Poetry competition CLOSED 26th September 2023 1:01pm
Dre_k47 (AnDre James)
View Profile Poems by Dre_k47
RUNNER-UP: UbiquitousVoid

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Ode to the Classical Gods and Goddesses

Thought Provoker
Palestine 2awards
Joined 24th Feb 2021
Forum Posts: 111

Poetry Contest

Write a Ode to a God or Goddess from the Classical World...

Pick a God or Goddess from Greek-Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Mesoamerica, North America, Asia, Pagan...anywhere in the world...or out of world...even Lovecraftian...or Science Fiction.

Titans permitted.

One that has long since been superseded by the current world faiths.

Write a new Ode...
Any length
One per person.
Participants can suggest which entry they think should win.

Have fun.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 611

Entry deleted

poet Anonymous

Thought Provoker
Palestine 2awards
Joined 24th Feb 2021
Forum Posts: 111

Thanks for all these great comp entries

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17138

-deleted entry-

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17138

Echoes of Valhalla

Sounds the horns of ancient tune
Echoes through the halls
Of the Great Valhalla

Warriors at the great hall
gathered from battle grounds
among white-capped mountains

stand together in glory
shining swords and countenances
telling tales of valours

the Valkyries
in flurries of wings
flew again, leading them to Odin

the god in benevolent splendor
listening to tales of them
in the dirges of dying

‘among our brothers
In the arms of our fathers
with pride we gather’

‘we stand with our sisters
guarding our mothers
from rebels of heritage’

‘long shall the hall
of Valhalla
house the souls of warriors’

‘for stand us proud
alive through tales
of bards of yore’

‘stand us here
in the Halls of the Slain
memories sang in sweet refrain’

‘we are of the fallen  
led here by Valkyries
to prepare for Ragnarok’

‘in the fields of Vígríðr;
clashes of swords
Man and immortals shall ring’

‘before then shall we
dine together
in the Hall of Valhalla’

For now the gate is closed
where the wolf hangs
and the eagle hovers on.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Dangerous Mind
Portugal 24awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 362

Three Statues in the Garden


Medusa looking at me
inside the mirror
petrifying me
on the Icarus flight.
Leaving me adrift
like Ulysses without Ithaca
wanting mermaids.
And freezes my blood
in the labyrinth
of the veins.
Minotaur and Cyclops
setting the heart rate
of a distant chimera
deciphering riddles.

This muse abuses me
just tying me...
she's a shady girl and
profuse in the silences
telling me secrets,
obstacles and pain.
Not paying attention to me.
I lay down on the floor
prostrate in worship
for this confused muse,
evil Medusa.

Medusa seduces me
with both eyes on fire
calls for me in hisses
and freezing my blood
in the kidneys.
serpentine goddess
with delights in poison
hardening everything in me
making me stone
leaving me alone in a corner
Forgotten the existence and
cold without fever.
heroic statue
of the imperfect masculine.
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Ode to Morpheus

You know you are my preferred god
You know I would loooooooooove
To be able to write a superb Ode
In your honor

It would certainly go on for hundreds and hundreds of lines
And more
And it is as I set to dip my best Feathered plume in the inkwell
That superb nuages of the whitest sort form over my head...
But, oh, wait, they are not clouds
They are lovely sheep
And it is as I try to start counting
That I readily fall asleep.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Thought Provoker
Palestine 2awards
Joined 24th Feb 2021
Forum Posts: 111

Thanks for even more great comp entries

Diksha Pandey
Strange Creature
Joined 14th Sep 2023
Forum Posts: 4

Diksha Pandey
Strange Creature
Joined 14th Sep 2023
Forum Posts: 4

Oh Shree Krishna, The Supreme Lord, Darling of Vrindavan

Your glory is so high, you're second to none

We, the mere mortals bow down to you

You gave knowledge to Arjuna he never knew

Oh the almighty lord krishna please shower your blessings on us

give us place down your lotus feet, life without you feels like a curse 

You always protect good from evil

give power to feeble

Oh lord Krishna, give us divine eyes

nothing can compare with your enchanting smile

You're our love you're our devotion

Oh Kanha Ji, please come and bless us humans

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

Archetypal Greek Gods and Goddesses

Captured beauty cast in bronze
they lived a larger life
and bore its perils plots and pain
passions fired, intrigue rife
the stage beyond the footlights bright
 scribed to us by Socrates
lives of demonry and greed
mountain tops of destiny
written into history
bearing their forever youth
immortal now in deathly truth
cant sing a eulogy, for in existence
left the myths, we play them still
transformations; all the poison bits
lost love and incest, all the worst
all the best, they Bigged it up
in wild excess, for pleasures curse
screen-writers still pick at their bones
in the shadow of a bust
try to recreate, but none can bring them
back to life, just the actors empty husk
just vain attempts that blight
a treasure trove of great celeb`s
smile from their cast, at all us PLEBS
Written by slipalong
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Diksha Pandey
Strange Creature
Joined 14th Sep 2023
Forum Posts: 4

Shree Krishna- The Darling of Vrindavan

Oh Shree Krishna, The Supreme Lord, Darling of Vrindavan  
Your glory is so high, you're second to none  
We, the mere mortals bow down to you  
You gave knowledge to Arjuna he never knew  
Oh the almighty lord krishna please shower your blessings on us  
give us place down your lotus feet, life without you feels like a curse   
You always protect good from evil  
give power to feeble  
Oh lord Krishna, give us your divine eyes  
nothing can compare with your enchanting smile  
You're our love you're our devotion  
Oh Kanha Ji, please come and bless us humans
Written by Saloni (Diksha Pandey)
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Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 11th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 273


Breeding dark chasms
Vile echoes fill the air
The twisted, dying sounds
Wind alone is passing through

The hemisphere
Opal odour
Nihilistic balm, transcending

Cosmic ash, nine homes
A tapestry for lost souls
Between us lies Niflheimr
A journey through the hole
Against my will, trapped
In the fires of perdition
Thunder cracks the sky
With Hel and her conditions

Tree of life
Her dead roots weeping
Odin awakens, from sleeping

Nine worlds open
Around all orbits
We sing the Æsirs
O' hemlock skies
Pestilent depths

And into the fire we never wane
Black fortress of Múspellsheimr
Stout volcanic citadel
Standing against the outer hells

The red mask of death
I shall again wear it
Forlorn and forsaken

Hearts ablaze, prodigal son
To write the will of Jörmungandr
The holder of the realm of man
Never release your global span

The algebra of alabaster
She wears no face, no vultures sang

As she exhaled
A long vaporising breath
Tomorrow I awake

White carnations
Gathered in my wreath

Tomorrow I awake

I am Death
Written by UbiquitousVoid
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