Joined 19th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 72
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 72
Poetry Contest Description
For me, "happiness" is one of the most difficult, frustrating, misleading, culturally religiously- class--caste--socio-economically- laden, etc... Mindfucks of a concept and apparent aspirational goal I've been confronted with. So... Write about it, poets
I've got no rules in here,
One-by-one we're facing fears,
Throwing yokes, relieving hearts
And greasing gears...
Only rule:
A poem from 1-50 lines* in length about or around the notion of happiness as you situate and understand it. It can be:
--A definition
--a critique
--a rejection
--an ode
--a eulogy
-an experience
--hymn, lament
What the fuck ever. But a poem.
And while I probably have hinted a bit about my own ambivalence, when I put my judge's wig on I'm as objective as the true definition of our subject. Ha. Ha.
*LINE in the context of length rule is taken to mean the space DUP gives for a line in their submission field. Loophole seeking shenanigans such as using forward slashes or other shorthand will not pass the gate. So tighten up!
And as always, be as happy as you want to be
One-by-one we're facing fears,
Throwing yokes, relieving hearts
And greasing gears...
Only rule:
A poem from 1-50 lines* in length about or around the notion of happiness as you situate and understand it. It can be:
--A definition
--a critique
--a rejection
--an ode
--a eulogy
-an experience
--hymn, lament
What the fuck ever. But a poem.
And while I probably have hinted a bit about my own ambivalence, when I put my judge's wig on I'm as objective as the true definition of our subject. Ha. Ha.
*LINE in the context of length rule is taken to mean the space DUP gives for a line in their submission field. Loophole seeking shenanigans such as using forward slashes or other shorthand will not pass the gate. So tighten up!
And as always, be as happy as you want to be
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 359
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 359
Why would you think about relishing?
The relish is the most high perception of all.
A relish is upper. a relish is elated,
a relish is eminent, however.
I saw the quick satisfaction destroyed,
How I mourned the final fulfilment.
A final fulfilment is immediate.
A final fulfilment is fast however.
The fool happiness that's really empty,
Above all others is the gentle gladness.
Grateful and genuine gentle gladness.
Never forget the hungry gentle gladness.
All that is little is not future felicity,
future felicity by all account is big.
Are you upset by how life-sized it is?
You see the future felicity so prominent?
Just like a walk is the jubilation.
Down into the darkness of the jubilation,
gently it goes - the sensationalistic,
the lily-livered, the dishonourable.
The lousy luck is not staccato!
The lousy luck is exceptionally silken.
Does the lousy sadness make you shiver?
Does it really make you quiver?
Written by PAR
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Joined 19th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 72
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 72
Fantastic submission, Mr. Ramos. Thank you.
Joined 8th May 2012
Forum Posts: 512
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 512
you enter our
bed whisper-light
and mold yourself
to my back
in half sleep
i toy with
your arm hair
and nestle into
my haven
the nexus between
dreams and reality
with you is so blurred
that i no longer
ruminate over
such petty details
for you are
all of my dreams
bed whisper-light
and mold yourself
to my back
in half sleep
i toy with
your arm hair
and nestle into
my haven
the nexus between
dreams and reality
with you is so blurred
that i no longer
ruminate over
such petty details
for you are
all of my dreams
Written by Betty
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Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245
Twisted Dreamer

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Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

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... it's about strength in choices, hard labour and really good coffee (+Reading)
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Joined 19th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 72
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 72
Thank you, Betty, Jordan, and blue velvete for your wonderful submissions. I am grateful for your time and talent
Joined 19th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 72
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 72
And a special shout out to blue velvete for coming in at precisely 50 lines. No bonus points. Just a special shout out. 😁
Forum Posts: 2880
Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880
an innocent crush
she saw me
and I saw her
I smiled and
saw the giggle in her
I was sitting across her
watching how the thin air
mess her hair
our blushed eyes met
each other in turns
as she put the hair
behind her ears
the smell of the fresh green
as we pass the fields
and I fly into her eyes
lost in my dreams with her
then again,
I search for her eyes
her sparkling eyes
painted a blush
on our faces
my teenage heart
proposed to her
in the next station
I married her
on a beach
then I searched
for her eyes
and I saw her,
walking slowly
on the platform
as I slowly
passed her
I never
saw her again.
but still,
those eyes...
paint a blush
on my face
Written by dejure
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Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 918
Happiness (22)
Certainly insecure
But with a nudge from her friend
Martha submitted a few of her sketches
To a fashion contest
And won first prize for that superb design
Of a dress.
But with a nudge from her friend
Martha submitted a few of her sketches
To a fashion contest
And won first prize for that superb design
Of a dress.
Written by robert43041
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Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 540
The Sun Has Returned
The sun has returned
I welcome its light and warmth
My heart melts at the life that came from me, and invigorates me
My house is now a home again
A part of my soul has been extended into other beings of light
Is… is this a dream?
I never thought I’d feel so… complete
Blissful, content, alive…
The sun has returned, and I’m eager to bask in its light.
I welcome its light and warmth
My heart melts at the life that came from me, and invigorates me
My house is now a home again
A part of my soul has been extended into other beings of light
Is… is this a dream?
I never thought I’d feel so… complete
Blissful, content, alive…
The sun has returned, and I’m eager to bask in its light.
Written by LunasChild8
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Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

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Joined 10th Jan 2021
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Tyrant of Words

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Related submission no longer exists.

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