, organize aspects of our lives, establish boundaries, and engage in patient listening and learning.

The Archetype of Capricorn is the Ruler:

The Ruler Archetype represents a powerful entity, marked by its authority, control, and ambition. This archetype has made a significant impact on societies and cultures worldwide. Its enduring influence continues to be interwoven into the fabric of contemporary life, influencing the narratives we share and the brands we engage with.

The archetype of royalty, embodied by kings, queens, and emperors, has been revived in modern pop culture, enchanting audiences across the globe. "Game of Thrones" serves as a prime example, with its narrative deeply rooted in the battle for supremacy. The quest for the Iron Throne is a recurring theme, with various characters vying for power in each season and episode.

If you'd like to learn more about your natal Moon or her transits through your zodiac sign, visit: http://inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art: Tammy Cantrell

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #Capricorn #moon #moonincapricorn #archetypes #capricornarchetype #ruler #RulerArchetype

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ANOTHER big ritual evening! Don't forget to place your crystals out!

Full Solstice Strawberry Moon in Capricorn perfects tonight @ 9:08 PM, EDT, First House, the natural home of Aries ruled by Mars: Forging through the Fire.

According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, this lunation's moniker has been used by Native American Algonquian tribes that live in the northeastern United States as well as the Ojibwe, Dakota, and Lakota peoples to mark the ripening of “June-bearing” strawberries that are ready to be gathered. The Haida term Berries Ripen Moon reflects this as well. As flowers bloom and early fruit ripens, June is a time of great abundance for many.

The crux of this energy is often associated with uncovering our truths; however, more importantly, is accepting our truths. For many of us, that can be a reality check we weren't expecting. As a Capricorn Moon, I fully encapsulate this energy. It took me many years to come to terms with the strength of a truth I wasn't ready to accept.

Now I've learned the power in such a truth emerges with the vulnerability to embrace it.

Full Moons reveal or shed light on what was once hidden or shadowed, ergo the reality check. Because this Moon is a Solstice lunation, the energy affecting us will be potent.  

We are inundated with Cardinal energy right now, the Moon in Capricorn opposing the Sun in Cancer, and the Sun in Cancer conjunct Venus in Cancer conjunct OOB Mercury in Cancer ( the latter is 1° wide; however, it's there none-the-less ).

Both Cancer and Capricorn herald new beginnings; however, the opposition requires reconciliation between them in order to achieve balance. If we can do that, the energy will encompass leadership and confidence, but our views should encompass the bigger picture practically as well as emotionally.

Dynamic alignments allow us to tap into our power source and emphasize our supply and ask the tough questions: Is this source internal, or do external factors fuel it? If external factors are involved, are they sustainable? Could we risk losing this power source if external conditions shift?

These are important questions to contemplate and chart a new course if we discover our security, happiness, or financial stability is dependent upon the presence or actions of another.

In addition to being Cardinal energy, residual energy from the waning square between the Moon in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces, both anaretic, leaves us highly sensitive. We could experience emotional instability coupled with escapist tendencies and difficulty distinguishing what’s real and what’s not. Grounding and meditation are suggested.

This expansive Cardinal energy encourages contemplation about world leaders and how their decisions affect us as a whole, becoming consumed or attempting to control others will only create resistance-born tension coupled with little effect or change. Maintain personal boundaries.

Interesting June Moon Folklore

• A growing Moon and a flowing tide are lucky times to marry.
• Days following both the New and Full Moons are most likely to be rainy or stormy.
• Crabbing, shrimping, and clamming are best when the Moon is full.

Blessings on this powerful lunation. 🙏🌕

Image: Tammy Cantrell

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Sat, Jun 22, 2024: The deepest relationships are born from hard conversations and truths. The double-edged sword becomes iron sharpening iron or breaks the blade.  

OOB Moon, Mercury & Venus: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Early afternoon the OOB Moon trine Mars in Taurus sesquiquadrate Uranus in Taurus:  A good day for recreational activities with family or friends. Expressing what it is we truly want and maintaining boundaries is important. Playing small benefits no one and creates resentment. Our spirit requires freedom.  

Mid/late afternoon the OOB Moon in Capricorn Oppose OOB Mercury in Cancer square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra: Our attempts to express emotions often stumble over a basic misinterpretation. Dwelling on it makes things worse. Recognize patterns revealing a strong desire for stability and grow toward them. Step out in faith.

Tonight, OOB Mercury square the Nodes: Cemented mentality. Feeling stuck between our past and future. Difficulty in expressing our feelings. Courage and strength to follow our heart is required. This may involve uncomfortable discussions and/or pushbacks from others in order to become move forward.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Jimmy Lawlor

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The Sun is settling into a new sign, so it's time to discuss the Cusps of Cancer. There's a debate among astrologers as to how long the cusps extend; however, the general consensus is 5 days.

June 21 - June 25

As a Cancer with Gemini traits, you possess a kind and giving heart, paired with a sharp and analytical intellect. You might be renowned for your mental prowess, but those nearest to you understand your inner tenderness.

At times, the heart and mind conflict, with emotions playing a stronger role than one might expect. Your knack for connecting with diverse individuals is remarkable. A need for variety and change is essential to you, as staying in one spot for an extended period can lead to dissatisfaction.

July 18 - July 22

As a Cancer with Leo tendencies, you embody a blend of idealism and sensitivity along with cleverness and assertiveness. It's likely you have a quick temper that flares and fades with equal speed. At work, you prefer to approach tasks in your own unique style.

You have a charming social ease that allows you to mingle effortlessly. However, it takes you a while to develop deep connections. Your approach to love is not hasty; you might feel an immediate attraction, but you proceed with caution, guarding against rejection and avoiding too much vulnerability.

#art Tammy Cantrell

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One doesn't 'catch' a Dryad unless they choose to reveal themselves. I've taken quite a few now. But this was the first one at night - the others were during the day.

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#AspectingtheCosmos: Sun, Jun 23, 2024: Loving who we are increases our love for others.

OOB Moon, Mercury, & Venus: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Midsummer Eve: http://inspiritualservice.com/beliefs-1

Midafternoon the OOB Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus square Eris in Aries: Unexpected circumstances and positive change through release and/or endings. With Mercury also OOB, we are more open to communicating how we feel and trying new things. With Eris ( goddess of discord ) unfavorably aspected, the key to navigating this energy is accepting situations for what they are rather than what we desire them to be.

Early evening the OOB Moon in Capricorn square Hygieia in Pisces: Now is not the time to neglect ourselves or second-guess our self-worth. Spend the early evening self-pampering with a nice ritual bath or some other means of selfcare, then relax into an enjoyable evening knowing we are right where we belong.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):

OOB Moon: 25CAP22, 4
Uranus: 25TAU22, 8
Aspect: Trine
Time: 3:19 PM

OOB Moon: 25CAP25, 4
Eris: 25ARI25, 7
Aspect: Square
Time: 3:24 PM

OOB Moon: 27CAP10, 2
Hygieia: 27PIS10, 5
Aspect: Square
Time: 6:24 PM

#art Stanka Vukelic

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Twisted Dreamer
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Awesome! I remember this huge book my friend had on astrology as a teenager. Had all the houses and if you were cancer 1,2 or 3 etc.
So I'm born on June 26th, I'm guessing I'm full cancerian according to this? (It's been a very long time since I read that book).

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