Poetry competition CLOSED 12th November 2023 9:37pm
View Profile Poems by superslooth
RUNNER-UP: Dre_k47


Lost and found

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 50

Poetry Contest

What have you lost that hurt? What did you find that brought you joy?

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 50

Ode to Jenny

Winter was in full blast when we met
but your warmth was something I can't forget.
The way you smiled at me and ran to me
like old friends reunited after an eternity.
If I knew then how short our time would be
i would have loved you more carefully.
I miss the greetings when I first came home
and the way your face lit up when I was near
oh how I wish for one more year!
But the passage of time is not always fair,
and now I have to release you from my snare.
Caught between lovers crashing like meteors,
the choice of my leaving was never yours.
The hardest thing to relinquish,
but always the flame that will never extinguish
I know someday soon, we will walk together
like old times, but better weather.
Your shadow in mine, you stole my heart
I do wish we never had to part
but it was for the best,
to finally give myself a rest.
A selfish choice I had to make
now the pain is more than I can take,
miss your silly smile and antics
loving you was more than pedantic,
it was my purpose in life,
but now you're free of the petty strife.
The turning of the page,
you were wise beyond you're years, a sage
I know you'll find you're way back to me,
My beautiful, sweet Jenny.
Written by LongTubiFree (JustinSizemore)
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 11th Apr 2023
Forum Posts: 7

Dear L

I want to tell you
that I found your poetry
And that it’s graceful and sad
It’s strange because I know you wouldn’t
Want me to find your words
But you left it in plain sight
no effort to hide
You speak about things only I know
You talk about old apartment dust
And how I wrestle with ghosts
I wonder if you have an inkling
That I see your secrets so publicly
I want to tell you that its okay
And that it is beautiful we both love
The expression of words, lines, paper
I wish we could have shared
This passion together
But I want you to know that
If you ever come across this poem
That I am cheering you on
from a distance, in silence
I have always been your biggest fan
And somehow this makes me
Love you more.
Written by superslooth
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

AnDre James
Thought Provoker
Jamaica 5awards
Joined 18th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 44

Hidden Hearts Unveiled

In a home where love once brightly shone,
A man named Mark felt deeply all alone,
Unhappiness had crept within his heart,
He sought to mend the wounds, to restart.

A dating app, a flicker of hope's embrace,
Mark ventured forth, a new, unknown space,
He sought a match, his perfect mate to find,
To heal the hurt, the ties that had unbind.

His wife, Emily, in shadows, shared his plight,
Both souls in search of love's sweet guiding light,
On "SoulMate" app, two profiles came to life,
In secret connections, they found respite from strife.

They answered questions, bared their souls anew,
Unwittingly, they stirred a love that grew,
Connections deep, with laughter, dreams, and grace,
Yet in disguise, they hid each other's face.

In chats that sparked, emotions flamed with fire,
Their virtual love, a burning, sweet desire,
But guilt loomed large, for secrets intertwined,
As Mark and Emily left their truths confined.

Then came the day to meet their fated star,
In coffee's warmth, a rendezvous bizarre,
Two hearts collided, faces filled with dread,
As recognition dawned, the truth was spread.

The shock, the hurt, the guilt, all intertwined,
A love rediscovered, long since confined,
In hidden pain, they'd sought to fill the void,
Yet in this moment, truth could not be avoided.

Their tears of loss, of guilt, of love's embrace,
In facing truth, they stood at life's crossroad place,
A choice to make, to heal or turn away,
From secrets kept in shadows, night and day.

With courage, they decided to unveil,
The wounds, the love, the secrets they'd curtailed,
They talked and faced their hurt, with hearts sincere,
In seeking resolution, love drew near.

A journey started, mending what was torn,
Their love reborn, from shadows now reborn,
In open hearts, their joy began to swell,
Love's flame rekindled, as their stories tell.

The hurt and joys entwined, a dance of grace,
A tale of love, of truth, in life's embrace,
In every trial faced and lesson learned,
Love's fire rekindled, forever yearned.
Written by Dre_k47 (AnDre James)
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Dangerous Mind
Portugal 24awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 366


...in the beginning it was nothing
and the core of nothingness said:
let's do nothing
and then nothing was done...

...in the beginning there was nothing
and the being-nothing said:
let's make nothing
and so nothing happened from then on...

...in the beginning there was chaos
and the lord of chaos-nothing said:
let's make chaos into nothing
and after the chaos there was nothing.
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Losing Me

I thought that losing you would really hurt me,
But it was when I lost myself, piece by piece
That ended up hurting the most because people
Can come and go, but I could never get another

Me. I know deep down there is no magical key
Or solution to getting rid of every single crease
That built me from scratch. Your loss was lethal
Like a bullet to the heart, but mine was what other

Words could not describe… bottomless and little
Hope to remain intact. Even after the dark and
Gloomy days ended there was a real chance for
Hope, but how can I love after a loss so turbulent?

How can I forget that you left me broken and brittle?
It is when I took a look at my heart beating in my hand
That I realized I could not take that chance for the door
To close and leave me behind. Your loss was permanent,

But I was okay with that because in the end I gained my
Happiness as you had no part in making me happy. You
Had no part in gaining the pieces I thought I lost forever.
You had no part in restoring the old me who was not

Broken. You were not part of the reason I stopped crying.
I lost you, but I gained a new sense of hope and a blue
Sky that had me smiling. I was not whoever or whatever
You wanted me to be because I was no longer a tangled knot.  
Written by eswaller
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Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 5th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 70

Picking Up the Pieces

He tore my heart apart
no real love there had ever been
ripped it into a million little pieces
and scattered it to the wind.
Never having any feelings  
not one teeny tiny shred of decency
he brought my world down
crashing to my knees.
But then you came along
from out of nowhere it would seem
picking up those pieces
and filling in my empty void.  
Asking me to marry you
wanting me by your side
it’s been forty years together now
and it’s been a beautiful ride.
Written by jmcchesnie (Joylyn)
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 159awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1897

Faith in People

A poem by Walter’s Alter Ego

My faith in people is like a steel ball on a pendulum swing
Sometimes it’s amazing, sometimes it’s a dreadful thing
Some days I’m amazed at the selfless acts of strangers
But the overflow of idiots makes me feel like we’re all in danger

Now here’s my alter ego to…WALLY SHOOSH!
Go smoke some kush while I push these words like turds out my tush
The shit I’m about to spit may have people thinking this is an ambush
I’ve been emotionally constipated but a lot of people need a douche

Where did the fuck load of morons come from in the last few years?
It’s like these assholes are constantly yapping out of their rears
They don’t make sense since one certain moron made idiocy his popularity
But a lot of motherfuckers still don’t get it even after the post nut clarity

How the hell is it that society seems to be going on a downward spiral?
More people are concerned with being popular, being liked or going viral
There are days when I’ve lost my faith on humanity because of the insanity
If it’s not envy or wrath, if it’s not greed or lust than indeed it must be vanity

Pardon the profanity but fuck people who are heartless, selfish and egotistic
If they don’t like this ode then they can choke on chodes to be more realistic
I’m not altruistic but there’s gotta be compassion and empathy toward others
And if they don’t like what we have to say, then they can go fuck their mothers

Or suck a dick
Unless they’re into sucking dicks then…
Then suck a venereal diseased dick

I can’t deal with these cunts and their stunts but I have to be real and up front
People have done lost their minds through ignorance to put it less blunt
But the hatred and toxicity of the few have contaminated the masses
Which is why when you hear ‘em, it’s like they’re talkin’ out of their asses

I ain’t got patience for ‘em but shout out to the peeps who are the voice of reason
You’re the fresh breath of air that breathes hope even through the darkest seasons
Shout out to those who volunteer and work to save lives and fight the good fight
Because in this fucked up world ya’ll restore my faith in people sharing your light

Wally back to you

Written by wallyroo92
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17168


Grace (IDryad)
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