Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd August 2023 7:09pm
SayQuois (JeremyK)
View Profile Poems by SayQuois
RUNNERS-UP: Kou_Indigo and Jordan



Lost Thinker
Joined 27th June 2023
Forum Posts: 5

Poetry Contest

A poem with a secret, or a hidden puzzle / element to it.

For this competition, write a poem that contains either a secret (it shouldn't be explicitly written) or a hidden puzzle within the poem.

Either way, the secret/puzzle should be hidden and cryptic for a reader to figure out. You can make them as hard as you like, as it won't be judged on whether we can get the answer, but how creative the writing has become.

Poem line limit: 1-50 lines.
Poem per writer: 2 maximum
Time before competition ends: 2 weeks

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 19th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 72

What am I missing?

Groggy-headed, pasty-mouthed,
Moldy tongue, looking south,
Scratched my hair upon my head,
Then my balls.  Hmm.. this is not my bed
This house is strange but not my plight,
'Twas not, I sensed, an atypical night,
Of drink and drug and debauchery,
And what's this?  Some casual archery?
"Well that's a first" , I managed a thought,
Instinctively seeking to fill the blank slot;
How on earth did my best shirt get pinned up,
Along with a skirt and and many bras of each cup?
With a blink and a double fisted rub of my eyes
I looked to the ceiling, at first just surprised,
At my dangling jeans bullseyed through the crotch,
And beside them a faded and crusty old sock - not my own
but surely a creepy sign to keep watch.
Now a tickly feeling at my inner thighs,  
Only noted at the moment I moved to rise,
Having lifted the cover, my mouth instantly dried
I beheld first my socks, skewered, no lie!
The arrow buried in mattress, a totem
Less than an inch from my ignorant oblivious scrotum,
My socks, watch and rings, a macabre shish-ka-bob!
"what is this murderous message?" I sobbed.
I scrambled and flipped the covers aside,  
Snatched my shirt, and my jeans, no time for my pride,  
Then my socks, watch, and rings, then leapt from the bed,  
Is there some other thing?  I pat at my head.  
Whatever it was or could have possibly been,
It's not worth one more moment of this nightmaish scene,  
I slapped on my shirt,  my socks and my shoes,  
Goddamn  I could use some half-ass good news,.  
As I pulled up my jeans and careened to the door,  
A figure popped up, as if from under the floor.
Her smile and the article twirling on a finger,  
Were last what I saw as I yanked up my zipper,

And the last thought I had 'fore I screamed and collapsed,
"I have a perfect high C when I zip up my sack.
Written by SayQuois (JeremyK)
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

She knew

Tara Scutum was her name
A witch at heart
With a superb field of Dandelions
Despised by the purists
Who walked by
But some of her favorite dears
Tended with so much care
Made her fly.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Thought Provoker
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

The Secret Ingredient in the Fatty Grease --

The Showstopping Heart Attack on a Plate sans Fuss or Mess  
"Mary had a little barbecued lamb for supper."  
-- yet each molester with a big taste for a little lamb  
(aside from a little Mary)
Which feeling being feeling pain on folks producing bacon freaks --
the pup that cries, the puss that sighs, or [hint] -- the tortured pig that shrieks?
Contest: Puzzling
Sponsor: Anonymouszoe
Prompt: Pen a poem with a secret.
Form: Couplet in Iambic Octameter
Major Literary Device: Hidden Irony
Theme: Shhh . . . It's a Secret!
Written by Jordan (D.O.C.)
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Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 270

after the funeral

I think I burned all your presences  
in the shadows that the sun puts on the walls  
I think I tore up all the pictures  
in which you weren't smiling your light  
I don't think there's anything left under the rugs  
after sweeping the room of the uninhabited house  
I think the cup was half full of hot air from balloons  
and the plate, chipped, was half empty and sad  
I think you left without telling me what to do  
I think you left without telling me what to do  
I think you left  
without telling me what to do  
I think I burned my skin in the blazing sun  
and I heard the sound of the walls cracking  
under the insistent sun of eternal winter  
of your eyes burning in all the photos  
I think you left and I didn't know what to do  
I think you left and I didn't know what to do...

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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2802

Maiden and Grail

-( Maiden and Grail )-

“Look on amongst the first of the things that you read,
And in the last five of three, therein is the truth buried!”

You wonder what secrets I hold; thus ask of yourself…
Do I truly wish to know, and learn what is forbidden?
Steady your nerves and prepare to cross the vast gulf,
Where the legend of the Holy Grail, has been hidden!
I once met a horse with two riders on an ivory saddle,
As I made my way through a wasteland seeking after…
Things of which secrecy has sewn shut forever my lips.
One of the riders slew a serpent that bore a gold rattle,
And the other spied a dragon coming from a far rafter…
The dragon passed to them the cup from which it sips.
I asked the riders if there was room upon their steed…
For one more pilgrim seeking things we sought as one.
They passed me the cup and bid me sip to fill my need,
And then I understood the meaning, of what was done.
The riders sped off across the sands lost in some haze,
Whilst I remained, cup in hand, to chart the emptiness.
I ventured thusly for hours that passed into many days,
Until I encountered a little girl: clad in a long red dress.
A pyramid in gold was etched upon her garment front,
Within which was an eye, which saw all mortal doings.
I bowed before her, and spoke of my quest ever blunt,
Knowing that she did not wish for silence or misgivings.

“The emerald that once was held by the cup incarnate…
Came to sit within the crown of Lucifer, glory to sate!”

No knight of the table round, I, but one of armor red…
To match the color of the girl’s attire, passing strangely.
Once, my armor was darker in color, but then I bled…
For I was wounded in spirit, and wandering aimlessly!
The child asked only that I follow her, and such I did…
Until the wasteland gave way, to a green grassy plain,
Where lay scattered about the bones of the long dead,
Their torments were lost to time; gone, was their pain.
And there the child asked me to hand her the fair cup,
Which had slaked my thirst when I was lost in a waste.
I did comply with her simple request, and gave it up…
Watching as she poured out the wine it held with haste.
The soil accepted that scarlet nectar, and drank deep,
Until those who were slain did rise again in living flesh!
Animals once so feared went calmly back to each den.
Red roses bloomed, wherever the liquid so did seep…
And at last the cup and the maid who bore it did mesh.
One blood, one form, one destiny born under Heaven!
The miracle of the transfiguration that I beheld sudden,
Left me speechless, before the majesty of the divine…
I knew then my eyes stared as my cheeks did redden,
Leaving me like unto a child in spirit, as reborn in time!

“The cup that is not a cup became free of the emerald,
As some said: the emerald is the Grail sent earthward!”

Suddenly, the blood of my armor was washed clean…
And it shone black as ebon night with streaks of white.
Only a sanguine cross, remained upon the front seen…
Thus marking me to my delight: of the temple, a knight.
Maiden and grail became a lady tall and fairest to see,
More beautiful: than any daughter of man born mortal.
For a time I came to know the joys of her company…
Until at the appointed hour, she crossed a rosy portal.
Thus did that holy vessel pass beyond simple telling…
Into the realm of legend from whence she did emerge.
To think that I had witnessed a miracle so compelling!
Such wonder filled me that it felt like unto a hot surge.
When all was finished, a golden eagle with two heads,
As large as a horse, the bird did pick me up and soar.
Arriving at a temple where I entered, hand on heart…
I entered a sanctum large enough for countless sheds,
And I met the two riders who toasted all I did before!
Merry, my journey was over as I had played my part.
Magnificent, I set my armor on a table there to rest…
Is the journey any less the truth, than our destination?
Grail knights are not born but made; put to their test.
Blood and light, entwined without any consternation!

“The emerald is not the Gail, and men seek in vanity,
Truth in deceptions, as the cup was lost to honesty!”
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 543

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